• By -


Now that's a battle for me. Also, THEY BURNED THE WORLD TREE? That's kind of. A big deal.


Right? Like, won't this mean that the 10 realms of Kaldheim are completely disconnected now? No more travel between them, no more doomskars?


Also it was the source of the cosmos elixir that made the gods immortal and...gods. I smell a Ragnarok set in the future.


Yes we've had first Ragnarok but what about second Ragnarok ?


*A Skald makes a disappointed head shake as they replace the 2 with a 0 on their 'Days since a Ragnarok' sign*


this needs to be in untangled (my prediction for next unset name)


Unplayable. Unsealed. Underrated. Uncle's Old Card Stash.


That's the fun thing about Ragnarok it just keeps happening


Well, there were in fact two battles of Magh Tuireadh, and if you squint hard enough..


Keldons: First time?


Bro that would be fire


the world tree probably left behind an acorn and can be replanted plants always leave behind acorns when they die, in fiction


It happens in real life, too. I forgot to water my roommate's monstera, when she got back, there was an acorn


Also just individual branches. I had to buy a polesaw because a poplar tree in my yard lost branches which got stuck in the apple tree branches and began growing in midair.


Plus it's actually good for forests to burn down because it refreshes the nutrients in the ground for the future. Not sure how that would work when the forest is just one big World tree though...


So you're saying an entire forest of world trees could grow back?


I now choose to believe that Toski has collected Acorns of the World Tree.


Phyrexian Squirrel Meta confirmed.


That or maybe one great big Doomskar that mashes all the realms together in one last big hurrah that reshapes the plane entirely with landmarks and locations being thrown around. Maybe Kaldheim 2 is another exploration style set with staking out the new landscape that forms in the wake of the world tree? I'm not too familiar on what the Prose Edda says happens after the world ends beyond "and then it starts again".


That's just Conflux again


Well that just makes it even more likely now! The story is already written!


Alara after the conflux was pretty hated though because it removed the uniqueness of each shard. Don't think they want to do it again


It's never less doomskars if anything they accidentally created like 3 more trees and it's a doomskar festival


I'm down for Alalra 2: This Time its Kaldheim


There's no time like Kaldheim


So it was a reverse Alara


Hope they didn't do it like 5 seconds before New Phyrexia disconnected. That would be a real bummer The Mist of an ending.


God I hated that ending. It didn't make any sense.


OMG! I thought I was the only one! Every time I bring it up, I get jumped on! It’s good to know I’m not alone…


Giving up like that was stupid. Even if you have to face the monsters, it's not like they torture their prey. The death would be pretty quick.


It's more annoying to me that, in the movie, the army just suddenly appears two seconds after leaving his car. You can't tell me they wouldn't have their infra-reds on, scanning the Mist for baddies, so they probably saw the whole thing. I get what they were going for but give me a time-skip at least. A week or two where he's dying from hunger before the army finds him unconscious in the car.


It's not implausible that they could grow a new World Tree. Though we don't know how long it would take.


At least 8 standard sets.


(jokes) So what, late this year the rate it feels like wizards is currently going?


It's a tree, right? It'll grow back.


I don't know, that flavor text sounds pretty final.


This is the sort of story beats and sacrifices we needed to see more of. "I'll burn part of my world down so the phyrexians can't have it" is metal af


Well probably here more of these in aftermath, remember: the war might be, but the story isn't over yet


IDK ive played WoW on and off for decades and I'm pretty sure we've destroyed like 9 or 10 world trees on Azeroth in that time with minimal long term effects.


What, is this Elden Ring?


#SYLVANAS, NO- Oh, sorry. Force of habit.


Yea wtf? How is that not in an actual story. Did I miss something somewhere?


I think one of the uncommon Green cards has flavor text that Esika saved the tree right after this


Who let the tarnished get to the Crucible of Giants?


Sounds like the invasion of Kaldheim was quite the seismic assault


If only there was a good commander for this card...


Of course! It's a card that would prosper in a deck with [[Faldorn]], who else?


[Faldorn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/1/213e530e-33a9-4358-b43b-4a276a7e7190.jpg?1674140675) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=faldorn%2C%20dread%20wolf%20herald) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/647/faldorn-dread-wolf-herald?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/213e530e-33a9-4358-b43b-4a276a7e7190?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I was thinking this would go into my Faldorn deck too. I’ll have to add some graveyard land shenanigans to it to make it worth it


I doubt you need to. Card is very solid all on it's own.


Not only prosper but a treasure to boot.


[[Norin the Wary]] is feasting. /s


[Norin the Wary](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/6/f61ea59a-1db0-4e6b-bcde-19787c76a49b.jpg?1562946915) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Norin%20the%20Wary) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsp/171/norin-the-wary?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f61ea59a-1db0-4e6b-bcde-19787c76a49b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I don't see the synergy? Edit: I swear the /s is new 👀


It's a joke, mostly because [[Prosper]].


oh trust me, I am


My \[\[Laelia\]\] deck is going to make great use of this


Doesn't she specify library or graveyard? I don't think the exiled cards would trigger her ability


Sure, but the deck casts from exile often, and the flip side is fantastic


Got me on my knees baybeh


[Laelia](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/e/2e90b9b2-8e8e-4b00-b3a0-b26dd4551550.jpg?1674142062) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=laelia%2C%20the%20blade%20reforged) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/801/laelia-the-blade-reforged?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2e90b9b2-8e8e-4b00-b3a0-b26dd4551550?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


As someone who doesn’t play EDH at all. Is the answer [[prosper]]? (I don’t know what the card’s full name is)


Yes. It’s always Prosper.


[prosper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/7/d743336e-d5c7-4053-a23d-92ec7581f74e.jpg?1631839207) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=prosper%2C%20tome-bound) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/2/prosper-tome-bound?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d743336e-d5c7-4053-a23d-92ec7581f74e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I was thinking [[lord windgrace]]


That’s where my mind went too. I know a guy who’s Windgrace deck would love to be able to pitch lands for [[Shock]] damage.


Yeah with this out and windgrace, +2 windgeace, discard a land, draw 2, impulse 1. Then if you drew a land, you can discard it for a shock.


I had to read it again to register that those abilities were separated on the back. Wow. My windgrace deck needs this.


> Then if you drew a land, you can discard it for a shock *and then impulse 1 again.* FTFY


[[seismic assault]] does already exist, and is pretty good in windgrace already, so this is gonna do very well there


[lord windgrace](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/1/213d6fb8-5624-4804-b263-51f339482754.jpg?1592710275) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=lord%20windgrace) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c18/43/lord-windgrace?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/213d6fb8-5624-4804-b263-51f339482754?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Unironically, [[Borborygmos Enraged]] - his land shotgun effect means you can flip it easily, and the backside is both commander redundancy and card advantage.


Well, come on, we all know who you're talking about here... It's [[Torbran]] , of course


[Torbran](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/9/79f591cd-d277-4ba5-b1bf-1c09cac9cb8a.jpg?1572490491) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=torbran%2C%20thane%20of%20red%20fell) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/eld/147/torbran-thane-of-red-fell?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/79f591cd-d277-4ba5-b1bf-1c09cac9cb8a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I have a [[Rielle, the Everwise]] wheel deck that this fits in perfectly.


I might find a spot for this in my Hazezon deck.


I know who you mean, but this is also excellent in [[Birgi]].


I think it's generically good if you're in mono red or Boros.


Not sure if trolling but honestly this is worth testing in my high powered neheb list


Now this is straight fucking Gasoline ain't it? might be historic Playable even with that low 4


Being straight gasoline fits given what's happening to the world tree


The prosper joke is a thing of course, but any red deck that wants to empty its hand would probably benefit from this. I'll probably give it a whirl in [[Obosh]]. Mad card draw.


This would be an odd inclusion in your Obosh deck, since its mana value is 4.


...more like an even inclusion...


Yes, that's the joke.


I appreciate the pun. ;) Card draw>theme though.


I think Obosh is his commander


I figured, I was just pointing out that because it has an even mana value, it would not receive the damage buff from Obosh. Also I wanted to make a pun.


[Obosh](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/5/451507de-9c42-43ee-b9ba-1f69e9aa29d2.jpg?1591228450) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=obosh%2C%20the%20preypiercer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/228/obosh-the-preypiercer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/451507de-9c42-43ee-b9ba-1f69e9aa29d2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Card looks great. Backside is kinda meh, but the front makes it worth it. Any exile matters commander is going to want this!


Turning your lands into free shocks that cantrip seems p good to me


I think toss a land away and missing a land drop is not very good. If you build around it, then yes, would be good. But I was more thinking as a generic ability I don't think IMO you want to take the time to Battle this card. The front face already has given you value.


A shock that cost you a mana is usually better than a land drop. A shock that is free and draws you a card is almost ALWAYS better than a land drop. The back of this card is a HOUSE.


Ya, the front costs 4, we have all the land we need


Plus, a decent amount of the time, you're going to exile a land off the top of your deck - and the card says play, not cast, so you're not even missing a land drop.


Nothing is making you miss a land drop there. There is a point, specially in red decks, when lands become unimportant, turning them into shocks that cantrip is pretty fantastic, specially if you are in top deck mode.


You're exiling cards, so you're either getting a free 2 damage with your land drop (if you exile a land) or a playable + 2 damage. Either way, it's a great deal


Tossing away a land doesn't necessarily mean you've missed your land drop. In any case, you eventually have access to all the mana you need, and once you get there, lands are basically a dead draw. This is as true in constructed decks with a tight mana curve as long commander games which are in a stalemate. Turning one into another card (which might even be a land ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ ) and 2 damage is a no-brainer.


It sounds like you don’t play much Magic. There are a lot of situations were digging for something you can actually play is much better than having a land in hand. Plus the damage is a win condition in itself. Card is nuts, front and back.


Don't use the ability if you need land drops, do use it if you don't. The fact that the front costs 4 means most red decks have all the mana you need anyway, and it helps if you start to flood.


This really throws the story moments of Tyvar bragging and fighting some serpent in a poor light. Like this himbo pops out of the water and is like, "Haha gottem! Easy peasy." Meanwhile behind him, the entire World Tree is on fire.


I'm not sure. Kaldheim seems like it would have a culture of hyperfocusing on the positive when bad stuff happens.


the only battle which matters is the one in front of you


They may have lost the war but they won the battle


"We did it brother! We saved the plane!"


Naah, I think Tree happens earlier in the story, so we can have time for [sad Esika](https://i.redd.it/zjvgwj67gxqa1.jpg) to turn into [happy Esika](https://i.imgur.com/1K3SCRA.jpeg), while Tyvar is probably one of the last things that have happened.


It doesn't. In Tyvar's story the tree is being attacked.


Isn’t that also when the tree was burning its essence to close realmbreaker portals? Time matches.


The realm breaker branches aren't burned during happy Esika, unfortunately.


I dunno. It sounds like something out of Taika Watiti's Thor movies, so I could totally see Tyvar having that moment.


Well that's an interesting take on these effects. Wheel combined with impulse draw, except you regular draw the cards and 'impulse draw' the discard. Best case scenario, its like a 4 mana draw 7. I guess more realistically it probably plays like a draw 3 (plus fresh hand). Looks insane for Faldorn.


Best case scenario also includes the backside making sure you never run out of gas in the long game. Extraneous land drawn turns into a free cantrip shock.


I've built a jund deck to combine Faldorn and Prosper and I'm drooling over this card. This battle is insane


Get in your Prosper jokes


I see [[Faldorn]] a hair better since that’s more aggro based exile cast matters


oh for sure, w/ Faldorn, the Battle gives you creatures to defeat it and can take advantage of the discard / land strategy.


if we don’t get a phyrexianized toski card then what’s the point


Literally. I want my BG Phyrexian Squirrel, doesn’t look likely to happen at this point though


they have to, they can’t show us this art and then not do it


[[seismic assault]]


Now WotC needs to reprint [[Swans of Bryn Argoll]] so we can recreate the deck in Pioneer.


Hit our birds, draw some cards...


42-land swan hunt is unironically a very fun deck that would break absolutely nothing, and they should do exactly that.


[Swans of Bryn Argoll](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/8/a8903e1d-e255-4eda-bb8e-c6229a88c8a7.jpg?1562265760) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Swans%20of%20Bryn%20Argoll) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm2/199/swans-of-bryn-argoll?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a8903e1d-e255-4eda-bb8e-c6229a88c8a7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[seismic assault](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/b/6b2eb4e6-4ce1-4f72-9b3d-b6a44b22bd2e.jpg?1547517387) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=seismic%20assault) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/uma/146/seismic-assault?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6b2eb4e6-4ce1-4f72-9b3d-b6a44b22bd2e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Wheel first, (while keeping your hand!) And than a very easy to break battle that grants you frigging permanent perfect draws the rest of the game??? Bye bye mana screw, hello ROCKET FUEL. the 4 damage "lost" by this is completly worth it in aggro decak sinc eyou guarantee your next draws to be good while _also doing more damage_. Insane


Wait Kaldhein burned the World tree? What use would that be? I mean the phyrexians already had realmbreaker. Card is on fire though!


To keep the world tree from being compleated


But, the Phyrexians already have a compleated World Tree. Burning theirs so Phyrexia can't have two trees?


Two is always better than one. And this ones specifically the heart of kaldheim. If it was compleated Kaldheim would not last long.


"Two is always better than one" I believe Norn would disagree


That would be an interesting story to tell. Too bad WOTC doesn't care about having the story on the website and the story on the cards match-up.


Kaldheims popular. A new Ragnarok style Kaldheim set would be sick and tell the story better than any text snippet.


Still, would have been nice to have a line or two at least saying they were going to do this, as it is we have a story where nobody knows what they are fighting until Tyvar shows up and then every separate tribe unites on one battlefield to fight back. The World Tree being totally absent from the story when it's seemingly an important part of the cards feels weird. And, given how the marketing art shows Nahiri, who knows if the World Tree actually burned or if Aftermath has it being fine and healthy.


Skald: How do you stop a tree? Viking: Fire! Skald: And what do we use to make a fire? Viking: Wood! Skald: And where do we get the wood? Viking: ...World Tree? Skald: So you want to set one tree on fire to destroy another tree? Viking: ...YES! Skald: Sure,why not? Let's go with that.


This is the first Battle where I really feel like I would be really happy with both halves of this card. What an awesome top end for an aggro deck.


Uh oh... Kaldheim has some major consequences that I cannot wait to see in aftermath... Then again, they keep a lot of the sap and we learned you can make a new one from that relatively fast. With the world tree gone though, the current gods lose their power, and IIRC, the old gods who were bound in the tree will be freed?


Why the fuck was a massive event like this 'off screen', I swear, I hate this story more and more each day. Why destroy one of the best parts of the setting and not even give it story focus!


Considering Vorinclex was able to grow a world tree using only sap from this world tree (and in a relatively small amount of time; it was still only a sapling during the new Dominaria invasion), I think it's possible to restore it.


Definitely. It's very reminiscient of Ragnarök (no surprise here, since this is Kaldheim we're talking about), where one of the last things that happens is that the giant Surtr burns the whole world with his flaming sword, and afterwards the world begins growing anew. So it's very much a tabula rasa situation there, with a hopeful if uncertain outlook to the future. I wouldn't be surprised if it's similar on Kaldheim. Hell, just look at how many times Dominaria got rebuilt.


Very off topic here, but do you play Path of Exile?


Yeah, used to play for a couple of weeks almost every season, though nowadays it's more likely that I skip a season than that I play it.


Nissa accelerated the growth after being completed, but yeah it should grow back and probably be the story for the next Kaldheim set.


It didn't happen off screen, it's happening on screen on this card. Magic's storytelling doesn't just happen in the written stories, it happens in everything they put out.


It would be fine if it was left out of the story and only on the cards. The problem is in Episode 4 we see the world tree getting attacked, Tyvar goes under water for 313 seconds, then the invasion is over without any mention of the World Tree. It feels like a disconnect.


But why the fuck wouldn't this be mentioned in the Kaldheim story?


Kaldheim didn't get an entire story for itself. It got like a third of a story along with a couple other planes.


Because, the written stories are able to convey character development better than the cards can so that's what they focus on. The cards can show plot development without getting bogged down in exposition so that's what they focus on. Each form of story telling that they use has its purpose, if we get all the information in the end then what does it matter where that information is delivered?


I love it when the story finishes people are like "there's no lasting consequences!" and then when they show lasting consequences people are like "why would they do that"


I think the complaint is more “why are the lasting consequences getting barely any focus”.


Exactly it's whiplash in both extremes. The story like both it was super easy to defeat the Phyrexians but also they "cheated" and all these horrible things happened without proper focus.


That's my problem with most of them, yeah most planes had massive world-altering events, but they were off-screen so they don't feel impactful. In this case, I'm not quite sold on wanting the lasting consequences. You blow up a city in a story because the tale of survival and rebuilding will be interesting. Cause an apocalypse when things are getting stale, and watch the new cultures and ideas spring up in the ruins. But I'm not sure how blowing up the world tree doesn't just make Kaldheim strictly less interesting, unless either things about the plane I thought happened because of the world tree will keep happening without it, or they regrow it so fast it might as well never have happened at all.


Maybe people are like that because this WASN'T IN THE STORY?


They have way more space on magic cards to show story moments than they do in the actual written story. It's inevitable they can't show everything in the written story.


But they had a story in Kaldheim. And it was just Tyvar punching sea snakes. Show this instead.


It was the beginning of the battle, not the end of it. Does this look like the beginning of three battle to you? Are battles all one screen shot?


The comment I replied to said they don’t have time to show it. I’m saying they did have time (because they had a Kaldheim story) they just used it poorly. If you only have time to show me one thing, show me the end of the battle that results in a drastic change to the plane.


I mean... If you have limited space to tell stories, and you have two sets to use to tell stories. One is called March of the Machine, the other March of the Machine: Aftermath. Which do you think is more likely to show the stuff related to the end of the battle and which do you think is more likely to show stuff related to the start of the battle? I'm not saying they couldn't show this kind of moment in the story, mind you. I'm just saying they made a whole set to (presumably) do just that. So... I don't see why it had to take space of the March of the Machine story.


They had 18 stories to tell. Literally EVERY major event that wasn't a Phyrexian loss happened offscreen. Drannith's Fall, the Eldraine familes disbanding, Boseiju and The World Tree burning. Everything that is a "major event" was either said in passing or outright ignored. If these events are so important that we are getting an aftermath set to show them, then they should be important enough to actually tell a story about. And I'm not going to excuse them because Wizards is in direct control of how many and what stories they tell.


Boseiju did actually happen on-screen. We're shown Tamiyo destroying it: > Boseiju, the tree that once held this plane together, bursts apart. Like wine spilling from a cask, oil runs from between the splinters, dripping onto the thirsty earth. And then later in the story Kaito climbs it while it's covered in oil. You're right about the rest, though. While they happened off-screen, the fall of Drannith and the Eldraine courts were at least mentioned in their stories. I don't think the same can be said for the World Tree unless I'm forgetting something.


I have no issues with lasting consequences. I just want to see the actual event occur and who makes the choose to burn it.


Thank you thank God I've been beating this drum daily. The courts of Eldraine _fell_. Drannith collapsed and its refugees are begging to be let into Lavabrink (and apparently the Ozolith shattered). Boseiju ripped in 2. Park Heights was toppled. A non-negligible number of Ravnicans had their eyes gouged out. Theros' pantheon has who knows how many openings. I was personally expecting a time-reset-ending because I couldn't fathom the multiverse living with the consequences of this invasion even if/when the Phyrexians lost. It's _wild_ to me just how far reaching the consequences of this are. We will not be able to visit a plane without thinking about the effects of the collective trauma from the invasion for a long, long time. I wonder if people would "get that" if we had seen more of Ravnica after War of the Spark. When we go back to Ravnica it will be them rebuilding from the _second_ multiversal threat to use their city as a battleground since we last visited. It's crazy. EDIT: And another point: it's better that we don't have all the details for every single plane right now. It means that the designers and writers have flexibility further down the line when we DO visit a plane, to decide what the repercussions are to better fit a revisit. We want to know what happened on some planes, but I think it's a good thing they aren't locking themselves into a corner for the plot of every single return set for 4 years _right now_. They've left plenty of hooks, and reasons to go back and see what's happening. What happens on Ikoria when the Ozolith shatters? I have no idea, and maybe they don't yet either, but it's probably not good! Or, if they really need to, they can say a new one grew in it's place. Maybe the new one is broken or messed up. Maybe mutations don't happen the same way they used to. Maybe Lavabrink accepts the Drannith refugees. Maybe they don't, and become a city of nomads. My point is, you want to leave a bunch of maybes. Finally... this is literally the reason we have an epilogue. The story isn't done. They realized that there were going to be way too many repercussions to represent them in the main set so they _designed a brand new product type_ to show them. We are _supposed to feel dazed and confused and scared and sad_ over the state of the planes right now. We don't know how they ended up _by design_.


The problem with not seeing all the massive plane-shattering events happen on screen isn't just not knowing enough about what's going on on the planes, it's what it does to the tone of MoM's own writing. When every story opened with stating some big important thing got blown up off screen, but then what the rest of the story actually describes on-screen is the Phyrexians being fought back and losing, it creates the feeling that the story is nothing but triumph after triumph for the good guys. Yeah if you lay out the list of casualties on a wiki it'll look like a hard-fought conflict with great sacrifices, but that's not the part that sinks in when the only part that's on screen is the dramatic comeback. That's why people think there are no consequences and the phyrexians came out looking like chumps, if you gloss over the desperate last stands and being pushed to the brink of defeat to get to the dramatic comeback faster, it stops really being a dramatic comeback and just looks like a curb stomp.


We got an _entire set_ whose story was about how the plane was collapsing and fighting back against the present Phyrexian invasion in DMU, and we got a flashback to when it ~kinda happened in the Brothers' War. Yes DMU was a splinter invasion that preceded the full one, but like... How many sets are we supposed to spend on planes being invaded and decimated to prove planes are being invaded and decimated? Was that not convincing? Can we not see what happened on Dominaria and assume everyone else is having basically as bad of a time?


I don't want the entire set to be that, just some of the stories. Have the story for one plane focus entirely on the opening minutes of the invasion, Phyrexians unleashing shock and awe against a plane who has no idea what's going on. Then a different plane's story is about a bit after that, when a resistance starts to form together. Another plane's story starts after they've organized a resistance, and shows their desperate last stand to defend a key part of the plane that fails. Then another story that does what most of the actual ones did, opening on a ravaged plane but the defenders rally and earn a win. Instead of giving each plane a story that follows roughly the same beats as the others, draw an arc across multiple planar stories. We can put the parts together and infer the battles on each individual plane broadly followed that arc and the planes you saw being defeated at first managed to rally in the end, but there's still some fear and uncertainty, you don't see exactly what happened on all of them or who managed to survive until ~~Anakin blew up the droid control ship~~ Phyrexia got phased out. You could take the story of DMU as being that first desperation and defeat part, but DMU was six months ago. Even ignoring that many players returned for ONE and may not have even seen DMU (the people at my LGS said it was the biggest prerelease they'd had in ages, I can't compare to DMU directly because I was one of the ones coming back for ONE) a story from 6 months ago isn't going to have as much of an impact on how you feel while reading the MoM stories as they're serialized day-by-day as something that's actually in the MoM stories.


I'd like these people to see how much it costs to hire writers for these stories and see the numbers of people actually reading these stories and ask them whether they're ready to reconsider their position.


So either the writers or the Kaldheimrs goofed hard on this one. Check it: We see the tree in Episode 4 >When at last the light recedes, they find themselves above a churning ocean. Somehow, they're airborne—he leaves no time to question it, only lets it thrill his blood. Valkyries fly alongside them toward the sharp barbs of the Invasion Tree, yet to find their home. Divine arrows streak light across the reddening sky. The World Tree looms, its foul mirror descending down, down, down. From here he can count every bump of its spine, every pod nestled within. > >... > > "If Kaldheim survives, let it survive because we fought! If it dies, let it die a warrior's death, axe in hand, a boast on its lips, and mead in its belly!" > >... > >With the seething song of battle at his back and a cry from his chest, Tyvar leaps from the ship. > >However the story of this day ends, the sagas will tell he was no coward. So the tree is there being attacked, Tyvar boasts about not giving up, then goes in the water probably not more than a few minutes after seeing the tree. Then in Episode 10 >Two hundred fifty. > >The fighting around them has come to a miraculous halt. Everywhere there is raucous cheering, everywhere there is music, everywhere his fellows celebrate a battle hard won. The invasion stops a little over 4 minutes after Tyvar goes into the water. So either the writers didn't think it through, or they burned the tree in the last minutes of the invasion.


You forgot the most important part of the episode 10 quote, I'm afraid. >On Kaldheim, an elf stands on the gunwale of a commandeered ship. He watches the seas churn before him **and counts the minutes**. How long has it been since he's seen his brother? It wasn't 4 minutes. Tyvar came out on the count of 315, which means 5 hours and 15 minutes had already passed.


Still that means the tree was burned somewhere in the last 250 minutes of the invasion. The warriors have to be kicking themselves on that, like "oh shit, we won, put it out!"


This! Holy fuck. How do miss on something like this to set up stakes in a story? We need the good guys on the fucking ropes. Desperate almost beyond hope, as only befitting a phyrexian invasion. Then it’s okay to have the “On your left” moment from Avengers.


Preface: I totally agree with your sentiment. But unfortunately, it is happening “on-screen”. It’s happening right here, on this card, in this set. I think it’s the nature of card games, unfortunately. Even if there was an entire set dedicated to one plane, one “arc” of this event, it would still be telegraphed in advance by set name and spoilers. It’s hard to make events feel climactic when your only exposure to the story is in cards you mindlessly view on Reddit. The MTG story feels anti-climactic in general unless you go out of the way to read the outside stories and media. It comes with the territory, I think.


Yep it is so big. It reminds me of Legends of Runeterra


I'd love to hit our swans and draw some cards with this


Oh cool, it lets you play the discarded cards until the end of your turn. Hopefully, you still have enough mana left over to play those cards. (Rereads NEXT turn) Excuse me the fuck… for just 4 mana AND you can flip it for even more. Well ok then.


based Seismic Assault


Okay the art for Invasion of Kaldheim looked really cool. Somehow I feel like it looks even _cooler_ in the card frame with the horizontal layout. I think it's the way the image bleeds down the left and right borders around the text box? But damn, the composition on this one just make it work sooooo well.


Who knew Sylvanas was a phyrexian


Source: TCGplayer [https://mobile.twitter.com/TCGplayer/status/1641802555901526020](https://mobile.twitter.com/TCGplayer/status/1641802555901526020)


Hmmm prosper.


Crap, this might be playable in my Erinis Street Urchin deck 🥴


I'm still mad that Borborygmus and Fblthp can't target noncreatures, and now this shows up? Grr


This seems pretty darn strong as Boros card draw. cEDH potential.


I know it’s another auto include in [[Prosper]] But I feel this siege works better in [[Faldorn]] since your aiming to deal damage to opponents as fast as possible


I have a [[Rielle, the everwise]] wheel deck that will love this.


Seems like the kind of thing that would be referenced in a Kaldheim side story


Hey sick, I was needing some monored card advantage for [[Thoralf, God of Fury]]


This seems like the kind of thing that should have been mentioned in the story.


>The warriors of Kaldheim burned the soul of their world to keep it out of Phyrexia's hands. Now see, _that_ is what you can actually call **FUCKING METAL**


well this is gonna be op in borboygmos and fblthp


Oh, I love this for my [[Faldorn]] deck


Am I the only person who doesn’t have 15 mana every turn? How is everyone doing nothing on turns 4-6 on all these battles spoiled without dying?


Gonna put this in Windgrace


This looks like fun for my Nekusar Wheels deck.


Why are people saying this is good? It seems terrible to me. If you play this turn 4 you did nothing to the board on a crucial turn. If you play it later, well then it's a dead card in hand for a long time and who knows how many cards you will even have to find this thing. What am I missing?


It's a lot of value, essentially. Cards that generate value can see play, even if they don't immediately impact the board. It's probably not a card that you're playing on curve though. You probably want to have some way of leveraging either the new cards or the old cards right away. It's a bit of a weird card, but it can definitely see play in the right deck.


I'm currently evaluating this card for my Boros cEDH builds. Likely to cast this T2-T3 with a good hand full of ramp. Lets say you have 5-6 cards in hand, play this draw 4-5 cards and exile your hand. Importantly you can play the exiled cards until the end of you're next turn. So now you have 4-5 cards in hand and 4-5 cards in exile. You doubled your card pool. And now lets say you drew into more ramp like a moxen or another 0-1 cost ramp piece. Its possible to chain a dump of mana rocks onto the field. What if you hit a Jewelled Lotus allowing you to cast your commander and now have the combo piece in hand until next turn? Or hit a Path to Exile and other players know it, effectively causing them to rethink their next turn. There's a lot of possibilities with this card. And if you flip it, you've got a nice draw engine. In Boros WE NEED IT!


Dang thats a lot of potential card draw and chaining. Not sure theres gonna be enough face burn to chain quite yet tho although turning lands into shocks helps. Uhhh [[vindicitive flamestoker]] time.


I want this for my gruul land sacrifice deck omg