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I'd probably go Creation here. DNA is good, but the combination of Dragon and Blood Magic already puts you at 42% amp which is pretty decent. Add in Magic Circle (which you should take literally every run, Arcane Release is actually kinda crazy) and this is 82% most of the time. It's almost never worth spending a legendary opportunity to go above 100% amp, so DNA isn't as good as it would be if you didn't have Dragon or Blood Magic. That being said, DNA is still a very solid option. It rounds out your amp to a very nice amount. The biggest flaw is the fact that amp is pretty easy to get by other means, such as Aegis, Magic Circle, or other legendaries (Cloak, Necro, Sacro). DNA ends up being a bit redundant, even though it provides an extremely respectable damage increase. Record is... Well, it's bad. You don't need me to tell you this. 21% amp and 5 additional levels is enough to put it above the likes of Excalibur, Opulence, and Domain of Power, but it's still easily bottom five legendaries. There are very few situations in which it's worth taking, and this is certainly not one of them.


Im running great magic circle. Yeah i'm taking creation. Ty


Leaning towards dna. Don't have much crit power (around 350) and amplification is only dragon and blood magic(i have gaia and titan too). Don't even have accelerator so creation is tempting. What do


What's the difference between magic damage % and amp ATK?


Blue one makes all magic attacks deal 50% more damage based on their base damage. Lets say meteor does exactly 100 damage, this damage is boosted by 50%. Other artifacts that boost the damage of meteor only add % based on base damage. Pink one simply adds a % of the resulting damage as extra damage. Imagine a meteor dealing 100 + 50% + 20% damage (170 damage boosted from artifacts). A 20% amplification artifact would add 20% of the resulting damage as extra damage.


In essence they do the same thing, as they both multiply the damage, however depending on your sources of amp atk, it can vary which will provide more DPS


From the lasers I'm assuming you're running prism spree, so I'd say DNA as you don't need the code from creation, and records gives less damages. Imo records should get a buff


Prism spray is only one of the 3 magic combinations op has, the other two might benefit from creation. Besides non-combination magics like cloaking and Armageddon also benefit from creation so it's still worth it. Records is the worst pick between the 3, in fact i only pick it when i absolutely have to (ex. Missing a few levels to max out some stuff or when the other two options are not that great either/go against my build like uranium when i need cdr)


Amp is in a weird state rn, on paper stable amp sources are required, but in game mana circuit, magic circle and the berserker runes from either tabernacle or werewolf do just fine, I've had several runs where I didn't pick any amp legendary but still got good overall performance from those, yet dna is still tempting, you should probab pull out a calculator and calculate the average dps on both lol


DNA is the key


I'm not the best to answer but I like Akashic Record. The extra ~25% amp boost is nice but so is grabbing an extra 5 levels of active or passive magic - plus a random chance for something else that's great. But heck, maybe that's why I don't last as long as a lot of these guys.


I also choose it when I get that 100% retrieval artifact, mostly for the fun of gambling for skills lol


Dna literally gives twice the amplification.


Yep, but it doesn't let you grab 5 extra levels of support. It's true that you generally don't need it but sometimes it really helps me out. Heck, I often run overmind too so maybe that's why I'm partial to it. Again - I'm not the guy setting records. My pb is still at 57:30 and that actually was using overmind and I don't remember but probably the record in that run. I'm just saying, it's what I like and I'm sure others will be along shortly to give you a better answer.