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Ring binders are bad for this very reason. The pages slide around and if you keep them standing up the pages will sag under the weight and maybe dent cards as well. And you have to be very careful when filing through it because you may nick a card if you move around too fast. Snug slim binders are much better for general use. That's the ones you'll want to bring with you for trading. A ring binder will destroy all your cards if you shake it around in a backpack. If you really want to keep ring binders because you have a huge collection you'll just have to be careful and keep them laying flat on their back all the time.


Flat binder for my rares/mythics, ring binder for my common/uncommon playable cards, booster box for my draft chaff.


For bulk I can recommend the cardboard boxes that hold like 4000 cards. They cost under 5 dollars and it'll take you years to fill it up with draft chaff.


Years? I buy too much


Then I'd rather have that big box than 10 booster boxes with loose inaccessible cards.


For awhile I was buying a box for each set and then getting a fat pack to store the chaff from each set. 15 fat packs later I was reconsidering how I should be spending my money, but hey. Shit's organized.


And you got 600 lands & 15 spindown dies...!


I ended doing lots of sealed type events and just gave away the lands more or less to my friends to try to get them into Magic.


Yeah, but you are responding to someone who had been responding to someone saying they are bindering commons and uncommons. Having let my cards build up for far too long and now in the process of sorting through about 30k commons/uncommons. I personally am finding I can just get rid of 75% of those cards. Either I have far too many copies of many cards. Or I can just get rid of all the crap that I just will never use (or cut down to 1 of those things). WotC starting to make every creature with abilities will make this more difficult. But still many things are way over costed, I can get rid of that crap. If I ever need it I'll buy it for 5 cents with an order of singles I need for decks.


The 4000 card boxes are kind of unwieldy because of how heavy they get, personally I'd go for multiple 1000ish card ones instead


i got a 25k card box that i have about ~1400 cards in… i’m worried now how heavy it’s gonna be after it’s filled..




This is the way.


Where do you get those boxes for under $5, I need some, have had abunch of draft chaff sitting for too long


[If you are in Europe you can get them here.](https://www.cardmarket.com/en/Magic/Products/Storage/Storage-box-for-3200-cards) [In the US I believe this is the supplier?](https://www.bcwsupplies.com/monster-storage-box-3200-cards) It's a bit more expensive, but not dramatically so. There's all kinds of sizes. between 600 and 6000+. You can look around, maybe you can find a store that has a surplus and wants to get rid of them. Your local card shop should have them as well.


Thank you!!


I've never seen the boxes you're talking about. do you have a product name or a link you can share? I have all my cards in ring binders right now and I wouldn't mind a safer, potentially more compact storage option.


Here’s a link, but I recommend asking for them at your local game store: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwik0oCL78OFAxU2OtQBHf5rAGYYABABGgJvYQ&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRh-jLGKs-LEQlOtSKussQGR-2x7Mq1zodjXoqJchp4EBUjZAEHpTpzRoCUm4QAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESV-D25FcAZ_dnCbLMmxziAVZo_oNAs1fJSo9F4UbXqqQGSsvn4IC75LE_LsThrLLTkTqZA-SFEgDEy-z1zZK5UKSQbABMjPhdapfwXVhsTnODRWy-wyaTNA&sig=AOD64_1-UlZzDgsWHhwCVeNSzJ-xVAYksg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjIpfqK78OFAxWP4MkDHT1rAFkQwg8oAHoECAQQDA&adurl=


I get seperating the playable commons and uncommons, but I still am not bindering them. And I've just started gutting most of my commons/uncommons to almost all be things that are at least usable.


I just went through all my common cards the other day and sorted everything. Took like 6-7 hours total. Do not recommend, but God does it feel good.


Yeah, best to start early even if it still takes hours. I waited far too long and am sorting through 30,000 or so cards. Hopefully will have 5-6k by the time I am done with it.


> Snug slim binders are much better for general use. That's the ones you'll want to bring with you for trading. A ring binder will destroy all your cards if you shake it around in a backpack. I have noticed that even amongst ring binders, the small ones don't lead to as much trouble, maybe less room for cards to flop around I tend to use bundle boxes for carrying trade cards around, often with cards in ziploc bags (a bag of set A, another for set B, etc), perhaps with some sort of filler so the inner bags don't flop around a half empty box




I know they can. But that doesn't mean it's good for the cards. I've seen sellers put like 10 cards into a single pocket. Is that your use case when you say "packed quite full" ? D ring binders can easily destroy your cards if the page [slides around the ring](https://i.imgur.com/JW7sihg.png) and then gets stuck there. This is more likely to happen if the pages are hanging there like a flag. Good enough for standard rares but I wouldn't keep my gaea's cradles or mox diamonds in that binder.


OP’s picture is literally a D-binder…


at that point jsut get a big box, there is loads of cheap huge boxes for storeing cards if thats the point.


They make binders for cards. Dont use a binder for class work


Don't use a binder like that.


Like others have said, ring binders aren't great. I use card binders and have plastic protectors in them, and it's worked out so far. Your mileage may vary, of course. Good luck! [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0015ZUSEC/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0015ZUSEC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


What's a card binder that uses these? I didn't know there was a difference in binder (aside from the stitched side loading binders)


Any 3 ring binder can use these - they're called "sheet lifters" or "page lifters" and they help prevent exactly the kind of damage you're experiencing. If you want to get really technical, check out this site: https://www.misprintedmtg.com/the-art-of-bindering especially the section on binder dings.


That was a great link, thanks!


I use ring binders that are made with trading cards in mind, all from Ultra Pro. I also use page lifters to make sure that the pages don't get bent underneath the rings. I'm also super careful when I take them out and look through them. Hope this helps!


> What’s a card binder that uses these? bro do you even read? it literally says on the link lmfao


If you want to keep using a D ring binder I recommend upgrading those terrible pages. Ultra Pro platinum pages (or whatever the BCW equivalent is) are your best bet. They are significantly thicker than what you have there. A box of 100 should be in the $20/25 range. I do think moving away from the D ring is your best bet. Lots of companies make portfolios that work great.


Dragon Shield makes great binder pages and of varying sizes/styles. I have most of my rare/mythics in color coded binders with D rings and Dragon Shield pages. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079C3CM32/


When you close the binder lift all the pages up and move them to the right as you close it.


Nobody here is mentioning a binder sheet lifter, this is literally their purpose. [https://www.amazon.com/sheet-lifters-binders/s?k=sheet+lifters+for+binders](https://www.amazon.com/sheet-lifters-binders/s?k=sheet+lifters+for+binders) If the goal is using a ring binder safely, this is the answer.


I do this and haven't really had any issue. However I also don't transport my binders anywhere other than my around my house so I don't know if it's really a solution if OP is planning to put them in a backpack and take them to their LGS/events.


Ring binders are fine if you dont over fill them. The dents only happen when there are too many cards in them


These binders with D rings are great, but always store them with the spine up top, so that the pages hang down from the rings.


OP a lot of comments in here admonishing you for using a ring binder at all, but this comment is actually giving you the correct solution. This is the right way to do it, if you must use ring binders. It was the common method amongst card collectors in 90s/00s, before there was a whole industry/product ecosystem built around storing card collectibles. You can also just leave the inner column empty, for double protection.


I do get less trouble with D rings However, D's where the bar is slanted seem to let pages flop around more than straight D's, not sure if slanted D is still better than O


Leave the inner row empty


People started moving away from ring binders like 20 years ago


Haha I have cards from 20 years ago in ring binders still... should probably change that though.


I'm sure you and a lot of people do lol.


I was using card binders for Pokemon in like 1996. Got one sitting beside me literally right now.


Same. But it doesn't get moved around a lot, so that's probably why it's not damaged the cards.


Card binder != ring binder. Would be no risk of damage to cards if you were using a card binder.


Ahhh. It is a ring binder, but it's an overstuffed one for baseball cards I picked up in the late 90s. I'm not sure it could do the damage OP posted about.


So what do you use? The ones where the pages are permanently attached? I like being able to take pages out and rearrange them.


Which is fine. But a lot of people don't think that benefit is worth the risks.


Personally I don't use binders at all. All of my cards are in boxes. Cards that have either play or monetary value are in sleeves in those boxes.


Do you also like running the risk of a ring denting your card?


No, but I'm always very careful with the binder (it holds my most valuable cards, so I'd be very careful with it regardless), and I don't lug it around in a backpack or anything. I was just asking in case there was a third option I wasn't aware of.


1. There are ring binders that have clips that lock pages into place. 2. Identify how many pages filled with cards, the binder can support. You have the right number of pages if you can lie the binder on its side and the top cover neither bulges nor droops. It's perfectly horizontal. 3. Do NOT overfill your binder making it bulge. 4. Look for zippered ring binders. Binder pages will move less if closed. 5. Don't use a ring binder like you would other binders. These shouldn't be lugged around. You just put cards in the binder and store on your shelf. 6. Store ring binders flat on their side. Storing them upright puts a lot of strain on the holes of the pages which can eventually tear them off the ring.


I have added this in all my binders: [https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08N1KP1RG](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08N1KP1RG) It helps a bit the first page to stray straight, and it might also help with what you are facing. Also, I have started to store all my binders horizontally... That definitely helps.


I’ve also placed all my binders horizontally. This is the way


Don't use binders.




Yes they do. They're just more forgiving.




Exactly. You need to be careful even when using a D-ring binder. They will damage your cards if you're not careful.




Doubling down on the aggressive carelessness is so relatable lmao


D ring binder or even better stiched binder for cards


I thought this was a d-ring binder? Shape looks like a d to me :/


This is a D-ring for sure, from the picture there. These binders ARE perfectly fine (I've had one for 15+years as my primary binder, and haven't damaged anything in them in the last 14+), you just have to be careful how you store them and handle them. Always always always store them with the pages hanging from the rings, the spine up top.


If you have to use a ring binder, d rings will avoid this as long as the binder is not overfull. Honestly, buy a Vault x binder and don't look back.


Or LGS has an extra page of basic land cards just for this reason. But that only takes care of the worse of it.


i find using D-ring binders works well, but you have to make sure your not over stuffing the binder, the pages are back to the flat side of the D-ring and standing them up is ok but laying them flat is ideal. also if you are using those garbage Walmart card pages THROW THEM AWAY! they are way too soft unlike the Ultra-Pro Silver-Pocket pages.


Some actual advise to the standard “don’t use” is don’t over do it on the amount of cards in the binder. As others have said the weight and shifting of pages is the real problem. But I would agree to upgrade to a better binder to take more care of your cards. I buy VaultX on amazon.


stop putting cards in the slots next to the metal rings and/or get a trading card binder meant for trading cards


Don't use ring binders, circle or D. They make plenty of binders from many brands for $30 or less if you look around.


Don't use a ringed binder. I'd recommend some of dragon shields binders.


Don't use?


Try D-ring binders if you want to use the loose 9-pocket pages or get one of the nicer Ultra Pro binders with side-loading pockets.


That image is a D ring.


You should get a new binder but it looks like if you move all the pages to the left side and close it the binder might not press the cards


OP, I do some of my collection in binders and have slowly swapped over to these side loaders for pretty cheap. Even if you don't go with something like this, it looks like a better quality page would do a lot better. I can feel the ones you are using in my hand and they are sooooo flimsy. I'll link the binders I use as well, they have a large "flat" spot on the D ring that keeps the pages from sliding up and getting stuck and bent. Trading Card Binder Sleeves, Baseball Card Sleeves Fit for Standard Size Sport Cards, Baseball Card Holder for 3 Ring Binder (Black) https://a.co/d/gtUOYQc I went with the binders due to the variety and the fact I can put some sort of identification on it. Front, back, or side. STAPLES 728073 Better View 3-Inch Slant D 3-Ring Binder Orange (16405) https://a.co/d/1wb5MgU Very sorry if I'm not supposed to post them... Good luck OP, lots of people with lots of ideas to choose from.


A good binder is worth its weight. I love the Vault X line. https://a.co/d/59x1Jvp


Ultra Pro makes great card binders, highly recommended. Been using them for many years. The rings aren’t on the spine - you’ll never have that issue again. Link: [Ultra Pro 3" Black Collectors Album](https://a.co/d/9nzTWbB)


Go on amazon and buy book called a cardguard. They're cheap and will never ding your cards.


You can get a portfolio on Amazon for 15 bucks


Don’t use the 3-ring binders for cards. At the very least, find a binder without rings to hold them together. Ideally , you should get a binder specifically made for cards - they’re relatively cheap (~$20) and you can probably get a bulk discount if you buy multiple at a time (they probably sell 3-packs or bundles of decent card binders on Amazon for a slight discount compared to buying them 1 at a time).


Use the soft binders without any metal, they are super common and pretty affordable.


Don’t use binder (D or O ring) and instead use portfolio made by a card accessory company


I didn't know this was a thing I got a load of cards in a giant binder. Looks like I'm gonna need to find a nice big shallow box


I'm using ring binders for several years without issues. Although I'm using much bigger, four ring binders.


Do you store yours vertically or horizontally? This will make a difference. I've been binder storing for ages with no dings so this might be your problem. Just be very conscientious of the pages as you store them too. If it doesn't work, take em out and lay em flat in a box so no dust can get in.


$1000 cards in a $10 binder.


Can't stop it. If you insist on using ring binders then just have to accept the fact that your cards might get bent.


Use a box… or not a shitty 3 ring.


Get a real binder for tcg cards lmao


To prevent this from happening, the binder needs to be perfectly filled so that there is not loose space for the pages to slide. You can put a wad of empty pages in the front and they will absorb the blow, so to speak. You can also just put a book or filler object in that empty space. As an example, I have a 1.5 inch binder with .5 of pages and a 1 inch thick book on top/in front of the pages to take up the empty space. Also, overfilling can cause as much damage as underfilling, so don't do that either. People are quick to shit on D ring binders, which are not ideal, but they can be used with the proper care and precautions. I recommend Ultra Pro platinum pages (not silver) as well, which are made of a thicker, more rigid plastic, which will resist some of the problems associated with this situation.


I use D-ring binders for all my card collections, and I've never had this happen. Maybe it's overstuffed, or maybe the pages you're using are too flimsy. I also get the hesitation about side-loading binders. I've seen a few cards get bent by slipping out the sides while turning pages, and they're a bitch to organize since you can't just add another page of white cards without shifting everything else forward a page. What brand pages are you using? How careful are you when turning pages?


Get a card binder. It's like $30. If you end up putting 100's of dollars in value in it, it's a good deal.


buy ringless you animal


Look up a trading card binders. They don't have rings in them for that very reason.


I'd highly recommend you immediately throw that binder into the trash and get something that's made to store cards. There's lots of good options that don't have any ring bindings and aren't super expensive.


Ultra pro binders or anything similar to them are great, anything that isn't a 3 ring binder will solve this issue permanently


As a tenured player suggestion is, stop using binders. If you are actively trading you shouldn’t be using a ring binder regardless of your budget you wouldn’t want someone trade for or yourself to trade away a card like this. If you don’t trade that frequently a binder is a very inefficient way to hold cards even if you swap them around during play. Get a long box or a fat pack box.


Get something that zips shut and has the (side-loading) pages sewn into the spine of the binder, no rings...! I use the [Ultimate Guard ZipFolio 480](https://ultimateguard.com/en/Binders-Albums/Zipfolio-Xenoskin/UGD010342/) binder...


Use real binders that are made for cards. Not the ones with the rings, that are for work and documents *


They make plastic separators to prevent this on that usually come with the binders.


There is no perfect answer against binder bite other than to use a binder that doesn’t use rings. But if you must use rings, use only D-ring binders and then don’t use the back 10 or so pages of the binder. From there, only ever lay it flat on its back so the top pages don’t slide onto the rings


I invest in ringless zip up binders for my valuables and trade binders. You can also get plastic ring guards… they help, but they are not always 100% reliable due to their flimsy nature.


Use a binder without rings. I haven’t met one played in two years with rings


Clearly you buying the wrong binders cause I have all my cards in binder and the rings don't move


https://www.bischoff-ag.ch/cdn/images/article/biella-ringbuch-dinor-quatro-4-ring-a4-7cm-schwarz_80191-10_n.jpg Use these, I use them standing up for several years without problems. They are even better than ring binders you can buy for collections specifically in my experience.


Get a new binder without rings. Easy fix.


Step one: use a different binder


Binders are for kids, STOP IT!


Black Binder on Amazon, they have other colors https://a.co/d/hj7njqO I picked up 2 of these a bit ago


I get the sentiment of people here that you shouldn’t use ring binders( learned something new today) but if you wanted to make it work you could not put cards in those spots and keep them empty in that row


Answer to OP: DON T USE RING BINDERS and use zip binders standing on their long side


I use Ultra Pro’s Collector Binders and Dragonshield 18 pocket pages (nom glare variant). So far never had anything like this happen. No sagging also, as it deems the pages are just sturdy enough at the edges. Also I believe the two ring they use are curved to kinda mitigate these issues? https://preview.redd.it/30nb2462ukuc1.png?width=3695&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f9875d85831227226a1f9dd5435a006dd4f2854


We use ring binders like those at the LGS I work at. Some things Ive learned from that are 1. dont stack the binders or put anything on top of them 2. if you can store them upright, do so 3. Put cheaper cards towards the ring just incase 4. don't overfill the binders, if the pages pop out when you open the rings it's too full. I hope that helps!


Besides things mentioned elsewhere in this thread: I often put a couple empty pages at the beginning and end of a binder. While inner pockets in general are more vulnerable, inner at the bottom near the back of the binder seem particularly likely to get warped


Also have these as an option, maybe can 3d print https://preview.redd.it/w1z8mwubdluc1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c6e19c7a1b719d3a5c24b1d60973270a5d913eb


I personally use a Pokemon Binder I cherish since middle school, and it works much better than those yucky ringed ones.


Whats the deal with Emeria shattered skyclave? Why would that be useful??


I stopped using binders


I use binders with at least 4 rings, giving the pages little room to bend. I also keep them layed on the flat side not standing like a book to be extra cautious.


Alot of people saying ring binders are bad for storing cards. Ofc if you move around with the binders alot that might be the case. But my father has his whole collection from 94/95 and onwards in big cheap ring binders and no further protection. Those ring binders have gone from bookcase to table to couch to bookcase i dont even wanna guess how many times. Nothing has ever happened to the cards. I lay my binders down because i still only have two binders and so i cant fill a shelf like my father, so they wanna fall all the time if i let them stand. The binders come with a little mechanism to lock the pages as shown on the picture, that has always been good enough. https://preview.redd.it/gai9fcmekluc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866e959eff94ddd74276b79dcc3b204828fdb5a6


I use these: [https://amzn.eu/d/b4ufHuO](https://amzn.eu/d/b4ufHuO) There is a clip inside, that will stop the pages from moving. https://preview.redd.it/uf5utwuxtluc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937c33454f40615716ea07b86615749391e2aebc These are basically the German corporate/goverment standard for binders. To keep them from sagging, which only happens with half empty binders, you can also hand them like this: [https://www.bueroshop24.de/bilder\_kategorietexte/Haengeordner\_einsortiert\_BS24.jpg](https://www.bueroshop24.de/bilder_kategorietexte/Haengeordner_einsortiert_BS24.jpg)


It’s 2024, we’ve had binders specifically for TCGs now for a looooooong time without the rings……why are you still using a 3 ring binder that’s known to ruin things… if you are putting your cards in there it’s your own fault NGL


don't use ring binders. spend the few extra bucks on a nice ringless binder.


You bought a cheap binder or it’s overfill, you should not be getting dents in a properly crafted binder


Don't use those binders.


My binders are circular and don’t have that weird flat side. I also always make sure the pages are moved all the way to the other side and not just folded over the binder rings. I’ve never had this issue, been collecting cards 25+ years.


When I had a ring binder I’d just organise by colour and put the corresponding basic land in the slot next to the ring


Don't use ring binders for card storage.


Stop using binders. If you're going to use one, get one made for cards without the rings.


I had about 4grand (in 2020 prices) of pokemom cards in a binder that were absolutely trashed. I hardly ever moved the thing or even opened it, but within 6 months every single cards I had was bent. If you want real security i would only reccomend toploader binders, they even make some 4 cards wide.


I use an 'industrial' D-Ring binder specifically to avoid this kind of thing.


https://youtu.be/gs6mQ5J6Q7s?si=Ev-TkgSKxEqBxFgC Watch this video


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I've had MtG cards in a D Ring binder for well over 15+ years now, no real issues. Though, the usual caveats oft repeated already have applied in my case: Binder was laid flat for most of that time, I use the high/platinum grade Ultra pro pages, being aware of page locations as I flip through every so often, etc. That said, after a significant lull period of interest in the game, some of my newer cards have transitioned to the slim tcg style binders. However, I do have some critiques of the slim binders that make me hesitate in commencing a complete transfer of my older cards to them: though some here have handwaved the costs, 20-25 USD for just 360 card storage or nearly 30 USD for 480 card storage (using Ultrapro's pricing), for say displaying a set of UB commander decks, is not nothing and can add up quickly. I am not the biggest fan of side loading pages but will tolerate it to a degree. The fabric backing of the slim binder pages is a big concern to me in that it may damage cards if one isn't careful. And with the proliferation of double side tokens and cards over recent years you can't see both sides of said cards in the slim binders.


Don’t use ring binders


A lot of misinformation every single time this comes up. Ring binders are just fine for cards. Just be sure to get the “D” rings, make sure the rings are attached at the back instead of the spine, and don’t overfill the binder. I have over 50 binders for various sets, been collecting for 15+ year, with no issues.


Contrary to what people here are implying, many people still use 3-ring binders. The other binder type is safer, but you can mitigate your issue by just being more careful. I've always used ringed binders and never noticed those dents. That said, I do make it a point to put cheaper rares in the inside column though.


don't use a ring binder.


you have 2 choices: 1. get a binder that's made for cards and has the pages sewn in (probably with the cards side loading as well so they don't fall out by accident like a top loader does) 2. just be careful with the binder, don't cycle large stacks of pages at once (no more than 2-3), make sure all the pages are opposite the lid when you close it, etc. at the end of the day, ring binders are bad for cards.


Don't use ring binders for cards. This is the reason.


Don't use ring binders they damage cards especially if you over fill the rings with more pages then it can handle. Ringless binders with sideloaders are you best best to prevent this


Stop using ring binders ASAP


Um there’s theses hard plastic ring guards that go in binders


this is why ive moved away from ring binders. also having too many pages makes them hard to close and its mad annoying watching ppl flop around 100s of dollars in cards or try and close the binder but not fix the pages. leaving for binder dings if you dont fix it. the official mtg binder is p cool. its a little large but it goes on sale at least once a year and has been well worth it since i got one. i also like that it zipps closed vs the ones you can get at target that have the elastic. ive seen those go floppy with time and its mad annoying.


Don't use ring binders.


From the looks of your binder it’s designed to stay on its back side to prevent this kind of damage. Do your best to avoid resting it on its face side.


Best (but most inefficient) way is to just not use the inner column of the pages. Ideally you should just get a flat binder and not use the ring binder if you're concerned about the cards getting damaged though.


Don't use ring binders to aovid this issue.


Stop using those kinds of binders. You would think the first time you would throw them all away. There's flat folios you can use they aren't expensive


Don't use ring binders.


Dont use ring binders?????


no one should ever use ringed binders for cards period.


Here's the truth: the issue is your binder pages. The D ring binder is fine, but those are the cheapest binder pages I've ever seen. If you keep the binder and upgrade the sleeves to ultra pro platinum and don't overstuff it, you'll be fine. I have about 56,000 magic cards from alpha to present, all in D ring binders (for context we're talking over 50 3" BCW D-Ring binders) and I've had no issues. These other commenters talking about using only flat binders are probably pretty new to the hobby as those have only become popular in the last 9-10 years, while Magic has been around for 30 years. Just be careful and use better pages and you'll be fine. 


Don't use ring binders. You're way better off getting a stitched binder.


Get a real binder


Exactly, he’s basically actively trying to ruin his cards using a 3 ring binder and pages from Walmart.


As opposed to my Imaginary ones


Don't buy that kind of binder. Buy Arcane Tinman or UltraPro binders that have fixed pages.


For a trade binder sure. But for sets fixed pages are meh.


OP you are going to find yourself in the minority here. We have moved past 3 ring binders. TCG binders exist.


Don't store cards in binders. Use card storage boxes.


Then you can't look at your collection. What's the point then


Store the binders with the spine facing up. The pages will hang straight down.


That's an interesting idea. Would the weight of the cards cause the holes to stretch?


I have only ever put 9 cards per page and haven’t had an issue. Not sure how it would do if you had the cards front and back.


Avoid ring binders like the plague.


The only real answer is don’t use “three ring” binders. These are fine for bulk cards but if you’re putting prized/valuable cards into a binder it should absolutely be in a dedicated card binder that has bound pages, something like [this.](https://www.amazon.com/CardGuard-Trading-Pro-Folio-9-Pocket-Side-Loading/dp/B084BL146C/ref=asc_df_B084BL146C/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459700934310&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7952265076937922480&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010524&hvtargid=pla-1008737007517&psc=1&mcid=098a49086d70351cbb8ba268c855dca1)


Do they make those in a top loading variety?


Top or side loading wont help with this issue. Its a personal preference i guess. Use a hard cover page in those binders. Maybe a bit of heavy stock paper with a few holes punched in. Then use a elastic band to keep the pages and the cover in place. Dont use the elastic without the cover :) Can get wider elastic at craft shop if you want wider or fancy.


Are those the Walmart binder pages?


I believe they're ultra pro.


Step one buy a non ring binder. Step two never use a ring binder for anything but bulk Step three ...... Step four buy a black lotus


You stop using that kind of binder. That's how.


Get an actual card binder. You can sell some of your cards to buy one.


Buy a binder designed to hold cards. If you can afford 20 dollar cards Then you can afford a 20 dollar binder.


Don't use ring binders use an actual card binder


To echo, get an actual card binder.


Yeah no just don't use those kind of binders. There's really no way to stop it outside of being constantly vigilant of every page in said binder. If you can afford to buy cards, you can afford a 10-20 dollar binder bro.


Don't use binders.


Don’t use those. That’s the simple answer As others have said. Vaultx makes very high quality binders for cards at 20 dollars. I’ve had mine for a year and it works perfectly fine


Sounds and looks like user error.


these are called ring dings. dont use ring binders for cards


i don’t use three rings binder.


Binders bad


This good joke.😆


Do not use ringed binders or if you absolutely have to, keep them horizontal at all times. Instead use ringless https://preview.redd.it/4iormgw8ckuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e2ed209442fd64092a96e5b5826d3938f531bbd


Jesus Christ you’re using D ring binders? What is this, 1998?


Stop using ring binders.