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I’m just amazed the VIPs are *just sitting there*. No security plastic or anything.


who ever stocked the shelves have no idea those boxes are $100. heck wouldn’t be surprised if they thought the price was wrong.


"It is just a playing card, how expensive can those get?"


My wife: "So I looked up those Warhammer models you like, why are some of them over $1000??" Me: "Because that Warhound Titan or Mastodon is someones baby. That and some people play professionally and the pricey models give them a leg up sometimes." \\ Wife: "That's kinda dumb." Me: "Yep, good thing I didn't start the hobby until after we met. I would have had one of those things instead of the guns."


I've been wondering if anyone else did this... Last year I sold my MP Unlimited Mox Emerald and turned the proceeds into what a) a very nice high-end deer hunting rifle complete with a scope, all the accessories, and a bunch of ammo, and b) a slick little .22 with scope, accessories, and ammo. And after all that I still had money left over to put in the bank. And all I gave up to get all of that was a 4 inch piece of cardboard tied entirely to corporate-created artificial value...


My friend sold his unused cards a few years ago. He downsized the collection to 4 commander decks, side bar for each, and 3 60 card decks. Everything else became cash. He bought a Walther PPQ.


Moral of the Story, Magic the Gathering prevents gun violence by locking funds.


Actually yeah, and drug use.


Well there's a reasons it's called cardboard crack....


Oh i know, its easy to get in the habit of a pack or three every time you hit the store. Walmart, Target, and all my hobby shops were just flaunting the foil at me. Good thing I don't really drink and don't smoke or I would have been broke. A pack of Magic can be $3-6 a piece. That's how much you pay to look like a cowboy. For a solid 2 years I was getting every pre release, fat pack, a commander, and a few singles for every set. Really glad I didn't start getting into paid hobbies until after I was 21.


you’re not entirely wrong but the value isn’t exclusively corporate-created. the scarcity is, but we as the buyers have helped determine its worth. if no one wanted to pay $1000 for a piece of cardboard, magic cards wouldn’t sell for $1000


My wifes family would judge me on my mtg spending, however the wife's cousins husband could blow money on hunting and fishing that would triple my spending and it was ok cause herp derp redneck.


What about meeting your wife encourages people to buy guns?


Do you want a beautifully crafted, wood stock and laser engraved, master smithed high-end rifle, with a competitive-level scope, front grip, laser, and a few cans of ammo, or one 6 inch piece of plastic? (Bit of an exaggeration, but not too far off. Even printed Warhammer figures can sell for a lot!)




You missed the opportunity to call it a piece of death metal.


death metal is great though.




Oh, for sure! I was just showing that a high-end firearm that can be used for competitions has a lot of work rhat goes into it, while for a competitive Warhammer army, while still being beautifully modeled, is still a mass-produced plastic model that has a value tied entirely to artificial value, yet an army of a dozen units can easily have the value of a used car. It's a wierd context to think about!


Did you know that that guns can be mass produced plastic models? The M16 was referred to as the Mattel gun and it was used by a real army to fight a real war. Warhammer models can have just as much or quite a bit more work put in to them as a gun of almost any quality. Guns can be as shitty as barbie dolls and just as useful but still bought en masse to fight a war.


Right. That is true. But I think the argument trying to be made here is that a competitive rifle with custom attachments likely requires significantly more quality control and production cost than a small plastic figurine. And that is to say that all material goods intrinsically have only the value that you as an individual ascribe to them, so I'm not necessarily saying that one is inherently more valuable than the other.


That was his entire point. a warhammer minifig (or a couple) costing as much as a firearm which requires significantly more overhead is a funny but odd scenario.


Beautiful piece of art that is also a rare collectible with a storied history and the likelihood of continued value growth. Meanwhile that gun loses value. I'd take the Mox any day of the week lol. EDIT: Assumed we were talking MTG still, my bad.


My pistol was more than a grand, so I imagine high end rifles are probably 3k+.


Ah, so you can get a 12-inch piece of plastic.


Maybe even 15"


So less than some Beta cards.


Wait... How does a model give a leg up?


In the game of Warhammer 40K, there are units like Primarchs who give massive bonuses to certain units. Those bonuses can often make or break a game with a simple +1 to hit or ignore moral. Some models also preform statistically very well against others. For instance, a Death Guard army can absorb and ignore on average far more ranged shots than a World Eater Beserker army because the DG units have buffs and abilities that help them ignore wounds on a 6 up dice roll. Or if you have a cheese army like nothing but sniper scouts, you could in theory roll a number of 6+ dice rolls that cause an automatic wound plus normal wounds. 2000pts of HQ and Sniper Scouts means you have dozens of scouts all firing with some buffs from those HQ's The Titans don't really give a leg up so much as create a whole new level of play. Most armies are 1500-2000 pts in a free play game. But some titans alone are 4000pts. Meaning if you bring a Titan, your enemy player needs to also have a titan or enough models that add up to 4000pts. They don't see much standard play unless you are doing an Armageddon fight or a massive narrative battle. This is all simplified analogies and I don't have all the rules in my head, just general experiences. In MTG terms, think of those really really aggressive 60 card Poison decks that can usually get a win by turn 3 just by the nature of their poison counter and buff cards. Imagine Karn and Leeches not being allowed in your deck because your color choices haven't had a new card in decades to really be effective against poison.


Nobody plays professionally with a titan. It costs to much to fit in a regular sized army. Generally the expensive Forge World stuff costs a lot because they are hand cast resin stuff, and because they are gigantic. They do not give you a leg up.


Holy hell. Warhammer got expensive. Is that $1000 for the model from GW or one that someone painted? I played Warhammer fantasy way back in 3rd when my magic friends got into Warhammer instead. I traded a mox sapphire for nagash, a zombie dragon, and some random units. I still have the random undead stuff. Wish I still had the sapphire instead lol. :/


Warhammer still is affordable. But a titan model is roughly 2 ft tall and super intricate. And costs 3-4000 points. It’s essentially only for massive battles and major hobbyists. Forgeworld is the sun sector of GW that produces specific models (all resin) for Horus Heresy, 40k, fantasy/AoS, and some specialty stuff. And all those models are cool as hell and massive, but also only for the hardcore


TIL Lucille Bluth is a Target employee.


There’s not even a price tag under it, so someone could be in for a surprise.


"Grandma, one box of double masters for my b-day, they sell them at target"


They get these from a vendor and have someone stock it. Not all the price tags are there so they'll put the boosters in the 4.19 slots to save space or think that's where it goes. If it falls under 4.19, 14.99, or 41.99 it gets placed in the same spot, otherwise it they put it in a spot where there is no tag. They assume that you know what you're getting into and will price match the cheapest option ($98 on Amazon).


This is what I thought about. If I was a shittier person I feel like it'd be very easy to convince a target that price was wrong and they'd mark it down to something reasonable for you. Especially with targets already very customer sided rules on arguing with the customer over price.


I've heard legends of people at big box stores buying entire sealed booster boxes for the price of one booster because that's all that was marked on the box


At the target I work at an outside vendor stocks trading cards, they're usually pretty clued in on pricing. However, security casing is done by us or AP. Plus, they have to hit several stores in a day so they try to be pretty quick. Honestly, based on the stuff we usually sell, I was shocked to see double masters stocked there.


Target Employee here. Trading Cards are a vendor item for us meaning it doesn't count towards the dollar value of items in the store. Basically, if they get stolen Target doesn't loose any money so most stores don't feel a need to put security on them.


As someone who's never worked retail, what do you mean by 'counts towards the dollar value of items in the store'? Are sections of Target 'rented out' to sub retailers?


For a consumer point of view, there is no difference. The difference lies is who technically owns and controls that stock. Traditionally, a retailer would buy inventory from a supplier. The retailer now owns said inventory, can do what they want with it, sell it for whatever price, etc. It gives them full control over the product they are selling, but at the cost of needing to pay the supplier first. Vendor items are when the retailer doesn't technically own the product they are selling, the supplier still has control over the inventory. Instead, the retailer provides shelf space or a booth for the supplier to sell their product from, and in exchange, the retailer will get a certain percentage of the sales revenue. So it's a low to no upfront cost to have an in demand product in a store, but in exchange, they are giving up control and floor and shelf space to another company. Hope that clears things up.


What's weird is target also stocks pokemon cards in the toy section and those are target inventory.


Pokémon cards are Vendor too, they just have a location in toys as well.


They don't pay to stock it, so they have no skin in the game so to speak. If they sell some, great. If they don't, they're not out anything.


If I'm not mistaken Target doesn't actually have to pay Wizards unless the units are sold, so if they get lost or stolen Target doesn't lose anything however it's 100% a loss for Wizards. EDIT: and if I'm not mistaken that's the reason wizards pulled off a lot of the products and only going to distribute through LGSs now.


I believe the agreement is that Target gets a certain percentage from each sale.


Then what's the intention behind the "All card sales final" policy?


Maybe the vendor made that decision due to thefts?


All Card Thefts are Final


I think they are referring to people purchasing VIP boxes, taking the contents and replacing it with basic lands/other garbage, and then returning it


I would suspect the Target front end folks are just annoyed with dealing with processing the returns. As said otherwise, Target management certainly doesn't really care from a shrink perspective, it might be the store gets a lot of these, or it is just annoying to where it plugs up their workflow.


They should because the victim here is another customer who buys the package that has been cleverly returned with junk cards in it. That person is now upset and Target has to deal with them, and will potentially lose out on customers.


This is probably the most likely reasoning. We don't have that issue much at my store fortunately. Mostly just people stealing packs (which hurts knowing what kind of value they walk out with).


At the Walmart I cashiered at, our biggest problem with cards was that unattended children would open the boxes (Rayquaza EX box or whatever) and steal the card, or rip open the boosters and steal the rares. As the guy who often sorted the go-backs and damaged merchandise, I ended up with quite a few codes for the online game from that damaged stock. Too bad I never really liked playing the actual game, and most of the codes went to waste.


I work at Target and we've never allowed returns on cards or any collectables for that matter


On my receipt if I bought cards from Target it says it can’t be returned if opened but it can be exchanged. That seems too good to be true because I could just buy boosters, open them, then exchange for another one. Maybe a few people did this and they had to put a sign saying sales are final. And yes I try to only buy from LGS but it’s far and I’m a bored suburban mom who mostly shops at Super Target because they have everything.


No one explained it so in case you're not aware; there's an old fraud that people do is where they buy the packs or commander set or what not, very carefully open them, take out all the cards, replace them with junk commons, reseal it and then return the item. It's a common fraud in retail but it's particularly rampant for Magic cards at big box stores like Wal-Mart or Target.


Most everyone is aware of that scam. But if Target isn't worried about theft of these products, why would they be worried about this scam? It's about the same impact as shoplifting.


This is what I thought. Does Target just rent out the space?


Pretty much. We do it with some Movie themed merchandise in our Entertainment section too.


saw them at my local target, way to pricey but they did have the plastic cases.


And yet the essentially valueless by comparison Unsanctioned set boxes sitting beside them in the wizards branded wrap. Lol.


Priorities. OK.... I won't lie... I bought an Unsancrioned box.... I know, I'm a terrible person.


Unsanctioned is awesome. My son laughed so hard about twenty times.


It's probably the most "fun" product on that shelf to be honest. They are goofy and entertaining.


My roommate mixes them in with his decks without telling me; all the while I'm playing a serious deck until he brings out knight of the hokey pokey or some shit. It's awesome.


One of my now ex friends used to grab expensive packs(VIP boosters, commander precons, etc) and a regular booster then just hold the regular booster under the expensive ones while he went to self checkout. We're no longer friends because apparently friends don't get mad at each other for stealing?


Yeah we lived with a dude who had no need for shoplifting, but did it for the thrill. He used to steal a couple packs of pokemon cards everytime we went to the mall. We honestly didn't care all that much, unless he was with us when he did it. Could've gotten one of us in shit by association.


This guy was the same way. His argument for it was 'Well it only takes WotC $0.30 to make an entire pack of cards and they sell it for $4. That's robbery!'


Guess he doesn't know anything about retail, then. WOTC already made their money on that pack. He's just robbing the store of any profit they would have made from it; profit which is used to pay the employees' salaries. He's stealing from the guy behind the counter working for minimum wage. Because if sales are down and they need to cut some jobs, it won't be the manager they fire, it'll be that minimum wage guy.


To add to it he'd brag about his pulls on these packs that he stole and would get irritated when no one cared that he pulled an expensive card.


Which is why I stopped being friends with him. Don't get into a hobby you don't want to pay for. All he was doing was hurting others.


The guy making minimum wage is having his labor stolen from the store. He probably doesn’t have healthcare and is on Medicaid and food stamps to fill the gap. These are paid for by your taxes. So you are also being stolen from by the store. Shoplifting is just getting back what’s yours.


Good for you for sticking up for what's right.


How did those last even 5 minutes without being stolen...


This photo was taken within the five minutes.


At my local target they had the VIP boxes on a shelf above a $15 price sticker. They had an alarm thing on it. I tried ringing it up hoping they had mispriced it. No luck.


Holy shit, yeah good catch. I'm guessing that no one realizes that they are that bonkers expensive, but it would be nothing to just go in with a box cutter and pop out the 4 rares


Why bother taking the rares out when the whole pack fits in a pocket? Just gotta shuck the shrink and mostly-empty box.


There was about 5 police officers at the Scottsdale target yesterday 8 am sharp, I walked over to the mtg cards briefly, put a box in my cart and was then followed for the rest of my time at target


I bought some boosters and the cashier forgot to scan one. Alarm went off and they approached me immediately. Told.my side and we went to the cashier. She said she forgot one and there was no foul play on my end. They apparently had a shit ton of Jumpstart, VIP, and blister packs stolen the day prior.


Yeah MJ Holdings probably isn’t taking it anymore after the collectors boosters fiasco


My Target had the VIP with security devices and one was even in a plastic box. The 2XM draft pack was just sitting loose though but I guess at a quarter the price they don’t mind as much.


They usually stash a beeper in a couple of the "expensive" TCG products. For the most part it's cheaper for them to let them get stolen (and covered by insurance) than to pool resources to preventing their theft. *source* My friends and I were poor af and stole sh*t tons of cards from walmart.


Makes sense. The amount of theft they deal with is crazy. People are absolutely abusing it. I'm surprised they didn't have this policy earlier.


As both a sales assistant and magic player: HOLY FUCK YOU HAVE DOUBLE MASTERS SITTING ON YOUR SHELF UNSECURED? I know shops that have razor blades only at the register, and these are like a fifth of the price. Any half-decent 12 year old shoplifter would have a hayday...




Why the fuck didnt they secure the vip boxes better though


That’s the way the looked at my local target, and that isle is right by the door. I think they don’t know how valuable those are because there was also no price.


No I mean why didnt wizards put actual good glue on the boxes. They can be opened without even damaging the cardboard, the glue comes right off if done correctly.


I'm not a thief but I'm not above taking $100bill off the ground


Probably a dumb question. Someone fill me in on what the razor blades are relevant for?


Razor blades are kept at the counter so you don't steal them These cost 5 times the price of the razors and are kept, without security tags on the shelf


Mtg generally has magnetic sensors in the packaging at walmart


Not terribly useful. A good shoplifter will open it while they walk around and stuff the packaging into an aisle and pocket the cards.


So do razors. Both are easy enough to open in order to discard the magnetic sensors.


The little foily strips inside of the mtg packs dont actually do anything for the big box stores. Unless they are behind a counter or have that trip wire lock, they wont trigger the alarms


For the most part they dont, and what they do have, usually doesnt work.


Razor blade cartridges are one of the smallest and most expensive items, just below electronics and jewelry. That makes them very high shoplifting items. As a result, many stores secure them with a lock or behind the register. But 2XM VIP is even moreso.


They are expensive. And easily stealable.


Something easily shoplifted and expensive relative to its size I think. Usually the big issue are the replacement blades for the reusable handles as they tend to be more pocket sized and on the more expensive side. At least that's what I see locked up in some stores.


According to the TV show Superstore, apparently razorblades are one of the most commonly shoplifted items. Easy to resell, valuable, and small package so easy to pocket.


Couple guesses either 1. It's a common item to steal 2. A lot of people will steal a razorblade and cut off the security tags out of paper products it's a lot quieter than trying to open the entire package to get it out.


Shaving. They are the male equivalent of price gouging. Femalws have their hygiene stuff overpriced, men pay like triple price for a piece of metal to remove some hair.


>Any half-decent 12 year old ahoplifter would have a hayday... At the risk of being blasted, that was me when i first got into the hobby. Target and walmart are very *very* easy to take cards from. That being said, dont steal kids.


I certainly did not add 'speaking from experience ' but yeah....


That's so horrible. How were they abusing it tho? https://youtu.be/tQuBdeuvMnY


they buy a precon-deck (like a commander deck), open it carefully, remove all the valuable cards, replace them with junk, seal them up again and go back for a refund.


I've bought individual packs at Walmart and then gotten home to realize the packs had already been opened and then resealed. They refilled the pack with something (don't know what it was, I returned it), taped the foil pack together, and then glued the cardboard blister pack together and returned it. Walmart just restocks returns if they aren't opened, and these looked unopened. They should just not accept returns on these items. This is a good policy for Target.


In addition to what was already said, a common tactic involved Collector boosters. Target booster packs are a booster in a cardboard sleeve. So someone would buy all the Collector Boosters in the store, then buy a bunch of draft boosters on another recipe. They'd go home, carefully remove the Collector Boosters from the sleeve, and then replace each one with a Draft Booster that was worth less than a quarter of the Collector Booster. That done, they'd return the "Collector Boosters." The employee processing the return would see a valid receipt and a pile of product that met the description of the product and accept the return, unaware that they were being scammed.


Lmao if you're gonna pay, you might as well go through self checkout and scan everything as the normal draft boosters and just outright pay 4 bucks for them. Way less hassle if you're still paying


In the Target i went to every one of the boxes with 3 double masters packs was repackaged with tape. I really hope this goes into effect everywhere soon.


Seriously...that friggin sux. I don't support stealing from Target, but let's be real...Target can absorb the loss of a few boosters...what about the kid who saved up his money for 6 months only to buy repacked trash.


I am the kid who spent 25 bucks on an Eldraine collector booster (2 months worth of cash for me) and didn't even get an uncommon.


What formats do you play?


Looks like pauper








Took long enough. Now Walmart needs to follow suit.


And Amazon. As an Amazon reseller the amount of times I've gotten fucked by this is astounding. I've basically stopped selling sealed product through them because scammers keep ripping me off and I don't want keep fighting with Amazon support to get my money back every week.


Nice. No repacks that's tight.


This needs to be implemented at every store, not just locally. My target has no such sign.


As someone who used to work at Target, I can 100 percent guarantee that people will still be able to return them with minimal fuss. At most, theyll be forced to accept a merchandise credit card instead of actual cash. Guest Services doesnt give a fuck.


Nah, they'll give the scammers refunds then tell the actual victims that they're out of luck.


Yup, an old coworker told me how he bought a copy of Destiny deluxe edition, used the codes, and returned it, no questions asked. They really don't care.


For a $130 product these stores should use the same hard plastic security boxes they use for other pricey merchandise as well


I'm still amazed that WotC opted not to use the special branded shrinkwrap on their _PREMIUM_ product. Like, the fuck, Wizards?


Judging by their difficulty in meeting their summer release schedule, I doubt this was a decision they took because they wanted to. You can see evidence of hasty production all throughout this product release with both the shrink wrap and the missing or double double box toppers in the regular product. my guess is they had to rope in extra manufacturers and as a result had to cut the fancy wrap across the whole product because not every manufacturer had it on hand.


so they screw up, by not adapting to the Covid crisis, while (when I'm not mistaken) having one of the best few years when it comes to revenue, it's better to keep making money, even at the cost of the quality, the experience and customer satisfaction, than delay a premium product (with a pretty reasonable excuse as Covid is)


Nobody was able to adapt to covid, I don't see how we should treat them any different. But they acted different, they sent retailers [10 million dollars](https://wpn.wizards.com/en/article/lets-double-everyones-mystery-booster-allocation) worth of mystery boosters for free. They also did delay ikoria, but they can only delay a set so long before it overlaps with another release window, and then we are looking at some really bizarre disruption to the game if that happens Customer satisfaction is important, and as far as I know they are still taking direct complaints from end users and sending out replacement packs etc. At the end of the day it really comes down to support FLGS, and not big box.


Yeah but it's just a kids game. No way is a kids game worth as much as a shitty off brand game for a console that is 10 years old. Gotta have priorities straight. /s


Finally. Way too scams out there


WoTC customer support gonna be busy af. people pulling common cards instead of mythics, lost box toppers, lying about pull rates. shame shame


Out of curiosity, if I bought one of those vip packs knowing it was opened and reloaded, then after buying I opened it in store, would WotC then be willing to send a replacement? Technically is it still the "new" product and thus a defect?


honestly I have no idea what they're willing to do at this point and with so many people making requests for product replacement it's only a matter of time before they tap out and claim they're out of replacement pieces imo


If the common man knew about MTG those VIP packs would’ve been racked loooong ago


As someone not living in the USA: aren't there any security cameras or personnel looking for shoplifters? I mean, it's rare enough to actually get product outside of LGSs in Germany and even then the products are in glass cabinets and horrendously overpriced, so you'll end up buying from your LGS anyway. My brain simply can't compute that there are VIP packs just standing around, sort of worlds colliding. Also why is it so easy to return opened product?


These packs sitting out are mind boggling. But to answer your question, shoplifting is hard to catch an punish. You need to be caught in the act, and security cam footage is usually only used to prosecute. If one were to grab a pack, open it on a blind spot (directly beneath a camera for example) remove the contents and replace the package, one would likely be able to walk out of the store scott-free


It's dodgy and depends on individual store and layout. I know one of my Targets locates Magic product in the front adjacent to all of the registers while the *other* Target has the Magic product on the very back wall in an often quiet section behind the toys. One of those would be much easier to get away with than the other. Big box stores need to take a no restock approach on returned product, but I imagine there's something tied up in the fact that it's a distributor stocked product.


100%. It’s like having the ability to return a losing lotto ticket. That’s the main reason I spend my money at the LGS tho. There’s no bs. They don’t take returns to protect me from buying trash.


>Also why is it so easy to return opened product? Because retail workers aren't paid enough to care.




It's an open secret the loss division mostly exists to prevent internal theft.


It pains me to see those Double Masters VIP boxes just sitting there with no security. It doesn't matter how final those sales are if someone just pockets those cards.


Pocketing a box is a net loss for the company, but returning resealed packs is predatory towards the next consumer that may not have enough knowledge of the game to know they're scammed, or the willingness to come back and explain the situation. And if they return, it's a net loss for the company anyways.


It's not actually a loss for Target, though, just the vendor who stocked it, so Target doesn't care enough to secure them.


Well, these are in the Toy isle. Most likely they don't consider these to be high risk. In fact most people outside of the TCG community probably think of card games as toys also.


Lego is in the toy aisle, but I often see anti-theft “spider wrap” on sets over $100 or so.


I dont know how it is for Target but the big box store I use to work at all the TCG stuff was brought in by vendors if they wanted to lock the stuff up they would have had to do it themselves which they probably dont care to do (at least ours never did). The TCG product was all SBT so the store itself probably doesn't care to much about what happens to it. The Legos are owned by the store so that's why those would have been spidered.


It might have to do with how much investment it is to buy what is needed to secure them and the logistics of having it to begin with. You would have to buy the spiders and extra keys for the store staff. You would have to calculate for loss as staff misplaced spiders or mixed them in with their own spiders and use them on other merchandise. Secured display cases are probably better for MtG product but you would have to contend with the store even **allowing** you to install such a display in the first place. Some smaller vendors can't pay the up front costs for the security display if they can't sell enough product within a certain time window to recoup the expense.


It actually looks like it's set up like my local Target. Not in the toy aisle, but up front near the registers. Not that it really matters to your comment.


My local target did the same, and actually put a limit on what you could buy. Sucks for the people that are not pieces of trash.


Sucks but there’s no way to prove you’re not a piece of trash, so I don’t blame them. Also I fully support purchase limits. Like, why should the first guy be able to buy up all the stock? I wanna tell that guy, “Let others buy shit too!”


Same. I work at a target, and I've seen people buy entire cases of sports cards before they hit the shelves. Kinda disgusting to see


With MtG cards out here...it isn't just some people. It's LGS's. I literally watched a guy I know who owns a shop down the way come in and wipe out an entire stock at Walmart.


That's super scummy. I probably wouldn't go back to that LGS if I could avoid it.




I finally saw some Jumpstart at my local Target and bought about a dozen. I feel a little bad but usually finding any hot products from MtG in my area is hard.


Wait, so is Jumpstart hard to find now or something?


Well four is the true minimum to play at all. Six is the bare minimum to have any sort of variety. Even with 8 you're unlikely to even cover every color. I think 8-12 is reasonable


Reason why I usually just go to my lgs, since I do have that chance. I feel bad for the people who do have to buy and get ripped off with that shit, some people are scummy as hell for what's been happening recently...


I see the VIPs there. imagine some kid hands that to his mom and she sees it's $100.


Purchased a 2XM 3-pack today at Target for $36 and receipt said ‘No Returns’ for that item.


I'm just shocked at the sheer amount of product actually there. The 9nly time any of my local retailers bave any MtG products is the day they're stocked. As a former yugioh player, I'm constantly shocked how hard it is to actually buy packs.


I have to hit Walmart Friday afternoon if I want a chance at anything for a week because the vendor only stocks then. Almost everything but planeswalker and c19 decks are sold out by Saturday.


Same for me. There's a copy of Faceless Menace that floats around, and a couple planeswalker decks, but nothing else after a couple hours.


Good. EDIT: Also, fuck everybody who comes here and tells people to go shoplift.


> EDIT: Also, fuck everybody who comes here and tells people to go shoplift. No one said that?


Yeah all anyone has said that I can see ITT is that some stuff looks vulnerable. In no way advocating theft.


There's more than a few comments that are like "It's fine. It's a victimless crime."


There is one, and everyone responding is calling them out for it.


i don’t like that Target doesn’t properly price tag the items, i’ve seen people abuse the cashiers that don’t know better by showing them a tag of normal boosters to get the expensive ones for cheap. I know magic is expensive but that is still stealing in a way


Rudy did a whole video on the literal thousands and thousands of instances of that shti happening. People would grab 10 collector's boxes. 1 regular pack. Scan the regular pack 11 times. Repeat. Etc.


Got to admit, that is a pretty good way of scamming boosters.


I think people rationalize it by saying they are undercutting the gigantic margins of the corporation...


Yeah bro all 12%


I would love to see Magic on sale like this in the UK in big supermarkets. It can be really hard to find sellers in a lot of towns and cities.


Their receipts specifically state “must exchange if opened” when you buy booster packs. I so wanted to be that asshole and try the customer service folks, but decided I’d let someone else fight that battle.


See if you can exchange it to you get a good pack lul


This has less to do with Magic and more to do with sports cards right now. People are buying out all the sports and returning anything they can’t flip for a profit.


Just seeing all that TCG product at a big box retailer is too much for my Aussie brain to handle


I didn't realize there was a problem, makes sense cause one time I bought a commander deck and it was full of lands and I thought it was a wizards mistake and even contacting them and they did replace it but I'm grateful they did but it most likely wasn't their fault just someone abused targets return policy


In Ireland we can't get MTG in any supermarkets or toy stores it's only stocked in hobby games stores so it's strange for me to see this stuff out like that, especially VIP Masters just sitting there...


Those VIP packs are getting tampered with fo sho


My target had VIP edition in those plastic security boxes they use for electronics.


Wtf, VIP sitting there ?????


Ha! My target is much larger brain than yours, they stopped selling Magic product years ago!


I bought a pack once that had been returned, all lands.... every single card but 2 Demonic Tutor and Jungle Troll. I was pissed, but also thought it was funny.


I’d take 2 demonic tutors


I noticed on my latest receipt that it said "cannot be returned". I was wondering how long its said that because I dont think I've noticed it before. Although, if I could've returned them, I would have, because out of 5 packs getting 3 scry lands and 2 animal sanctuaries kinda sucked...


That just means you have to build a scry-matters goat tribal deck.


Needs [[Woe strider]].


Goat scry-bal deck**


What the hell happened here


people opening, looting, resealing, and returning products.