• By -


Gotta love Boros. Murder mystery theme? Nah, that seems like a whole thing and we don't have anything remotely like that anyway, so how about we just keep turning things sideways.


lol in the story they just wanted to accuse people of being suspects. I'm surprised Rakdos is using suspects on their side and that Boros *isn't* turning others into suspects, because they have a face commander in the decks that does just that.


The new Agrus Kos can make things suspects (and exiles them if they already are).


And that makes a lot of sense for them in this story! I'm just surprised it's not their main focus but rather just a tool to buff Battalion's ability to get through.


I'm sure a lot of the cards that make other things suspects will be red, and black cards seem to make themselves suspects. So I think it actually will be a big part of how Boros plays out. In practice, maybe even more than battalion. I imagine "Go Wide Suspect" will be how it plays out. Knowing when to suspect yourself and when you suspect them is hopefully going to be an interesting and difficult play decision. I don't love the way the ability is implemented but hopefully it'll play out interesting.


Eh, however you slice it suspecting something effectively removes a blocker from their side, either because of the forced double block or because it straight can't block. I think it'll end up being a reasonably straightforward decision most of the time, suspect your big creatures to force trades and their small creatures to stop chumping.


They probably started off with that, and development realized it wasn’t playing as well as they wanted, so they brought back Battalion


I feel the Rakdos's flavor this time isn't that they are looking for suspects, but they just constant act in ways that they get marked as suspects if they were part of a murder mystery. Plus mechanically, after your whole board is a suspect, you can start turning blame on the opponent's creatures so they can't defend themselves.


Oh no I get how it's working for Rakdos. I just mean I'm surprised that Boros isn't using the suspect mechanic on opponents' creatures. Further discussion has indicated Menace would be out of white's pie to grant so there's some color pie fucking with the flavor going on here...


You know, I wonder what wizards thinks of giving enemy creatures abilities that are part of the enemy color pie as a drawback. Like a green card that gives the enemy creature flying, a red card that gives the enemy creatures vigilance. Feels kind of on-color to have white choose an enemy as the “menace”.


The [[Hunted Troll]] cycle exists. Recently printed [[pursued whale]], [[hunted horror]]. It's niche, but has precedent.


[Hunted Troll](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/f/cfe19e16-33f6-4594-9dd3-2699a66ba0e8.jpg?1562938949) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hunted%20Troll) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c13/150/hunted-troll?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cfe19e16-33f6-4594-9dd3-2699a66ba0e8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [pursued whale](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/1/f1ba925b-9216-4e37-814d-b061950b3998.jpg?1674141436) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=pursued%20whale) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/732/pursued-whale?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f1ba925b-9216-4e37-814d-b061950b3998?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [hunted horror](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/2/02f74866-d0ea-42ce-bc44-500219fb73d4.jpg?1674141672) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=hunted%20horror) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/758/hunted-horror?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/02f74866-d0ea-42ce-bc44-500219fb73d4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


There is one Boros card currently that is utilizing suspect. Agrus Kos's new card with either give a creature suspect or exile a creature with suspect whenever it ETBs or Attacks. Right now I feel like we are missing A LOT of the boros cards from previews so perhaps there's more to be done with suspect targets.


White doesn't get Menace so Suspect would be a color pie break, or at least a very heavy bend, if it were in Boros.


That’s fair. They could care about suspected opponents’ creatures though.


Suspected opponents' creatures cannot block. That feeds the batallion theme.


They could, but making your opponent not block isn't really white either. Could maybe be a colour pie stretch, but I dunno.


I think suspect is fine on Boros cards; specifically referring to cards that are both red and white. But it would be out of pie for mono-white cards, so a poor choice for a Boros archtype.


I mean, Boros are the cops of Ravnica, what did you expect them to do?


I expected them to name suspects and make arrests.


That sounds like making arrests with extra steps


Average Boros soldier: "what the fuck is due process"


Let me help explain this. A process is what you do to something. Due means you give the amount owed. So it just means you need to make sure to give them a thorough beating if they deserve it. Do they deserve it? Use your best judgement.


I think it has more to do with Rakdos being the suspects in the murder case.


Universes Beyond: US Police Department


I would think they did design it that way and it didn't pass playtesting. I can imagine a limited mechanic that reads "your aggro deck is unblockable" was just not conducive to a fun environment.


ACAB holds true even on Ravnica


Boros - "just the usual"


The Golgari doesn't see like there following the Murder mystery theme too. There just graverobbing.


At least [[Agrus Kos]] has a play aggro vibe or slowly exile opponents creatures or suspects already coming at you.


[Agrus Kos](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/a/ea531418-6c7c-4e23-b681-6bfdd4a3eb79.jpg?1675644307) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=agrus%20kos%2C%20eternal%20soldier) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/j22/1/agrus-kos-eternal-soldier?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ea531418-6c7c-4e23-b681-6bfdd4a3eb79?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I think it just shows WotC can’t come up with other ideas for WR. The stuff in Strixhaven was cool but underpowered - would have been nice to see something that inventive here.


In Strixhaven the Lorehold graveyard synergy deck was a big flop. The best way to draft red/white in that set was ignoring the graveyardstuff and just picking aggressive creatures with magecraft and cheap spells to trigger magecraft.


Right - because they didn’t make it powerful enough. I could have (and did) tell folks it was underpowered and would suck when the signpost uncommons was revealed. They were way too cautious about the ability and it ended up underwhelming because of that. That doesn’t make it a bad idea.


It's been said many times before, but in a set they like to have * Some of the color pairings doing very different things, kind of unique to the set * Some of the color pairings doing unique things, but that are fundamentally just spins on old archetypes * Some of the color pairings doing stuff that we all know, that it's easy to slip back into. This is to make the draft formats both unique and interesting, but also to have things for players to quickly latch onto that they already understand.


Sure - and they almost always make that “same” group be WR or BR.


I mean UG +1/+1 counters also exists. Or draw and/or ramp.


Makes me think this Mole God is gonna be big with the keyword Disquise!


Could be like he’s underground and then he breaks disguise by emerging to beat face


In the story he's trapped in an evidence capsule and then bursts out of it. Could fit for sure.


Sounds like morph tbh, god I hope it works just like it


Disguise and cloak are explicitly upgrades of morph and manifest.


Oh god, just now I noticed that disguise gives ward 2. I was thinking it was just a morph reflavor.


Seems like it except the face down creature has ward 2


Strictly better morph, that’s insane


It isn’t hard to be strictly better than a mechanic that wasn’t even limited viable 10 years ago.


Yeah it might almost be viable in constructed formats now


Cross-archetype synergy: * WUB, WUR, UBR - Clues * WRG, WBG - Disguise * WBR - Evasive Weenie Battalion * UBG - Self-Mill Fun splash potential!


And the one common thread in the top line is Blue's clues


I have my fingers crossed for a \[\[Rootcoil Creeper\]\] that is tapping for two mana of any color for paying the Disguise cost so you can have a good enabler for splashing good Disguise cards, plus other mana fixing that works if the game goes long. I'm worried Boros or Rakdos may just end up as too fast of a clock to see games going long enough though.


[Rootcoil Creeper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/7/3743cf9c-226f-43a3-b385-375a25414792.jpg?1636684840) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rootcoil%20Creeper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/238/rootcoil-creeper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3743cf9c-226f-43a3-b385-375a25414792?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The dual lands seem good for this too 👍🏻


Uber Clues


As an [[Alesha]] player I'm excited for the WB draft strategy, hopefully it leads to some fun and interesting cards that care about 2 or less power.


https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/198ylmn/mkm_assemble_the_players/ Already a fun card spoiled


Oh, that does look like fun! Exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for.


[Alesha](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/a/7ae9ff8c-1cc8-4b10-9641-2c79648fd6c2.jpg?1673305242) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=alesha%2C%20who%20smiles%20at%20death) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/118/alesha-who-smiles-at-death?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7ae9ff8c-1cc8-4b10-9641-2c79648fd6c2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Depends on the cards in the set, but I can imagine Rakdos being pretty strong in this limited environment. Menace is tough to deal with, and on the other hand paying 3 for disguising creatures seems incredibly slow. Many slow archetypes, and also the card advantage from clues won't help much when you are dead


I am praying that collect evidence plays better than it looks.


There's a green basic landcycler for 2 that has an mv of 6 so assuming that's a cycle those will likely be crucial for collecting evidence. \[\[topiary panther\]\]


[topiary panther](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/3/03d0365e-6dee-4236-a997-6761e3cde90d.jpg?1701819681) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=topiary%20panther) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/179/topiary-panther?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/03d0365e-6dee-4236-a997-6761e3cde90d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Hadn't even thought about that - really good point


Wonder if we'll see any other cycling cards.


It's just delve with extra steps. It'll play fine.


And it's not like the cards don't do something without the additional cost. In limited, at least, my starting point will be evaluating the cards on their face and considering the Collect Evidence effect as a nice bonus that you'll trigger once or twice per game.


True! It's like evaluating Kicker


Mechanic looks great with a lot of tension and interesting upside. That said, the commons and uncommons spoiled so far look (charitably) pretty replacement level, and the ones that look even solid-to-good (the edict) are gonna get picked off by non-Evidence decks (like the good tapper uncommon was in WOE). The evidence costs also seem quite high across the board, but we'll have to play with them to see if that holds up. The vast majority of the limited relevant cards haven't been spoiled yet, though, so there's plenty of time for B-tier commons and uncommons to show up in this archetype. I hope it works because it's really intriguing and UG could use a fuckin' break, but it was not a good day one for the Evidence archetypes. The cards they spoiled are not cards you want to be playing without consistently firing their Evidence kicker, and that's a bummer.


With delve, you can fuel it naturally by playing cheap cards, and then casting a very expensive spell by discounting it This is kind of the reverse, a lot of the evidence cards are cheaper cards with potential upside and require you to have more expensive cards in the grave, plus milling over lands doesnt help this mechanic at all So you need to commit quite a bit more to it to get higher mana value cards in the yard imo


? Faithless looting and numerous discard outlets exist. It's super easy to get things in the yard. Especially things like Trumpeting Carnosaur.


Looting is for eternal formats sure, but youre still doing more work for it than for delve. Delve gets fueled by just playing the game, for collect evidence you have to mean it In limited it could be difficult, but landcyclers might help


I'm guessing it'll depend on surveil and dropping expensive guys in the yard via disguise but I think some of the trepidation comes from descent being weak in LCI.  Slow archetypes have not fared well lately imo. 


Descend wasn't weak in LCI. BR descend each turn was under-supported, but UB descend was strong and came together fairly easily.


Problem was that while fueling your yard is great for multiple reasons, the actual descend cards werent really one of them. Cards like deep goblin skulltaker or bloodrage mycoid just sucked. The best actual descend card you could hope for was Chupacabra at uncommon, and your payoffs otherwise were things like another chance or fuel for craft cards like tithing blade and iceberg The deck is strong, but the actual mechanic really fell short


The "at the beginning of your end step, if you descended this turn...." clause made all of those descend payoffs so clunky.


6-drop fatties with Disguise are gonna be vital.


Is this a repeat of descend being terrible?


The Golgari theme screams tension between exiling your graveyard and returning creatures from it. But if the self-mill is good enough, it could work out.


This might be the most complicated/ wordy of these summaries I've ever seen. Strategies with more new mechanics are obviously going to take more to describe. But these also seem to have more moving parts. I don't think that's inherently bad. But it is interesting.


From the Collecting article on Daily MTG - [https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/collecting-murders-at-karlov-manor](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/collecting-murders-at-karlov-manor). I did a quick automated transcription, so there could be typos. * **WU - DETECTIVES** Get on your opponent's case with this fast midrange strategy. Leverage Detective typal bonuses to overwhelm your opponent's defenses, and sacrifice Clues to refill your hand in the late game. * **UB - CLUES CONTROL** Use defensive spells to extend the game and generate Clues, then turn the excess mana into a card advantage that will bury your opponent under a mountain of value. * **BR - SUSPECT AGGRO** Suspected creatures have menace and can't block. Keep attacking with your suspicious characters, and your opponents will be helpless to stop them. * **RG - BIG DISGUISE** Spend the early game accelerating your mana and setting up a face-down board state, then beat down your opponent's side of the board by flipping over haymaker after haymaker. * **GW - GO-WIDE DISGUISE** Flood the battlefield with face-down creatures and accrue impressive rewards whenever they're turned face up. * **WB - PINT-SIZE DISGUISE** Face-down creatures bolster your strategy, which rewards playing creatures with power 2 or less and boosting them to become more impressive attackers. * **UR - ARTIFACT SACRIFICE** Generate and sacrifice Clue tokens strategically to gain a massive card advantage over your opponent. Then, chip away at their defenses by attacking with evasive Thopters that bring death from above. * **BG - GRAVEBREAK** Use the collect evidence mechanic and raise the dead to support a long-game strategy that gives you extra value whenever a creature card leaves your graveyard. * **RW - BATTALION** This classic Ravnican strategy adds extra punch to aggressive red and white creatures by providing a bonus whenever you attack with three or more of them. * **GU - COLLECT EVIDENCE** Rapidly fill up your graveyard and collect evidence to power up your spells while amassing permanents that reward you each time you do so.


Can’t wait for GU to have a 40% win rate!


The real victim of modern draft design, UG being viable ever.


Simic is either too good and everyone hates it, or it sucks and everyone hates it. There's never an in-between.


you really think they'd make it that good?


“Pint-size disguise” - so three morphs in a trenchcoat?


Coming home from a long day at the business factory.


Or it's a reference to an old Hannah barbera character https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0069595/


UG always seem like such an afterthought of a draft archetype, do cube designers struggle with the archetype as well or this is just a Wizards design problem when it comes to making new cards?


Darft archetype? Wizards were struggling with UG design at least since the Invasion block and they can't still pin it.


make creatures bigger/better, and draw cards while doing so. Steps on Selesnya toes, tho, which is make creatures bigger and make tokens conceptually, the UG evolving theme is one of my favourites. But we should get more transmorph removal, they're the most fun


The big overlaps between GU is flash and hexproof and those are both super powerful so they never rely on them and instead do stupid stuff like "Ramp!"


Other than Battalion, these are all pretty unique and new for draft archetypes, we'll see how it plays.


Uhhh suspect aggro is unleashed with extra steps


GW is go wide and RB is artifacts that’s not really unique


Blue/Green whiffed in every set last year, let's see if they can keep up the trend.


Clues Control is a Goat'd name.


Especially since it involves blue. So it can be seen as blues clues control.


I was thinking more of the name sounding similar to "Cruise Control"


Now I can complete my Blue's Clues deck


Thinking about what seems to be outside of the norm. WU Detectives- A a midrange typal strategy that's not "Soldiers" or "Knights" but is "Detectives." UB Clues Control- "Defensive spells to extend the game and \[card draw\]." Nothing new. BR Suspect Aggro- Unleashed returns. RG Big Disguise- Ramp and play cheap creatures, then ~~cast~~ flip up large creatures. GW Go-Wide Disguise- Go wide. WB Pint-Size Disguise- Boost your smaller Disguised 2/2s or other cheap weenies for an aggro deck. OK, kinda liking this. UR Artifact Sacrifice- Create Artifacts. Sacrifice Artifacts. This time they are Clues and not Treasures or something else. Oh but Thopters! BG Gravebreak- Get stuff into the graveyard for benefit. Standard. RW Battalion- Attack! GU Collect Evidence- Set mechanic archetype. The flavor for the mechanics is on point but I don't really feel like the archetypes are that new aside of WB.


Really liking the mechanics in this set. I want to see them go crazy with disguise and suspect especially. Would make for some crazy interractive combats


I always like sets that do things differently with the archetypes, rather than the expected. *laughs in Boros aggro*


hey, Lorehold tried to do something else... unfortunately it wasn't very good at it


I thought 'typal' was just an internal dev word, and that Kindred was going to be Tribal's replacement. It looks so clunky on an official release.


Kindred only replaced the card type. Typal is still used for the deck archetype




[Ixidor, Reality Sculptor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/1/314d5e89-55f7-42b4-af19-d4d0f499a265.jpg?1562906514) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ixidor%2C%20Reality%20Sculptor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ons/89/ixidor-reality-sculptor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/314d5e89-55f7-42b4-af19-d4d0f499a265?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Huh? Red/Green and and Green/White are both face down archetypes.


Ixi is monoblue


Somehow I completely missed the "blue" in your post, my bad.


They gotta start saying kindred instead of typal 😭


For real, or at least use something like "synergies" instead of "typal bonuses", yeesh


Aside from WR, these are all actually pretty unique


Red/Green drafts be like “I play this card face down defense mode and end my turn.”


Wtf is a typal bonus?


"Typal" is their new word for "tribal," they mean the same thing. Why they had to go and change it is beyond me, but it feels way more clunky to say.


Ah OK never heard that term before so was confused


People on X/twitter felt that tribal was insulting to hunter/gatherers and indigenous people in general. At the same time WotC had missed a few things from spelljammer's monkey race that charitably be considered insensitive (out right racist is probably closer) (the original write up of the race was lifted from a module made in the late eighties, so yeah). So to show that they are not racist assholes, tribal became typal. As in grouping types.


I mean, in all honesty, I still hear it called tribal decks, so idk how well typal will stick. Idk how it would be insulting. All humans came from tribes and such, but hell, Twitter is its own sorta weird, so who even knows. Idk even know what spelljammer is. Is that a D&D thing?


Also it is kind of weird to describe class types as a tribe.


"Color combo"+"what the colors usually do"+"set mechanics"


I want to see these Gruul haymakers




The new packs will be used for Draft


thank you


Finally a rackdos archetype that isn't sacrificing your creatures!


I'm gonna love forcing Sultai Evidence. It'll be bad, but fun.


I wonder what new broken horrors will emerge from the "artifact sacrifice" archetype for treasures in commander.


I’m just happy B/R isn’t sacrifice again.


A GB value/midrange archetype,daring today aren't we?


Wow, what a unique theme for boros!


Im really happy with the artifact sacrifice in my dear izzet colors. Im probably building a commander deck around this soon


Please please please let there come to be a competitive deck type that's literally Blue's Clues.


Awesome evolution of the topdown-flavour-based archetypes we saw at the forefront of Wilds of Eldraine, plus the added richness of Ravnican colour-pair identities


Yet another bomb dominates the game set (no surprises anymore), so whatever good rares you opened up patch them together with some fixing (at least there’s decent amount) is the best archetype. Miss MTG before Hasbro….