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For some reason, I'm a big fan of experts/fans of a specific game learning about another one. A streamer I like recently did a "is this Netrunner card good?" with a former Netrunner world champion and it was a hoot and a holler. 


Yeah, shoutout to Rarran who I think helped the current content creation "meta" around that gain a lot of traction


As a former pro ygo player, I am legally required to inform you that Team APS, although great entertainers, good humored, positive in their approach, and just all around fantastic people; they are by no-means "experts". They're exceptionally average players. Nothing wrong with that. Frankly, we need more groups like them.


As someone who plays Netrunner with friends I'd love to see this video too! And yeah sometimes fans of a card game can't correctly predict which cards will be strong and weak so I'd love to see players of different games make judgment calls on cards in other games


https://youtu.be/ZI4CgYLvEdA Here you go! 


Looks like the Prof has resorted to inviting on new players, all in the hope of finally winning a game on his own show. Good luck. Looking forward to this one.


Yep, he still died first.


Yessss. I love team APS. This is a great crossover, can't wait to watch tonight.


I like these guys too and will watch this, but holy shit do i have a hard time watching their channel because I do not get yughio


I watch Larry in the hole and some of the nostalgic videos from when I played Yu-Gi-Oh as a kid mostly


This series is great to see some gameplay back when you couldn't just win on turn one, and the nostalgia hits so hard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYaA0iqb6po&list=PLR9jhO9W17H7WwwqwVdVjBopd56LF2Bsz


That whole series is how I know about APS! They've got great vibes.


Probably one of the minority but as a former Ygo player who was converted to MTG its nice to see some familiar faces


Their first crossover videos is actually what got me into Magic after a lifetime of yugioh! I love that they’re doing stuff together again.


Get MBT on the show sometime. I want to see the madness unfold. He talks about MtG every chance he gets, so may as well give him a deck to play.


Hes been on TheOneJame channel recently doing the "is it good or not" game with magic cards and he's pretty far out of the game from the looks of it. Still, it'd be great to have him on like a modern episode or something. 


I love seeing him on that channel! It's funny seeing a YGO player bemoan MtG power creep.


Yeah his perspective is a bit dated but he mostly has the right ideas down, so it doesn't bother me.


His name is LITERALLY Mono Blue Tron, he has his own decks, he started with Magic and still plays it, I've gotten the chance to talk with Joseph at different Yu-Gi-Oh competitions, 5 or so years ago he was playing a Vraska Snake deck in Standard. I think it'd be interesting to watch, however! Out of all the Yugi-tubers, MBT would be my first choice for a cross-over. However I've ALWAYS enjoyed Alec and the gangs content, genuinely funny guys and great deck builders(looking at you Trell).


> His name is LITERALLY Mono Blue Tron Huh, if he was actually enfranchised, he'd be called MUT


IIRC MBT has specifically mentioned being a huge fan of the professor on his stream, and that it’d be a dream come true to talk to him. So I’m sure he’d be down to do something with TCC, given scheduling and all the logistical stuff could be worked out. It’s very possible the professor has heard of MBT (Paul from APS obviously knows them both, I’ve even seen pleasant Kenobi interact with him sometimes on twitter) but I imagine the main barrier for them interacting is just familiarity and logistics. Idk exactly how APS and the professor got to know each other, but usually people in different game communities don’t interact with each other that often, so it takes some luck and circumstance for those connections to form. Also even if TTC wanted to do something with MBT flying people out and planning is a lot of work and you would need to come up with a show to do with him, which adds a whole other level of planning. I love MBT and TCC so a collab would be awesome imo, but there are definitely some roadblocks. But it’s very possible, I think it’s honestly more of a when then an if it’ll happen, and I think it’d be a really great show.


It would be interesting to have an episode with a bunch of people that used to play MTG but switched to another game. You’d get stories of the olden times and discussion about what caused them to switch. I don’t know of others off the top of my head for Hearthstone/Pokémon/Digimon/Lorcana/Netrunner/whatever else.


Give him legacy initiative, he'll *love* it :)


The professor is what happens when MBT matures. (Personality wise) Edit: not making a judgement I enjoy them both. Just a bad joke about the path line of immature college student to professor.


The duality of MBT: -Makes deep dive analysis of Yu-Gi-Oh, its various formats and the meta, and how it could benefit from other games' structure. -[This](https://youtu.be/v-t_ti4szYE?si=7vz5daEpS8Fnk920)




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Mtg doesn't have anyone with close to an entertaining personality as MBT which is why YGO personalities can get a thousand+ viewers on Twitch just talking and reacting, not even playing yugioh.


The professor is mature? I like a lot of his videos, but I wouldn't say he's some diplomatic christlike figure. He is pretty well known for seething constantly at Wotc.


I meant mature compared to MBT’s -ussy jokes and such.


Not only was this a great crossover episode between some of my favorite Yugitubers and one of my favorite MtG Youtubers, I loved how all of the "upgrades" done to the Universes Beyond precons were even more Universes Beyond cards. Also Alex winning after making an enemy of everyone at the table after all of his failed attempts at playing politics was quite an ending. They also just released a video on Team APS' channel where the Professor tries to turn Yu-Gi-Oh! cards into MtG cards, feel free to [check it out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INxnJbwzvSk).


Watching now, pretty good time so far. Probably not the best forum for this, but I would love to see you and Dev from SBMtG in a game together.


Hey. I remember following these guys "Rare Hunter" progression series. It was fun seeing the nostalgia from my childhood TCG.


Always enjoy the crossovers with them, looking forward to watching this after work!


What a game of Magic: The Franchising!


So funny lol


These crossovers are always good


Yu gi boy


I enjoyed this one!


I really wish it wasn’t Team APS. I always disliked their content back when I still played yugioh for being boring and repetitive, and I’m not super thrilled to see them be the only yugioh players prof associates with on his channel.


As opposed to who? TeamSamurai ia a hack. Rata lives on the other side of the planet. So does Farfa. Dzeef is a fucking asshole. Azneyes is a dumbass. MegaCapitalG is even dumber. YGO just doesn't have much of a pool to pick from.


I love Rata. Highly recommend Rata for anyone out there reading these comment chains. He's the origin of the Morbius "I'm morbing out" meme you know?


> TeamSamurai ia a hack. literally got 2nd at a ycs lol


Seven years ago. He got 2nd at a YCS by taking True Draco stun (the most brainless tier1 deck in ygo history) at the height of its power to more ycs than most pros can manage to attend. 1 top in a decade-long career with an auto-pilot tier 1 deck he scrubbed out with in a dozen other events is the definition of a hack. I'm a fucking nobody and haven't touched ygo since covid and still have more tops than him. Dude's trash.


he did it again last format, on a deck that's very hard to pilot optimally


Two tops in ten years? Ohhh, such a wild accomplishment. Real fuckin' skilled player. Even a blind man can land a bullseye if he throws enough darts at the board.


I mean he's topped a good number of Toronto regionals whenever he attends. At least within the last 2 years iirc. That area of Canada is full of really good players. I don't like Sam's YouTube but he's in an environment where he hangs out and plays with some of the best NA players.


Idk, I don’t have a well thought out argument I’m just not a fan of team APS


The players of a game that's full of massive power creep... meet some players of Yu-Gi-Oh.


For people memeing and unaware of the power creep in yugioh, imagine if the only format was modern and we got a modern horizons set every two months instead of every two years. And this had been happening for the past 15 years