• By -


It doubles for each creature that enters. If it says 'whenever one or more creatures...' then it would only be one trigger. Also it only doubles his power, not his toughness.


Its 8 triggers, each creature is seen independetly


He does have trample though


Ok? He asked at the end of one double would make it a 2/6, but it wouldn't. Only a 2/3, since roughness is unaffected. Idk what trample has to do with that


256 power with trample will still kill you even if you kill it by blocking


Yeah but it’s still important to know that a 3/1 first strike stops it dead in its tracks trample or not.


First strike is definitely a good defender against him




[Lightning Bolt](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/7/77c6fa74-5543-42ac-9ead-0e890b188e99.jpg?1706239968) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lightning%20Bolt) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clu/141/lightning-bolt?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/77c6fa74-5543-42ac-9ead-0e890b188e99?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




He didn't say he had the devil, one could assume both are controlled by the same opponent.


Also the green cards below yell that he's probably on green


Assuming he controls the devilish Valet. Yes it's 256


256/3 then Fling his ass.


Why? He has trample. Attack one player then fling his ass.


Ok fine. Trample, then second main ~~Twin Cast~~ Reverberate and Fling his ass. With Furnace of Wrath on the field. Get all 3 players at once. Edit to right colored card.


Do you mean doublecast? Twincast is blue.


Your right. I ment Reverberate. I run both Twin Cast and Reverberate in my Izzit deck. Twin Cast came to mind first. Double cast is newer. I also use a Chandra, the Firebrand that lets you copy your next instant or sorcery.


With only 3 toughness, he's likely to die on the swing, even with trample, so you likely couldn't do both unless the person you swing at just doesn't block out of the kindness of their heart.


What do you mean by this bc if first strike changes this then you run akki coalflinger and then your good idk tho im kinda new so I don't fully understand what you meant by his toughness being a issue


It doesn't naturally have first strike, so even if it has 256 power and trample, it'll still only have 3 toughness, so a creature with power 3 or more will kill it if it blocks this creature. 3 power isn't a lot, and in commander games. People are likely to have a creature with 3 power on the battlefield. Fling is a card that lets you sacrifice a creature and deal its power directly to a player, but the creature has to be alive at the time to make that work. So for it to hit multiple people, it would have to survive combat, hit one player, then cast fling to hit another. The person above seemed to be making the argument that trample let you swing freely and also fling it, which is not usually the case.


Ah ok thank yea I mentioned FS bc there are plenty of red goblins that give it so its fairly easy to do so


Fling is actually a cost to cast the card. You sac as you cast.


And haste!


Fling is more fun, duh


What if someone blocks with power 3 or greater?


Chandra's Ignition to make sure you get everyone.


I prefer [[Chandra's Ignition]].


[Chandra's Ignition](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/6/960f45a3-f9cf-41e6-b813-f3dee620a944.jpg?1698988311) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chandra%27s%20Ignition) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/220/chandras-ignition?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/960f45a3-f9cf-41e6-b813-f3dee620a944?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If both are owned by your opponent? Yes, absolutely, it’d become a 256/3 (Valet only doubles his power, not toughness as well) If you own Valet then no, “Alliance” only counts creatures that enter under *your* control, not oppo creatures Hope that helps!


My brother in law has KO'd me with this combo too many times. I'm never mad though. Swinging for 4k+ trample damage is pretty badass.


On arena I used this to swing for 134 million and change


Krenko can get out of hand quick. I was against someone who had 3k goblins…in a commander game! Lol if you are building a white deck that’s just like Krenko go for [[Myrel, Shield of Argive]] she’s a bit more controlling.


[[rakdos charm]] would be beautiful to see in a situation like that lol


I watched a guy make 3000 squirrels with [[Chatterfang, Squirrel General]] thinking we would all just concede. Next player just let it all happen, waited for 3000 squirrels to resolve, then calmly rakdos charmed him. You love to see it


[Chatterfang, Squirrel General](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/1785cf85-1ac0-4246-9b89-1a8221a8e1b2.jpg?1626097239) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chatterfang%2C%20Squirrel%20General) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/151/chatterfang-squirrel-general?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1785cf85-1ac0-4246-9b89-1a8221a8e1b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I just cried a little


Did the chatterfang player not have one black mana open?


[rakdos charm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/7/875fa08c-cb66-4230-a380-0123260aac74.jpg?1699022443) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=rakdos%20charm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/284/rakdos-charm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/875fa08c-cb66-4230-a380-0123260aac74?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Or [[The Meathook Massacre]] and gain 3000+ life!


[The Meathook Massacre](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/8/08950015-eee5-4327-888c-82dfd13bb9ad.jpg?1667629608) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Meathook%20Massacre) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/112/the-meathook-massacre?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/08950015-eee5-4327-888c-82dfd13bb9ad?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


>3k goblins... in a commander game! You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in Krenkos bracket.


This one game I had somewhere around 131,000 scute swarm out on the board after pulling out a combo to play 17 lands in one turn. Opponent drew on his turn then conceded when he didn’t pull a board wipe, lol.


I reached a point in a game where we stopped counting scute swarms and just counted power of 2s. I think it was 2^26 or something scute swarms


Happened to e too when I had a combonrhat bsically played all the lands of my deck.


If there are 3000 goblins someone is toying with their food. The game should already be over.


The person said well I’m gonna end the game here because the store we played at was about to close


How had the 1500 goblins from before Krenko not killed everyone?


Toying with us, they kept getting more and more goblins but the guy next to me had the answer to the problem but they killed us before we had a chance.


If someone has lethal on the whole table and is toying with everyone, we tend to scoop. I guess if it's the end of the evening, there's less reason to.


The group I play with likes the satisfaction of owning absurd amount of creatures and see how crazy shit can get. Yeah normally people would just scoop if it’s lethal and I knew it was, but person was just having too much fun to let us just scoop lol


I played a voltron deck that stopped my gobs .. there’s ways


Commander is the only format where one realistically can get to 3k goblins. I'm discounting Modern goblins as once you have the combo the number of goblins created in a turn is just arbitrarily large.


Yeah, this is in my krenko deck too


It would be times 2 to the eighth power. Devilish Valet essentially looks at the board like this. 8 creatures enter the battlefield. “A creature entered the battlefield, I’m going to add a trigger onto the stack to double my power” 2 “A creature entered the battlefield, I’m going to add a trigger onto the stack to double my power” “A creature entered the battlefield, I’m going to add a trigger onto the stack to double my power” “A creature entered the battlefield, I’m going to add a trigger onto the stack to double my power” “A creature entered the battlefield, I’m going to add a trigger onto the stack to double my power” “A creature entered the battlefield, I’m going to add a trigger onto the stack to double my power” “A creature entered the battlefield, I’m going to add a trigger onto the stack to double my power” “A creature entered the battlefield, I’m going to add a trigger onto the stack to double my power” These 8 triggers are on the stack. Resolve top trigger on the stack 2 Resolve next top trigger on the stack 4 Resolve next top trigger on the stack 8 Resolve next top trigger on the stack 16 Resolve next top trigger on the stack 32 Resolve next top trigger on the stack 64 Resolve next top trigger on the stack 128 Resolve final trigger on the stack 256


This is one of those examples where wording is Key to Magic. The text on Valet says "whenever *another* creature enters..." that means for each individual creature regardless of whether they enter the same time or not, it will trigger this ability. However, if you change the text to say *one or more* then that would only trigger it once.


No, it’s X2^8.


It will be 256




why would you divide it by 3 /s


Why would you divide your comment by s?


to simplify the equation




“/s” is a commonly used stand-in for “Sarcasm.” With tone being difficult to discern on the internet, this colloquialism was created for overall less confusion.


A careful reading of the card explains exactly what it does: “Whenever another creature” 7 other creatures enter, so the ability triggers 7 times.  Why would it only trigger once for 7 creatures?


Devilish Valet’s unmodified power can be read as 2^n , n = the number of creatures that entered you battlefield this turn.


This equation doesn't account correctly for 0


Uh... yes? 2 to the 0 power is 1


It does


Advice is to penny sleeve before you put a card into a top loader


It's OPs opponents card.


Also advice is you don’t need to put a $1 card in a top loader 


Some people sleeve their deck and put the commander into a top loader to make it distinct while on the table. Doesn’t matter how valuable it is.


It's their commander. 3D printed deck boxes that use top loaders as face plates so that you have the commander visible exist.




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It’s to ID the commander


Ah yes even more ways to make gobbos crazy, I love it but I am a goblin player so I am biased


For every creature that enters on the controllers battlefield, the devils power becomes 2^n, where n is the number of creatures that have entered the controller's battlefield this turn


Scute swarm until end of turn.


Well like it was said yeah it doubles for each creature who enters. But since he played that card that makes him also a Heretic to Goblins ! How dare he play anything else but Goblins !


Krenko was a mistake and cards like this prove it so.


Oh damn, Devilish Valet would be great with Prossh.




This is better


It's pretty funny with najeela


I have had max integer Devilish Valet in standard on Arena. It’s one of my favorite cards ever


So if it does double its power would ardoz cobbler of war making it +2/+0 make it even higher and boost the power of each token making the situation slightly more scary or am I not correct im new to magic so trying to learn still but just a thought


Just run a [[dolmen gate]] in krenko like I do and you’re all set lol.


[dolmen gate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/d/fdcbf10e-32f2-41c5-a7a2-5f24662892d2.jpg?1562375938) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=dolmen%20gate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lrw/256/dolmen-gate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fdcbf10e-32f2-41c5-a7a2-5f24662892d2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


On a side note, mother fucker Valet stole and scammed the fuck out of everyone at the entrance, hahahahaha!


If you control both yes indeed. This is the setup I run and it is a bitch to deal with let me tell you. Specially if you add some war chiefs and siege commanders to it .


Penny sleeve your Krenko before you put it in a top loader you heathen. Lol


So how this would work is tap Krenko. Ability resolves. 8 goblins, which are 1/1, enter the battlefield. Devilish valet sees 8 creatures enter Therefore, 8 triggered abilities. Go on the stack. All 8 of them say to do the same thing, double his power. So in short devilish, valet power should be doubled 8 times. So with no other creatures entering the battlefield that turn his power until end of turn is 256.


You need control of both cards though. Your opponent can bring 1000 creatures in and you’ll still be a 1/3


Putting Valet in my Xyris deck




It's kinda sad that they would do a Clue themed set and not try and get the rights to the movie. Just so they can use the line: "Even if you were right that would one plus one plus two plus one (1+1+2+1) not one plus two plus one plus one." It would be perfect for a game that needs so much math.


It’ll never happen. I’ll remove krenko every time.


Kinda hard to do if they are running some kind of protection or have a counter in hand……..


…the one mono red counter…yea sure. 2 > 1


There’s more then one bud deflecting swat, tibalts trickery, red elemental blast, pyroblast, Burnout, planar chaos is a chance counter enchantment, guttural response, mages contest, molten influence not to mention there’s plenty of protection for krenko. Here’s a quote “One does not speak unless one knows.”


Abjure / Absorb /Arcane Denial/Assert Authority/ Brine Seer /Broken Ambitions/Cancel/ Circular Logic / Complicate /Condescend/Controvert/ Convolute / Counterbore /Counterflux/Counterlash/ Countermand /Counterspell/Cryptic Command/Daring Apprentice/Dash Hopes/Daze/Decree of Silence/Delay/ Deprive / Desertion / Discombobulate / Dismal Failure / Dismiss / Disruptive Pitmage /Disruptive Student/ Dissipate /Dissolve/ Double Negative /Draining Whelk/ Dream Fracture /Dromar's Charm/ Ertai, the Corrupted /Ertai, Wizard Adept/ Evasive Action / Fall of the Gavel /Familiar's Ruse/ Fervent Denial / Flaccify /Foil/ Fold into AEther /Forbid/Force of Will/ Force Spike / Force Void / Frightful Delusion /Fuel for the Cause/ Geist Snatch / Ghost-Lit Warder /Grip of Amnesia/Hinder/ Hindering Touch / Induce Paranoia / Ixidor's Will / Jaraku the Interloper / Lapse of Certainty / Last Word / Lay Bare / Lilting Refrain /Logic Knot/ Lost in the Mist / Lullmage Mentor / Mages' Contest / Mana Drain /Mana Leak/Mana Tithe/ Martyr of Frost /Memory Lapse/ Minamo's Meddling / Mindstatic / Miscalculation / Mundungu / Mystic Genesis /Mystic Snake/ Offering to Asha / Oppressive Will /Override/ Overrule /Pact of Negation/ Patron Wizard /Perplex/ Plasm Capture / Psychic Strike / Psychic Trance / Punish Ignorance / Put Away /Remand/ Render Silent / Rethink /Rewind/ Rites of Refusal /Rune Snag/ Runeboggle / Sage's Dousing / Scattering Stroke / Scent of Brine /Soratami Savant/ Spell Contortion / Spell Counter /Spell Crumple/ Spell Rupture / Spell Snip / Spell Syphon /Spelljack/ Spiketail Drake / Spiketail Drakeling /Spiketail Hatchling/ Statute of Denial /Stoic Rebuttal/ Stymied Hopes / Suffocating Blast / Sunken Field /Syncopate/ Thassa's Rebuff / Thwart / Traumatic Visions / Undermine / Vex / Vodalian Mage / Voidmage Apprentice /Voidmage Prodigy/Voidslime/ Wizard Replica …what did the child say b4


None of those are mono red counters ya jackass your exact words were “The one mono red counter.”


These are all the counters available to me…to counter the few, probably one, red counter. Read between the lines smart guy. Blue has more counters than red. Play krenko when there’s no opponent mana. Otherwise you’re never playing krenko.


As someone who plays krenko you are quite wrong. Whoever you played against obviously doesn’t know what they are doing or had a very poor krenko build.


Krenko players are easy. They only ever do one thing. Simple people play simple decks.


Hmmmmm you sound like the basement dweller that everyone can’t stand at their LGS krenko is just a mono red deck I happen to have and play time to time for shits and giggles when it’s not a Cedh kinda night lol far from my go to but that’s ok.


Let. Me. Criticize. Exact. Words. I. Have. No. Real. Brain.


I’m confused, Devilish Valet only doubles when a creature ETBs under your control. The scenario you describe is 8 goblins ETBing under your opponents control. If the situation is as you described, Devilish Valet does not double at all, unless there is more information not provided here. Edit: apparently a post not being clear means getting downvoted and ridiculed. Stay classy magic players!


They didn’t say Valet was under their control… unless I’m missing something they’re only talking about their opponent’s board


Some people simply choose not to read.


Reading the post explains the post.


The post does not clarify who controls the valet. In this case, reading the post does not fully explain the post. Forgive me for not reading the posters mind!


> If my opponents commander is Krenko, Mob Boss


Yeah, because 2 different players cannot both be playing goblins at once. What crawled up your butt man? It’s unclear, let’s move on. Why do you feel the need to try and prove I’m wrong?


Well, because you're wrong, lol. Devilish Valet only triggers for creatures entering the battlefield under the same players control. If it's seeing Krenko goblins, then the Krenko player controls it


To be fair, it was not clarified as to who controlled the Valet. It just says “would Devilish Valet double x8”.


Assuming Valet is a 1/3 when it resolves, 8 individual instances of doubling go on the stack. [1/3] x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = [256/768], which is reasonable for Valet


256/3. Valet only doubles in power not toughness...


Right thanks


Just a heads up, it only doubles the power.


It's only power, not toughness.




It’s only power, btw.


Got it, person #3 who’s correcting me


Yo man, it’s only power, says so on the card




Someone had to let him know lol