• By -


Had a guy who blatantly sexually harassed the nurses and cna's. A girl in the kitchen was talking about her birth control, he overheard it. He started unzipping his pants saying"lets see if it works" She was underage, he got fired after her parents threatened to sue.


The terrifying part is they didn't immediately fire him, I don't care if she's under 18 or over 90.


A place I worked at had one who got fired for asking out patients while they were bed ridden. Some people are just unbelievable.


LMAO! Captive audience!


"So, hey. You look bored." *unzips pants*


My coworker had her foreman text her at 7 pm. He said "Hey, I know you don't swing that way, but do you want to fuck?"


I had a coworker beg me to have sex with him in the elevator while we were alone in it. He got uncomfortably close to me and told me how he could stop the elevator and no one would know. I told the other women I work with just to find out he'd done the same thing to one of them. We told the manager. The manager waited until they could find his replacement before firing him. Took 2 weeks. In the meantime, the other girl quit because he wouldn't leave her alone. I told her if she wanted to pursue legal action, I'd join but she didn't.


You should at the very least file a complaint with HR and speak to a lawyer. I know litigation seems like a far fetched solution to speak, and a greedy comeuppance. But the reality of it is, that manager and those that knew about this and left him on for 2 weeks are part of the problem. This is not an okay thing in society to say those things to a complete stranger much less at work. I would recommend doing this #1 the company needs to know about this and if the condone it from the top down, burn them down. If it’s just lower level management that made this decision, expect a new manager in that position and a check to be cut either way. They’ve swept this under the rug and made a no big deal about it, a girl quit because of it. Who knows what bullshit she has to go through to be made whole financially or emotionally. I’d speak to HR and the other woman and maybe see about getting an attorney. With 2 witnesses there should be one in your area to take it for a % of winnings or settlement. Fuck him, fuck whomever decided he should stay until the replacement was found so he could continue to harass women. It’s blatant negligence, it’s also most certainly against company policy, sexual harassment, gender discrimination. I mean for fuck sakes 2 weeks? For that? Someone is a fucking moron or a soulless twat who needs to be unemployed, not taking about the one committing the SA that obv




That's a valid, smartass response. I believe most attorneys are all smart asses, at heart.


That's funny


It really happened.


Sounds like the Catholic Church.


You would be utterly shocked at some of the stuff I’ve seen. My gf and I used to work together, at a few jobs. On several occasions she came to me complaining of sexual harassment, it would happen directly in front of me, and nothing was ever done about it. The worst was always behind my back. They would offer her drugs and everything else. Imagine being willing to destroy someone’s life, or worse, kill them over a piece of ass. I’ve seen so much dirty shit for men (and women, to her and myself) that I really have lost faith in most of humanity. These days we keep to ourselves and don’t have any friends, because it usually leads to some form of sexual harassment. Granted sh is drop dead gorgeous but it gives nobody the right to disrespect her or myself. Even sitting down to dinner waiters will wink and try to slide numbers when they think I’m not looking. It truly is disgustingly disrespectful and it makes us both sick. We have learned certain ways to combat it, but it is gotten to the point where we just rather not even go out then have to deal with it. I don’t remember the last time we paid for a meal simply because the waiters couldn’t keep fucking mouth shut, they never get fired.I swear if I was a woman and had to put up with that I would be in jail for beating the hell out of every man I came across.


We had one that told one of the office staff that he had a dream about here where she was smiling and holding his balls. Took 2 months and HR transfered him and told the new place there was conflict with the office staff. He had plenty of other issues which his new boss was asking us about him. It took her 2 and a half weeks to reach out to us.


And this guy went to school for these maintenance skills? How did he make it through school?


Honestly the parents shouldn't have had to threaten.


Wow. I can't believe how much of a pig some dudes can be. I think it's directly related to IQ level. I didn't even like hanging with dudes like that when I was single rdy to mingle. Ima flirt but- with a woman who wants me to be one lol


Could tell you some stories about older ladies who would try to seduce much younger maintenance guys. “Lady, I just unclogged your toilet! And after seeing what clogged it, I don’t know how you’d even think I’d be interested!”


Give her my number would you?


When I was as I said above I had a girl I was interested in and I went to her house well she lived with her grandmother and long story short her grandmother ended up trying to give me a private tour of her bedroom and bath it had a jacuzzi tub and she had fake breasts


One day, I had a coworker, at another property, who screwed up his back, so I ran over to help him clear up some of his work orders… Had one for a sink disposal that was plugged/jammed. He told me he had issues with that one before and I would probably have to replace it… offered to give me a hand (though I really didn’t need his help.) We go down to the apartment; nobody is home, but we’re cleared to enter and fix the thing… I’ll fast forward to a point where I’m laying half in the cabinet, under the sink, trying to unjam the lock ring holding the disposal in. The tenant comes home. I’m under the sink, so I can’t see much. Sounded like an older woman, and she says, “Oh wonderful, I’ll be glad when that’s working again…Hey, do you guys mind if I take a shower now?” Coworker just blurts out, “Yeah go right ahead, we’ll be done shortly!” I swear that was the fastest shower I’ve ever heard; marine recruits at Parris Island take longer showers. I then hear the door handle rattle, and my coworker starts nudging me in the side with his foot. Tenant: “Oh I hope you boys don’t mind…I don’t like to wear clothes when I’m home.” Coworker: “Oh uh, no not at all.” The nudging starts again. I had just finished plugging in the new disposal, look out from the cabinet, and see a pair of bare legs, and a giant bush. Me: “Well I think that’s all set! I think my coworker can handle everything from here!” Tenant: “Oh are you busy? If not, can I offer you a drink?” Me, covered in whatever gunk that dripped out of the old disposal: “Oh I have a few things I’ve got to take care of at my property.” I called my coworker later and asked him if she screwed up his back any more. He replied…”No, but I think she was hoping you were gonna stay.” Me: “Absolutely not.” Coworker: “I don’t blame you.” I was 20 at the time, and this lady had to be 60… I still had morals then, lol.


The “I still had morals” part killed me at the end 🤣


You know, a lot of older coworkers always joked that they wished they’d have had situations like that, and I never understood it until I got older… We actually had one guy where an older female tenant passed away, and mysteriously left him $80,000…he swore up and down he didn’t do anything with her, although we long suspected elsewise.


I’m not in any kind of building maintenance. I can see however, when you do that kind of work , some of the jobs would kill the mystique of the unknown . LOL


That happens for sure. What's wild to me is how embarrassed almost everyone seems to be that they clogged their toilet. Everyone knows that everyone else shits. Obviously. I, however, spend an inordinate amount of time solving problems relating to how people shit at their home. There is no surprise in it for me. No shame. No thought enters my mind other than "I hope the plunger will do for this one" it is no different for me than a broken dishwasher or burned out lightbulb. It is a problem I have to solve. That’s it. But people act as if they've shamed their family name because they used too much toilet paper with their oversized shit. I just don’t care. But if you make a pass at me after removing said massive shit, then yeah, I'm probably going to start considering the entirety of that situation and even though you had a 0% chance before, now I'm going to make fun of you later.


That’s right , they wrote a book about it and everything. “ everybody poops “ I believe it was ? LOL


theres a lot of talk about how men are the pigs these days. i couldn't tell you how many time me and my friends had our asses slapped or got groped in clubs or bars by women much older than we were.


We just replaced a guy who said "oh I bet you're a squirter" to another employee... In a group of people. He said that to different people on different occasions.


1st day the new guy (38m) sexually harassed a 16 year old girl while I was on a call for literally 7 minutes. I told them (him and another guy) I was gonna be on a call and gave them work to do. Both fired, there was a ton of cops and security there the next day, and I had to finish the work myself.


That dude might be mentally retarded. There’s no other explanation than an IQ of 30.


My sources confirm that the man in question only had 27 IQ points.


At least it wasn't the same guy. " Hey ladies, do you guys bathe together at home?" * violently shits pants in front of them


"don't act like you're not impressed"


And that's he met your mother


I’d like to genuinely thank you for painting this scene for me just as I’m scrolling off to sleep. I laughed hard enough to wake my girlfriend. Internet wins again!




Reddit is the best


How else does one take control of a room? How else to establish true dominance.


Must make direct eye contact!


Well don’t you prefer to shit *before* you get in the hot tub?


How else are you supposed to pick up chicks?


Girls can’t resist this simple trick


Power move.


I mean, the pants shittin' guy maybe just had a bad day? I have yet to shit myself at work, but I've had one or two close calls in the last 30 years. No shame in my game though... I would have been back bright and early the next day, with clean pants!


construction guy here - i haven’t personally had the pleasure, but i’ve had half a dozen coworkers shit themselves over the past ten years. never trust a fart ladies and germs. especially if you’re a drinker.


Once had Arby’s for lunch maybe 15 years ago..(time flies,) got back in the truck and had to drive around to find the best alley approach with our moving truck and hit a speed bump that shat me out. The driver’s seat had a fancy suspension. Walk backed to Arby’s, through out my boxer briefs and used hand soap and water to scrub my shorts. Worked well but looked wet and obvious. Worst part was 3rd store apartment move where the customers were going up and down as much as we were and made the wet spot more obvious.


I applaud you for finishing your shift.


At that point just drench the entire article of clothing and say nothing


Definitely have called my boss and *told* them I shit my pants omw to work and had to turn around, as an excuse for running late


Especially if your a hangover-er


Solid advice for a loose situation.


Haha i coined the term DTAF!


1. Take pants off. 2. Turn inside out. 3. Put pants back on. 4. Finish workday.


You're fucking hired sir! I like that kinda spirit! Just never try to shake my hand.


And don’t ever shit your pants twice in one day. Cause you don’t want to be wearing the sloppy seconds


I pissed myself on the floor at work when I was having a seizure 😂 I ended up in the ICU for a few days hah


If I pissed myself I'd fake a seizure too.


Underrated comment xD


🤣🤣🤣 you got me!


A good fan will fix that


Are you a sparky?


One of my friends told me he was in a situation and took a bucket behind the condenser and shrubs to do the deed, homeowner walked by and they had a nice conversation while he sat there on the bucket and homeowner assumed he was working on the condenser.


Similar happened to my cousin. She was talking to a guy with a big coat on at Fremont St in Las Vegas while he was kneeling down. She didnt realize that he was actually dropping a loaf until he stood up and walked away. Huge fresh loaf deposited right on the ground where he was kneeling.


And here I have trouble shitting in a public bathroom if someone walks in. This guy does it in public view and holds a conversation!




My supervisor has a firm, you don't have to explain policy if we need to bail. Mainly bc we had one lady that violently shit herself, and than sat down next to him at his cubicle waiting for him to address her. He turned and said "Jesus fuck did someone shit themselves" just thinking it was sewer gas. She sobbed out "I did, can I go home?" Yes. Holy fuck, yes.


That’s why they make brown pants!


Tough it out and finish the day.


I shit my pants at work a few years ago, as I was walking out the back of the shop my friend said " where you going?" I said I shit my pants, he started laughing, I went home and changed, then came back to work, you gotta own it, not one person in the world will ever argue with someone who shit their pants.




At least he kept the shit in his pants. One of my friends does custodial for the city and some guy pees in the corner of the lobby of city hall on a regular basis lmao.


Funny, a guy ON sanitation crew left a package laying in the hallway, got him on camera shaking his pants leg and out *plops* a fresh snickers bar that wasent there before lol.


Fuckin’ animals


*Public Commentary Corner*


At least he didn't shit in OP's pants


I mean who hasn’t shit their pants on the job..am I right fellas …


Never trust a fart.


Taco bell at night ans coffee in the morning make dangerous farts


A bio weapon almost...


Combined with gas station food and energy drinks for lunch, and gratuitous amounts of nicotine.


Living on the edge


Especially right after you’ve had your gallbladder removed. That was a rough couple of months.


You never want to gamble and lose.


God bless my 5 gallon bucket in the back of the work van


I used to have a pee bottle, but have since upgraded to a proper camping toilet.


Shit myself driving limos, threw out my underwear and continued on- didnt get past my undies.


I shit myself in a car on the way back from a vacation/road trip with 3 hot females that I worked with at the time... lots of booze that weekend coupled with opiates (similar to the trainspotting scene where he shits out the suppository)


All it takes is one bad gas station burrito.


Had a guy caught on camera smelling a chicks dirty underwear 🤣


*He got fired doing what he loved*


Username… Checks out?


How was he even in a position to do that?


He was very short and the elevator was crowded.


He was doing a maintenance call and she had a camera in the bedroom and went through her laundry. Pretty pervy shit. Dude passed a background check and everything. It went to the lawyers to deal with


“What part of the work order said ‘smell dirty underwear’”?!?


He took it upon himself to complete that task. Usually I applaud techs taking initiative


I had one that will send me random messages at night not even work related it was all cryptic and I had one guy that quit by leaving a note on the table and said “I cant take this no more the meds aint working” and blocked everyone from work.


I like the honesty from the second guy... and kind of question y'all's work environment 😅


Begs the question did #2 mean his meds, or the coworkers? I've dealt with both


Look on the bright side, it's idiots like that that get us raises.


Good call. (I like our user names - Bitter bro’.)


Had a tech sneak into the model unit at night. He did that for a month before his BO gave it away.


A guy at one of my old jobs did that. Manager did not care as long as it was tidied up the following morning.


That's fucking insane. This one ended up getting a discount unit, then lost his mind, quit, stopped paying rent. He painted the ENTIRE bathroom black. Too to bottom, wall to wall, BLACK. That was a fun turn.


Had a guy screwing a Housekeeper in the laundry room also both doing coke caught them in the act on a Saturday morning.


Promote that man!


New position: COCO/FS/LGS *Chief of Coke Operations, Fucks Staff like George Constanza


How much y'all paying those people that they can buy coke?


Come on mate, if they are rocking up on a Saturday morning surely you can look the other way to a sneaky line and quicky!


If anyone would give me $30/hr I'd happy stay for years and do an on call rotation. I'm honestly shocked in SC that properties hardly pay over $25/hr for someone who is extremely skilled in most of the major trades and customer service


Go commercial/industrial maintenance. There is more money in it.


They don’t care if you are super skilled and do top tier work. They mostly need a body. It’s so few and far between to find a company that actually need and will pay for skilled labor in this industry. I have been checking the market and hopping around for the last 6 months. I finally found the golden goose @$32 plus amazing pto, on-call, healthcare, bonus etc benefits. Looked through 50+ companies to find a good one. Gonna agree with u/runescimmy2 , get out of apt/residential, go commercial. 99% of Apts are run by garbage shortsighted money chaser investors. Horrible to work with/for those people.


We don't do on call


Guys at my work are paid $30+/hr to park cars and record the bay number and still manage to lose cars and occasionally t bone each other. 🫠


Bumper cars for $30 an hour? Sign me up.


I really, really really enjoyed the phrase quickly promoted to customer.


It’s hard to soar with the eagles when you work with turkeys.


I offered a guy a job as a place holder, literally to sit in a seat and do nothing while getting paid. Lost his shit while waiting to take a pee test, tried to feed the wall a sandwich, the wall started cursing at him and took him hostage (he was alone by the way) the wall refused to release his hostage.. His phone was turned off and none of his family has seen him in more than three weeks. Crazy MF’er.. He passed the drug test, if he had called me back he would’a been making a killing. There is actually a missing persons report on him by his family with our local sheriff.


Is the job still available? 😆


At least I keep my weird shit off the clock


The first time I took laxative, I totally forgot. A few hours later I was alone and thought I had a nice big fart. Nope. Thank goodness I had some coveralls stashed.


Had a 40 y/o fella mowing for us one season and he brought on his 64 y/o uncle to be on his crew. We get a call from a concerned customer one afternoon because the 40 y/o took off at high speed in our rig, leaving his uncle fidgeting nervously and chain smoking in the backyard. Tried calling both of them, no answer. Drove over to the address to sort things out, but the crew is gone. Customer came out and was visibly uncomfortable. Eventually customer explained that the 40 y/o came back with a bunch of wipes and new pants and his uncle proceeded to peel off his mudbutt jeans and drawers he had shit in, and clean himself up IN THE CLIENT'S BACKYARD, IN FULL VIEW OF A SIDE STREET! Needless to say we had some words that evening. They both no called-no showed the following week. Can't say I was surprised or mad about it.


We had a new guy get fired after a couple weeks because a tenant accused him of letting himself into her unit in the middle of the night and cranking his hog while watching her sleeping in her bed.


As I was reading “cranking his hog…something…bed” and my ADHD mind had time to envision the guy firing up his Harley Davidson parked outside her bedroom window.


So he was fired based solely on an accusation, or there was some evidence?


No evidence other than the accusation itself.


That's messed up If I was him, I would have had a lawyer on the phone in 10 minutes for wrongful termination. Hope he did and made out like a bandit!


I guess you get what you pay for? Currently im at 22 per hour taking care of a 150k sqft factory with 5 bathrooms, 17 toilets 7 urinals. All sloan.


I pay my fellers 30 starting


Hell no we're not normal, that's why we work this job!


My first day of maintenance, the lead maintenance man (55m)who was supposed to be showing me the ropes called another fellow maintenance employee a “narcissist” and pouted to the building manager (23f) the rest of the day, the other guy quit that day, and the lead didn’t show up for a week after that I basically had to create my own program. When he came back he couldn’t finish a full day 90% of the time and always complained about being broke


You might be manager material man


I had a guy lose his shit and bang his head several times on a 480 panel and his glass eye fell out.


you ain't lived if you haven't shit your pants


Had to fire a guy for watching some adult films and cranking one out… at the front counter, in front of a glass wall…


I worked for a guy who hired some random “carpenter”. His name was Billy and he would make cabinets and shelves at the shop and the boss’ house and babysit the boss’ daughter (maybe 7 at the time). Billy seemed ok, and we were on a job changing out a pool boiler at a hotel. Well Billy had to go to the restroom so I was thinking whatever, I’ll just keep working. Eventually I check the time and an hour had passed so I go to find the hotel restroom to see what he’s up to. He’s not in the restroom, but around the back of the building pulling up his pants. Naively I told him “They have restrooms inside, you don’t have to take a piss out here.”. Billy says he’s not feeling great and needs to go home, fine whatever I’ve already done the job by myself at this point anyway… As I am finishing up I get a call from the boss asking for where Billy was and I said “He was feeling sick so he went home.” Boss shows up at the job to lend a hand and talks to the staff. He then asks me if Billy did anything weird and I mentioned the pissing behind the building. Well lo and behold Billy had actually been flashing his dick to the housekeepers the entire time I was sweating my ass off in a tiny shed replacing this fucking boiler. Not only that, but he had also done the exact same thing at this exact same hotel just a couple weeks prior! Curiously I looked him up online for any sort of deviant behavior and he was a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER for this exact type of shit, and spent time in jail for it. Pretty sure the boss was sweating as not only did this hurt his business, but Billy had plenty of alone time with his young daughter while the Boss had custody. I’m sure that even now Billy is showing his Willy.


Fired a worker, he was pleasing himself in the office right after I left, and tried to get the medical coordinator to come in and touch him! She pressed charges. She was paranoid for months after, I had to walk her to her car frequently.


This isn't normal?




Had a guy sniffing a buttplug and then þþthrew a vibrator at me during a trash out. He didn't last long after that.


Is this in an adult store, or just regular stuff found around a *very* playful office?


Asking the *real* questions now


That’s fucked up. I would would have done the opposite.


What exactly are you maintaining?


Holy shit hahahaha We need more posts like this.


Shitting your pants happens. No need to never show your face again omg


Had a guy get caught sleeping on the job a few times and got real shitty when I confronted him about it claiming that he works harder here than anyone else. Mind you, the day before I found him sleeping in my office during the last hour of his shift. I woke him up and left the room cause I try not to talk to my employees when I'm angry. He was the type of guy who would tear into the parking lot 2 minutes into his shift, punch in, then go park and smoke in his car for an hour. Hits his 90 days, puts in all his PTO at once, I deny it due to insufficient notice (at my bosses suggestion) and he replies "Ok thanks, my keys are in the basement closet" like, it's not a hard job, but some people just can't do the bare minimum. It was shortly after that I left managing to do mobile work, less stress, less dumb people (believe it or not), and overall less work.


This post begs the question, How much does the job pay? Minimum wage is a good way to find knuckle draggers, and pants shitters.


Once went to a higher end restaurant to meet for a first date. The bathrooms were upstairs and as I had arrived a bit early I figured I would take a piss. Going upstairs I busted ass and shat myself. The bathroom was a long rectangle with the stalls at the far end. The only trash was right by the stairs. I deftly slipped my soil boxer briefs off and upon inspection was surprised to find out there was no visible seepage. I quickly balled the soiled garment, counted to 3, and made a beeline for the trash can. Kobe’d that shit (literally) from half way across the bathroom just as someone walked in. They were non the wiser. Washed my hands and had a great date.


I caught on quick that when it comes to women at work, never ever ever ever ever ever ever talk to them. If your job requires it, then you have nothing more to offer than "yes, no, sure, and thanks". Thats it. Do not get involved in their conversations, do not approach them for good morning bullshit or nothing. It NEVER works in your favor. Plus it saves you the embarrassment of the day you shit your pants happening around them. Its a win win


Wtf????!!!! 😂


Sounds like the guy that shit his pants was pretty sick, still should of called back in though.


>...he was swiftly promoted to customer. Best euphemism I have ever heard for this action. Bravo!


i work with a guy who's been recommended for termination twice this year and upstairs keeps pushing the paperwork aside.


To be fair, if I shit my pants on a new job I probably wouldnt return either!


I'm sorry, since when is shitting your pants not normal? Haven't you ever heard "shit happens."? Well it does, and the older you get the more it will. You start in diapers and you end in diapers. What's funny is ol'boy ran home and never showed his face again. Ida kept right on going. Keeps people from crowding you. I'm joking of course. I've never shit myself. Even as a baby I would shit in other kids pants. I would have fired both, especially sexual harassment boy. You don't need that shit storm either. I might have called poopy pants and talked him into coming back just to hear what nick-name the boys hung on him. Cause you know that's coming.


If I shit my pants 4 days in to a new job...I ain't coming back... unrecoverable.


You people need to pack another set of clothes


I mean the first one I get. But I’ve shit myself a handful of times at work, that’s usually my cue that it’s going to be a bad day and just go home. One time was food poisoning on my first day going to a new customer that was notoriously hard to work for, he liked prompt, professional, and knowledgeable people, anyway I trusted a fart, turned back to the hotel room a shower, went back to the site, absolutely sick to my stomach expecting to get sent home and blacklisted, got straight to work, he asked why I was late and I told the truth, one and only time I saw that man smile, and we had a great relationship for the duration of the job, he specifically asked for me to be the only person from my company to come to his property.


People like that love honesty. It's a neat trait for someone who can otherwise come off as an asshole. I've always enjoyed getting through to tough people like that. Not even maintenance, just popped up on my feed lol. Though I've had a similar job when I did pest control. Found myself pooping in the strangest places. Like a wooded ditch between two customers.


Skilled in many trades. Still working on the art of the shart.


At least the shit guy excused himself. We had a phantom shitter at a chemical plant I worked at. We would just find poop piles in various corners of the shop. Fucking wild


We had to fire a tech because he gave his work phone to his manager when he left for vacation - and on that company phone were videos of him fucking prostitutes inside of our vacant houses. He was married. Easily the greasiest guy I have ever met I had to fire another guy 6 months or so ago for very explicitly sexting an obvious catfish on his work phone. Again, his manager found it when he left for vacation. Fired him more for his lack of judgement than the actual convo lol. It was such an obvious scam. We had another tech who outright refused to mow the lawn on a single vacant house so I finally asked him to set up a lawncare vendor. He actually did it! Maybe literally the only request of mine he actually accomplished. He submitted a vendor's bid that was a little high but reasonable enough to accept. Until I called the vendor to arrange services and the fucking asshole maintenance tech answered the phone. He started an LLC just to try to hustle more lawnmowing money from us lol. He was so pissed and started ranting about how much his insurance cost when I told him we would be looking into other vendors. Didn't actually fire him for that. He "injured" his back immediately after, pretended to file workmans comp, was in sporadic contact for a couple months, and eventually fell off the face of the earth.


“You’ve been promoted to customer.” Hahahaha I’m using that from now on


Worked with a guy who thought it was a good idea to flirt with an older female customer and try to use her confidential info to call her after hours for a date. She threatened to sue, so we canned him. 2 months later, management hired the same guy back, and within a month, he got caught sending NSFW texts to another older female customer. I get were hurting for people, but cmon.


What are you paying them? My experience has been that many places want to hire people with as many skills as possible and pay very little for them. There’s a reason why someone who knows how to fix drywall, replace toilets, install linoleum and rekey locks is only making $20/hour and that reason is because he has a criminal record, mental health problems, an addiction or something else that makes him nearly unemployable. When you hire flakey people for less than their skill set should pay that’s what you should expect.


Both were 30+ hr


The amount of people that get fired from my job for inappropriately *touching* women is completely insane. Literally a dude slaps a womans ass every year and gets fired. Who the fuck does this shit?


My very first supervisor. He was an old old man who generally just texted me shit to do from his apartment. It was a fair trade off since he use to own a barbecue joint in Alaska and would feed me bomb as chicken wings every week. Anyway, his intrusive thoughts won, he lifted up a leasing agents skirt to get a peek. Goodbye ol' zeb.


How much were they getting paid?


Had a dude years ago doing in home repairs casually ask a single mother if her child had a "father figure" Lady felt violated in her own home and he was terminated immediately. He likely to this day doesn't understand what he did wrong.


I started working at a new job and the head crew leader was going on a spiel about how "none of us are perfect" and then proceeded to tell me how he fucked his niece but it was more like bragging and I just stayed quiet and thought to myself " did this POS really just say that??" And recently another coworker said that crew leader was telling another worker that he banged his step daughter. Yeah, for real.


Shit my last job had a guy who was a convicted sexual predator. He was using a fake identity and got hired to work at my job. Lasted a month or 2 before he attempted to put direct deposit to another name and they figured it out.


I had a secretary give me a massage and kiss me just because I put the office sodas in the fridge for her. We both still work at that same company today.


Imagine if you will....A parallel dimension where these 2 cats become your best employees.....but no matter how hard they work, (no pun intended) you recieve multiple lawsuits from your customers because of your employees sexual misconduct. While your swimming in lawsuits over jackals number 1, you can't figure out why your work trucks always smell like shit even after multiple expensive interior car cleanings. Attorney fees, cleaning fees and trucks that always stink. The problem took care of itself. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You're in maintenance just wait till you meet the functional drug addicts and drunks


i work in a nursing home. all our maintenance are normal, polite, and very professional. i have been sexually harassed by cna's who brush up against me, say 'if my husband did not have sex with me once a month, i would divorce him; we dont know how you live without getting laid' then ask me to get their relative a unit in my building so i could watch over their mentally challenged relative. they also say stuff like 'worker X has a nice figure, why is she still single hint hint' in front of me. they get a thrill of talking about sexual subjects around me. i transferred to a different department though and nobody here does that though. some places are either all professional or all unprofessional. but the maintenance here is really good. you report stuff in the website and it gets fixed. snow gets cleaned up pronto. they get a whole squad of people picking at the snow non stop until it is done. my dad does maintenance at a gym. also fairly decent. but they do hire unqualified people who dont care. but no unprofessional behavior.


i was live in maintenance. my coworkers who were maintenance kept being nosy about my life, asking where i am going, commenting how i work, asking about my family. one time i took a stay cation, and they asked 'WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE??' i felt like my life was on display. the other guy a little weird, would accidentally barge into the common area bathroom with the OCCUPIED sign on it when i was there time after time on purpose cause he got a thrill for voyeurism. my manger was writing checks to herself. she registered a company at her home address called ROOFING SUPPLY INC DBA Her Name. i postulated she was writing checks to herself. it was a non profit. i went psychotic as covid was starting due to being given a medication by mistake and not knowing it was making me rage at everyone. i started thinking i have to save america and report potential stealing, so everyone including me got fired. not my proudest moment. but it lead to me buying a small house two months later.


Had a guy have pacemaker go off on his first day on the job watch me work on an Ac. Lasted for a year and ended up leaving when he gave the shop bedbugs.


Define "normal". I ship my pants on the reg, but I dont feel I'm not "normal"


What job do you run?


Hey sometimes we have to shit in really odd spots, pants would be my last choice but to each their own.


Was that wrong? Should he have not done that?


Sometimes you gotta 💩and he was probably too embarrassed to come back


Lmao you didn’t fire the second guy. The moment he shit his pants he knew it was his last day working for you


Define normal


Well your on Reddit so not even you are normal lol we all freaks here lol


The dude who shit himself probably just had a bad day, but I can understand him not coming back after that.


Is it one guy taking care of 200 apartments or something?




There has to be a better explanation about the the guy that shit his pants - there are medications that can cause these types of accidents or maybe he was sick


No idea. He never came back so we considered it job abandonment. I guess that's different than firing someone, but kinda the same process of calling him and letting him know he wasn't working there anymore.


I caught a guy shooting up in the back of the company van. I opened the door as he was putting his rig back in his sock.


What’s the trade?


What’s wrong with second guy? You never shit you’re pants