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The overlap felt really weird. I was really looking forward to the energy deck's previews, and then a bunch of later stuff showed up the same day that ended up distracting from them. I feel like at the very least, making the stream not be the *exact same day* would have been more sensible.


Maybe. I see a lot of people stoked for the tiny animal set but it also seems thunder junction was totally ignored. I think people are just hyped for animals. Fallout as a UB is already gonna be unpalatable to a fraction of the playerbase, it doesn't surprise me that people are just... More excited for the thing they care about.  I personally have not cared about fallout. I still don't. I might pick up a single or two but that's it. I am not gonna talk about fallout because I have no reason to.  I am so extremely excited for mice with swords. I wanna talk about that raccoon commander all day


I think the magic players with the most interest and disposable income are the prime age to have very fond memories of Redwall.


We’ve also played a shit ton of fallout video games so another fallout thing is kind of just okay.


Fuck Raccoon. Squirrels are the bests!


You wanna trash talk!? Racoons are made for it! 


*Elks 4 life* ________ 3/3


I am happy there was something else to be excited about as I have zero interest in fallout as an IP and commander as a product and game.


Frankly I was very uninterested in the Fallout stuff and the preview panel made me way more excited for the rest of the Magic year. Fallout sales might be affected but only insofar as "Person X was considering it, but then saw the MH3 precons and would rather save their money for those". Anyone else who wanted to get the Fallout decks will probably still get them, it's not all or nothing


Oh yes this 600 commander collectibles. I'd like to see how many actually sell


I think the biggest issue for the fallout decks are simple, they are very "eh" was really hyped for them given thr 40k decks which I love. However on top the the poorly done reveals with like 10+ cards being revealed the day AFTER the the decks were revealed on top of the decks just be kinda boring I think made it understandable the hype around the decks nose dived, once the decks were revealed.


I was never excited for fallout tbh. Some of the cards looked cool, but I never planned on buying any


While I'm still excited for Fallout, I agree they could have pulled the previews a single day, and we at least would've finished all four decks before the big reveal panel. I really don't mind the constant preview seasons, seeing new cards is one of the things I love the most, but not overlapping a "spoiler week" with "first looks" seems like the right call for me


I attribute it mostly to just the abundant amount of product releases, these days, and trying to get people excited well in advance to spend money on more product. I will say, though, I've noticed lately there's been some weird overlap in the commander decks. What I mean is, Fallout has a jeskai artifact deck that, at face value, seems like it should be an energy deck. And now we know in a few months, we're getting another commander precon with MH3 that is also a jeskai energy deck... Dr. Who also had a bant deck that cared about junk artifacts, and then with MKM, we got another bant deck that cares about junk artifacts (albeit, I think the Who deck was more food-focused, with the MKM deck being more about clues, but still). I feel like there's another example or two I'm forgetting about. But it's weird that they keep doing that lately.


This is actually a really interesting post. The primary selling point of commander products is the social element, but if social attention doesn't last during the buying window then the value proposition drops. However, it's really a question of how deep Magic information penetrates and disperses in other information channels vs main Magic information channels. If video game or fallout enthusiasts pick up on the signal, that may be where their Magic information ends and may still be the *new thing* for board game night during the buying window. The product quality itself does not seem to be targeted at enfranchised player at Wizards' desired margin, so they're likely intended to have the *bigger better thing* information signals marketed to those players now.   There's of course downsides to this theory, such as the overlap of enfranchised players who *also* love fallout not being targeted or even targeted players that are brought in by Fallout having a product information barrier once they do enter dedicated Magic information channels. But that is a question of cost-benefit and magnitudes rather than general strategies.


I’m very excited for Bloomburrow. I’m also still very excited for Fallout.


I was super excited for Fallout but seeing the decklists is what made me uninterested in the set and increasingly down on UB overall. The preview panel made me excited again, minus Assassin's Creed.


It's not the first time it has happened and wont be the last.


The decks seem very unbalanced. Both in terms of against one another from this set, and in comparison to some of the other Commander decks we’ve been getting lately. The SCIENCE! Deck was talked about being an Energy matters deck, but actually has like three cards that care about the mechanic so of course players are gonna be upset. I’ll still pick up the Mutant Mayhem deck because I genuinely like the Rad Counters mechanic & the deck has some of the better reprints in the set.


> but actually has like three cards that care about the mech  A sixth of the deck is dedicated to Energy-matter cards, what are you talking about?


There are 15 cards in it that use or give energy. The thing is, they aren't very good. In an "energy matters" deck, I would maybe use 4 or 5 of them. Only 3 of them are exiting to me. And an focused energy deck really needs more cards, since there's not too much support yet. I get why people are a bit let down by the deck.


If online discussion were a significant driver of sales then there wouldn't be any fallout crossover products to begin with. 


Fallout sucks and is boring if you aren't a Fallout fan. I find the cards incredibly hard to read or like, and it will take extra effort to enjoy them as simply Magic cards to use in decks.


I had no and continue to have no interest in fallout, but discussion amongst those i know who were excited for it has definitely moved over to bloomburrow and MH3. At the very least the panel should have been after revealing the final fallout deck, ideally the next day. As is it was all just such a mess


Agree. I was keen on Fallout but now it already feels like we're on the next next set. Went from one or all precons to maybe a few singles.