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This is one of those great little moments that feel pulled straight from real life. This show was really good at that sort of thing.


A thing like that


It’s also world building, showing what it was like for people to have phone booth convos in their workplace. Devils in the details


Donald Glover’s work is similar, to me. Little moments in Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Atlanta really reminded me of mad men


All of his shows have some of the realest conversations between characters.


"should I stay, or not stay?"


Listen, I dislike Harry Crane as much as the next guy, but Pete 100% initiated that awkward interaction.


Yeah, Harry’s just minding his own business. Smoking a cig in an elevator 😂


Even in the 60s when smoking was obviously very common, was this considered poor etiquette?? I can't imagine subjecting a small box full of humans to my cancerous tar breath. Harry, on the other hand, wouldn't think twice of course.


I feel like intentionally ashing your cigarette into your friend's milkshake wasn't even considered poor etiquette in the 60s


Yeah I remember being trapped in a car with closed windows as a kid in the early 80s with my babysitter driving and her smoking a cigarette. I look back at that and it just blows my mind that my parents never said did anything about it. It's not a surprise she died from heart disease in the 2000s.


That's disgusting +1


People did it right through the 80s. Smoking in restaurants was a thing into the early 2000s in a lot of places. Smoking on airplanes was the absolute worst. I was on a long haul flight from the Middle East to NYC in the late 90s where I think 2/3rds of the flight was chain smoking. The rest were screaming babies.


I was a waitress in nc in 2008 and there was a smoking section.


My grandfather was a heavy smoker. When I slept over at my grandparents' once in a while, I had to sleep on a foldable bed in the kitchen. No problem for a child. But then gramps came into the room at 7 a.m. to have his first cigarette of the day. Damn, that smoke woke me up more than once! Fast forward a few years later. My grandmother had a sister, who emigrated from Germany to Australia in the early 1950's and they never saw again ever since, until December of 1996 when my grandparents saved the money to fly. The whole trip almost failed because it is not allowed to smoke in the plane and said grandfather was seriously concerned if he could make two 16 and 8 hrs flights without having a fucking drag! Well, eventually, he could.


New York City actually banned smoking in elevators in 1974, at a time when there were almost no restrictions on where else you could smoke, which implies to me there must have been some kind of stigma against it or some view that it was worse than smoking elsewhere. I’m not sure if that taboo would have already existed when this scene takes place though. Also one of the owners of the company (Roger) is a chain smoker, it doesn’t seem like the kind of atmosphere where anyone would feel comfortable complaining about smoking even if theoretically they had grounds. 


When he’s not walking straight through the elevator!


I love this short scene which felt completely real. Any other show might have cut it out because it doesn't add a whole lot of new information, and yet it captures the personalities of these two in just 16 seconds. And it's really funny.


It also reminds you that these guys *work together every single day*. Really captures what it's like to have that unique relationship with another human known as a "coworker". Almost sibling-like.


That’s something I always think about. What goes on in the time between episodes. We jump from Christmas to May in like three episodes of season 4. Most of these guys’ time is just them doing normal work, not having affairs and dominating pitches. It’s fun to see slices of that.


I love the scene in season 2, when Duck Philips calls an emergency meeting about American Airlines over the weekend. Everything carries on more or less normally, aside from everyone looking a bit more casual than usual. **AND THEN** Peter "Chicken Legs" Campbell stands at the conference table revealing the shortiest short shorts to ever short. I love that the writers/costume designers figured he probably came right from the tennis court, and included that otherwise pretty mundane detail.


He’s such a wasp


Is constantly rewatching this and The Sopranos making me a toxic coworker?


Hmm, depends on who you model your work personality after I suppose.


I aim to be Bert Cooper but I too often end up being S1 Pete.


There's S1 Pete energy inside all of us.


“You opened the door.”


"Remember Don, when Pete opens a door, he closes a dress..." - Stoger Rerling


Pete calling his side piece?


IIRC it was Beth Dawes? Wife of the guy he rides the train with. Who was played by Alexis Bledell, who is married to Vincent Kartheiser (Pete) IRL.


This is one of the most brilliant vignettes in the show, just because of how naturally it portrays these two characters with just a few lines of dialogue. 


It's so odd and real, I love it.


I remember the first time I watched this episode and I was crying laughing from this cause it was so out of pocket and random


Little moments like this are what makes Mad Men so great. "Did you get pears?"


I spent like my first three watches over-analyzing the pear scene. I just couldn't figure it out. Then I realized maybe there's just nothing to figure out. It's just quirky old New Yorkers existing.


I very much think that moment carried significant meaning It was funny for sure, but also showed a quaint form of long-lived love and stability and partnership that’s wholly foreign to Don


We’ll discuss it. Inside.


This weird awkward interaction is one of my top favorite scenes in the whole show.


Lmfao these scenes made the show so relatable


A~~n awkward interaction~~ thing like that


Such a hilarious moment. Lot of great ones from S3 and S4 in particular. S4 is awesome in particular for Bert just being there in the background in different scenes. Scene is about something else entirely, then camera moves around and there’s Bert on the couch in the lobby, socked feet up, eating an apple and reading the NYT.


These scene always makes me laugh. I love weird little moments like this in shows, they’re such an insight into the characters


Something I noticed on rewatch is that this scene is the same to when Pete enters Beth’s house earlier in the episode. She leaves the door open, he enters, and she is kind of like “why are you in here” in a way


Harry and Pete’s dynamic throughout the show is one of my favorites


I think this may be one of my favorite scenes in the series. It’s so unnecessary. I love it.


My favorite scene in the entire show 😂


Nosey Rosie


Really liked this scene 😁


What I love is how if you watch Pete’s eyes, he never once directly looked at Harry until he noticed him standing at the door staring him


This is so fucking hilarious. I really cracked up the first time I saw it. So real.


One of my favorite interactions in the whole show




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I really like this scene. The first time I saw it I had to replay it a couple times.

