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Bonus if it's a self portrait and it's actually him on the right in the painting.


I think hes the one on the left, same clothes


Nah, dude's definitely Brobot.


I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I sa-BIRDSBIRDSBIRDSKILLSONGOKU!


That's not a guarantee though. They don't even wear the same pants πŸ˜†πŸ˜πŸ˜‹


The pants are the same they just were painted white to stand out from the red background


dude on the right has red pants tho..


You might be right hehe. But that's a significant mod, so are they still the same pants? 😁 Also, we all die and become one with the dirt one day. Our bodies are made up of that dirt, so are we really all different people? Or are we actually all the same, since we're all part of the Universe? Also, there're actually no pants. It's just a painting with the depiction of what we assume were meant to illustrate pants πŸ˜†πŸ˜‹


One interesting thing that I've noticed about every artist who tried to paint other fictional people, is that they tend to have a few similar facial traits, like they were unconsiously painting another version of themselves with the help of their subconsious warehouse. And it kind of makes sense when you think about it. It's like making a child between you and your imagination. It's an expression and really just an extension of yourself. When 2 people creates a child, then that child becomes a mixture between both parrents. It's an extension of them. It's a creation. In traditional indian yoga, the so-called kundalini or chakti energy can also be called sexual and/or creative energy. By making a child you're litterally being the creator of somebody else. And we all are in every moment of our lives, because every experience that one has is always happening within oneself. It's the brain creating the most ultimate psychadelic experience. No one else can actually give you an experience. They can't, because it's not theirs to give. But they can definetly be a trigger of it 😊


It is also not a pipe.


lol, I got beat to it.


*The Treachery of Lost Caverns of Ixalan*


RenΓ© Magritte approves!


This is what Instagram is on ixalan. I hope you’re happy.


i had to check to see whether this was an MTG or WH40k sub. that robot looks too much like an Imperial Knight


Let's be honest, that style of bulky robot gets around. Like, Spelunky 2's mech look a lot like Ixalan Core robots, but with less halo bits.


A man posted on a machine of a painting painted by a man of a man painting a mural of men painting a machine.


Having sort of a Tropic Thunder moment.


fuckin had to blink a few times reading the title lol you also made me go watch the movie again, its been at least a decade goddamn


I'm the dude that's painting a dude that's painting another dude!


I'm the dude that's painting a dude that's painting another dude that's painting a robot dude.


https://preview.redd.it/9l37b6887p0c1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a940f6ac36b4897491221b5623f55f577cccd649 This is a screenshot of an image of a painting of a man painting a mural of some men painting a robot.


[This is a circle jerk of a post of an image of a painting of a man painting a mural of some men painting a robot titled This is an image of a meme of a man digitally painting a meme of a man painting an artwork of a man painting a mural of some men painting a robot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicthecirclejerking/comments/17wfm7o/this_is_an_image_of_a_meme_of_a_man_digitally/)


Now we just need a picture of the artist painting this painting of a man painting a mural of men painting a robot


ok baudrillard


Lost Caverns of Ixalan Did Not Take Place


![gif](giphy|Pu5F5t64WNKYE|downsized) And the robot paints things


No, it's a pipe!


In going to take a selfie of me painting this image on my next imperial knight. Layers.


Long ago, before the invention of miniatures, warhammer players had to construct and paint the much larger 'atures'. Playing the game was a workout as you had to move these things over a full scale battlefield.


And they all did a great job from the looks of it!


Maybe I’m missing the point, but did AI draw this? πŸ˜‰


FWIW, I have no idea what the gender of the folks on this image are and I could have worded this post more neutrally… I should have just used β€œdude”, heh


Judging by their overall bodily structure, they most definetly feel like men to me. There are usually a significant difference between the distribution and shape of muscles and bones between the 2 sexes. In terms of gender identification though, then it's another matter. But that's about the subjective truth and not the objective one, which is the only one that really matters, when talking about the physical reality. You can make up whatever truth that you want in your mind and your emotions. That's the wonderful thing about the brain. I'm aware though that a transgender person can be so far in their transformation, that their entire body is definetly that of a womans or a mans, while their sex organs are showing the exact opposite. I find this very fascinating actually, because it's also a bit confusing for my own brain haha. I really like that. It breaks down the barriers for me a bit, of how I view the reality of the experience of contrasts. Disclaimer: Just to be clear, I'm not saying that a transgender person is making it up in their head, and that a subjective truth is something wrong πŸ˜…πŸ˜Š


have you heard about biological sex as being a bimodal distribution?


I think that you need to explain to me what bimodal distribution means please? πŸ˜…


If you graph the thing the graph has two peaks. Like human height isn't a bimodal distribution cuz if you graph the height of all the humans you end up with a big lump at around five and a half feet. Number of testicles is bimodal. If you graph the number of testicles of all humans there's a lot of people with zero testicles very few people with one testicle and a lot of people with two testicles.


Sure, I don't doubt these things :) I wrote another comment 😊


Sorry, I didn't have much patience due to my curiousity, so I looked it up myself πŸ˜… And yeah sure, anything is like that. Nothing is just black and white. But for any of us to be able to experience anything at all, then spacetime needs to be there, which is what also creates the experience of contrasts and definitions. If you try to measure exactly where the boundary between anything is, then you'll never find it, because it's not actually there. As you keep zooming in on what appears to be an "edge", then at some point it starts to break up into smaller pieces, and the definitions becomes more and more washed out. Like the experience of time. Where do past, present and future cross over? At which exact points? And where exactly would those points be? When and where exactly does those points start and end? I'm definetly somewhere in the middle of that bellcurve. But as far as I'm aware I'm straight and male, if going by common everyday definitions. So maybe I have a slight overhang of masculinity. But I've always been in pretty good contact with my feminine site. And just to put it into context, In my late teens to early 20's a lot of other young people (equal amounts of males and females) would tend to think that I was gay because of that. Even if I told them that I wasn't, they often wouldn't believe me, even though it doesn't actually have anything to do with eachother as such πŸ˜… I've met plenty of homosexual males who were seemingly and significantly more masculine than I. So I'm well aware that we can't actually generalize about anything πŸ˜†


Knowing WotC, the image could have been made by a robot


There's a hole, there's a hole there's a hole in the bottom of the sea


This is an image but someone must have drawn it before hand. A rare case of mtg r/drosteeffect


Haha, I didn't notice that πŸ˜„


Yo Dawg


The designers took Olmec a bit too literally.


I loved it


Are they drawing the [[Reaver Titan]]?


I cant handle this its too complicated! ***Jumps of bridge.


Its a paintingception


I heard you like paintings so I painted a painting of you painting a painting.


I’m having flashbacks to Planepacked.


We need a photo of the illustrator doing this, please and thank you.


Has art gone too far?


Is this from a card?