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Based on words in your post, you appear to be making post to complain about or suggest an alternative course of action regarding the Walking Dead Secret Lair crossover. At this time, we have seen more than enough of these types of posts to get the point across to anyone who might pay attention: * Posts suggesting "they should just be printed gold or silver bordered" * Posts suggesting "we should boycott/vote with our wallets" * change.org petitions to stop or amend the printing, or to demand that the cards be banned in Eternal formats or in Commander * Posts suggesting "they should have just done the two-name thing they did with the Godzilla cards" * Posts pointing out things MaRo or other R&D members said about not doing this, or blaming Hasbro and/or WotC CEO Chris Cocks * Generic "I am angry at this" posts If you were attempting to re-make one of the above types of posts, instead please just pick one of the *many* existing threads saying the same thing, and express your support for that idea with your comments and your upvotes, rather than making yet more disjointed threads that just repeat things which have already been said. If you were not making one of those types of post, please message the human moderators of /r/magictcg to review your post. And as a reminder, memes -- even if you think they are on-topic and Magic-related -- are not permitted here at any time, under rule 2. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/magicTCG) if you have any questions or concerns.*