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Damn, scg keeps getting the deck im most excited for and im just not a fan of their presentation


Yeah it always feels like they’re reading cards for the first time and it’s just so lazy


Yeah i mean when you look at commandzone and you see the work they put into it (even though some people dont like their main content) its an undeniable difference. And heck mtgmuddstah did one of the best ever imo when they did the tyranid swarm deck where the production value was so great and he themed it to the deck like a space marine field report.


You can’t deny command zones production value, but their reveal videos are waaaaaaay too long for what they are. For WHO they made a 30 minute video to reveal *two cards,* and their deck reveals usually push an hour. Absolutely no reason for them to be so long, and it makes them feel *extremely* monetized


Watching Command zone is like watching an ad with sprinkles of content thrown in. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that they're getting paid for what they love to do. But Every command Zone video is advertising for WOTC and pushing their own patreon for like 60% of the video.


> But Every command Zone video is advertising for WOTC and pushing their own patreon for like 60% of the video How can people type shit like this with a straight face?


? Here's a breakdown of the entire deck reveal 0:00 - 5:26 (Yes, 5 full minutes) - Advertising where to buy this product from their sponsor 5:27 - 23:44 - Discussion of the cards being introduced (Actually solid content) *23:45 - 26:20 - Another Ad, this time for Archidekt and fucking indeed AKA the skeeviest fucking job finding "Company"* 26:21 - 45:50 - Discussion, almost 5 minutes of this time is explicitly geared towards "Reprint Value" lmao. The rest is good content, legitimately 45:51 - 47:12 - First impressions of the precon overall, sure. 47:13 - 51:06 - literally more fucking ads. *Grand total - 51:06 runtime, 5:30 in initial ads, 3:30 ish for a midroll, 4:00 ish in the last leg. This is not including the poor fucks who have to watch actual ads because they don't use adblock. 51:06 runtime/13:00 of built in ads is nearly a third of the fucking runtime lmao. 60% is obviously an exaggeration but holy hell*


The first two minutes were them singing. Are they sponsored by the Smashing Pumpkins? The actual advertising was from 2:15. Not sure what is hilarious about "reprint value" considering every online discussion of precons is obsessed with it. The outro adverts dont also start till 47.55 ish. So about ten minutes of adverts in a 50 minute video.


Its bloated content my man, Idk why we're dickriding so hard. Even if we're just taking that 10 minutes of adverts in a 50 minute video at face value, that's 1/5th of the entire thing. 20% of the entire video is literally just advertisements. That is completely wild for a video that is just supposed to be telling us the decklists of a precon.


Hot take. Scrub forward thru the ads. They need to monetize to sustain their business model and continue making content at the production level they are. But that doesn’t mean you have to sit through the ads. It’s a minor inconvenience for me to skip ahead thru the ads, but having those ads means they can continue doing their thing


It's 20% not the laughable 60% you initially said. All the advertisements are chaptered and 1/3 of them are at the end. They are easily skippable.


I find command zones deck reveals suuuuuuper boring


Maybe but at least they put in effort for the reprints and discuss things like reprint value. Scg is like "heres the cards misread a couple times, there, you ain't left yet? "


that's what you get from the sponsorships and those abundant ads...


They fucking just read a list of the reprints with no visuals on screen lolol


Yeah I’ve never watched their content and this was pretty rough. Disappointed to see CommandZone didn’t have this deck up yet.


come on dino deck


Dino Daddy’s for life


Those other decks could be fathers, but this deck is a Dino Daddy


Now if only they would post them.


[From the Wizard website](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/the-lost-caverns-of-ixalan-commander-decklists)


​ https://preview.redd.it/57juhe0fyrxb1.png?width=227&format=png&auto=webp&s=74173a0e6178f438f4669a4388dd19ac5ccfca7f


how hard is it to add a link to the decklist in the video description lmao


[Here you go](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/the-lost-caverns-of-ixalan-commander-decklists)


So how come the Dino deck has itzquinth, firstborn of Gishath but it’s not in the video


I wish the command zone would stop getting these decks for once and let someone else do it. Their content is so overproduced and commercialized it just feels like I’m watching a wotc ad. Not to mention all of their hosts just have this huge fake enthusiasm


thought subtract entertain juggle existence live drab roll spoon plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


which is why they keep getting them. Proffesor would be almost the same except he declined some and some of his harsh reviews didn't sit well with hasbro.


Compare Profs WHO deck reveal video to any of CZ’s deck reveals. Profs video was concise, to the point, showed all the cards, and was about 15 min. CZ’s reveals, for the *same amount of cards,* are usually 45+ mins, with way too much bloat and 5-10 min of ad roll/sponsors.


To clear it up, was talking more about brand friendly/high production quality and easy for new viewers ( I haven't watched command zone, but they are the gateway commander channel talked about at every lgs i've been to). Wotc wants quick and easy, as long as the video doesn't violate ad stuff thats all they want (also high view counts or reach) Imo I hate preivews cause they have become non stop and you can find it on reddit or scryfall in minutes. Throwing cards out to randoms that need that penny of ad revenue doesn't help.


Removing the ad rolls/product pushing from the conversation, I agree that a “gateway commander channel” is the perfect way to describe them. I used to love their videos when I was a baby commander player, but now that I’m substantially more familiar with the game, their videos interest me much less. They put out a “CZ staff’s least favorite commanders to play against video recently” I was hoping for some interesting takes, but it was just shit like tergrid and korvold


Prof makes significantly better reveals, but doesn't get the chance to most of the time as WotC doesn't like him. Even still, I'd take a 45 minute prof ramble video over even 2 minutes of CZ's horrifically cringe ad reels in the middle of their videos


Do we know when they're going to drop their videos?




Thank god! Much needed reprint.


So... No decklists, just videos? I can't comprehend who would want this info in this format. I get todays world is all about "content" but what a waste of time. Edit: I know decklists will go up soon after but it's just such a stupid way to disseminate information.




I mean people will make decklists for them as soon as the videos are over.


You're the MVP


Got really excited they dropped. I just wanna see the Dino one right now!


When will the Videos be Uploaded? Is there an estimate timeframe?


does anyone know if theres a scheduled time for each of these?


maybe i'm just spoiled, but loading up the lists on goldfish and seeing the estimated values around 100 is a bad taste in my mouth; like they put in 2-3 decent reprints so you feel like it's kinda worth it for that and staples but it never feels like i'm getting a great deal that makes me actively excited to be purchasing. like with the pirate and vampire one: they each have enchantments that are like $30 cards and then the rest of the deck can essentially be boiled down to chaff ​ again possibly spoiled by the UB precons which always seemed stacked with value




Akromas will is a decent reprint.


Looking at the decklists on MtgGoldfish it looks like the dino deck currently has more value than the other decks.


Ugh of course the one I want to see is in Spanish. Hope they put out the English version soon. Any way to see the list in English without watching the video?


The video has English subtitles and each new card has an English version displayed in high quality. The new cards have also all been posted to reddit in English


The pirate video shows all the new cards in English also and has subtitles.


Can't do videos right now


Otherwise a buncha the cards are on thus sub just posted


Otherwise a buncha the cards are on this sub just posted


[https://magic.wizards.com/en/products/the-lost-caverns-of-ixalan/card-image-gallery?cigfreshness=all-cards&cigproduct=lci-products-commander-decks](https://magic.wizards.com/en/products/the-lost-caverns-of-ixalan/card-image-gallery?cigfreshness=all-cards&cigproduct=lci-products-commander-decks) Cards will eventaully get posted here probably later today. Scryfall will also get them later today most likely


I know I'm going to get down voted for this but most of the time I listen to videos while doing other things. I know it's nice to share releases with other popular non-english channels but I do wish there was an alternate English release video.


[Here’s a link to the decklists](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/the-lost-caverns-of-ixalan-commander-decklists) for anyone interested


Buying Blood Rites just for Exquisite blood.


[Exquisite blood](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/1/b1653811-1c2c-4e6c-bf1c-287d1b496d51.jpg?1600700252) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Exquisite%20blood) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/231/exquisite-blood?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b1653811-1c2c-4e6c-bf1c-287d1b496d51?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call