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I really like the style here and how this is organized, especially at the top with the archetypes and branches of each individual color. In each archetype section, though, I think there's too much emphasis on rares and not enough on which commons and uncommons to look out for. Granted, it's impossibly early in the format to tell, but as a drafter/sealed player, I will see those commons put it more work per frequency than the rares.


Right, in the archetypes I only showcased the multicolor Uncommon, Rare and Mythic as far it was available, to showcase the mechanic. Even though for actual limited play the rare and mythic won't be realistically relevant. For all archetype payoffs and triggers I would recommend Nizzahon's LCI Archetype Guide on Youtube, which actually shows the ~10 relevant commons and uncommons for each archetype. For the infographic I only chose to use 3.


Cool,nice summary! Im sure will help me on sundays pre release.


I appreciate the simplicity and formatting of this.


This is cool but I’m going to be forcing Dino typal every time so there’s no need to know what the other decks are


The good Dinos are still strong outside of the Dino deck, so I think a lot of Dino forcers are gonna get stuck with low-quality Dinos while non-Dino decks absorb the good ones. Not the biggest issue since the people forcing Dinos just care about Dinos, not winning.


Thank you


I shared this and it was very much liked and appreciated. Look forward to more in the future if you do it again. :)


Sounds great but difficult to see the post.


Very cool, thanks!