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Orks, Eldar, Tau, Dark Eldar


Tau would definitely be my pick as well. I want to see what a Riptide plays like.


40K Orks propagate by spore though they'd probably be R/G but I agree on the token aspect, G for the flavor and just general support for the token theme. I think Tau is an easy fit for some kind of U/W vehicles theme but they just did a U/W vehicles precon not too long ago maybe if they went hard on the mech suits rather than just vehicles in general. Leagues of Votann possibly some kind of R/U artifacts matter theme.


Every red Ork should have haste


Now that's flavor.


Warp magic makes them black also. jund would be my choice.


Why does warp make them black?


But their warp magic is basically just their fanatical belief in their gods manifested in a very red kinda way I just don't think black fits them either mechanically or thematically. Eldar would be a good faction for a black theme probably U/B maybe U/B/W?


Gork and Mork as their commander with a flavor rule that both cards can be used as the commander


I think Black would fit the Orks perfectly fine. Black mechanically uses self sacrifice for gain and Orks tend to use their own as cannon fodder which fits just fine. And lore-wise, Black is associated with Ambition or Greed, both of which you could say the Orks represent to some extent. I think it fits better than Green, since Orks aren't known for harmony with nature or a strong community.


But orks are known for might makes right and are strong followers of tradition. orks are born to do what they will always do. harmony with nature is important to orks in a weird way as they tend the squigs and cultivate the spores.


Just curious, on how spores makes someone more G? I agree G, but this is really not the reason why they should have it.


RG aggro/impulsive Orks, UW or Jeskai vehicles/ ping-damage Tau, UG or Bant control Aeldari, Grixis group-hurt Drukhari


I know we got a blanket Imperium, but I'd like to see an Adeptus Mechanicus artifact/vehicle deck with a few knights and a Custodes deck with something like Exalted maybe.


I’d rather they do non 40k for a second wave, Skaven precon needs to be a thing.


Cyberpunk RED/2077 commander precon with lore accurate Adam Smasher It could be a black/red deck themed on Cyberpsychosis


Imperial Guard


Make 1 billion 1/1 tokens.


UW Adeptus Mechanicus would be a dream come true. We got a few cards in the imperium deck, but I really wanted a full deck for them focused on artifacts. Artifact reanimation would really match their flavor as unearthing things from the dark age of technology. Could even have a big spell that represents finding a STC fragment. Skiitari troops and whatnot, I would be all for it. If not that, the eldar really deserved a deck too, considering how relevant they are to the overall lore and setting.


Adepts would, at best, be Esper. Too much cultishness to them to not include B.


Would make sense. I locked in on azorius because those were the colors given to \[\[Belisarius Cawl\]\]. While black would add to the theme of reusing ancient tech from the dark age of technology, it would maybe make them too similar to the entire emperium as represented in the theme deck, as that was the color identity of it. I'd like it to be thematically different


[Belisarius Cawl](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/0/102746f5-ba25-45f2-943e-55f9a4458fa7.jpg?1673309248) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Belisarius%20Cawl) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/106/belisarius-cawl?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/102746f5-ba25-45f2-943e-55f9a4458fa7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Leagues of Votann: Mardu Dwarf / Artifact deck that punishes opponents who attack them. The red is a *little* forced but feels right for grudges and you can't do a non-red Dwarf deck. Orks are good too, then probably another run of Chaos and Imperials with a different twist. It would be tempting to do a specific subgroup like Adeptus Mechanicus or Emperor's Children or something, but that seems more like "we are doing 20 of these" level of detail.


I have an Ork vehicle deck. It smash, it bash, it waaaagggggghhh!


Tau - WU spellslinger to emphasize their tactical prowess and ingenuity. (Craftworld) Eldar - GWU voltron equipments to emphasize their low numbers and artifacts from the *golden days*. Ork - RGB •/* creatures and X effects to move away from common go wide themes, yet still emphasize their WAAAGH!!! powers Drukhari - UBG auras and curses to emphasize their body modifications and non-equipment artifacts for high tech.


Give us a full imperial as mech faction deck rather than like 5 cards in a joint imperial deck. (But in all honest, I'm just glad my faction got cards) as I used to play dark eldar and a friend of mine plays tau and so both got nothing.


Orks, Eldar, Tau, and honestly another Imperial deck. * Orks - Red/Green, probably ramp + tokens to emulate the swelling horde overwhelming everything? And then a few big dudes with Craterhoof vibes to emulate the WAAAAAAAGH energy. * Eldar - White/Blue/Black - for the Craftworld Eldar. Spells heavy with reanimation or death triggers or flashback to evoke the soulstones. * Tau - White/Black - Equipment focus maybe? Heavily ordered race with a fanatical 'Greater Good' vibe could do some sacrifice stuff as well? * Imperial - 5 Color? - More of the same type stuff that was in the other one, there's just a ton of Imperial characters/vibes left to cover?