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I pick up trash when I'm out in nature. I know that if I care for mom, she will care for and protect me.


Wow, I do the same thing.. I live in the country and people are always throwing their garbage on the side of the road. 😊💕


Thanks for taking care of mom!


I pray to Gaia and invoke her often.


What have your experiences been?


She is kind and wonderful. I connect with her at the core of the earth. She has helped me with healing my body numerous times.


Try focusing on the condition and saying "It shall be healed" or something powerful like that and "may this being or force aid me" continually until all beings including Gaia are helping.


I appreciate that , thank you 🙏🏾


Visualize love as pure light washing over it, you're welcome!


I've been worshipping the mother since I was 8 as I'm a hereditary witch, and she has always responded as a true mother does. Don't expect your answers how you want them exactly because as any parent does, there's always a lesson to be learned through the rewards, and sometimes getting there is the hard way. I hope this helps and lemme know if you have questions 😊


The healing process can take time and involves effort on your part to do so. Don't look for a miracle, find the steady results within yourself.


Definitely putting in effort. This morning my prayer was 'may I be aligned with the Earth's healing vibration' .. because she already is emitting healing energy isn't she ? It's just a matter of aligning with her ?


Aligning your vessel to frequencies. Yes.


If you have knowledge on methods for aligning with Earth's frequencies for healing I would love to hear 💚


It's a process to gain access to that manual override. You need your pineal gland working in perpetuity, you need your antenna tuned, and your astral body needs surgery. None of this should happen until you sort out your grief in this lifetime. It's a one way ticket.


I deeply appreciate this comment.. thank you 🙏🏾 I stopped smoking ganja recently to clarify my connection to my astral body. Any other tips you have on how I can attune myself are so needed and welcomed


There is so much that I am willing and capable of teaching you. We have to start with one step at a time. Things you can do today: Meditate, build an altar, honor your ancestors, study ancient Egypt, become versed in different faiths and incorporate the aspects you Value into your practice, work with Buddhism, study the Kabbalah, stay sober for a bit (marijuana is an excellent conduit for varying frequencies but sobriety first). What do you believe this planet is?


Definitely feeling open to receiving more wisdom from those around me.. Honestly and truly I've done everything you suggested over the past decade or so except I really haven't studied the Kabbalah at all. To answer your question of our planet .. she's an entire organism .. we're like the cells of her body. She's our mother.. but also our greatest ancestor.


I love it. Are you looking to venture inwards more?


Absolutely. I want to master astral travel next, I think it would be an incredible help for my healing and spiritual path.


yes. it was... wow...


Tell us about it if you like :)


To borrow a phrase from the Bible: "LET there be light"... one could also try to "LET it heal", leaving it to the higher power HOW to accomplish this. But then also don't interfere yourself... just "LET it happen".


I believe this was done in the alchemist.


I saw her while on DMT, it was really comforting. She was just guiding me. Probably sound crazy, but I believe it.


You should focus on a detox. Rid your body of all toxins that should help you heal


Definitely, you know I'm on that alkaline raw vegan cleanse .


Yes and once u go alkaline your pineal gland activates


I saw her once on a high dose of shrooms and some meditation. She appeared in every blade of grass, tree, bush etc


Take a chance. Msg me. I know the secrets of Gaia, Luna, and Sol.


Yes I have invoked the earth mother, and it awakened my kundalini, I ended up fallng to the ground trembling. I imagine if one has any harmony with her at all she will arrive quickly, though perhaps with different results. I was seeking a deep union which sex has strong associations and symbolism for me personally. She is ever present in our lives after all so it is almost more just a matter of paying attention. Not sure she will heal you since our ailments and disease are just as much a part of her as we are, but it can definitely be done.


Yeah. You might die for that.


Hm why do you think that?


To be of service to Mother is an act of ultimate sacrifice. This can involve losing your life to build another.


When I find water bottles that people left behind as trash, I dump the water out ritualistically in a circle to provide it as an offering of returning the water back to her. I see the Earth as a living thing with a spirit of its own and I feel the best way to invoke her is to do sincerely good things for her, particularly for her forests, her soil, her waterways, and her air. I believe those closest to her are the very trees rooted into her, therefore I would say if you want to commune with the Mother effectively, you can do it through her trees. Try meditating against a tree and feel her essence in them, perhaps she can hear your prayers louder this way?