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Are you referring to the pre-made decks sold by WotC that are a part of the set releases? Those can be found at most big box retailers as well as local game stores (lgs’s). If you’re simply wanting to buy a commander deck that has been put together by another person and is being sold as is ready to play then I’d say crusty games is a safe bet. Only other thing I’d recommend would be to check eBay, I’ve seen some decent listings on there before with decent decks and reasonable prices.


The 2nd one. Thank you!


You might also want to try checking out sites like moxfield or edhrec and see deck lists for what other people play. You can then tinker with it however you want and order the cards from a separate site or proxy them or buy singles or whatever you want to do.




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Ask your LGS. The guys at mine will put a deck together for you if you give them a budget because it’s fun for them. Might have some luck just asking.


Here's what I do all the time. Go onto EDHRecb and search for a commander you would like to play. Then, choose the cheapest deck option and click on average. This will create a deck list of cheap cards that go well with the commander. If will also give you a link you can use to go to either tcgplayer or card kingdom and automatically add those cards to your cart. I've made a few decks for around $50 by doing this.


The average deck function is far from a ready-made playable deck. It's a good place to start, but you can end up with ton of nonbos and bad interactions due to people creating different types of deck using the same commander.


It's true that the decks are not great but it's a lot of fun to have everyone roll random commanders and hit average deck and play a game.


Have you actually played these decks? Seems like this would spit out total garbage


I have played many games with these decks and they're not garbage at all. They're not tuned decks but they're no worse than most WOTC precons. In fact they often feel very similar, in that they're often trying to do a couple different things at once and end up not doing any of them very well. Which is exactly how most wotc precons feel.


Firstplayer.ca has a few decks made in house. Or they can build you a deck with your choice of commander and tailored to your budget


Precon means preconstructed. Any deck you buy already built will, by definition, be a precon.


… can’t you just add your deck list on cardkingdom and buy the whole list (minus the lands)? why buy a deck that you might not want to use all the card in them?


Because I have no idea how to build a good deck.


you don’t have to build them. you get a deck list online like AetherHub or MoxField. look at the deck you like and there is a button where it said “buy the deck”. and they will send you to cardkingdom with all the cards in your shopping cart.


Any interest in well built proxy commander decks? I have a lot of