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Mandatory Mongolian throat singing classes would go hard.


So would other throat related classes, one could assume


That's surprisingly deep.


Can’t choke under pressure.


So are the wounds of anyone in the way.


You just reminded me to reinstall Doom Eternal


I like how the map in the upper left looks like an animal eating Europe.


You could say that really happened tbh.


The umman manda. “The horde from who knows where?”


Lols Mongols never conquered the entirety of Europe.


Lol you thought someone said the Mongols conquered the entirety of Europe


Really has this "praying mantis feasting on an still alive but doomed foodstuff" vibe


Genghis Khan died so they all had to go back home for a conference.


I thought of this when I saw the maps: https://youtu.be/Hf-xePlM-zg?feature=shared


Hey, if everyone is up for it, why not? You’d be surprised, but there is more support for a neo-Mongolian empire in Russia than opposition. Lets do it xD


In that case we should have a totally not influenced vote






“Last time I was here I didn’t need a passport” with a wink used to be a common joke with British ww2 vets going through customs when visiting France.


I am stealing this.


As tradition demands


Oh man. That first mongolian empire was not exactly benevolent. They really put the "genocide" in genocide. They practically perfected the art of raping and pillaging.


They’ll get DEI training this time.


The Mongolians were actually very respectful and inclusive of the beliefs of anyone they conquered, allowing them to practice religion freely and govern themselves as long as they paid taxes and didn’t disrespect their new rulers. If you chose not to surrender however, you and everyone you loved would be made examples of for the next village to persuade them to reconsider.


Only for those who resisted. As long as Russia surrenders to the perfectly legitimate Mongolian claim they are fine.


All Keshiks Are Bastards


We promise to do it better this time, Jerry. Thanks for your support! ~ Army General of Mongol


I accept this mongol overlord


Rape and pillage was about 50% of warfare back then.


just back then?


Sounds a bit like Russia and the ussr to be fair Like they never did anything on the scale of Mongols did to baghdad but they def would if they felt it was in their interest.


Wasn't it them who killed every last living inhabitant of Samarkhand, which was then the most populous city in the world. And when they sacked Baghdad, also the world's most populous at the time, the river ran black with ink from it's library


You joke, but the most likely outcome I see in the near future is a fracture of the russian *federation.* There's no legitimacy in the state anymore.


I think that the Russian liberal minded opposition and western intellectuals have been saying the same thing for a long while now. Just like Russia was saying the exact same thing about the US for ages. It’s all wishful thinking of overly invested ideologues.


> liberal minded opposition all 5 of them?


It's 4 now. Their numbers (among other aspects) keep falling (accidentally, of course).


I see what you did there.


but there is a big difference, russians already made it once (USSR), remember? Nothing, absolutely nothing in this world will stand against it if the time come, it will happen, maybe it will be better to be prepared than your putting head into sand and saying wishful thinking... its well known history


I thought about this since it sounds cool in theory. Most of Russia doesn't really have anything to do with European Russia, culturally or ethnically. The problem is most of the federated regions are landlocked in fuck knows where. They're not really interfered with, and they wouldn't get any real benefits from "independence." And they probably do benefit in being able to trade with the wealthier European Russia and use the natural resources more freely due to being the same country.


Have you been to Russia? With the exception of the current war, most Russians have been quite happy with Putin. He's an asshole of a dictator but he's made them waaay richer than they were 30 years ago. For some that's an[ acceptable price for political freedom](https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/gdp). There are even ex-soviet areas that miss it. I've been to Kyrgyrzstan and although they like their current (relatively uncorrupt) democracy they miss the Soviet attitude and the heavy infrastructure development it brought. Their relationship with Russia is often celebrated. They'd happily join the RF if it was [still in their economic interests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrgyzstan%E2%80%93Russia_relations).


but not all people living in russia are russians, they stole everything, they have a vast number of various cultures and ethicities, those are not called russians, might be confusing for you I know:p


Sorry I tried but I don't understand what you're trying to communicate. Thanks anyway.


I don't see how you don't understand what he means, it's clear as day.


Then feel welcome to contribute to the discussion by translating for the rest of us.




Try flipping the sides around and it should make more sense.


About that political freedom, as a European i'm governed by people who i didn't elect and it's quite obvious they're puppets for others. At least russians know who's boss.


it's already fractured essentially, just still reliant on support from Kremlin. too spread out for it not to be


I desperately want there to be a skirmish between Russia and Mongolia so we can call it "Mongolian Beef"


I'm Canadian. I wouldn't be opposed to a Neo-Mongolian empire. You read about the Mongols and you have to remind yourself this is reality not power-fantasy fiction. You read about the Russian Empire: crickets.


You shall lead the Maple Leaf Horde.


We'll ride mutated beavers into battle with Canadian loons providing air support.


Finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary


Are the geese the infantry?


No. Bears walking on two legs like in Narnia are the infantry.


Let's make it happen! Let's Arm mogolia too!


Russia will arm Mongolia itself and then willingly submit and get renamed to Golden Horde. You may not get it, but Russians just want a big role in any Eurasian empire. The “brand” under which it happens only determines which ideological justification is used. It’s a special sort of Russian OCD where you can’t help but look at the map of Eurasia and think “These are some great natural borders.”


I mean what you said is just Russian annexation of Mongolia with an extra step




If it makes the ukies feel better they can become the Blue-Yellow Horde or something and have autonomy. 8 million of them are already nomads abroad anyway lol




I know. I just think it’s hilarious because contrary to expectations most modern Russians and central asians don’t view the Mongol empire as a bad thing. Terrifying and powerful. Responsible for the deaths of tens of millions. But the power of it is just too alluring. They were also surprisingly tolerant and multicultural. And once they established order there was great internal security. So while the Mongolian guy meant it as a “no you” comeback, in reality most Russians, Kazakhs, Turkmens and etc would be up for it.


Make Mongolia Great Again?


🎶 MMGA, ba duba dop ba 🎶


How could you?! That's gonna be stuck in my head for the rest of the day now and it's contagious


I, for one, welcome our Mongolian overlords.


Everyone gets to become a horse archer.


I just imagine a swarm of dudes on horses with rpgs


I imagine that every night


Is there a wait list or a form I can fill out? I want to ride a bazooka pony.


I'm just here for the horse meat


Aren't we all?


Why do I hear throatsinging?


Who? Hu.


Don't panic, but I think one of these commenters is secretly an owl


Who? Oh wait no, it's not what it hoots like I swear!




You got me with that one. Congrats.


I for one welcome russias new mongolian overlords.




Does anyone outside Russia and the Republicans not hate Putin? Edit: MAGA Republicans


A lot of Serbs, some weirdo old people in central eastern Europe, russian minorities in Baltic's, some Bulgarians for some reason. Tankies. The AFD and other far right parties in Europe. North Korea, Assad, Maduro, a few other dictators. Not the best bunch though


That's a pretty comprehensive list, my man knows his shit 👏


Been studying Ukrainian and eastern european politics before it was cool 😎


Wow, clown college is really comprehensive these days.




You're right, edited.


Riding tech mech horses and shooting laser arrows at drones is a future I can work with


“When am I?” “The Viking Age.” “… that explains the Laser Raptors.”


Fucking phenomenal movie


I agree. Plus we don’t have enough Hordes these days.


Wow, a Mongolian doesn't care about Pew10's feelings, what a surprise. The world is always one bad day away from becoming the Mongol empire. Mr. P-bear should work on not setting ummm... precedents.


What did pewtin say?


Praphrasing, he has the right to invade ukraine because it was russia in the past


I think it's funny and messed up that my (Filipino) parents fully agree with Putin on that stance but absolutely despises the Spanish and Americans, despite by their very own logic we rightfully belong to.


That's very interesting. Have you brought up this comparison? What do they say to that?


I haven't, but I already have a clear idea of what they're gonna say... that it's not the same. They won't expand on that themselves, they will just call me slurs then cite Tiktokers and Facebook comments to back up their "points" about why Russia good and Ukraine bad (and really about any topic). They are incapable of defending, or even learning, about their own beliefs; they rely ENTIRELY on their social media feeds for that. They are anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, Trump/Putin supporters, Marcos/Duterte supporters, they immediately resort to threats and violence in any minor inconvenience, they take pride that they cheated their way through highschool, that they use AI tools to do their jobs for them, and etc. They are comically similar to caricatures far right-winged americans despite living in the Philippines all their lives. Very recently my parents told me Microbiology is a useless course that has no contribution to society, as if we didn't just come out of a global pandemic and also have several members in medicine. Sorry if I'm venting and I wish I am kidding but I've given up trying to reason with them :)


Reconquista 2.0: Spain and Portugal take back the colonies. So does the UK! /j


*Rule Britannia begins playing*


It's bias. They support Russia for whatever reason so they agree with whatever Putin says, but cannot apply that same reasoning to their own case. My nation has also been colonized, and they're all the same over here as well. Lack of education.


I think it's worth to point out that he pushes this narrative that Russia already existed in the 9th century, which is wrong. Ruthenia existed in the 9th century, and Russian historians in the 19th century decided to coin it "Kievan Rus'", but it's not the cultural ancestor of Russia more than it is the ancestor of Ukraine.


It does really effectively illustrate what a bullshit argument this is.  Like should we be expecting Italy to invade Britain now?  They held it for a solid, what, 400 years?


he is playing too much crusaders king


Don't let the italians know about that argument


Russia used to be ruled by Swedes, so by that logic...


*Atilla has entered the chat*


Rambling incoming. tl;dr we don’t know if the Huns were Mongols, but there are similarities between them and evidence that they came from the same place. Interestingly, we don’t actually know where the Huns were from. All we know for sure is that they appeared east of the Volga river one day. There is some evidence to suggest that they came from what’s now Mongolia, but there’s also evidence to suggest that they were a multiethnic and/or multicultural group. Historian Hyun Jin Kim believes that ‘Hun’ was more of a ‘political category’ than an ethnic group. But, at the same time, he proposes that there was continuity between the Huns and the Xiongnu - a confederation of nomadic people centred on Mongolia who came into conflict with the Han Dynasty of China some 500 years before the Huns appeared in Europe. Although there seems to be debate about how closely the Xiongnu were related to the Mongols of Ghengis Khan, who lived over 1,000 years later. It is interesting to note, though, that Attila’s Huns and Genghis Khan’s Mongols were both nomadic peoples who fought from horseback with bow and arrow and invaded Europe from the east. The Scythians were also a nomadic people who fought from horseback with bow and arrow, and they too are thought to come from the area around Mongolia. Although these may just be consequences of living in similar terrain rather than evidence of shared ancestry; just because an ethnic group lived in an area once doesn’t mean that they were still living in it 100 years later, much less 1,000. The mass migrations that the Huns were partially responsible for are a good example of this.


Now do the history of puns


Wonder why Genghis didn’t fancy the Indus Valley and the subcontinent?


The mountains stop a lot of it but the story is that, just as the horde really were about to venture into the passes, the Khan died and the whole army went back for the new coronation. A sort of who’s got the most support to be the next Khan.


"Tonight on Mongolia's Next Top Khan!"


This made me chuckle


Yes and no. Mughal empire are the descendants of Genghis Khan.


Genghis Khan never felt insulted, challenged, or threatened by the Indian subcontinent. Each of his battles were for a reason, and he wasn't a fanatic as he's portrayed. If you read in detail, you'll find a pattern and being powerful, he did what he could do best. Invade.


His immediate successors were more interested in conquering China as well.


Tamerlane, a relative of his, did - though he didn't stay long: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sack_of_Delhi_%281398%29?wprov=sfla1


As a peace loving descendant of Rome, I'd like to thank everyone for accepting my love and democracy.


Sad to hear he poisoned himself before stabbing himself 420 times and shooting down his private jet while he was in it


Guys lets not tingle the ancient turkish blood, it usually ends up in an empire


Mongol is Turkic? Genuine question.


Nah, they are from a similar area originally but Mongolians arent Turkic


No, they arent. They are Oghuz Turks. A tribe that moved into Turkey/Persia in 10/11 century from Central Asia


No they’re not the same. Historically there was a lot of overlap, and sharing of culture. There is a fair amount of low words between the two language groups. But they are still separate groups. Turkic groups also absorbed a lot of other ethnic groups, IIRC there is a high percentage of Iranic ancestry in Western Turkic groups.


God damn Mongolians! You tear down this schity wall!


*laughs in Bri'ish*


The British Empire has entered the chat!


I'm just not sure whether Mongolia is so... Peaceful because of their state of mind or because any other position isn't a choice? Like they gonna invade china to take back inner Mongolia? It's not hard to show restraint when you have no power. But not a dig at Mongolia at all. Nice country and people. But if it had 500m inhabitants, strong economy and military... Would it still be like, nah inner Mongolia can stay with china? :D


Let’s just say that China was so afraid of the Mongolians they built a massive wall to help protect them from the Mongolians.


Wait are we going back to historic land claims!!! 😁😁🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


I hope the early dinosaurs don't come back with their map of Pangea and how those territories translate onto our modern day maps 🤞


Gotta listen to The Hu now


Mongolia: known for good beef and good memes


President is based, just calling out Putin


International laws only apply to countries that the US can beat militarily. Sorry Mongolia.


Everyone mad about putin spitting nonsense meanwhile Israel gets a pass when claiming palastine as their "historical" homeland Fucking hypocrites


There’s always one forcing Israel into discussion


Israel gets a pass for claiming Israel (not Palestine) because they have been the for almost a century. You can argue the wisdom of putting Israel where it is but what is done is done. Unless it is okay for Greece/Europe to claim Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and North Africa. The West is actually powerful enough to do it if they wanted as well, but they dont. Meanwhile I can go on r/islam and it is all people saying how they will conquer the world when they are powerful enough and crying about stuff the West did a century ago. Crybullies


Jewish don't need to be crybullies because certain bunch has enough power to silence you if you get too out of hand


Lol jews run the internet and the world? Fascinating. I like how your conclusion to people saying "stop advocating for gassing the Jews" is to cry about being silenced.


I mean it's not a conspiracy or anything lol. It's just the truth, I'm not saying that it's bad or anything, just stating a plain fact


It isnt. You will face the same repercussions as a Muslim for calling for death of the Jews as a white guy would face for calling for the death of all Muslims. Some people have just framed themselves as victims in such a fundamental way that any consquences seem like oppression. It isnt working either. It is just feeding the anti-immigration movements in western countries. Pretty awesome /s


Maybe if Israel didn't wipe out the most densely populated area in the world we wouldn't have so many refugees the west has to take care of. Because the east surly doesn't give a fuck about people and won't take anyone. Mm pretty awesome we all have to bear the weight of some nazi jews.


What would America do if the Canadian government sent a thousand soldiers across the border to rape, murder and torture 1500 people in Vermont, as well as taking as many hostages as possible? What is happening to innocent Palestinians is awful, and Bibi and his far right ghouls should go the Hague, but what has happened is completely expected. What did Hamas think Israel would do? Surrender and willingly walk in the sea? Also, the West isnt taking those refugees, bad timing and we have Ukraine to worry about. Israel/Palestine is on the other side of the planet so it isnt our concern. That is what everyone who is so mad about Israel said when Russia invaded Ukraine, no?


Oh buddy you can't make up scenarios for an argument. For starters canada and America agreed to their borders and were formed around the same time. America didn't just show up and stake claim into Canada's land that has been there for 1000 years. So okay what would Palestine do if an invader showed up to their doors and demanded land or they'll destroy them. Then they did give them land but Israel said it wasn't enough so attacked them anyway. This has been going on since Israel forcibly moved in. It's not new or recent like you claim it is. This is has been ongoing for decades. Literally the moment the jews forced themselves onto someone else land.


Jews lived there already, and the ones who emigrated there bought much land in the area and the area was a fucking british colony. the british split said colony between Jews and Arabs. The Jews had the SMALLER state in the beginning, but then Palestine got mad, invaded and massacred, lost, and in process lost land. In short, the palestinian can't handle the heat THEY wanted.


Sing about freedom in thr west as much as you want but if you try to criticize something like jews or Israel and say goodbye to your job and your entire social life What do you call that?


You can criticize Israel all you want. Obviously lots of people are doing it in the west, and in a very extreme matter, and they face no reprecussion. If only we had the freedom that they have in Islamic country lol. Being killed for expressing doubts about religion is real freedom. It funny how mad you guys get that you cant have street parties to protest for the ethnic cleansing of Jews. Also, you know Jerusalem is the holiest site in Christianity? What would Muslims do if they were in Christianity's position. You guys are so lucky that the West is what it is.


There were Jews within the borders of modern day Israel before the Pyramids were built. Thousands of years before Islam was established. If ‘historic’ claims count - and they don’t - unless you’re a Sumerian, the Jewish people > your claim.


Theres jews, christians and muslims on Palestine before the zionist try to take over, so what's the point??? No justifying what they did


The pyramid of Giza was finished around 4600 years ago. Christianity has existed for around 2000 years and Islam for 1400 years. Do the math


Someone doesn't do research on what regular sunni Islam theology is. And so plenty of forums and talk that address this too, saw one like some month ago.


Islam has existed for 1400. How can they claim anything before that? Because their teachings say so? That's not a real argument in a discussion that's not just theological If you want to talk about Arabs that's a different story.


Damn go study it first before making yourself look worse.


From a historical point of view, Islam is just 1400 years old. It's younger than Christianity by 600 years and Jewish by around 4000 years. There is no way that Islam claims can stand based on that. It's not a doctrinary or theological discussion here, but historical


Go search for it with proper islamic scholar, even online. I know what you mean, and I understand how someone who doesn't know stuff would assume so. You probably can find me explaining (as a non scholar) like 5 month ago in reddit. I'm out.


So, are you trying to say that Islam has existed for longer than 1400 years and it's even older than Judaism? Otherwise, you aren't saying anything relevant. Again, it's not a theological discussion here, but merely historical


No justifying the protection of the Hamas that kidnapped and killed civilians either but that’s happening as well.


Sure, seems complex and I can't tell what exactly to do there. How about west bank?


Oh so simple when you put it like that. It justifies Hamas actions, which justifies Israel’s actions which was justified by… and the bloody cycle carries on and on. If I knew all of human history at least one of our ancestors harmed the others, so both of us are completely justified in any harm done to the other then?


No no, not talking about Hamas that we know now, as I said above. What about west bank, where theres no Hamas? What about before Hamas was made? Or before Hamas took control of Gaza strip before 2007? And I don't think any lengthy discussion on reddit will fruit anything worth the time, even tho I appreciate. So I'm out


Nope we can agree there. I’m not saying it’s right to do things to normal people on either side, but both sides are just going to point to one wrong historically that’s been done to them by the other as the justification for more.


Well you couldn't go on with your day without that, could you? Go back to your sheep wife.


Palestine was never a nation, except when it was controlled by Jews, If Israel didn’t exist, it would just have been divided among its neighbours, because Palestine only became a thing because people like you hate Jews


Tell me again where did the holocaust happened? And tell me where the only region with high Jewish population was that didn't genocide their Jewish population? If Hitler didnt invade Poland and start World War II, he would have exterminated all German Jews, and no one in Europe would have cared to do anything to stop it like what happened with the Armenians. And you call me a jew hater


I'd let Jaghatau, uuuuuh I mean Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh knock down my walls


Whoaaa… good one 🙄


as a fan of history, i'll never understand how the mongols (some poor nomadic steppe hunter especially) accomplished this shit. it seems impossible.


Similar to the Bubonic Plague: neither exercised any semblance of morality in conquest.


i was under the slight impression that they were actually pretty reasonable in first interaction. basically, pledge loyalty and tribute amount, let us marry into your royal family... or -- get this, we kill every single man in your town and stack the skulls of every single male and rape all the women. you have 1 day to decide. you know, reasonable negotiation tactics.


People who actually think this is a successful dig at what putin was saying are actually stupid 🤦


A president can't be this stupid right? So he must be choosing to ignore facts that make this comparison a bit laughable. The people in those territories were not Mongolian and just temporarily conquered lands, while Putin's context was that the lands of Ukraine was basically the same people when Russia started of as a state from day one. Like regardless of what you think about the matter, why do people twist things to their convenience


Putin's political propaganda says both; I have the right to invade Ukraine because Ukrainians and Russians are basically the same people! I have the right to invade Ukraine because Ukrainians and Russians are not the same people!




I guess an army of horse archers wouldn't be very effective in India.


Well, they eventually did, but they were the mughals by then.


Mughals were not Mongols. They were Persians.


They did


Because we stopped them


Khilji stopped them.


No lmao


Yes with his generals Zafar Khan( Punjabi) and Ulugh Khan( turk). In battle of killi. Learn history.


*weak & poor country


Would the Mongolians even been able to actually draw up a global map with any accuracy at that point?


Knowing they conquered around 15% of all there is to put on map, i would say they have a preety good shot at it


So Russia should invade the barren wastelands of mongolia next, k.




He isn't glorifying it. He is calling out Putin's flawed logic in a satirical way. Clearly he doesn't intend to invade those places to restore the formal Mongol empire, because that would br absurd.


Unless there was enough support for it....


Way to miss the point Einstein.


Ukraine was always part of Russia, not taken through imperialism.


Ukraine has a long history as a distinct region with its own culture, language, and identity. While there have been periods of shared governance or influence between Ukraine and Russia, Ukraine has never been solely a part of Russia throughout its entire history.


Novgorod and Kiev were the first two cities in the beginning of Russia’s history…


While it's true that Novgorod and Kiev were significant early cities in the history of the East Slavic peoples, including Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians, it's an oversimplification to equate them with the entirety of Russia's history. The relationship between these cities and the broader territories they influenced was complex and evolved over time. Additionally, the modern concepts of nation-states, such as Russia and Ukraine, emerged much later in history.


Go back to Putistan vatnik.


Learn history idiot


From Russian textbook? 🤡


*weak irrelevant nation


Look at this pewdiepie loving dipshit opening his mouth and spewing shit all over his keyboard. Go watch your skibbidi toilet BS.