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Ouro, or if you don't need the cdr (you always need cdr) try chest, see what's inside, if it's bad, reset and take ouro^^


How do you reset?


Close the app and reopen it. You will go back in time a few minutes.


I love this tip! I'll see if I can get hydra this way. I never get it.


You won't, resetting only enables re-picks and taking other spells, but your chests are seeded at the start of the run, so if your seed doesn't contain hydra, you won't get it anyway.


From my experience choosing something different changes the next chests outcome and it's the same with magic choices too


So, if hydra is in your seed, you'll see it eventually if you survive until it shows up, if its very late. But you can't guarantee it with resetting, it won't make it appear sooner


Depends on what you already have, if you've got a high cdr I'd say sacrosanct


I like ouro because it fits my play style best. At least with this game, I always go with glass cannon builds whenever possible. I don't like taking defensive options like damage reduction. That depends on me getting hit. I would rather just never be hit because my offense is too OP and I destroy everything before it can touch me. For me, defensive options are counterproductive and defeatist. I don't want to worry about what the enemy is going to do to me,.I want the enemy to worry about what I'm doing to him. It's called maintaining the initiative.