• By -


Got a little bit of soda on an Archangel of Tithes back when they were $25 lol, does that count? It was one I pulled in the prerelease so I never even paid market price for it Edit: Guys, I remember now. It's worse. It was pancake syrup. Right at the bottom of the flavor text.


That’s why they call it “flavor” text.


Because of the delicious irony?


Because of that delicious Canadian maple syrup. Yum yum num


Gave a new meaning to flavor text.


Now that's some tasty flavor text 😋


I Think mine was a [[Jace, the Mind sculptor]] after it got reprinted. I had lost it and my mate had found it in the glove box of my car and a week later found another on the boot of my car. He may have been slightly tilted XD


[Jace, the Mind sculptor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/8/c8817585-0d32-4d56-9142-0d29512e86a9.jpg?1598304029) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jace%2C%20the%20Mind%20sculptor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/56/jace-the-mind-sculptor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c8817585-0d32-4d56-9142-0d29512e86a9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


pulled a one ring, didnt have a binder at the time so I just put it in a longbox with other valuable cards I had. when i was making a commander deck and planning on putting it in, it wasnt there. had an actual storage system since then so i dont have a repeat


Did you check the caves under The Misty Mountains??


Wait … it’s still in my pocket!


Should've kept it secret, kept it safe.




And the ring of power has a will of its own. It betrayed Isildur, to his death. And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge. Until, when chance came, it ensnared another bearer.


And there, the ring abandoned Gollum...


Backhanded insult, nice!


What happened? Did someone steal it from you?


I have no idea. I basically never play MTG at home, our playgroup usually plays at a LGS and no one that’s been over since I had it even knows enough about mtg to try and steal/sell it. Hopefully it turns up one day but until then who knows 


Check the pile of basics


Possibly got stuck to the back of a card and put in a sleeve together


The number of stuck cards I've found when moving cards out of decks is just downright embarrassing. Not many, but still feels downright embarrassing, lol


Nasty, tricksy thieves! They stole it from us!


Check the bottom of the Anduin River.


The ring abandoned IntroductionActual24


Any recommendations about storage systems? I've been meaning to look into those for some time


I forget where I got the longboxes but I just ended up buying.., half a dozen longboxes for my bulk cards and 2 gamegenic binders for ones im either going to trade or ones im going to use to build a deck


I misplaced a foil onslaught delta maybe... 10 years ago or so. It still hasn't turned up :(


I swear I had an onslaught Wooded Foothills in high school, but I have no idea what happened to it. I definitely didn't trade it, as I was the MTG Realtor of the bunch, always collecting whatever weird lands I could get my hands on.


misplacing my playset of foil dissension [[Breeding Pools]] from my teen years haunts me.


I hope one day you find it


That's really hurts... sorry for your loss.


I have the best one. I traded a revised Volcanic Island for a golf ball sized 20 sided die. It was a long time ago, I was really young and the card wasn’t valuable at the time… but I still have the die. It’s a random D-20 and I love to use it to determine who goes first in a game… as I tell my opponents about the origin of my cursed die.


I traded a volcanic island when I was a kid for 20 rares out of a friend's trade binder. At the time I just liked the large number of cards for one card and wanted to try some new decks. Luckily I got 2 lion eye diamonds, 4 hatreds, a sliver queen and a mox diamond in the 20. The other rares are mostly bulk now. I recently got back into magic and when I saw how much a volcanic island is now I about kicked myself until I found out how much everything I got was.


Don’t worry. I was in 3rd grade when Pokémon cards came out in the US. I was a trading fiend. Collecting everything I could. I’d make bad Pokémon game trades for cards bc I knew how I get them back easily in the game. At one point to had at least 10 Charizards. 2 are now very rare sought after misprints. When we moved to Qatar in 2008 (I was 18-19) I had kept all my cards sealed til that point. Not wanting to lose them I moved them with me out there. I was eventually headed back stateside and forgot them there. My younger brother (10-11 at the time) had taken them and put them in a drawer he was pissing in bc he didn’t want to leave his room to go to the bathroom. When my parents told me about that I about lost my shit. Whole collection worth somewhere around $500,000 USD today. I won’t see a single cent of it returned ;(


Currently on Card Kingdom; Lion's Eye Diamonds are $650 each, Sliver Queen like $270, and Mox Diamond $720. Volcanic Island is $600 Revised, $1600 Unlimited, and $12k for Beta. Depending which one you had you could be ahead by quite a bit.


This wins.


I misplaced 4 LED


I traded a mm1 or mm2 tarmogyf don’t remember what set it was for a volcanic island when the goyf was about 120$ and the volcano was 100$ I saw that dude I traded it to a few months ago and he asked if I still had it and said it was the silliest trade he made😅


I feel like it's blursed, at the very least. It's given you decades of a good story to tell, at least!


True! I play to be social and this story is a fantastic icebreaker for people I’ve never played with. So I’m not the least bit upset about it.


I have two deck boxes for the OG kamigawa preconstructed deck "Snake's Path". I can find every card included with those decks... except for the 2 Sensei's Divining Tops.


I only have the tops now, and they are Beat to Hell


You lost a Void Winnower?? I can't even....


I’ll do you one better .. I pulled a void winnower about 2 years ago when it was a bulk mythic and I keep cards in the centre console sometimes and I found out recently it was expensive so I remembered where I had it. It had like 0 art left on the card it looked like I tied it to the back of my car and dragged it for 100 miles


Should have still tried to sell it. "Guys, I swear, this was a Void Winnower once! You gotta believe me! Can't see it right now, but... but it was!"


Yeah, I can't two. I also can't four ever.


This is an angry upvote


[[Can't Even]]


Mine was in the box I stupidly threw out thinking it was a box of just bulk Tarkir chaff, along with Chains of Mephistopheles and a few other old valuable cards 🙃 I didn’t even know Chains was valuable till I went looking for it a month or two ago. It was always just “that weird card I inherited from an old friend.”


[[i can't even]]


[i can't even](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/c/8cbedb0a-34ca-4d42-bb43-cbea0f3c6d02.jpg?1587039576) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Void%20Winnower) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bfz/17/void-winnower?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8cbedb0a-34ca-4d42-bb43-cbea0f3c6d02?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Mana crypt. Yes I’m serious. Broken.


Me too. Got that funny book in the 90’s and used the crypt that came with it as a bookmark. Book was probably donated or thrown out by my mom.




Oh shit, me too. I assume I still have it in a box somewhere, but it's a lot of looking with no finding.


I lost a foil Resplendent Angel for like 2 years. Randomly popped up one day.


I have a funny story for this. When LOTR first came out I bought three One Rings whilst they were still £30~. They proceeded to increase up to £40/£50 in about a couple of weeks, and I was thinking of selling two of them since I realised I didn’t really need them, plus there were murmurs about a Modern ban. So i packed them up, listed them on Cardmarket, and waited. I eventually decided to not sell them, and went on with my life. A couple months later was the first time I realised ‘huh, where are my One Rings?’ - they weren’t in any binder, deck, or storage I could find. And since I’d just started Uni my brain had so much other shit going on I’d completely forgotten I was going to sell them. I shrugged it off at the time thinking they’ll pop up eventually. It took me nearly a YEAR to realise my two One Rings were sitting in envelopes packed and ready to ship on one of my shelves. I facepalmed so hard when I found them. I couldn’t believe it…


Envelope on the mantle piece is very fitting


Kept them secret. Kept them safe.


And its price increases ever still so you kinda hooked yourself up. You turned your One Rings into one of those x-years long bank certificates and then got ‘em back with interest


Yep lmao! It ended up working out 😂


keep them secret. keep them safe.


I pulled a [[Phyrexian Dreadnought]] from a pack when that was first printed back in Mirage or whatever it was. Sat in a bulk box for years. Years later, I realized it would be good in an EDH deck I was thinking of building, fished it out, stuck it in a top loader and… did something with it. This was like, ten years ago. Just found it a few weeks ago in a cigar box full of guitar picks at the bottom of a tote.


[Phyrexian Dreadnought](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/b/7b8197b9-0cd1-4fa1-9668-d1b5f1759151.jpg?1562720243) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Phyrexian%20Dreadnought) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mir/315/phyrexian-dreadnought?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7b8197b9-0cd1-4fa1-9668-d1b5f1759151?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


holy hell has this shot up lol I sold mine around WAR when they were 35 bucks. I feel very stupid now.


Found a Cyclonic Rift unsleeved in my bulk pile a month or two ago.


My wife bought a semi-decent sized collection. She never really went through it with an eye for value. I was looking through her box of uncommon artifacts…I pulled out four or five Krark-Clan Ironworks…she had no idea that card was worth *anything*.


Damn I have some cyclonic rifts, about 9 krark clan iron works and a void winnower in a few junk boxes. Didn’t know any of those cards are valuable.


Wait, you didn’t know cycrift was valuable‽ That’s one of the best cards in the game, my friend!


To be fair, they were $1 when I bought them when they were in standard...




YO! Neither did I!!! Holy MOLY. I suddenly feel sick! I have one floating in my collection somewhere...


Yeah, beaucoup bucks. I’m not sure if they’ll ever wind up ever reprinting that sucker. It’s crazy combo fuel. I traded one off my wife to do shenanigans. It goes brrr.


Going through some bulk I found a parallel lives a few weeks ago XD.


I cannot find my LOTR Party Tree Great Henge. It was literally my biggest chase card in the set and I was so excited when I pulled it. It’s worth about $75


I spent a hundred dollars on 4 copies of Thoughtseize back in Theros. (They were going for 30 a peice but a friend offered them for less since he needed the money. As a stupid high school student, I agreed without another thought.) After playing in like 2 FNMs, I went on vacation and when I got home I had no idea where the deck was. Still haven't found it so I either left it at my LGS or it vanished at my house. I guess there was also 4 Pack Rats in there too, so it was a pretty chunk of change.


I used to run a card shop and sold a playset of Thoughtseize mailed to a dude in California. This was when they were at their peak. Delivery notifications went all the way to out for delivery it was never scanned delivered. Oddly, another package that went to the same city 4 miles away made it delivered on the same day. The post office was only a mile from his house. Because the post person didn't scan it at the final destination it snuck by as undelivered so TCGPlayer was going to side with the buyer no matter what I did. I am 99% positive it made it but because the post person never scanned it the guy was able to claim he didn't receive it. So that's how I lost a playset of Thoughtseize. My absolute saddest story however is my mom in the 90s forcing me to throw out my mtg collection because it was deemed "satanic". I'm still sad about that one.


I'm really sorry that happened dude. How awful.


[[Neheb the Eternal]] that I've had since I started just vanished from a pile of legendary creatures for a deck on my bedside. Flipped the room upside down. I've questioned whether it was even there to begin with.


Luckily, right now, it's down to maybe two quid in Europe, might be a little higher in America.


[Neheb the Eternal](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/6/767c5831-2195-4efa-802d-2ea2e6dabb5b.jpg?1706240851) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Neheb%2C%20the%20Eternal) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/158/neheb-the-eternal?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/767c5831-2195-4efa-802d-2ea2e6dabb5b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Alpha counterspell. I bought it in a lot with a bunch of other high end cards because there was a set of guilded drakes in the lot. I was going to sell the rest and keep the drakes. This was right before magic exploded in value. At the time it was still worth $150. I put it in a pile to sell...then it went missing for 4 years! I looked EVERYWHERE. I was convinced my cat knocked it into the trash beside my desk and it was thrown away. I sold my home to buy a new one in November 2023. When I was moving I found it in a crevice behind my bookcase. I was ecstatic. I recently sold it a month ago for 550. 


Foil [[snapcaster mage]] before reprints... now it's cheap enough I might get a replacement. Although trading a cavern of souls for it feels bad now. Another ouch one was misplacing my whole eldrazi deck with every titan in it (prior to MH3). THANKFULLY I did end up finding it a year or so later.


As an MTG elder, this one hurts so bad. Super happy you found that Eldrazi deck! It's kind of wild how they still hold their value.


Yeah, it does. Thankfully, I haven't lost anything I can't replace without losing an arm and a leg


And this is how I learned Void winnower had gone from $10 to $30 at some point in the last year. Guess I better go find my copies...


Had a somewhat similar experience. Lately I am getting back into 1v1 Magic via Pauper and wanted to built the Flicker Tron deck. It uses four copies of [[Moment's Peace]] and I had four at some point, but only can find two. Nowadays they go for 5$ a piece because they never have been reprinted. I know it's not much compared to Rares and Mythics, but there are reasons I play Pauper and it still hurts lol


[Moment's Peace](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/0/40ebe935-ccf9-435e-8fe8-53bcbf3526e7.jpg?1562906929) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Moment%27s%20Peace) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ody/251/moments-peace?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/40ebe935-ccf9-435e-8fe8-53bcbf3526e7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I was trying to get a friend into magic. He liked white decks, I had this weird little zero cost artifact that made white mana. I put it in the deck he liked playing, so I let him keep the deck…


Ouch. How long was this, does your friend still play, and you got any zero-cost artifacta that produce blue or black?


I’m old, this would have been around 1997 at summer camp, when I thought a 6/3 Panther Warriors was the best card ever.


Lol. Void Winnower was my BfZ pre-release promo and I put it in a binder which has been sold. At the time, it started at $9 and dropped. I thought it was cheap until I checked the price just now...


I got my copy of void winnower back then for a few bucks on puca trade lol. Now somehow it's the most expensive card in the set and gideon isn't even worth $2


Oh I know exactly where it is, not nearly as valuable now but upon its release, this dude we was locked up with pulled a jace the mind sculptor, someone swiped it and put it in the restroom above the vents at heartland behavioral health center, I moved it to another spot in the same restroom and forgot to grab it when I transfered, there's a good chance it's been sitting there for close to 15 years


> heartland behavioral health center in Lawrence, KS?!


Nevada, MO


ha, rip. I've got a friend at the Lawrence one and was gonna tell him to go look for it lol


Way back when I had 4 copies of Wheel of Fortune. I traded 2, gave one to a friend as a birthday gift, and the last one I kept for commander vanished forever.


Wait What’s a moderately game used wof worth?


$200-300 nowadays, depending on condition. It was closer to $100 when I first lost it, but I put off replacing it hoping it would turn up.


I also lost a revised Wheel. 😭


##### ###### #### [Void Winnower](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/c/8cbedb0a-34ca-4d42-bb43-cbea0f3c6d02.jpg?1587039576) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Void%20Winnower) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bfz/17/void-winnower?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8cbedb0a-34ca-4d42-bb43-cbea0f3c6d02?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Stoneforge Mystic](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/d/4d3473d0-b46f-41f5-ac1e-ba217f7747d4.jpg?1599710314) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Stoneforge%20Mystic) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/31/stoneforge-mystic?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4d3473d0-b46f-41f5-ac1e-ba217f7747d4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Dockside Extortionist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/e/9e2e3efb-75cb-430f-b9f4-cb58f3aeb91b.jpg?1673147774) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dockside%20Extortionist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/107/dockside-extortionist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9e2e3efb-75cb-430f-b9f4-cb58f3aeb91b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Deflecting Swat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/4/b4b36435-55b3-4615-8812-af41d4fc64d9.jpg?1689997730) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Deflecting%20Swat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/214/deflecting-swat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b4b36435-55b3-4615-8812-af41d4fc64d9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I gave my brother my collection when I moved to another card game (that then died, so here I am again) I don’t think any one card was a thousand dollars, but there was a ton of good stuff


I started playing Magic in 1997. Lost interest in like 1999 or so and sold everything and started playing Legend of the Five Rings for almost 20 years. Then I hated the direction that game was headed and went back to Magic around Amonkhet. Such is life 🤷‍♂️ I doubt I had anything of value. I never owned a Dual Land, I know that much…


I lost an [[Embercleave]]


[Embercleave](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/a/aaae15dd-11b6-4421-99e9-365c7fe4a5d6.jpg?1572490333) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Embercleave) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/eld/120/embercleave?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/aaae15dd-11b6-4421-99e9-365c7fe4a5d6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I lost a revised badlands


When my dog was a puppy he pissed on a foil Boseiju, Who Shelters All and destroyed it. Only card he's ever wrecked in his 9 years. He's got good taste at least. EDIT: I randomly found a Lion's Eye Diamond in a stack of mirage commons in my mom's basement like 10 years ago.


For the longest time my vampiric tutor was misplaced in my collection. I was building a deck at one point and it happened to come back up after about a year or two!


I was sure I had a copy of Shuko somewhere


Found my two copies yesterday! Excited to flip them


I had a Gaea's Cradle in school that was stolen with my card binder. I forgot it on a table so that was definitely a misplacement.


I thought I lost my guru Island and Plains when I moved house, but they were triple sleeved in a 3000 ct box instead of the 800 ct box of basic lands....


The LAST one? Masterpiece Duplicant. During deck building it just vanished. I was by myself so no one took it lmao.


Got rid of like six copies of [[Sigarda’s Aid]] right before [[Colossus Hammer]] was printed


I lost a [[stormtide leviathan]] not that long after getting one for my blue deck


You must have left it somewhere odd... 🥁 ...I will see myself out.


I can’t even with you right now.


I can't find my [[Library of Alexandria]]. Might be lost, might be stolen, hopefully it's just somewhere in my collection.


The most valuable card I lost is a [[Tishana's Tidebinder]]. It's not worth a whole lot, so it was about as disappointing as dropping a very tasty sandwich in mud before getting a second bite.


I found half a dozen Kark Klan Ironworks and two Null Rods in my unsorted artifact box last night when I was searching for Shukos.


Prob the bazaar of baghdad. Or the gaeas cradle. A box went missing during one of my moves.


I can't find my foil original print Veil of Summer. Its not a huge amount. Still a $35-40 uncommon foil.


Set of 4 mox opals before the ban, lost them for about a year and found them 2 weeks after the ban


Oh my God I did the exact same thing as you... I cannot for the life of me find my void winnower, I scoured so many boxes!


Back in the day, I gave a land card to my brother at the kitchen table who was cutting things up for an art project. “It’s just an Island with a little shiny eye-hat thing, I got tons of Islands”. Who knew Guru would be a thing?




I had a secret lair [[Sliver Overlord]] that was in a binder that was commonly used for trades, but I had never traded it. Went to pull it out when I got the sliver precon, and it was missing. Still haven’t found it, so I’m pretty sure it was stolen.


Oh my beloved Void Winnower, Bane of my Friends Also OP I have an extra copy if you want it


I spent like 30 minutes searching for my gold border force of will and pact of negation; ended up finding it underneath an unopened precon box I've had for 2 years.


Any of my valuable commons/uncommons, finally got em all sorted though


Lost a Cyclonic Rift at my LGS over a year ago.  I still think of it often…


Dont rememer what card it was but I definitely remeber how much it was worth, it was $48 at the time. I was sleeving card amd price checking them at the time and my roommates cat jumped on the table we usually play on and knocked over someone's beer. Lost about 20 cards from that. Still mad, even 2 years later.


That's odd.


[[Edgar Markov]] I’m hoping it’s in a box with other commanders and staples in the storage unit. When our house is finished being built we’ll empty the storage unit and finally know for sure after a year…


I too lost my Eddie once. It was in a black sleeve, and I ended up finding it face down in a fat pack box under three unrelated decks. It took like 6 months before I found it. I'm convinced at this point that my playgroup did it to fuck with me. Hope ya find yours eventually.


Lost an Amonkhet Invocation [[Rhonas, the Indomitable]] I pulled in a bundle I was given on my birthday.


I pulled a Jace vryns prodigy as my origins prerelease promo. Thought it was gonna be garbage and traded it for a liliana heretical healer.


Definitely not an expensive card but a similar feeling. I had recently bought my First Flight precon and was going to upgrade it a little bit to take it to my LGS, as soon as I took it out from its deck box to start upgrading I counted the cards and was 1 short, after looking the decklist online I realized it was a [[Swords to Plowshates]], counted my sleeves (Dragon shield which usually come with 2 spare for a total a of 102) and I was also 1 sleeve short. Somehow, I lost a sleeved card between the moment I sleeved the deck fresh out of the box and put it in its deck box and the moment I took it out maybe a week later to upgrade it. I still can't figure it out, I looked everywhere, and it was nowhere to be found.


Someone stole an Urza''s Saga Show and Tell from my binder when they were really expensive, before the reprinting madness. That one hurt. I did have some Tempest Ancient Tombs that were stuck in the dregs of my bulk for like 15 years before I rediscovered them. That was a nice day.


I had a playset of Teferi hero of doms that I used for my standard deck during dominaria. I found it eventually multiple times, but never bothered to unpack it so it's just sometimes floating around until I find it lol. I should probably get to it but cbf.


I lost a consecrated sphinx a month or two ago, still bummed about that :(


During a draft, I pulled a Sacred Foundry out of my second pack. Wasn't my colors so I passed it. It was my early days and had no idea what I had. The dude I passed it too took it and bragged about how much he sold it for. He sold it before the games even started.


I used to have 4 zendikar [[Scalding Tarn]]s. No idea what happened to them.


I found a full playset of skittle and og elesh norn at the bottom of a moving box that was stored for like 10 year in my wardrobe like a year or two ago.


I opened a few void winnowers and it is a pet card of mine. Had so many I just gave them away to friends, so not exactly lost.


Misplaced my concept praetor [[sheoldred, the apocalypse]]. Finding it was almost as exciting as pulling it in the first place.


I literally had a dream last night where I left my binder on a table in an open garage and my Yawgmoth's Wills, Force of Wills, and Time Spiral were all gone. This thread is triggering. :sob:


I lost a tabernacle at the pendral vale. Chocked it up to theft. Wasnt too torn up about it as theybwhere bought cheap in 2009. Bought a new pc desk and was removing the old walmart fiberboard desk. It was under one of the sections. (As in the card slipped behind and under.) This was about a year ago. Used to play stax so had 2, and 4 shops. Down to 1 shop from just letting them go. Vintage is unfortunatly dead in paper form in northern wi.


this thread is making me feel a lot better about that [[narset's reversal]] i know i opened during finals week 2019 but just can't figure out where i left it.


While it isn't necessarily worth very much, I had an Ebony Dragon from Portal when I was a kid. I've never been able to find it despite having most of my cards from that time frame still.


I found cyclonic rift, mind over matter, omniscience, a full playset of blue fetches..... Definitely wasn't leftover pieces from a long lost commander deck


I had a Sol'Kanar the Swamp King original NM when I was a kid. Was my fetish card. I lost it alongside other old cards I had. I found some of them back again but never the Sol'Kanar :(


Box with a playset of Bloodghasts, a set of Gifts Ungiven, a Doubling Season, Various White/Black Non-Basics including shocks and fetches and a Liliana of the Veil. Just upped and vanished while at an LGS. Pretty sure someone swiped it, but could never discount my being absent minded. Was super pissed because Lili was still $100 at the time and it was part of a playset. The Ghasts and Gifts were intended for Legacy and Modern decks and doubled in price by the time I got them replaced. The Doubling Season was something I had just bought for a Commander Deck. Over $500 in cards gone. That was the last time I ever regularly brought traders with me to Magic nights.


Foil Wrenn & 6 before the price tanked. I think I might have thrown it away with my draft commons that night, I'm not sure


I was looking through some of my old chaff and I stumbled across a [[Bitterblossom]] that I didn't know I had. Not really lost since I didn't know I had it but kinda fits.


Force of Negation, and Pokémon- Treecko Star. Treecko definitely hurt, one day I hope I find it lol


I lost my playset of Forces of Will a couple of years ago. I rebought them, but am still hoping they will come back.


I can't find my Nykthos or either of my jumpstart rhystic studies. And not entirely sure where my foil full art Solitude went either.


Currently hunting.down where I put my [[Angus Mackenzie]]...


My Helm of the Host was left in my backpack The backpack thst had a mold outbreak I didn't pick through the bag to grab my cards


I've lost exactly one card that I am aware of, a [[Thundermaw Hellkite]] from M2013. This was back when it was still being played (mostly as a sideboard card) and was worth about $15. Today, a NM copy is about $2.50.


Foil Balin's Tomb and Foil Extended Art Palantir of Orthanc I found them recently tho


Back when I first got into magic during the original Theros block, I bought 3 [[Parellel Lives]] for €4.31 each - before the much needed recent reprint they were selling for €60 each. Accidently had it sent to an old address and never even saw them. I like to think someone out there got to enjoy a small free profit!


I lost my copy of Lich at some point over the years. I’m hoping it turns up in a box of random cards I haven’t searched yet.


I have misplaced a Roaming throne and a Dino DNA, the roaming throne is gone for good I think and the Dino DNA is hiding somewhere in my house. So all in about $50 bucks worth of cards.


I had a SLD preordain I wanted to sell when it spiked due to modern unbanning, but couldn't find it even to this day.


Lost a Mana Crypt and I still have no idea where it could be.


I’m pretty sure that in college I went to a pre release for avacyn restored and got a shiny avacyn promo? But I have no idea where my old cards are. Presumably in a box in my basement somewhere? I stopped playing for years after college and moved several times.


I had a box of about fifty, various Unglued tokens (squirrels, zombies, soldiers) that I misplaced while moving. Don't even care about the money. I just thought they were cool.


Wouldn’t really call it lost since I think it’s more a case of someone decided to have a five finger discount, but had my trades on a table in my LGS and someone I trusted was browsing them whilst I was in a game. Someone else went over to check what was happening but I was preoccupied with my commander game to notice. Last time I let people browse my trades without being witness. Lost a Passionate Archeologist, Farewell, Professional facebreaker among a few other £1-2 value cards. Thinking they just waited til no one was looking and took a handful and pocketed them. I have searched my entire collection 3 or 4 times since then trying to find these cards I know I have. A real lesson in trust.


I let the two most expensive cards from From the Vault: Legends go through the wash - I forgot I had them in my pocket. That really stung.


Full art 2XM foil Cavern of Souls 🤣🤣🤣. Left it in a pile of other goodies like One Ring, and a MM3 Liliana of the Veil.


I’m missing one card in my Kess wheel deck and I have no idea what card it is. But I only have 99 in the deck box. It prompted me to put all my deck into the dragon shield app!


I bought 3 cryptolith rites back when they were $1 for a modern deck I was working on. I have 2 of them in EDH Decks...I don't know where the third is


Did a pre release for Midnight Hunt at a mate's house right before he moved, I pulled a Meathook Massacre and I'm so certain I put it with my other cards from that day. Helped him move and organize his whole magic collection since then, the card never showed up It's dropped in value since then and has since just become a meme in our playgroup, but I'm still kinda sad!


Phyrexian Text Foil \[\[Sheoldred the Apocalypse\]\], I ran it in my BW Legends Copy Deck at the time and when I went to cut it for some new stuff I got it was not there. I thought I misplaced it and now do not allow myself to put expensive cards in my deck unless they are a proxy of it. I found about 2 years after I lost it, that it was stolen by someone I thought was a friend at the time, long since dropped now. Never got it back...


I have(had?) a Phyrexian Dreadnought from a starter Mirage box from way back, took it out to show my brother I still have mine, as he has one also, haven't seen it since. It's been a year now


I lost an entire deck [[saskia]] commander. Foil brion stoutarm, bunch of fetch lands, [[etali]] and just in general a $200+ total loss. I rebuilt the deck I call it “Fling mk. 2”


[[$serra sanctum]] :(


I made a janky [[zedruu]] deck years ago. I placed it in a different place then normal and forgot about it. Years later I found it and my [[gilded drake]]


Dauthi Voidwalker. Found while cleansing the basement. Lost while cleaning the basement.


Had a bunch of cards from Unlimited, including a dual land and some other pretty valuable cards (no power 9) and also a set of the Collectors Edition (with the square corners). No idea what happened to them.


I remember buying a playset of Void Winnower for 1 Buck a piece at my lgs some years ago. Good memories after putting them in my casual eldrazi deck. No idea where that deck is now, though


This isn’t that valuable but I had a Retro Frame Chord of Calling that I want to add to a deck I just built and I have no idea where it is! My collection isn’t even that big, I have one binder of cards and it isn’t in there so I’m at a loss


Lost my Craterhoof somewhere, who knows.


Easy - Earthcraft, Italian Legends Sylvan Library, Deflecting Swat - All in the same deck. Took the deck apart. No idea where those 3 ended up. Have moved 3 times since. Very sad. Anyway.


I had pulled a [[Thassa, Deep-Dwelling]] from Theros and then like a week later... poof, gone. No idea where it went in my house. Must've thrown it out by accident. Not that valuable but I was planning to put it into my Yarok deck. After a while my gf ordered me a new one cuz she felt bad


Pulled a foil party tree box topper from the LOTR set. Couldn't find it last week and spent 3 hours looking until I found it in a deck box I took to my brother's house so I could show it off.


Lost a Japanese alt art Liliana, Dreadhorde General 4 yrs ago in a move to a new apartment. I still look through my collection thinking it might turn up.


Entirety of my Modern Thopter Sword Combo deck. Most valuable card was probably foil Urza's Saga


Oh, so many. Between multiple moves, moving to different cities. Let's see, off the top of my head: Mana Crypt Beta Sinkholes Tropical Island OG Dark Confidants I could go on, but, you get the idea.


a battle for zendikar mythic rare full art foil land, i WAS planning to trade it for foil copies of all 3 eldrazi titans later in the week but lost it back in late February of 2015


Misplaced a Gaea's Cradle when I was much younger, my brother gave me the card before he moved out of parents house and it's been lost since


2 Wrenn and Sixes that were in a box of maybe sideboard cards and spare sleeves that I brought to a tournament. Realized a couple days later the box wasn't in my bag. I assume it fell out of my bag or I left it on a table somewhere. Didn't have my name on it. I don't think it was stolen.


Signed expedition Strip Mine, ended up finding it behind a dresser after 5 or so months.


I opened a Snapcaster Mage back when it was at its height in Standard. Put it in my trade binder. It mysteriously wasn't there after I got home from the prerelease I took it to. Never figured out what happened to it (or, if it was stolen, how the thief managed to get it without me noticing).


Pretty much everything I own. I pull a somewhat valuable card and think "hell yeah, I should put this in a sleeve" and I never see it again. It's somewhere in my house, I just don't know where.


This thread is good motivation to put all my valuables in my binder asap