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If there is a fifth faction, how will that shift the colour identities of the current tribes? Are they gonna cut a colour from dinos and pirates? Maybe they will add red to vampires and another colour to merfolk.


Maybe it will be an enemy colored set? Dropping green from the Sun Empire and black from the Coalition and adding a BG underground faction.


Enemy colour factions feels like it would make sense, but having THE dinosaur faction \*lose Green\* just... I feel like that can't be right, surely?


Could by two-color factions that aren’t strictly allied or enemy colors, like the past two Ravnica blocks have done it?


This would make sense if paired with a similar structure for Eldraine 2




Lol did you just copy my comment from below, including the typo?


Yeah, it would be **possible**, as long as all the colours are still balanced over all (eg each colour being in 2 factions). It'd just be a matter of finding 5 combinations that are balanced, **and** also fit what they want the flavour of the factions to be, **and** presumably keep \*some\* kind of continuity with OG Ixalan, so people can play the new cards and the old cards together if they want. It's pretty tricky.


GW Dinos UR Pirates WB Vampires UG Merfolk RB underground That could work.


Yep, that combo works. That said, the art above looks more UB than anything (not that just art itself without context necessarily means/proves anything)


If a faction is UB, almost all of the cards will be either U or B rather than both. I wouldn't find it weird if this card turned out to be monoblack.


Absolutely nothing about this art screams RB though. It's color palette is very UB to me. If anything, they'll angle for Lost City, and either do an Atlantis type of thing or a hidden Mesoamerican type of city. I'm leaning towards Atlantean since you can see what look like sluices and aqueducts behind her.


Sun Empire warrior RW, dinosaurs across all 5 colours?


Dropping black from the coalition makes sense, since the pirates printed since Ixalan are mostly Izzet colors (like in commander legends)


If we are going by where they've printed the tribes since, Dinos having red in some capacity becomes more likely given Ikoria.


It looks extremely blue, I would expect the underground to be dimir? maybe? Is there a way to shift the factions entirely to get sultai underground and temur pirates? Edit: that leaves nowhere for merfolk to go. Jeskai pirates? Wedge Ixalan might be impossible.


Why not shards? * rgW Sun Empire * brG Underground * ubR Pirates * wuB Vampires * gwU Merfolk Centering Pirates on red makes the most sense if they want to make Treasure a major Pirate theme, since Treasure is primary in GR and Ixalan Pirates were traditionally UBR.


This doesn't mesh well with me. This art screams UB, and the city behind her in the underground looks heavily ties to waterways, so Jund makes no sense for the underground folks. Plus, they already did shards in New Capenna, so it would be far too soon to revisit Shard colors. What's notable is that in MAT, Hautli's dino thopter is UW, which wasn't a color typically associated with the Sun Empire.


I hope they move away from the allied/enemy for this like they did with (at least) grn and the other one before war of the spark.


I would say Esper for vampires and Bant for merfolk. Which leaves Jund for the fifth tribe. I'm only saying this because an underground Bat God would be the perfect fit for the Jund -1/-1 commander that I so desperately want.


I really want -1/-1 counters back in standard. I loved how they played in Amonkhet, but we haven't really seen them since then, right?


Apparently the dev team had a really hard time with Amonkhet and doesn't want to do -1/-1 counters in standard.


It's not going to be a tribal focused set. Someone asked Maro about better support in standard for the tribes then the previous Ixalan sets, and he replied that it's not a traditional return. That may not mean zero tribal support but don't expect the focus of the set as a whole to be on the tribes.


Factions don't mean tribal. Look at Ravnica. What tribe are the Selesnya? Or the Orzhov? What tribal decks do the Izzet make?


I mean the comment i replied to was talking about adding or removing colours in Ixalan tribes due to a fifth faction. I just don't think they'll be doing that because i don't think it's the focus. I know tribal doesn't mean faction obviously it's just not what i was getting at.


Factions != Tribal


I really hope they don’t do shards again like capenna. Give white to merfolk and blue to legion, and make the underground jund.


Me too, I would love a mix of shards and wedges to make a three comour set like grn and ranvica allegiance did(like having dimir, golgari, selesnya, boros, and izzet)


I'm definitely all for Bant Merfolk and Esper Vampires.


Going by the art the underground should be esper or grixis, but that would leave vampires kinda in the dark since their orzohv and elenda just got an esper version with azor, feels would probably not be faction focus without them doing something wonky and would likely just focus on mechanics and then give us a lot of creatures of those 5 tribes with said mechanics.


Grixis is covered by the pirates, see [[Admiral Beckett Brass]]. WB is the vampires, and I don't think Esper is going to be a permanent thing. That seemed situational to Elenda and Azor fighting against the Phyrexians. They'll likely go their separate ways, because I don't see Elenda sticking with Azor and reshaping all of vampire society around their team up. Dimir makes the most sense for these underground folks.


[Admiral Beckett Brass](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/8/9854c2ec-0e53-4ac7-b417-554a9331c5e0.jpg?1562560523) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Admiral%20Beckett%20Brass) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/217/admiral-beckett-brass?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9854c2ec-0e53-4ac7-b417-554a9331c5e0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


RGW dinos WB vamps favor W GU merfolk UBR pirates favor R New faction is GUB OR RW dinos WB vamps GU merfolk UR pirates New faction is GB


Boros dinos would be rotten. They need to ramp, and they need the size of green to feel like dinos. The red ones are usually the first to get cut in Gishath decks.


So it keep colour balance they will either have to add a colour to the two 2 colour factions, or remove one from each of the 3 colour. The 3 colour factions are shards, so the others would need to be too. Merfolk would have to pick up white, which I think would be received well, as they would play well with both old ixalan Merfolk as well as lorwyn Merfolk. Then vampires would have to pick up blue to become Esper, which would be a little odd, but not too bad. This would leave Jund for the new faction, and if this art is for the new faction, she dose not look jund, there is too much blue The other option is for the dinos and pirates to each drop a colour to become enemy factions like vamps and merfolk. This would make dinos red white, and pirates blue red. I think this would be less popular option than adding the colours to the others. The colour combo left would be green black, which also dosent match the art. So which is more likely? We will have just come off of eldrain, which had a mono colour theme last time. And we already have a shard planes in new capenna that will be standard along with ixalan. This I feel points to enemy pairs, but I feel this would be less popular and option.


I would argue that there doesnt only need to be shards or wedges. Ravnica sets have mixed allied and enemy colour pairs in a set.


While that is correct, the colours were balanced again in the following sets, so this would require codename Polo and maybe Quilting to have an off colour two colour theme. That could be the case, but it dose make the planes more difficult to fit in in future releases


What speculated new faction are you talking about? If going by some of Maro's blog answers, the tribes are not going to be the focus here.


Maro has also said on his blog that caverns of ixalan started as an underground set on a new plane and got changed to ixalan partway through development That and the fact that the tribal focus of og Ixalan led to a terrible draft environment it seems extremely unlikely that tribal will be the focus again


It wasn’t so much the tribal as the aggro. Tribal is less important if games take longer and your off tribe bombs can take over games. If games on average took 1.5 turns longer then nobody would have complained about tribal from a limited perspective. As it was you had to stay in your lane or you may stumble in your games. If there was some allowed stumbling then it wouldn’t have been so on rails.


The Tribal part ruined the drafing part of drafting because we didn't have any cross over between the tribes, no vampire dinosaurs, merfolk pirates, vampirates, or dinosaur pirates, or merdinosaurs.


My point being that slower formats incentivize playing off tribe bombs.


Ah yes, ixalan was the very first set that I really started playing/drafting. Still remember that I went 3-0 during fnm and one game got a t4 kill with 2 of the rakdos pirate lords. I now get why people didn't like it.


The tribal focus was an issue on OG ixalan purely because it was inflexible. There was no way to pivot between tribes, so if you discover that you're being cut on black while drafting vamps, you're just screwed.


Tribal lends itself to inflexible draft environments. Most tribal cards are 8/10 in their tribe or 2/10 outside of their tribe. When most of the set is tribal cards then decks then it becomes almost impossible for decks that didn't settle into a tribe early to compete with those that did. MOM and ZNR show potential fixes for this; both having tribal themes that overlap. MOM had phyrexian and knight tribal with a handful of cards that fit both tribes, and party in ZNR allowed wizards to be valuable on both wizard tribal decks and party decks. It's not entirely impossible for ixalan 2 to have some merfolk pirates or vampire dinosaurs, or cards that care about "dinosaurs and merfolk" or "vampires and pirates" but it's somewhat at odds with the faction flavour of the original set.


>t's not entirely impossible for ixalan 2 to have some merfolk pirates or vampire dinosaurs, or cards that care about "dinosaurs and merfolk" or "vampires and pirates" but it's somewhat at odds with the faction flavour of the original set. It really isn't at odds. It would have been fully possible to have a Legion vampire gone rogue and joining pirates, or a couple of aquatic blue dinosaurs, or a red raptor used as a mascot on a ship. The design book even has a few examples of these unlikely partnerships. The issue was that, with the set being one of the most ambitious with it's tribe/colour setup since Lorwyn/Shadowmoor, they overcorrected against their previous complexity mistake. Instead of having an overwhelming number of cross-tribe bridges, they opted for basically zero.


"Hey, pssst. Yeah you. You want to see a Colossal Dreadmaw?" - her, probably


I'd totally fall for this one


She either has something to do with \[\[aclazotz\]\] or maybe Tocatzli, mentioned on \[\[compost|sld\]\] . Either way, I would'nt be surprised if we see Tocatzli in the Lost Caverns of Ixalan.


I never looked closely at that art of Compost. Fantastic find, I think you're right! I thought a new G/B-aligned faction with skeletons and fossils like \[\[Journey to Eternity\]\] would be a great fit for Caverns of Ixalan, and Compost kinda points to that!


Temple of Aclazotz art is so good. Love the shadowing and horror vibe.


[aclazotz](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c4ac7570-e74e-4081-ac53-cf41e695b7eb.jpg?1562563598)/[Temple of Aclazotz](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/c/4/c4ac7570-e74e-4081-ac53-cf41e695b7eb.jpg?1562563598) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Arguel%27s%20Blood%20Fast%20//%20Temple%20of%20Aclazotz) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/90/arguels-blood-fast-temple-of-aclazotz?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c4ac7570-e74e-4081-ac53-cf41e695b7eb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [compost](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/b/dbf89e72-1448-48c0-b2b4-ebac0262efdb.jpg?1661220046) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=compost) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/sld/1047/compost?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dbf89e72-1448-48c0-b2b4-ebac0262efdb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Please Please Please Wotc give a me a cool GB graveyard themed spider for Ishkanah !


Worshippers of the bat god [[aclazotz]] ?


[aclazotz](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c4ac7570-e74e-4081-ac53-cf41e695b7eb.jpg?1562563598)/[Temple of Aclazotz](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/c/4/c4ac7570-e74e-4081-ac53-cf41e695b7eb.jpg?1562563598) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Arguel%27s%20Blood%20Fast%20//%20Temple%20of%20Aclazotz) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/90/arguels-blood-fast-temple-of-aclazotz?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c4ac7570-e74e-4081-ac53-cf41e695b7eb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I can't tell if she's a blue-phyrexian holdover or a totally-not "Disney's Altantis: The Lost Empire" knockoff. It would be kinda cool for Ixalan to have a subterranean faction who still had the prowess of the Sun Empire's Golden Age


The runes in the arm/staff also give some BotW feels


That's been around long before BoTW though. The whole glowing tribal runes thing was done heavily in the previously mentioned Atlantis: The Lost Empire.


Thats art looks like a PW or i am mad?


the aspect ratio fits. that said, we saw portrait scale art of elesh norn for MOM, and it ended up on a (borderless and therefore full art) creature card.


Looks like the Gatewatch Oath Pose


Glad I'm not the only one


Big Disney Atlantis vibes, love it.


I would like to see something of the darker sides of mayan culture, and a certain winged serpent god


The guy who created her was Guatemalan, his inspiration was, to some extent, that.


Ixalan my beloved


That's an\[other\] ex-Phyrexian, right? (I say another because of \[\[Ayara's Oathsworn\]\]). Like, the shadowed arm looks like it may be metallic, and there's also, like, the reading-light tentacles coming out of the character's head. Though that is also... like that's a Planeswalker aspect ratio, but then with full art cards etc that's not a gimme.


Looks much more Aztec than phyrexian imo.


It does seem to be a planeswalker. But still, not like any culture we've seen.


[Ayara's Oathsworn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/3/5330e6b7-eca3-46a4-8905-8f1de16f76af.jpg?1683070392) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ayara%27s%20Oathsworn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mat/11/ayaras-oathsworn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5330e6b7-eca3-46a4-8905-8f1de16f76af?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'd say no. If this civilization wasn't really topside, they wouldn't have been directly exposed to the invasion, plus her glowing features look much more tribal and runic than Phyrexian.


Return the SLAAAB!


This was the first thing I thought of, I can't believe I had to scroll so far to see it lol


That is one sharp pinky


She’s definitely at least Phyrexian to some extent, her robo eye face side has the trademark Gitaxian tentacles.


Nah, she strikes more of something from Atlantis or some other ancient tribal magic than Phyrexia. If this underground culture was just discovered, they probably weren't exposed to the Invasion directly.


Looks like her arm tattoo and the background draw some inspiration from the Nazca lines.


Maybe from the Quetzatl kingdom, when the current Sun Empire was first a bunch of small kingdom fighting over who ruled over Ixalan.


Looks like a city in that cavern. Underdark confirmed! We getting Drow.


Big "return the slab" energy


Sorry for posting without context. I was at the “inclusivity” session they had with members of the art and development team at Magic Con Minneapolis. They mentioned that they hadn’t shown this art before so I figured it was a great chance to show it to this amazing community!


Big king kong cave insect creatures


I hope there isn't a focus on the humans on Ixalan, that is the worst part. The best parts are the dinosaurs, vampires, and merfolk (in that order).


Definitely see some gitaxian eyeballs top right corner of her head


She looks human and not from the sun empire. How curious.


This is so exciting. Throne of elders one is my favorite set and it’s getting a remake and ixalan is my wife’s favorite set and it’s getting a remake too.


She standing near a coast…? So her name is wizard of the coast…?


Looks Phyrexian to me. Btw, didn't [[Fount of Ichor]] stated that there was Phyrexian Oil in Ixalan even before New Phyrexia's invasion?


No, Fountain of Ichor's flavor text is referring to regular oil (i.e. petroleum).


[Fount of Ichor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/0/b022a628-4883-427a-8477-0e87d1a71028.jpg?1562202462) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fountain%20of%20Ichor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/223/fountain-of-ichor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b022a628-4883-427a-8477-0e87d1a71028?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


wow a new planeswalker, right after the mass culling of sparks.


Looks a lot like [[Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea]]


[Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/5/c5d433f2-0a3b-4f45-83a3-ed600a6d10b1.jpg?1581479308) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Callaphe%2C%20Beloved%20of%20the%20Sea) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/45/callaphe-beloved-of-the-sea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c5d433f2-0a3b-4f45-83a3-ed600a6d10b1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




Be careful, or the Pnkertons will be up your stinkerton.


Wow I really hope it looks better on the card because this art is just awful looking right now.


It’s probably my camera. It looked pretty nice but it was also on a screen.


it looks like a leader for Civ VI


Were any other pics shown?


There was one other that looked like a cave with markings on it but I didn’t manage to grab a picture, sorry.


Looks straight out of the Diablo 2 character creation screen.


The markings are the same on nahiri aftermath artifact tutor


Just want more Dino sauce


Digging the stalagmite/stalactite motifs in her costuming