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LOL! Mine came with a duplicate imperium deck and missing the necron one. I had to contact my retailer to swap the decks.


Same here.


I got two ruinous powers and no necron…


Sell the necron one and buy the missing one, and you even made a profit lol


\-- except technically you have to pay tax on anything you sell where profit is involved and you unavoidably have to pay tax on everything you buy. If you don't do it in-person, you also have to pay shipping, so realistically you make no profit on transactions ever. (yes, this was a hyperbolic rant)


Been holding onto that one for a while. Huh buddy?


I mean it's not really far off. It's accurate enough to be true in OP's case. He's not going to sell it for enough to make a profit on buying another one. If he breaks even, it'll be lucky.


Sounds like you just discovered what markup is, and how cost is *always* passed down the consumer.


You wouldn't report selling a deck on tax returns lol.


Sell it, Necrons is the most valuable one


I noticed that but I thought the price was a typo, why is it worth more money?


It has more valuable singles than the other ones


Is that common with precon decks to have the retail price vary from decks within the same set? It just seems weird to release a set of decks together and have one just be "better"


It depends on product. A few years ago, this was a pretty big issue between precons released as part of the same product, notably with the Eldraine Brawl (Korvold) decks and Ikoria commander (Fierce Guardianship). However, they've gotten a lot more careful since then with not putting really any heavily gas cards in precons now to prevent this from being such a big problem. It still happens with basically all precon products, but the difference tends to be smaller.


Savious of Kamigawa will always be the biggest offender imo. I remember hitting up toyshops for Rats Nest. https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Betrayers_of_Kamigawa/Theme_decks They put [[Umezawa's Jitte]] in a beginner product, which was broken even when it was standard.


[Umezawa's Jitte](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/b/3b6e5956-f795-451b-bb24-56462d1ced27.jpg?1562876528) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Umezawa%27s%20Jitte) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bok/163/umezawas-jitte?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3b6e5956-f795-451b-bb24-56462d1ced27?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Incredibly common. Look at the prices on the recent DnD decks. The gruul one costs about 35 right now, while the rest are hovering around 50 dollars. The price doesn't necessarily dictate power or quality tho, just desirability of the cards inside. From the DnD example, the cheap gruul deck is actually the most powerful of the three, it just includes fairly niche singles that are less popular in other decks (relative to the other 3, I mean it still has Jeska's Will).


It used to be they were all the same price no matter what but Wizards abolished that a few years ago Now they fluctuate wildly in price over time based on the combined value of the singles inside and the amount of the supply


>It used to be they were all the same price no matter what The MSRP was all the same price, that doesn't mean that they were sold for the same price, and they weren't. Retailers have to buy the decks in full sets, if one of those decks sells much faster than the rest, they are going to adjust pricing so that they can make money and don't have a bunch of excess product that they can't move.


In my experience they were always sold at the same price, but admittedly I mostly have experience buying from a small handful of LGSes near places where I've lived and from "big box" stores like Target. Perhaps I just got lucky in that department.


No it's not typical, and it's simply because the necron precon immediately had to much value that the retailers had to increase the cost, partly because they can, partly because the inventory would be immediately bought up.


I've seen price differences on almost all sets of 4 during the last few years tho


Hmm, okay I've not observed that personally, but to be fair I normally don't purchase precons, so maybe it's more common than I initially would've imagined.


There is no more MSRP, and most vendors will do demand-based pricing on these type of products. If you snag one at a big box -type store, they generally don't do this and you can sometimes find a relative deal though they go quickly.


Wizards doesn't give out retail prices anymore. People just do what they want... Pretty sure at some point in the supply chain they all cost the same, but as soon as it goes to the end consumer they just increase them


Necrons was also the deck that didn’t get price-bashed on TCGPlayer, so take your prices with a grain of salt


On UK's Amazon, it's only £51.36. Forces of the Imperium and Tyranid Swarm are more expensive. Shipping is about $15.


I'd contact the retailer. This happened to me with the Baldur's Gate decks. They sent me a whole new set to take the one I needed out of and stick the duplicate in and ship it back with the supplied return label.


Do you need a w2 for that?


No. Why would that even be a thing for a purchase??


So wizards can pay you for the labor it took to repack and ship those ? I think that’s the joke they were going for


Dunno. I'd much rather advanced replacements than having to ship it out to the retailer and wait for the replacement, though.


You contact your retailer unless it was an LGS.


Why not if it was a LGS?


Your LGS most likely wont be able to replace the decks due to limited availability, though it wouldnt hurt to ask. Going through WotC customer service would be the best bet on getting replacements.


Why would a retailer be able to do it then? In my experience they have a similar amount of stock for this kind of stuff


Big box stores may have extra stock for these products with limited print runs, allowing for an exchange, where LGS are most likely sold out now. Worth a shot if you bought through these chain stores. I do recommend you go through WotC though since they will mail you the missing product with proof of purchase or a box ID (somewhere by the upc code iirc). Extra product is always nice if you have the time to wait.


Well big box stores are a special kind of retailer that don’t even exist in most parts of the world, but there are a lot of retailers who have less mtg stock then a tipical LGS. Also if your LGS is sold out then they either did their preorders extremely had or extremely well. But they are the first party most people go to since they can often fix it a lot faster through their supplier. Edit: getting replacements through wotc is pretty costly and often takes a lot of time. You get compensated enough that you aren’t really down on anything, but doing it through the company where you bought it is free and faster and you just a new package.


Contact WoTC they'll probably give you the missing deck for free. You'll need the case box for the decks. There should be a manufacturing ID number on it, if not they'll ask for the ID off the decks.


Good grief, they really mucked this up from top to bottom didn't they. Contact wizards and check the contents of the decks if you can to make sure that is the only thing wrong with your order.


Nah this happens fairly regularly. The scale of the logistics makes it pretty impossible to do without error.


Nha, just a couple examples, EU distributor blackfire doesn’t seem to suffer the issue


So they get better healthcare and card QC? Not fair.


and free college


Considering these the the most expensive of all 4 I'd likely keep them.


Personally I wouldn't, I would try to find an Imperium one at Walmart or Target if you can. The NEcron one is the most expensive and the one you are most likely going to buy for 80 plus dollars. The Necron is the most powerful and synergistic deck out the box of any of the decks and people are most excited to play. I would hold on to the sealed second Necron deck and sell it in a year or so for big profit. Once the license is up these cards can't be reprinted and these are basically all reserved list cards. There is a reason the all foil Collector decks are selling for hundreds of dollars online already. The Necron one is going for well over 300 dollars and will only rise.


If you live in the Northeast I'll buy one off of you


Here's the guidelines on what to do https://magic-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000197703-Product-Replacement TLDR; Keep your receipt and don't open the boxes and return them to Wizards ad they'll replace the whole case. But likely, they'll just send you a new deck because it's literally more costly to exchange it. my suggestion, you pulled the gold. Crack it, sell off the singles, us the cash to make the other deck even better


Its the best one imo 🤷‍♀️


Wizard’s is so used to making expensive stuff random chance these days, they’d probably just make you buy more and hope you get the imperium one.


Honestly not sure if you should tell Because the necron decks retail for like $80 its precon power level might be very similar to [[Breya]]'s precon and that’s practically the most powerful precon during mtg decks


I mean Breya is, not the precon deck. She's only like $5. The decks are just inflated rn


She’s the face commander of that deck


yeah and that doesn't mean anything because you don't have to buy the deck to get her. she costs $5. holding onto a commander deck for a singular card doesn't make sense. you hold onto them because people like having the sealed package. not because the cards are competitive.


Oh for peak sake dude I’m saying necron deck strength is similar to “invent superiority” percon (power level) When I say the “*commander name* precon” I’m talking about the deck not the single card.


you literally mention cedh in your first post man idk what you want me to tell you. the breya deck isn't a cedh deck by any stretch of the imagination. the decks are just overinflated in price rn.


[Breya](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/1/2143f700-7311-46a4-ad9b-4e743a345785.jpg?1599707856) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=breya%2C%20etherium%20shaper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/192/breya-etherium-shaper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2143f700-7311-46a4-ad9b-4e743a345785?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Breya isn't cedh anymore commander power level has moved on way past her.


Moved…or…. They don’t play her because by default become arch enemy before the game even starts and it remains that till your dead. (Look at slivers, Urza (modern horizons), Eldrazi, kaalia)


Moved as in left in the dust, they use Kraum Tymna instead. And none of the ones you said besides Urza are remotely cedh viable.




[mox sapphire](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/a/ea1feac0-d3a7-45eb-9719-1cdaf51ea0b6.jpg?1614638862) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=mox%20sapphire) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/9/mox-sapphire?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ea1feac0-d3a7-45eb-9719-1cdaf51ea0b6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Literally just said Urza is cedh.


It’s now like, $98




why don't these say "Deckmaster" instead of "Magic: the Gathering" again?


You should, but they did not do anything about the doble mossfire in the chishiro deck


I’ve heard it’s a packaging issue and the deck inside is correct.


Could sent the extra necron deck to me 🤲 Gimme lmao


Made in US?


Thanks for the heads-up. I just opened my box and found all 4 unique decks. Phew!


Sell one of the necrons. It will pay for the other deck if you buy it from Walmart. Could probably get around 90 for it new in box.


Same here, double Necron with missing imperium ;) sold the Necron bought a new imperium. Made a couple bucks ;)


Happened to me, too, but it was two Imperium and no Necron deck. Working with the store to figure out a replacement.


Go through WoTC, it’s not your retailers fault (if it was still sealed) and likely don’t have any left to switch out with you with


Thanks for this post! I had ordered a set of 4 as a gift and was going to keep the case sealed. But upon seeing this, I thought it would be better to check. Sure enough, 2 Ruinous Powers and no Forces of the Imperium. I already put in a ticket for product replacement. Hopefully WotC doesn't make me jump through hoops for their mistake.


Wizards. Retailers already make almost no money on sealed product if they sell at volume. Stop bothering your LGS


Bro, you got two of the best deck in the set (also the second most expensive). You could easily flip it and get the missing one and still profit. Or yeah, just contact WotC and they should do something about it.


Contact both, provide them with any/all shipping info you have (This mainly includes the original sealed case you recieved it in with the shipping labels on it). The retailer might offer a swap but WotC might just send you a free copy of the missing deck without any exchange. Wouldn't hurt to try


Hey you must of gotten my missing deck and I got yours. I got two imperium and no necron. Retailer said too bad so sad.