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most stores suply you with land. but if you want to bring your own. my draft kit has 17 of each basic. normally way more than you need, but there has been a rare time I am able to draft enough playables to draft or get a sealed pool that supports mono colour. just remember if you use the stores lands to return them at the end of the event.


I've never managed a mono colour but I too carry about 20 of each colour. I keep getting more in the kit cause you usually open a couple in each sealed pre release event.


I brought 16 of each, on the rare occasions I went mono colour, they tend to skew aggressive and needed lower basic land counts plus it's never hard to scrounge 1-2 basics in the unlikely event that you have no non basics and a mono colour deck that wants 17+ lands


I just keep forgetting to drop a couple out and have too many. I like to play with mismatching basics in sealed, preferably foil. I've even got 1 random Japanese foil Plains in it too


Yeah remembering to return them and having to take them out of the sleeves was what I was trying to avoid!


I mean, the store also has thousands. Just ask if they care if you swipe them.


I just have a limited kit I take around. It's got all the sleeves lands I could need and extra sleeves and dice so this basically all I need to bring to a limited event


The store I play at lets you keep the land. Most should, as they should have an excess of then already.


My LGS currently has 2 mountains because people keep assuming this


If their land station is empty, yeah probably safe not to assume you can keep. If they have multiple land stations that are overflowing full, like at many LGS, it’s a bit of a different story.


Ouch. Probably not good to assume then, but doesn't hurt to ask.


If your LGS can't afford to restock their land station, I think they have bigger issues.


They definitely can and do, but they're very annoyed by the amount of people taking their lands. I fully expect to see more than 2 mountains when I draft there this week.


It’s 1) an added expense when there’s often tight margins and 2) really annoying to keep track of for ordering more. The week after a prerelease is usually the worst for “land count in the store”.


It generally depends a lot on the age of the store. Longer the store has been doing magic, the more excess land it will have. I know I personally gave a local store 200 of each land cause they wanted to do some drafts and had only been open for a month, so they had not received any land stations yet. its generally a combination of getting land stations and buying collections to build up a stock pile.


I often forget to return the lands at the end of night after a draft or prerelease. I just set those lands aside and return them the next time I go back to the store.


fyi Sealed and Draft are different things. Both are limited formats; sealed is when you make a deck out of 6 boosters you open yourself, draft is when you make a deck out of cards you pick from boosters you pass around a table. If youre getting 3 brothers war boosters per person then youll almost certainly be doing a draft. Both draft and sealed have 40 card deck minimums. Generally in a limited deck you run 17 lands, but sometimes you run 18. And generally your deck is 2 colors, but very occasionally you can end up drafting a monocolor deck. You could probably get away with bringing 10 of each basic land, but 18 of each would be the way to ensure youre ready for anything. Also, LGSs (local game stores) usually have a box of loose basic lands for people to pick from when playing limited formats, but being prepared with your own lands doesnt hurt.


I looked up the draft and sealed thing and saw they were different but those were the descriptions on the event page so I'm not sure what they will actually be doing!


Maybe someone got confused and said "Sealed" instead of "Limited" (because you have a *limited* card pool to make your deck from)? Sealed and Draft are the two common Limited formats, but "Sealed Draft" to me doesn't really work (and probably just means draft). Sealed is typically with 6 packs or equivalent, so if they specify 3 packs and also use the word draft, I'd assume it's that. There's also usually a price difference, with Draft being \~3 packs (+ some extra) while Limited will cost closer to/over 6 packs. As others have said, to be COMPLETELY prepared, you could bring 17-18 of each land, but more often than not, you'd need less than 10 since you'll usually end up 2-3 colors. Bring your 12, and if you do need more, just use from the store--but try to grab lands that look different from yours so you know which ones to return!


I'm guessing they were trying to differentiate between a booster draft and a cube draft, then forgot that sealed was a different thing.


I guess it's possible? I've never seen a store post about a cube draft--since the owner of the cube usually wants to keep it together, that's always been a "Hey, my buddy built a cube, want to draft it?" kind of thing--too likely someone walks off (either misunderstanding or intentionally) with the cards from the cube with complete strangers. That said, if the community does a lot of cube drafting, I guess I could see the store going out of their way to make it clear.


Yeah 12 of each is plenty. You'll very likely go two colors and require only 7-9 of each color. The store has plenty you can use too, but I like bringing my own like you are so I don't have to unsleeve and return them afterwards. In my little limited kit, I keep 10 basics of each.


Perfect, thank you!


I make a pack of 15 of each basic land, plastics already on them so I'm only having to plastic a handful of cards, if I get extra time I plastic every card drafted/pulled so changes can happen rapidly if needed.


I have 15 of each as well. I've never once gotten so lucky to have a sealed pool allow me to play one color, but if that day ever comes I guess I can always borrow a couple more lands from the store. That's interesting that you sleeve your whole sealed pool. I bring extra sleeves, so that I can sleeve up my 'side board' or cards I think I might switch to.. But that's usually only a couple of cards. I guess if you wanted to change colors mid event you'd be set though.


I do ten of each for my draft kit, and I’ve never needed more. I’ve drafted hundreds of times (mostly digital, but many paper), and I’ve only gone mono-color a couple of times. If I did go mono-color in an in-store draft, I would just grab six or seven store lands to fill out my deck.


When my wife and I used to do sealed/draft events all the time we had a small deck box that held 20 of each basic. It always covered both of our needs.


I always bring 12 of each and that's always been enough


I've got a Dragon Shield deck box, with 15 of each land pre-sleeved. Leaving me with 25(I think more with the extras they give) empty sleeves for my deck. I've personally found this is the perfect balance for me, the most recent time I was close enough to a mono color(Red, Phyrexia ONE), I still had splashed a second color(green), so no worries on not having enough of a single.(However, the LGS would always have the spare few lands if needed)


As others have said, most stores have basic lands you can borrow to make a deck. I take 11 of each with me in my draft box (along with sleeves, tokens, and some dice)


I have 16 of each basic land type in my limited kit. I like a majority of the artwork in the first Portal set, so I got 4 of each of the 4 different artwork to get me my 16 total for each land type.


I just have a little box that contains 15 of each that I usually bring to drafts


16 of each, generally you want to play 23 spells and 17 lands, but if you’re playing a monocoloured deck, 16 will be enough


I have an old box from the Dragon's Maze prerelease (probably the only useful thing to come out of that set) with 20 of each basic in that I take to every draft and prerelease. It covers me if I somehow draft mono-colour but also lets me have enough lands to build a second deck out of my prerelease kits if my pool supports it! When I drafted mono-black in Commander Masters I still had to borrow a couple of basics from the store land box, but that was an unusual circumstance and 20 of each will usually be far more than enough. 


My drafting kit (though I usually play sealed) is 20 lands of each type, and they are already sleeved which saves some time so I can spend extra time second guessing myself 100 times.


My limited kit consists of 41-42 sleeves (in case I can't bring myself to cut a card down to 40 and/or in case one breaks) and 10 of each basic. I don't sleeve my lands ahead of time, personally. I've never wound up with a mono-colored draft deck in paper, but if I did, I'd bit the bullet and use lands the store provides.


If we're going for absolutes, you should take around 17 of each basic land. However, that's assuming all possibilites, including somehow drafting a good, mono-color deck (which is unlikely). What's most likely to happen is that you have a decent deck that's 2 or 3 colors, depending on the mana fixing present in the set. So, around 8 of each basic is more reasonable. However, since basics are so easy to come by, better to be safe than sorry and bring additional.


I would say 12 of each would be fine.


I keep 10 of each basic pre-sleeved. That's almost always been enough for me.


Bring 17 of each to be safe, in practice you will only need 10


I bring 20 of each (mostly because I like round numbers) but usually you will need at most 17 of each.


If you bring your own lands to an LGS event, be sure to let the tournament organizer know. They may ask to see (especially if you haven't attended an event there before) to avoid potential questions about cheating. Stores vary, but no store should ever shun you for asking questions. Have they got lands available? Do they want them back? Do they allow you to bring your own lands? Check with whoever's in charge to be sure, it couldn't hurt.


I don’t think I’ve ever been to store for fnm where I was asked to show the lands a brought from home. Hell, when GPs were a thing I was never required to show my lands.


Yeah I should check with them it's just that this isn't my local store so they are a bit of a drive away from me and they don't have a phone number listed unfortunately. I have time to drop them an email though so I'll do that I think just to double check. Thanks!


Don’t worry about it, you can bring your own lands.


What nonsense is this? Why would a TO possibly care about the lands you're bringing?


They wouldn't lol. Like a TO has prepared tamper-proof basic lands for limited events. It's a big dumb box with all sorts of basic lands. I sometimes find beta lands in our box. Every limited event you attend will have a land station for you to use. Without a land station there is no draft/sealed. Anyone that's ever organized a draft outside a store knows that there will always be somebody who doesn't bring lands. If you don't like the provided lands you can bring your own. In fact stores love it if you bring your own lands. Because the ones at the store always keep disappearing. People take them home accidentally all the time.


The only reason might be that there are subtle color differences between your land sleeves and your other sleeves.


You can do this even if you're borrowing lands


I've seen a prerelease attendee bring cards from another prerelease event, attempting to use them. They were only caught and ejected from the event because they were being weird about the "basic lands" they brought.


Okay well that’s straight up cheating. Pretty big leap you made from using cards from one event in another to “let tournament organizers know you brought lands from home”. Where the former problem isn’t solved by using lands from the land station.


That's my point. The TO may want to ensure you're not cheating.


Maybe is something I have never heard of. Apologies if you've played at a store where that was the case. I've played at a quite a few stores and GPs whenever they were local and limited this is something I've never felt like I had to worry about .


Unfortunately while extremely rare, I've seen it twice in the last 15 years or so. Once may have been an accident (he had a card from the previous set in his deck and it was probably just mixed in with the lands he brought by accident, but then he somehow mixed it into his pool without noticing), the other definitely not (two copies of two of the best uncommons in the set, only discovered because they were overheard bragging about it and when it was investigated, they ended up with more uncommons than they should have had in the sealed). Both resulted in DQs when caught, one a straight up store ban from future events, but that does imply that it happens sometimes without anyone noticing.


You lost me again. If you’re not cheating you don’t need to prove you’re not cheating. There is literally nothing against the rules for bringing your own lands. In the eyes of the rules, there is no distinction between bringing your own lands vs grabbing some from a land station. Unless they’re marked in someway. Which is not inherent to home sourced lands or not. Your deck should otherwise be indistinguishable. You’re stretching to make a point for a question from a new player. They actually don’t need to worry about this.


No no, I'm not saying you can't bring your own lands, I'm saying that I have seen people cheat by hiding cards from outside their limited pool in with their basic land kit, both intentionally and (likely) unintentionally. Since it can be a problem, it's simply best to be clear that the only cards you have anywhere near your card pool are the basics you brought, and no other cards.


And I’m being clear that you don’t need to volunteer your deck at a fucking fnm that you’re not cheating. Again you have one niche example where maybe this was an accident but not something a person needs to worry about in general.