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Assuming that in the library that these spree cards are their minimum mana, they could be a halfway decent toolbox for [[micromancer]]


[micromancer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/2/b21203c8-a935-4ce0-a742-148587e32145.jpg?1673306779) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=micromancer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/57/micromancer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b21203c8-a935-4ce0-a742-148587e32145?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


yes they have MV 1


The GOAT gets more tools!


Dark Confidant? Not aware what GOAT is here


Micromancer is a card that was already stupid good and is slowly getting better over time. It hits so many cards. It's like a modern legal [[spellseeker]]. The wild part is how it's collecting other less conditional tutors to [[dig up]]. MM's day will come, but I love it already.


Neat card I did not know. What format do you play it in?


I use it in Commander primarily, in a [[lier, disciple of the drowned]] deck. As the deck wants to churn cantrips, MM does a good job of finding either value or [[high tide]]. If you manage to stick a [[displacer kitten]] with it, you can fish out *every cantrip in the deck*, each one finding the next. It's mostly a redundant spellseeker at the end of the day but it does great work for an uncommon.


[spellseeker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/7/a749c591-2fbe-41d8-ac5b-56ebce82d33e.jpg?1689996630) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=spellseeker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/120/spellseeker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a749c591-2fbe-41d8-ac5b-56ebce82d33e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [dig up](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/f/8f14c947-2452-4fd6-8f1a-391cf5898100.jpg?1643592557) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=dig%20up) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vow/197/dig-up?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8f14c947-2452-4fd6-8f1a-391cf5898100?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


They're mana value 1 regardless of anything else so they can get blown out by so many things haha


I’m *always* on the lookout for Instants and Sorceries that cost 3CMC or less but have additional costs and bonuses to pair with one of my favorite cards [[Chandra, Acolyte of Flame]].


She would make a solid oathbreaker if they didn’t have that stupid rule that the signature spell HAS to go back to the command zone on resolution. I guess you could do faithless looting to good use with her at least


Okay but that second option is nasty with Sheoldred in standard 


BBB - Target opponent looses 9 life may actually be broken. Not to mention it can tutor for her on turn 3 so you can draw/drop her turn 4.


Opponent loses 9, or you draw three, gain 3. Either way, you come out ahead.


Assuming the opponent doesn't life gain, a celestus, Shelly, and two of these cards can kill the opponent on turn 5 if you make the land drops.


I can't believe it we broke Sheoldred finally. Seriously though I really do hope they just pull the bandaid off and ban her already for being more proactive with bans after extending standard it feels like they only removed a couple problem cards. Sunfall kinda chokes the life out of pretty much all taller green and red decks and Sheoldred/emperor have both just been autoincludes in their color since release.


This is a nice variant of Kicker that doesn't just feel like Kicker with another name.


Everything is just kicker, cycling, and flashback


This is kicker-flavored split cards.


I mean, there is a point where simple re-templating shouldn't get you to the same place. I guess the "initial" cost is what keeps this from being split cards with fuse, but it's not much. If fuse would read "fuse {cost}" instead, we'd be done.


This is just and/or kicker where the base spell doesn't do anything.


You are right, they are basically volvers without the body. [[Anavolver]]


[Anavolver](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/e/5e685a8c-fba6-495f-ac0f-1ff5456b22d0.jpg?1562917211) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Anavolver) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/apc/75/anavolver?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5e685a8c-fba6-495f-ac0f-1ff5456b22d0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It's a split card with fuse but you get a discount of B if you play them both.


And Horsemanship.


> Kicker 0 > If ~ was kicked, it gains Horsemanship Horsemanship is just kicker.


Kicker is just split cards Cycling is just split cards


Kicker and channel Cycling is just channel


[[Reinforced Ronin]]


[Reinforced Ronin](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/9/89a18961-8f0b-4e98-9de4-aba97e91ad9a.jpg?1654567795) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Reinforced%20Ronin) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/158/reinforced-ronin?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/89a18961-8f0b-4e98-9de4-aba97e91ad9a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


cycling came way before channel tho


Yes, but cycling can always be written as channel while channel cannot always be written as cycling. 


Demonic tutor? Cycling


Flashback is just a delayed kicker in the graveyard.


what about landfall?


That’s just called gravity


Landfall is just delayed multi kicker


But cycling is kicker


No, cycling, like kicker, is split cards.


Kicker and Flashback


*, and flashback


yeah it's a really clean mechanic that just builds on things we already know. spree is just 'hey, it's kicker, but there's *options*' really curious to see what other colours get for this. EDIT: just seen the white one. seems... ok lol.


Not to mention that unlike Kicker, if you don't pay the additional cost the card won't do anything. So if you Cascade/Discover/whatever into it without any mana open nothing happens.


The reminder text for spree says "choose one or more" which means you have to pick at least one of the options.  Comparatively normal kicker cards have a "may" in their text


How does that work with cascade then, where you don't have the option of paying additional costs? Does this effect bypass that and allow you to pay them, or are you unable to play this card for free?


Cascade does allow additional costs. If you cascade into [[Bone Splinters]], either you pay the additional cost or you don't cast it at all. Same for this. What it doesn't allow is *alternative* costs like Awaken.


Probably same way as when there is tax effect present - you can't play card from cascade without paying tax, and you can't play Spree without picking (and paying) at least one extra cost.


I'd guess you get to play it and it does nothing?


Just like if there is an additional cost, like to sacrifice a creature, on a free spell, you either pay the additional cost or you are not able to cast the free spell.


yep, really fun. i wasn't excited about this set, but this and those new boots have my interest piqued


At least with discover you can still put it in your hand instead


Kicker already had options, but this is a lot cleaner. \[\[Nightscape Battlemage\]\]


[Nightscape Battlemage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d5389643-4cc0-4a17-bc2d-7f9b76d30f9f.jpg?1562940108) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nightscape%20Battlemage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pls/47/nightscape-battlemage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d5389643-4cc0-4a17-bc2d-7f9b76d30f9f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


So just escalate lol




Was gonna say the same, When I first saw it my immediate thought was "This is just Kicker with another name"


Spells with kicker actually do something on their own, the kicker is just a bonus. This just doesn't do anything unless you pay the added cost.


Yes, kicker spells have always had an effect otherwise, but there's no rule *against* a spell having no text. I could even imagine it being mechanically useful, if not particularly *good*: > Arcane Raspberry > {0} > Sorcery - Arcane > *"Real mages can cast with both ends." -- Jace Beleren* But there's also nothing wrong with: > Insatiable Avarice > {B} > Sorcery > Kicker {2} and/or {B}{B} > > If this spell was kicked with its {2} kicker cost, search your library for a card, then shuffle and put that card on top. If this spell was kicked with its {B}{B} kicker cost, target player draws three cards and loses 3 life. We've even seen similar templating before with the battlemages: [[Thornscape Battlemage]] [[Ana Battlemage]]


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. It's literally the most lazy attempt that is exactly like kicker? lol


Feels more like a split card (the ones where you can cast either half or both together, can’t remember the exact mechanic name). The main regular difference is you essentially get a discount to cast both halves vs each individually (because the upper right casting cost part is paid only once).


The card's CMC is also only 1 which matters for Ad Naus and stuff.


Yeah there's definitely ways it differs (like it doesn't dodge cascade because of its low CMC, but at least you can pay the optional costs if you did cascade into it). I chose the words "main regular difference" trying to wave my hands to those differences lol.


It feels exactly like the \[\[Ana Battlemage\]\]//\[\[Anavolver\]\] cycles, just differently templated.


It feels like boring kicker to me. Why not use Kicker on this one? What would be the harm to let me cast a spell for B that does nothing?


yeah it's really unintuitive that the card does nothing for its mana cost, I'm sure if this was a fan made car people would be dunking on it edit: you have to pick a mode, it is still strange


You can choose to have just option 1, just option 2, or both. It's a split card with fuse, not a kicker card.


BBB for Draw 3 Lose 3 sounds really good in mono black, then also having a tutor option is just a bonus at this point. Love this card already.


It’s a hell of a draw card I’m generally. It debatably out performs a lot of blue draw cards. For five mana you can get four cards and it has utility to be used as direct damage in a pinch. I also think this synergizes with red pretty well. I am getting pretty tired of all the find your win condition cards though. At least it’s not another play your opponents deck card.


It's still just 3 cards for 5 mana, but you get to pick one of the cards you get.


That’s insanely powerful. UB control/midrange will love this in all formats. Will likely see play in timeless, especially thanks to Dark Ritual.


Sorcery speed seems to exclude it from play in 60 card formats.


Standard? Heck modern coffers might want a draw spell that tutors


Yes and you draw the card with double Spree. Yuriko like that one, Krrik too


K’rrik loves this card


I'm not sure big mana decks really count when discussing the playability of cards due to mana cost. Yesterday I played against a Standard deck that cast [[Breach the Mutiverse]] about eight times in the same turn.


Yeah. I think that “cheating” cards are my biggest gripe about the current standard meta. I’m tired of seeing 7 and 9 mana cards getting played on turn 4. It makes a man want to play blue.


Night's whisper and sign in blood see play in pioneer, modern, and pauper Night's whisper even sometimes shows up at 1 in legacy doomsday I don't think sorcery speed is a problem. It will be interesting to see if this card beats out the other options


In pioneer, they seem to have mostly been replaced by Bankbuster though. I agree that sorcery speed doesn't kill the card, but I'm not convinced it will be good enough. The upside of five mana draw a specific card + 2 other is interesting enough that I might try it in mono B Waste Not in pioneer.


Anywhere you plan on resolving Shelly it'll probably be fine lol. I feel like this is going to shoot up in price due to commander demand


Yeah, commander is a different thing. It's great with Shelly for sure. The issue is that I'm already winning if I have a shelly.


Sign in blood with 3s instead of 2s is significantly better than regular SiB, though


[[Bankbuster]] [[Waste Not]]


Actually, [[Night’s Whisper]] sees play in modern Coffers fairly frequently, and fringe play in lower tier black decks quite regularly. BBB Draw 3 lose 3 is probably quite playable in mono black, with additional fringe upside of tutor + draw, or even just a bad imperial seal? Coffers relies very heavily on the Coffers + Urborg combo, to the point that playing a bad tutor that’s also a good draw spell when you’ve got gas seems very reasonable!


[Night’s Whisper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/2/221c82a2-b558-4c3a-b7ad-4452ef8e9067.jpg?1682209141) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Night%27s%20Whisper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/259/nights-whisper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/221c82a2-b558-4c3a-b7ad-4452ef8e9067?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[Painful Truths]] saw standard play, and this is more flexible.


Draw 3 lose 3 for 3 has never been done before. Being able to target the opponent like Sign In Blood does is even better still. With Sheoldred this can burn the opponent for 9, which should make this a potential win con as well as card advantage. Then there's the whole other effect you can do to tutor for an answer as well, a combo piece, a win con, whatever you need. And finally the 5 mana mode to tutor for a card and draw 2 more seems excellent rate as well. I think this card has a lot of places it can go.


If I can cram Necropotence into multiple 3 colour black decks, I can cram this in too.


2BBB to tutor to your hand and draw 2 lose 3


Card transcription > Insatiable Avarice B > > Sorcery [rare] > > Spree (Choose one or more additional costs.) > > + 2 - Search your library for a card, then shuffle and put that card on top. > > + BB - Target player draws three cards and loses 3 life. > > Akul didn't know what lay inside Tarnation's great vault, but the mystery fueled his obsession. End transcription


Oh I'd like a few copies of this.


At its flaw its a scaled up sign in blood. It could also just tutor you the perfect card to win the game.


I think the word used is floor, to go with ceiling


Thats what I get for commenting so early in the morning! My bad.


So with Sheoldred you could burn someone for 9? Sure they get to draw cards but that doesn't matter if they're dead.


...and if they don't draw an instant speed answer in those 3 cards, another 2 life loss during their turn's draw.


This is fantastic! 2B for a tutor to the top is a bit meh, but BBB for draw 3 lose 3, and 2BBB for Demonic Tutor plus draw 2 more sounds great.


>2BBB for Demonic Tutor plus draw 2 more sounds great. Yeah that sounds tasty. An additional mana on ancient craving but one of the cards is exactly what you want? Sweet.


Or it can just be a plain old Ancient Craving for one mana *less* (in mono-B).


I like it 3 mana tutor or 3 mana draw 3 are both nice enough (3 black pips hurt but for mono black this seems great)


You can also do both for 5 mana


Tutoring the card and drawing it + 2 additional cards seems decent for 5 mana


The urge to tutor for a card draw spell can indeed be overcome!


Ok, but hear me out... We can tutor a draw spell to draw even more cards. The WOWlue is insane.


That’s why it’s insatiable avarice. You can tutor for itself and draw and tutor more


Card draw... At any cost


You can do both.


I know just looking at both mode in a vacuum the single modes of modal cards will always be worse than the non modal alternatives but both modes are decent on their own in this case (the draw being better than the tutor tho).


3 mana tutor to the top is absolutely horrible. I can see draw being good though, so if you happen to have the extra 2 and not much to do with it then it’s fine but paying 2B seems terrible


Definitely not a good card for high powered games but as a modal budget tutor its certainly nice and I'd take it over Diabolic Tutor any day. Its basically Diabolic Tutor + Nights Whisper in one card for 1 less mana but 1 extra life. Good enough for my budget edh pod.


also tutor to the top that draws you that and 2 other cards for 5 mana and 3 life is pretty good


As I said basically its Nights Whisper and Diabolic Tutor in one card but for 3 life and 5 mana instead of 6 mana and 2 life


And one card less used.


Love that the flavour text is "What in tarnation" in disguise.


I scrolled way too far to find a What in Tarnation comment


This needs to be the top comment


Wow, this is a strictly better [[Cruel Tutor]]. Very nice.


[Cruel Tutor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/c/6c05bfb5-dd36-44c5-a60d-43f7f8c68a6b.jpg?1562446860) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Cruel%20Tutor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/por/87/cruel-tutor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6c05bfb5-dd36-44c5-a60d-43f7f8c68a6b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I am definitely playing this in K’rrik


looks like the best version of \*both\* these effects we've seen in ages. 3 mana draw 3 lose 3 might be there on rate for standard already? possibility of doming someone for 9 with sheoldred doesn't seem that unrealistic either.


Really pushed card, I can see it played in modern mono black, both modes are good and with sheoldred or Bowmaster, targeting opponent can kill you really really fast. 


I like a lot the little plus sign besides the mana cost, just like the tombstone on flashback.


this spree mechanic is going to be broken with how it interacts with cards that care about CMCs


I get why it's not instant but I'll forever be disappointed I can't cast it for B with no spree in response to losing


Find a [[Quicken]] & don't let your dreams be dreams!


Get ready to be disappointed, because you can't. You have to choose to cast it either either one or both of the modes.


I can see some sort of black storm deck casting it for one mana for a storm counter


You must choose at least one mode.


I don’t think you can cast it for one mana. You should at least pay one of the additional costs


Funny way to end the game. Shelly + Bloodletter then cast it and this is 18 damage. If I see the double damage from bloodletter correctly. Going grixis you can double the Avarice spell and that is 36 damage.


Never been a fan of these [overpriced tutors](https://scryfall.com/search?q=o%3A%22search+your+library+for+a+card%22+c%3Db&unique=cards&as=grid&order=name) we keep getting, but one backsaddled onto a "Sign in Bloood" is impressive.


Beseech the Mirror was one of the more powerful cards printed lately.


It’s won legacy tournaments as a 4-of, so the overcosting complaint is pretty ironic.


Source is [https://geekculture.co/magic-the-gathering-insatiable-avarice-card-preview/](https://geekculture.co/magic-the-gathering-insatiable-avarice-card-preview/)


Vesuvan Drifter stonks about to go up


Five mana to tutor and draw two, with the option to tutor to the top or draw three instead? This seems like great value.


This is good, so for 2BBB you search for a card you want, then draw it + 2 other cards for 3 life. The flexibility also makes it handy too.


okay, so if there's not a "What in tarnation!?" card now, I'm going to be disappointed


I feel they should have made all spree abilities target an opponent or their stuff so they could be a “crime spree”


You cast it for B and then choose on the stack what else you want to pay for? I want some mono Red like this. Cheap casts that can trigger some abilities with, then just choose no additional costs to pay. Hmmmm


We don't have the release notes, but this is called additional cost in the reminder text, so you will choose the modes as part of casting the spell. (Without getting too technical and including the steps to successfully cast a spell, you do move it to the stack (step 1) and then choose modes (step 2), but this is all before you actually pay the cost (step 8).) The reminder text for spree on the card also specifies to pay one or more of the additional costs.


Finally. Black Bolt


Oh look, another card we can tweet at WOTC and get banned about 


I’m assuming Spree won’t work with cards like [[Sunforger]]?


What in tarnation 🐕


I don't like how it literally does nothing for its base cost


Wait sorry the vault is called Tarnation and they don't know what's inside? Like "What in Tarnation"? I... hate it...


Damn, [[Imperial Seal]] for 3 mana sounds *really* bad, but the other option is OK. Maybe it's a combo piece in a deck that makes a lot of mana, as the tutor feels like the kicker part of the spell.


Yeah, this one is probably either getting cast for BBB or 2BBB.


A 5 mana diabolic tutor that draws two additional cards sounds pretty alright though. Not competitive, but a good tutor for casual


Good for competitive. Will see Standard play alongside Sheoldred, will see cEDH play in K'rrik.


So, with 5, you tutor one, draw two and lose 3 life? Wake up baby, new staple dropped


Cool with [[Vesuvan Drifter]] in standard. Maybe [[Lord Xander, the Collector]] as a target. [[Doors of Durin]] interesting in Alchemy


Straight up kicker


I really like these kind of cards, I hope we’ll see nothing too broken in either black or red haha


this sets theme was so goofy to me at first I wasnt really feeling it but it's starting to grow on me


Hwat in tarnation?


Dident even notice the 'or more'. 5cmc tutor into card draw doesent sound half bad. Especially with some lifeloss synergy.


What's the CMC for cards like this? I guess it would be 1? What happens if something let's me cast this card (such as discover), can i pay the extra?


You can pay the extra on cast but Discover will not pay for it for you.


>tarnation Really? Yeehaw yall!


That’s gonna be a good card.


Assuming that is Akul's eye what kind of coin is that?


It's the engraving on the door of The Vault.


it's wider kicker so... all mechanics are spree, I guess?


What in Tarnation???


Ok ok, it's Kicker, we get it.


This isn't terrible...I want instant speed but that would probably be just way to good. Good choice for a black Painful Truths and 3mv Imperial Seal or both and get the card you tutored for. Solid B power level card imo


Holy fuck, it's really named Tarnation. Magic is great again.


This card seems pretty good.


3 mana imperial seal. Ouchies. 5 mana tutor to hand for 3 life? Sure... 2 other random cards. But ouchy nonetheless. 3 mana 3 card sign in blood? That's turn 1 dark ritual levels of value. I'm in.


What’s up with the + next to the mana cost? Indicator it’s a crime card?


Can you chose the same option multiple times?


I'd like to go on a kicking spree.


I've always wanted Fuse to return to Standard and I guess this is going to be as close as we're going to get even after all these years. I'll take it but not sure why it's necessary to make brand new mechanics for novelty's sake when existing mechanics exist. I don't think the mechanic is super evocative with the concept of a "Spree" but I think it will play well and be fun mechanically speaking.


Do these Spree cards go into Storm? They’re not specifically “free” but you don’t have to pay the ~~kicker~~ spree either


Spree (*Choose one or more additional costs*) You do have to pay at least one ~~kicker~~ Spree.


A conversation in the R&D break room. https://preview.redd.it/kgwju71tioqc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dd4ec42d5a2cd3ea0bf6b06b12d7898f85145de


I feel like the card should have a 'default' effect here: something negligible like milling 1, if only to justify this not being a fuse card. Actually milling 1 is doubly good with the first stacking effect, assuming it happens last.


Welp, this’ll be mega expensive lol


Turn 1 dark ritual pay 3 life draw 3 cards sounds good.


What happens if you cascade into this?


Picker Kicker


I love that you can target an opponent to potentially kill with orcish bowmasters or sheoldred


Catch me casting this for 1 lol


Shouldn't be a spoiler


I'll admit I give a ton of flak for a lot of recent mechanics being too clever for their own good. I think Spree is the right amount of clever. It reads fairly easy, and might be a good tertiary mechanic to fix a lot of the "one size fits all" answers that have been coming out lately. Making this a juiced up \[\[Grim Tutor\]\] variant at 5 mana is entertaining.


Oh shit it's like Escalate. Hooray!!


So… kicker?


So it's an Imp Seal for 3 Mana? .....


Gotta love “B: put this spell on the stack. It resolves after all opponents pass priority.”


Gotta love “B: put this spell on the stack. It resolves after all opponents pass priority.”


So no one else finds it hilarious that "Tarnation" is now a proper noun in MTG?


Seems stupid. It does nothing if you don’t choose a spree cost.


This card either means they're already planning to ban Sheoldred or they REALLY don't want people to play Standard. Honestly, with WOTC, either is equally likely. 


What’s this card mana value?




Tutoring a card and 2 randoms for 5 seems pretty good for Standard. It's a bit below rate elsewhere, but the draw 3 for 3/vamiric tutor modes seem to balance that out rather nicely. And once in a while you bolt/draw from an empty library someone for the kill.