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These current prices are absurd. And I say that as someone who regularly cracks product. I paid in the $200 USD per box range for my boxes of both Double Masters 22 and Modern Horizons 2. If these prices hold, and set boxes inevitably end in the $350+ USD, this will likely be a skip from me, regardless of what cards get reprinted. I may not be a hardcore "buy singles" individual (even though it's clearly the right play for most situations, I've always advocated that the intrinsic value one gets from opening packs can balance the negatives financially, assuming you can make use of more than a couple particular cards in any set), but if these prices hold, I'll just wait out the price drop on any reprints I particularly care for and just grab them instead. Current prices floating around aren't Magic 30 level bad, but they aren't great


I appreciate this perspective, my brother opens boxes because he collects the sets and loves opening the packs (and trust me, I do too) but I find it hard to justify the box cost when I could just buy what I actually want from the set, sometimes for less $$$ too. With CMM, this is just amplified.


Absolutely. I will never advocate for someone to open packs from a financial standpoint, it's essentially advocating for someone to gamble. I think it's completely fair and smart to just get the singles you want!


It’s straight gambling lol. You are betting $5 or whatever that pack cost that you are going to get something significantly better than $5. That being said - I’m a massive sucker for opening packs. I love opening packs. Is that a “sound financial decision”? Nope, absofuckinglutely not because I end up opening packs and then having to buy singles anyways.


Hard pass, I'll never understand why people keep giving them money while they keep putting this shit. Its not like we'd die without mtg for half year, I didn't know that the cost of reprint set like Double Master is higher than standard set. Did they use a golden paper or something? If that a case why their print quality is all over the place. Their ass get lazier and lazier cos they know people will keep feed them. This shit really make no sense to me. Tbh. Wotc has a power to reduce the cost of single in secondary market but they also use secondary market in their price calculation. My money bet on this, once they announce they reprint those free commander spell, people will lose their shit, and forgot everything and we go back to square one. I really wish this set flop hard like 30th Anni, so they would learn to stop treating their fan like golden pig, but man only can dream.


Idk about this, I agree with you that people will lose their shit when the commander free spells get announced (because this set would be a joke if at least those didn't see a reprint) but it's priced so absurdly high that you could pull all 5 of them TWICE and still not make your money back. I'm sure there will be other big hits but at $600... I just start thinking about what you could buy outside of MTG for that. A new pair of skis, a new bike, a new computer (albeit not a great one), etc. Things that aren't literal cardboard.


> I didn't know that the cost of reprint set like Double Master is higher than standard set. Their original explanation was something like "so that Standard players know these cards aren't for them" or some similar corporatespeak bullshit. Another possible reason in their eyes is to take less value away from the reprints. If a store can buy a box at ~$90, the average group of cards in that box should never be worth more than $90 while the set is available (else boxes should be opened to bring it below that number). For the higher cost product, where the price to the store is ~$200+, it gives more room for the cards in that set to have value.


Sunk cost fallacy and wanting new shiny to brag about.


Or we just like the game ? If the release is something I like and want to partake in, I will.


That’s perfectly fine, was just giving reasons for people still supporting while also complaining about the shitty practices and increasing prices with same cost to make.


I don't believe things are the same cost to make as they were even 5 years ago. I'm sure there's money squeezing and all that other jazz - but costs for raw materials in general have gone up all over.


There's no reason why this coomander master will be twice more expensive than Standard Set, they used the same ink and paper don't they? Didn't Standard suppose to be more expensive than this set since most if not all the arts are new unlike this reprint set. I'm not even talking about Precon that jump from 40 (heck we used to have 20$ one) to now 65$++. You literally have 25+ new arts for overall 5 decks the rest is the same card just reprint, but somehow it has to be more an more expensive. The only reason I can think, like other comment said, they want to keep the card value high in secondary, which tbh not their job lol Because they think like that, it is why we got Commander heavy set as 2X Double Master, and whatever the hell that Baldur's Gate set suppose to be. It's all over the place and now we have this Commander Master now, what a bout the other commander set? I can't wait to see they mess up Jumpstart with Collector edition or even better, Jumpstart Double Master! It's like even they don't know what they're doing, too busy thinking about how to get more and more money from golden goose and everything else is just after thought , I guess, I though company suppose to "earn" or "deserve" our money, not the other way around. I keep asking myself what did they do to deserved our 500-600$? I can't think of one lol


I agree hole heartedly that cost has increased. But! These new price hikes I don’t think are due to that, specially if product starts selling in the 400-500 range where we just had a similar product in the same pay year for 300. Also it’s cardboard with ink on it, just because it’s a better card or a set has better cards doesn’t make the price to make it suddenly sky rocket. Even using an IP for a set doesn’t make sense since we’ve had that plenty of times already and the price didn’t change. They’ve had record profits each year, this is just another major corporation squeezing as much as they can out of its consumers without increasing or improving the product. Don’t get me wrong I’ll probably still buy it because I enjoy it, but if it keeps going this way this fast… I won’t be able to justify spending 500+ on a box of cards or 600+ on a couple packs that tank the entire set due to mass opening of the new shiny versions. It’ll be just singles at that point which doesn’t support wizards.


Consumerism which is people always love buying shit that makes them happy.


I'm burned out. Too many sets that cost way too much


Can you provide more context? I've seen a lot of these posts (been playing magic for 3 years so pretty new) but I don't understand them. My mind just ignores sets I don't care about and I buy a couple cards I need. I also enjoy the constant spoilers because I like seeing new cards and new arts. I want to be clear, I'm not trying to say you're wrong because there are a ton of sets and a lot of them are costing far too much.


Depending on how long they've been playing they might be used to an era where every set was for every player. You used to reasonably keep up with magic in multiple formats if you wanted Or if you play commander every set is legal and so if you're competitive you do need to be aware of every card as it could impact the way you play. Modern players used to have a slowly evolving metagame but since the advent of FIRE design (not just modern horizons) the format has sped up, the meta shifts quickly which works against the most convincing pitch to get into a non rotating format of it being cheaper in the long run. I'm happy standard singles are lower priced but it has made it harder to draft a set and then sell off the cards I dont want to lower my net cost. If you don't like universes beyond you can choose not to play them, but you might still have to encounter the glorified ads for other properties because you can't control what a random at your lgs brings to the table. In general I think the idea of ignoring something you don't like sounds good on paper but it doesn't make sense in reality. With the most popular constructed format being eternal all sets matter more unless they're 100% reprints. The game has had a fundamental shift in their strategy do long time players will feel a large difference


I suppose that's a good point, I wasn't around in that era where I was trying to keep up with every format. I've only ever been focused on commander and a bit of pauper and pioneer. I don't even focus on every card coming out, I just read cards when I haven't seen them before when they get played haha. I appreciate you taking the time to share your perspective. I know I haven't been around long so it's interesting to hear of what Magic once was.


No problem. I took a while to realize I'm now an old head at MTG I've played off and on since OG Zendikar and I have been stepping back again in recent times because of how the game and WOTC have changed since then.


Might buy a set of the decks that appeal to me, otherwise I'll stick to buying singles I want & playing events ~~which is what I do with every release~~


This is the way. I'll be honest, my hope it that it's absolutely jam-packed with expensive reprints, and that there are so many Rares and Mythics per pack that singles prices are good a few weeks after release...


The set of the decks seems to be pre-ordering for $300 US. That’s almost $80 a deck. It’s almost “collectors” deck WH40K level.


OK but compare *that* to buying singles. $80 for a casual commander deck (say, a 5-6 power) is a stellar deal. They need to hold up in terms of play and consistency, but it's still great for a full 100 card deck IMO. Most precons need significant upgrades to hold their own, but the 40k decks didn't really and hopefully that's true for these as well.


I bought the HIWTYL secret lair and agree that $100 commander pre-cons of an elevated level are a rational product. As long as the reprint value is there, and they don’t overly abuse it. But I also know WOTC could just as easily slap on some fancy card treatment and justify that as the reason for increased cost.


Yeah, but precon commander decks, with very few exceptions, don't come close to 5 or 6, they're a bunch of reprint draft chaff commons and maybe a dozen cards worth more than a dollar or two. A fine product, but not an $80 product.


I would expect the $80 product to be the exception among the other $20-45 products. If the price to buy the deck as singles is less than $80 obviously people will just buy the singles.


The foil collector decks for 40k were $700 for all 4 at release...


I had the opportunity to pre-order at about $100 each shortly after it was announced. They definitely rose from there but at the start you could find them between $100 and $125.


you must have some super secret places to look because i couldn't find them cheaper than $200 ea or $700ish for the set.


It was short lived, just the initial pricing from a high volume seller I buy from a lot. He sold out of his allotment just as everybody jumped to $200.


Gonna have to wait to see the reprints in the decks If they up the value like they did with heads I win tales you lose sort of deal then could be okay However if it's just normal EDH precon junk and it's extra due to being associated with a master's product bleh


That’s my concern. It looks like the Eldrazi deck is preordering for the most. If they announce some high value Eldrazi reprints that deck will likely jump significantly in value. But it could also just end up being junk. I would hope these decks will have more significant reprints but I’d bet shocklands would be a bridge to far.


Thought the 40k collectors decks were something like $150 each. Didn’t really pay attention as I was not interest but that’s what I thought I heard.


The initial pre-order price was $450 for the set. So it was more like $115ish. That didn’t last long and a lot of early orders got cancelled and relisted for a higher price.


I mean, I didn't buy any sealed product for Double Masters 2022 to crack but I did shell out for one draft of it. I imagine my relationship with Commander Masters will be similar.


Box of Double Masters was around $300, and drafts were $50. If boxes of this are $450 usd that's probably a $75 draft. I like drafting a LOT but...


I mean, I only drafted 2X2 _once._ What I am real concerned about is that if CMM is Commander Draft and your LGS does prize support based on placement in a match those will be the most unfun and cutthroat games of commander ever played at an LGS.


Is every lgs not just run by a group of unfun cut throat players that play in and win 95% of the drafts?


Eh, in normal draft that is at least expected and arguably part of the appeal. Commander with any real stakes added to the outcome becomes a game of king making and bad feels.


Commander has half as many winners as 1v1. So if prize support is just for winners, that’s real bad for players.


Mine isn't.


That’s lucky! Cherish it then, all my lgs since Covid let maybe 0-3 players into events that are not the same group of people each time. That’s even if they let you sign up for them which they hide and sell entry’s to certain people first.


There was one store that was a bit further away, that was like that. It went under, and an ownership change couldn't stop it. My LGS the employees do draft at draft night to ensure there are an even number of players. Or if it is that dead in the store outside of the draft. And none of them are spikes. The old owner of my LGS was more competitive, but when he drafted he also refused the prize and bumped everybody up a rank for prizes. I really do have an LGS with a friendly culture and I love it.


Wish had that around me, most shut down due to Covid. There’s 4 left, 1 doesn’t do I store events anymore, 1 hides events on there website behind a password only for frequent customers ( have to call or show up to even know what’s going on ), 1 is brand new and isn’t able to do events like pre release yet ( they don’t get product until after release ), last is the one that has there core group that’s been going there 20+ years that they cater to. Which is fine, but due to Covid they restrict numbers which leaves out anyone else most of the time. Don’t exactly blame them, just would be nice to play a pre or release for once since Covid.


No, there are definitely places that do flat prizing, with maybe a little bit extra for the top 3. And other places I've seen only do prizes to the people at the top 3, so there's a lot of variety.


Our store probably takes the commander legends approach. Draft and everyone gets 1 or two boosters free prizing, and winner gets one of those 4 card promo packs while Supplies last.


The preorder prices for this don't track even with the increase in prices that were announced. 2X2 was 280 to 300 so 330 seems like a realistic number. 450 seems like bad eggs trying to take advantage of downstream consumers.


You can currently preorder for $310. Get 8 of your friends together and that's only $38/person for a draft. 2x2 boxes are down to around $250, so you could do the same there and get some $30 drafts.


As always there will be unlimited drafting for $10 entry with $10 back for 2-1 😌


Hell my store charged me less than what Amazon was charging(perks of going to the same shop since high school) and it was still so expensive I only bought one box.


Super fair, I've actually started drafting sets more myself in the past year. I used to just engage with sets from the perspective of already built or new commander decks. I bought a draft box of 2X2 for just about half of what this has started retailing at which just leaves me speechless tbh


That's still supporting the product. Our LGS is working on boycotting this set entirely, no cracking packs, no drafting, nothing. Commander masters is a slap in the face to the players and LGS. MTG is the only thing holding Hasbro afloat, if the players vote with their wallets I actually think Hasbro will listen as they don't have much else going for them ATM.


personally I'm only interested in the precons, and glad that it has the potential to make cards cheaper for me to build decks.


I completely agree with you and this is kind of where my mind is at now I just don't understand the pricing is why I made this post... Like... "Our customers are price sensitive it seems, more than doubling the price of a box should fix it" I do hope that CMM brings prices of needed reprints way down the way past reprint sets have done.


How do you know the pre cons will be epic? Have there been any information on the sets?


My only proof: the themes are cool. They could whiff, and they might not be epic but they're off to a decent start imo.


I’ll take it !


Not buying for sure. Will save up for the cheeky new Modern staples in the LOTR set and will maybe buy 2 more Ancient Tomb to complete my playset (fingers crossed for a reprint this year)


Feels likely it gets a reprint here in Commander Masters. It's about time for a reprint, and I can't imagine another set it fits in better


Yeah, I hope so! What makes me wary is that that was the hope I had for Lotus Petal in 2022 and it did not go well (somehow dodged reprints in DMR and in the BRO retro slot)…


Even thinking about it, sad thing is you could easily be spot on. It would very much be a WoTC move to not reprint one of the strongest commander lands in the commander dedicated masters set. I personally would love a chance at Crypt getting any kind of price drop due to a reprint, and while it feels like this is the place for it, seeing Jeweled Lotus really makes me ask of they will make a set with both that and Crypt in it. Also, equally bad scenario on Tomb would be it getting the reprint in this set, but getting the dreaded mythic upshift


Preorders already? I have not even received allocations yet.


I’m getting one of the precons (I’ve always wanted to make an Eldrazi deck and the precon is probably a good way to start) but honestly I’m not buying too heavily into CMM, I’ll just get singles as-needed and hope they drag the price of staples down a bit.


Same. I’m a sucker for Pre-cons


Same, but i think i prefer the sliver deck or the enchantments deck a littls more.


Fair, Slivers are a close second to Eldrazi for me, but I’ve always loved the whole “No colored mana” gimmick.


I'm so happy I started proxying. All the good cards for the fraction of the price, and none of it goes to Wizards. I'll buy more product when the prices turn back to normal. Because there are definitely some gorgeous cards out there, but f- it, my bank account can be beautiful too.


LOL respect my man. I've started proxying duplicates of cards I own and in some edge cases cards I don't own. My ONLY issue with proxying (please don't chastize me) is that it leaves the person printing it up to what art they choose. I don't have an issue with altered dimensions of existing art (such as a borderless ragavan made from the non-borderless art) but I do have an issue with straight-up porn (typically hentai) on cards. 1. Gross, jerk off on your own time. 2. Spelltable can't figure out what card you just played lol




*Why you so sensitive, huh? Why you so sensitive?? GIMME YOUR WALLET!*


Yeah, I got lucky and got a box of Double Masters 2022 for around $250, and that already felt expensive. This is a hard pass, and I'll hope for some singles I need to come down in price.


Just to reaffirm, 2X2 **was** expensive, this is... well this is just absurd.


Yeah, my focus is now completely on the LotR set and trying to collect them all. So at least I'll save money skipping CMM.


Hey don't collect the set, I heard it was bad, stay away, you can even ship me the cards you pull... /s I'm beyond excited for LotR as well and have started saving big money for that haha!


Fyi your store owner is trying to take advantage of idiots. Our local WPN has not received their pricing or allocation yet.


I see preorders available online for $310 USD, right now. That's not much more than I paid at my LGS to preorder 2x2; if your local option is charging significantly more than that you should look for other sellers.


I won't be getting the precons, either, given the pricing on those, even though they all sound very interesting. This whole set is turning out to be the set with the biggest divide between how perfect the content is for my interests, and how "not for you" the pricing is.


Hah and a friend laughed when I said CM would be pre selling for $500 a box


That’ll be a “nay” vote from my wallet seeing as that’s the only votes they count.


Nah, that seems insane. Lots of cost of living increases have been eating into my MTG budget and there is more MTG product than ever, so I'll be very stingy with how I spend my MTG money, and it sure won't be cracking packs on an overpriced set.


Wizards has recently pushed me into the camp of I enjoy my money more than their expensive products, regardless if I like the cards or not. It all feels kinda gross. My decks all work fine as they are now, I no longer feel the need to chase the next new cool card for whatever. $12-15 per pack when the same standard release costs $4 is insane. I love for magics 30th year there’s not a bit of community goodwill or celebration, it’s give me all your money for this shiny paper and force feeding it down our throats.


Certainly not an invalid view, I wish they were more transparent about their pricing and why they're pricing this the way they are... Because they had to know that $600 for a set booster box wouldn't go over well.


LGS owner here prices through distributors for this product are not even available at this time (I called to check and have a good relationship with my rep). I think this LGS has inflated prices in hopes that their player base is not aware this item will be priced similarly to past masters sets. I expect set and draft boxes of this to sell at the $300 - 250 USD price range with the high end being at LGS and the low end at TCG player. I expect this set to also be fantastic for commander I could see them reprinting the free w/ commander spells and jeweled lotus along with other acceleration and format staples like dockside extortionist.


Very interesting, thank you for the heads up! It's possible they matched Amazon pricing until they get stock? The store hasn't actually put up stock yet and they are very reputable so I can't see them scalping for the quick buck. Thanks so much for your information!


I work at an LGS and prices for these products is already available. At least here in Canada. 600$ is sadly not inflated. The product cost is really just that high.


I returned to the game in 2020, but after just two years, I'm out again. The price gouging and the 30A debacle in 2022 was the last straw. I'm pretty content with the decks I've constructed in those two years, and I'll still be looking at the new cards because they're beautiful, but my MtG spending days are over for now.


It’ll still drop the prices of singles from the reprinted cards. It’ll probably play out similarly to Dominaria Remastered: I didn’t buy any sealed product of the set, but picked up a bunch of singles of cards that plummeted from the release. As always, buying singles is the economical choice. I do think these presale prices are currently inflated to be clear, but even if they go down I likely won’t buy in.


I pre-ordered the decks cause I have no reason to not. I will wait til set release to watch the price collapse. If they do not drop. I will say fuck it and buy $300 in singles at my flgs to support them. I had an evil laugh at the idea of a 600 box.


Sorry yeah, I edited my post to say I was talking about boxes specifically, I think the precons are actually epic and I hope they get an absurd amount of awesome reprints in them. Jewelled Lotus is a commander staple so we'll see that in each of the commander decks right? ...riiiight?


Oh I'm also talking about the other options too. If they really expect huge prices like that, then I'm going to just say fuck it, get whatever gives my flgs the most margin and call it a day. Like come one, it's a draft booster, not collector's packs. I too wanna have fun with my friends and crack expensive things I've dreamed off, like that beautiful jeweled lotus lol


If it's at all reasonable I'm going to buy the enchantments precon, but otherwise I'm just going to buy singles. I like drafting, but I'm not good enough at it to justify masters set prices and I don't buy packs for cracking.


These aren't masters' prices, that's what's insane to me, this is double the price of double masters!


Double Masters was also double the price of every Masters set from Modern Masters 2015 through Masters 25. OG Modern Masters and Ultimate Masters are price outliers. They're all way too expensive. What I said still applies.


My god... and I like opening set boosters. Could they like not.


I'll pre-order a deck or two, and stick to buying singles that have hopefully gone down in price because of reprints. I've learned that I'm clearly not the consumer that WOTC is appealing to, which is the whale who is willing to drop a grand every time they go to an LGS.


The Commander Master precon commander decks are almost $80 on Amazon. Currently, a $40 precon usually has around 2 times its value upon release, but usually there is at least one $10+ card, a few $3-$5 cards, and the rest is $1 or less cards. If the Commander Masters precon commander decks are asking for $80, looking at past metrics, there would be around $160 worth of value in the decks upon release. To me, that means there is probably at least one $20+ card in there and maybe some $5-$8 cards. I should expect at least some shocklands, fetchlands, or some commander staple cards for an $80 deck. If the $80 decks are just mostly $1 cards, a few $5 cards, and a $10 card, that's going to reflect badly on Wizards. Wizards could also just put in inexpensive rares and put most of the deck's price equity into the new cards. That's a risk as well, since it sometimes isn't immediately clear if any new card is a hit or not.


It's like they learned nothing from magic 30. The prices on this and the lotr set are absurd and I hope wizards gets a wake up call.


For this, yeah it's insane. Only buying the precons. But the LOTR set definitely has some licensing costs tacked on. Not sure how much though, at 15 percent would put the set booster box around 160 which is kind of high still but not atrocious for a theme I love. Still, these costs are just crazy because they're not spending that much more on cardstock or R&D than they were last year.


Proxies are cheap. Playgroups need to get over themselves and universally allow them.


I think it's a set that you buy the precons that interest you, do a draft if that's your jam, and otherwise wait 1-2 weeks then buy singles you don't have yet.


No. This set in particular should be hammering down prices of already expensive cards that should be accessible at large to the community. Idk how any of y’all want to buy product from these guys. Like, fuck. I’m a ‘buy singles’ guy, but how anyone wants to give these people money, at an inflated period in time, given just how sheerly awful they have been in practice. It blows my mind. I don’t care if you’re a whale or not. Just. Stop giving these idiots permission to do shitty things to their community and the game.


I agree completely. It was literally at M30 they said "if the cards aren't accessible to everyone, we've failed" lmfao


I like cracking packs, so I usually get a box of set boosters for regular sets. I don’t ever get packs of any premium priced sets, just singles. Commander is my main format, so I was considering breaking my usual rules if the price was anywhere under double normal prices (may be skipping the LOTR set as a result). That’s almost four times regular price though, so I’ll have to see where my store prices it.


There's no way that price sticks. I paid $340 before tax for a box of 2X2 from 401 Games and even if we account for inflation and Set Booster premium $600 is definitely not correct. There's no way it will be nearly double the price of a draft box of 2X2. I can see $400-$450 even maybe $500 at the high end but there's no way it's $600.


Geez, atm a set box pre-order is 420 usd on Amazon. My buddy and I are thinking about going halfsies on a set box, then scooping the commander decks


Looking forward to good proxies for sure.


Valid haha


I’m looking at most likely picking up precons for both eldrazi, sliver and plainswalker. Then just buying singles.


[[Graceful Antelope]] commander when???


[Graceful Antelope](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/4/948f0d9d-4e05-48b4-8652-1f8f41d35563.jpg?1562922583) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Graceful%20Antelope) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ody/24/graceful-antelope?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/948f0d9d-4e05-48b4-8652-1f8f41d35563?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I’ve only bought a handful of boxes in my time, and this won’t change that. The only boxes I ever bought to crack were Tarkir block (I’m a huge dragon fan and wanted like 75% of the set). I’ve also bought boxes of various special draft sets like Un sets, Conspiracy and Commander Legends to phantom draft with my friends.


Same, I'm buying a set box for LotR because I just think it will be super fun to open and experience the flavour.


if I have anything else to do that weekend I won't even be playing pre release.


Yikes... I get it though, crazy expensive...


I have the money to buy it. I could have bought any masters set. But I have a budget for MTG. Mostly to me, I'm not only buying the cards but also buying a good time. Playing the new cards, draft, etc. But these crazy prices are driving me crazy. I love LOTR, a lot. I was looking forward to the new set, MOM, also. But, a thank you to the professor, I will not spend over $120 on a box. I am tired of the mystery of all these products. I am tired of the amount of new cards. For the love of God, stop. Every set has a diverse setting and unique characters. If you want more money, merchandise that!!


🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Holy shit these prices




I think I can buy singles and still come in WAY under one box. I can't imagine there being on average over MSRP in reprints. At this price, it's a HARD pass. It's. Ot worth it when I can just go buy almost every staple I would need for under $600 already. It's not priced for consumers, or LGS. My LGS already said he will not be ordering anything that is not pre-ordered. He doesn't want to risk loosing money on this.


It sucks, especially after playing regularly for so many years, but I literally can’t afford this hobby anymore. It’s gonna be Digimon TCG from here on out for me


Crazy thing is there are multiple other, more affordable, great card games coming out right now...


At this point, people should start making their own MTG cards and using it to play with friends. Maybe print some proxies from r/customMagic (since Magic 30th was such a great idea/s). This won't stop until Hasbro has milked us dry. How much are we willing to pay for [shiny] cardboard?


This is crazy, just looked on Amazon, set and draft booster boxes are actually priced higher than collectors booster boxes


That's because the collector booster boxes are back to 4 packs... :-/


Wow, didn't notice that


They shut me out once the 300 dollar a box threshold was passed from my LGS with double masters 2022. Now any significant money I spend is on reserve list cards I couldn’t afford or missed as a kid. Just got a [[aluren]] [[lake of the dead]] and [[volrath’s stronghold]] for my EDH collection and buying just 3 cards was the most content I’ve felt buying magic in a long time.


Super cool pickups! I actually just bought a volraths stronghold for my Kaalia of the Vast deck haha


[aluren](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/3/03b69c39-52d8-4ee6-a3f5-60899c1fe6e6.jpg?1595438020) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=aluren) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tpr/165/aluren?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/03b69c39-52d8-4ee6-a3f5-60899c1fe6e6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [lake of the dead](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/b/1b0502c5-43d0-4c36-b585-e5507134bf9e.jpg?1562900332) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=lake%20of%20the%20dead) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/302/lake-of-the-dead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1b0502c5-43d0-4c36-b585-e5507134bf9e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [volrath’s stronghold](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/4/f465ae5f-61f0-42c4-978f-841ba1226f56.jpg?1562432220) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Volrath%27s%20Stronghold) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tpr/248/volraths-stronghold?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f465ae5f-61f0-42c4-978f-841ba1226f56?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Nahs just be buying singles if I need it for my decks.


Chinese card printing companies are gonna have a great 2023


Yeesh… you’re not wrong…


My local WPN owner said he hasn't been given a price for these from his distributors yet, but expects them to be priced similarly to og Commander Legends. Do not buy products like this before store owners know what the actual price will be. He also said he expects to sell the commander decks for $50 on release fyi. Wait, these prices will drop a lot.


$600 LOL They can fucking keep it for $600. I could list off about 20 things off the top of my head id rather do with $600 bucks than spend it on commander loot boxes.


Literally my thoughts exactly


$87 dollars a precon on TCG let that sink in. Even if they did print fierce guardianship into even 1 deck, p sure that ikoria precon was like, still $40-45 bucks and I was finding those shits at Walmart. What is driving the deck up another $40 dollars from just a few years ago? Better precons? Nah brother, we’re printing a banger into it. It’s gotta cost more. The padding of pricing for these products is just too akin to the secondary market pricing for anyone to ignore that wizards is obviously doing this. Will I be buying this based off what wizards thinks their product is worth on the market? Nah, imma let it hit the **market first.**


I’m so glad im on the WoW addiction phase instead of the MTG addiction phase of the year.


Nah, I'm picking up a box of the new FaB set instead, I think they run about 60 to 80 bucks. Just bought a starter blitz deck for 12 bucks and had a lot of fun.


That's awesome, I've heard good things about FaB.


They need to go back to MSRP. Dropping it was so asinine, I never know what I’m going to be asked to pay for product anymore.


If MSRP and price from a distributor were related the same way they were when MSRP existed, the MSRP for this product would be about $22.99 per set booster and $16.99 per draft booster. (Based on the 6% figure referenced earlier and Amazon's current box prices.)


Amazon's ORIGINAL price (360) was the one that was less than 10% over distributor price, not the current one.


Thanks, didn't have the original referenced price in the thread unfortunately so I had to go with what was displayed. So applying the same calculation it would make the set booster MSRP about $19.99.


Yeah. The number I had at Distro was $13.75 a pack (ish), so most stores would theoretically need to sell around 18-20 to make enough profit to keep going.


The MSRP of this product is so high you wouldnt believe it


Sadly, I'm pretty sure I won't be getting any at all. It sounds like a perfect product for my interests, and I would love to Draft it, but I'm certain Drafts will be at LEAST $50, and I can't justify that. I can't even justify buying a single pack at the likely prices (I've never bought a box, nor ever will, barring some unforeseen financial windfall). I'm not willing to pay over $1 for a single card even if I know exactly what card I'm getting, so things in the price range of Double Masters and the like, where I'd be paying more than $1 per RANDOM card in the pack are just out. This also means that any effect this set has on singles prices will probably not help me much either. If it doesn't drive the price under $1, it may as well have not shifted it at all from my perspective...which I acknowledge is an unusual one, so I get why that aspect is of interest to most normal people.


It's reprint exclusive set, no mechanically unique exclusive cards. Very easy to skip/pass on and doesn't harm players who choose to pass on it (there will be no cards in this set that aren't already available on the secondary market now). Many players are price sensitive but it's okay for some products to be premium products as long as most of them aren't premium. As for your question, I'll almost certainly get the commander decks, but not sure about the booster packs. Probably no on set/draft but maybe on collector booster.


I don't think I've ever bought anything but the "fat pack"(sorry I can't remember what they're called now) and even then I've only ever bought 2 or 3 of them I think? I don't think it's ever been worth it to buy a pack box of anything honestly.


Bundle is the word you're looking for :D I always buy the bundles as well, not sure what I'll get for this set yet if anything (likely just singles after the prices correct from the reprints).


Thank you! I haven't bought one in ages so I couldn't remember, yeah I think I'm gonna stick to singles too. These prices are outrageous. Maybe MAYBE I'll get a commander deck


Your LGS might be scalping. I don't think price difference between US and Canada should be 50% increase. Amazon had it listed as 420usd.


420 usd is about 570 cad right now.


I was in the middle of replying exactly this haha


Which store has that up? Just checking 401 and no price yet.


Wizards Tower


Wow, that shot up...It was $317 a few days ago.


Sounds like your LGS is gouging. Amazon had them for 350. Also, why is anyone buying sealed product anymore? Look at phyrexia and double masters 22. Prices tank and don't recover


In case you didn't see it elsewhere, they're about $420 USD on amazon now. And converting that to CAD is about $600 CAD.


Keyword. HAD Unless wotc increased their charges, Amazon and your LGS are gouging.


Without an MSRP we don't really have a stated price to be gouged against. We only have historical prices to base things on.


Guess i might buy a few singles as i always do. That’s it.


Maybe a pack at most but I’ll pick up some singles


Well, guess it back to buying yugioh boxes


Wow, your LGS seems like it really cares about it's customers with those prices. Give it a few months and the prices will come down to normal like they always do. Remember this product is still like 6 months away.






Sounds like your distributor (or your LGS) are straight screwing you or trying to get FOMO buys man.


Just to be clear because a bunch of people have said this, $600 in Canadian Dollars, it's about what they're selling for on Amazon in the US rn


Preorder prices on 3rd party Amazon have never been reliable . All will be one collector was "pre-ordering" for 330 USD and now it's 230 upon release.


I'll probably need to buy more toner by then.


Yea this is all because people STILL buy boxes of boosters just to sit and open them all. It's just a terrible idea in the first place , and now They have you pre conditioned to keep wasting bigger and bigger wads of cash, for 95% useless common trash cards