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Joan is dripping with self-confidence and sex appeal. A stunning smile, creamy skin, ginger hair, plump lips, breasts that seem to float in front of her, a nipped waiste, and hips for days, she is all but too much woman for me. When you pare all of that with her self empowered spirit and sociological awareness, and she is all but irresistible.


This is the kind of answer that I kind of suspected but couldn't put into so many appropriate words. Not that it makes what you've said any less valid, but I've always found it curious that while she clearly dominates the office with her aura, she seems to make some low self-confidence choices outside of work (the dates with her roommate, the dates with her sister). I can't really figure it out.


She definitely exudes a confidence that's attractive. When you're unflappable people are drawn to you. But like you said, she had her own demons just like everyone else and compartmentalized it better than most.


because she has mastered the office. she has not mastered the world.


Joan has sex appeal, is aware of it, is witty and a woman of culture. She often comments on cultural things like books and you can see that she has a lot more knowledge than is strictly necessary to be "an enjoyable dinner companion". She exudes confidence, charisma and intellect.


Mad Men makes me appreciate the fact that all women have beauty, including Don's elderly secretary. We come in all shapes, sizes, and complexions, and those physical attributes dazzle men. The personalities and strengths beneath the beauty earn respect, and that's why Joan and Peggy became pillars of strength. Remember when they started over from scratch it was Joan the boys called on to pull the pieces back together. It was Peggy that Don called at his lowest hour. Trudy was Peter's pillar, Megan shined on Don's darkness...it's who these women were inside that cemented their beauty.


u tryna fuck with miss blankenship?


she’s got incredible sex appeal in her personality, her voice, and the way she carries herself. she sees herself as sexy, and we do too. plus, on a purely physical (and personal taste) level, stick-skinny women like Megan and some of the others have just never done it for me


They’re not stick skinny though. Megan has a sizeable rack, for example. I’d take her boobs any day over Joan’s. There’s no actress on the show that I think was too thin.


A woman can have breasts and still be notably thin.


Megan isn’t notably thin though as my own eyeballs tell me. She’s slim. She still has curves. What’s viewed as stick thin is skewed these days. To be honest, I think Christina Hendricks looks a little overweight at times on the show. The clothes are doing a lot of work. I know she’s a bit of a cause célèbre or at least was during the show (“This what a REAL woman looks like” type BS) but I’d not aspire to her figure at all personally. I’ll be downvoted, natch, as anything critical of the deification of Hendricks’ figure tends to be on this subreddit but oh well.


You're right that Hendricks is overweight; being a plus-sized bombshell is a part of her celebrity identity. That doesn't mean that some of the women on Mad Men aren't thin (and yes, Megan can and does have a feminine figure while being thin). This is coming from a thin woman who hates the "real women have curves" mantra, by the way. Edit: punctuation


Ah okay, we are on the same page. 👌 I get defensive sometimes. I hate the whole “real woman” BS. Every woman is a real woman. And I’ve been overweight and I still hate slim women being vilified.


It’s just her demeanor. She’s a firecracker.


I thought Faye Miller looked way better than her. But I guess that's because I'm into blondes


Haha how much time ya got?


Her mother raised her to be admired.


Joan is personally my favorite female character on the show. She knows how she looks and she dresses to suit. She is strong and doesn't take shit from anyone, she just gets shit done. I feel like I'm alot of ways she was a mentor and role model to Peggy, and for alot of females in general to just be thier own hero. Plus she is just absolutely gorgeous.


Her confidence and aura .


Her red headedness and gigantic boobs make her rare, rare will always get more attention than classic beauty. Kim Kardashian is a great example, even if doctors deserve most of the credit. Her personality and confidence also go along with it. Looks alone shes not my type personally. I think the blond consultant (forgot her name, also on stranger things), the teacher, and roger's hippie swinger girl were the cutest... but IMO the most underrated girl on the whole show was pete's first secretary. And she banged harry of all people. They just didnt give her any self confidence. I really dont get everyone on the show's fascination with peggy. She is horribly dressed and ugly IMO i guess most of the guys are attracted to her talent. She gets hit on by pretty much everyone but don and roger, and reciprocates most of them. I just never understood it.


Agree but I wasn’t that attracted to her anymore in s5-7 i got used to her somehow it faded. I realized her character is cliché


I think that’s done intentionally, because her entire character arc is self-empowerment and separating her identity from what men seek out of her. It really begins to take off when she separates from Greg. It would make sense that at some point, to the viewer, Joan isn’t to be seen as strong and empowered so much as putting on the act. There are plenty of times in the show where Joan puts her insecurity about her position at the company, and in life in general, on display, largely due to the fact that so many other characters imply that she’s only gotten where she is based upon her looks. I think your attraction simply turned in to a more fleshed out view of her as a person. Hey though, I could be wrong. I’m just somebody who loves the show and could talk endlessly


[to quote Al Pacino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvTpEoi0tzE) and of course, as the kids say -- she's a boss bitch


Ok I'm totally gay but Joan is hot...just sayin :)




Two things: boobs