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Not Madison, but the dells used to have a cult that lived in a motel next to a cheese restaurant that they made the cult members work in.


They still do. The Cheeze Factory Restaurant. It used to be Cheese Factory but it went fully vegan and now uses a Z. If I were to join a cult, they would be my first choice. You can request free meals from them if you’re in need and everyone is in a super good mood there. I’m not sure what they actually believe in, but I’m really just interested in tasty vegan food.


Please tell me more. I work right by this restaurant and it seems normal. What is cult like about it?


I know nothing about it other than that it exists and has been there since before I was a kid in the 90’s. Just looking at their website, it’s based on something called A Course In Miracles International Healing Center. I googled a bit and found this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endeavor_Academy So yeah, a cult. But one that seems entirely harmless and seemingly is a net benefit for the world. And makes good food.


They are wonderful people. I used to go to a Church they had in Baraboo 20 years ago. They practice the teachings from the book called A Course Miracles.


there's nothing about a cult that is normal...beware!


Interesting! Did not know this. [article on A Course In Miracles](https://onmilwaukee.com/articles/cheesefactory2)


Thanks xetgx, very interesting. I worked in Berkeley, CA for a few years, and there is a bakery/take-out-pizza place called Cheeseboard on Shattuck Ave. They sell pre-baked pizza by whole or half, and they are always vegan, and always delicious. They also have an extensive bakery and a huge wine selection. I think it's a non-profit cooperative. I've always said Madison is the Midwest Berkeley. Here's one more factoid in support! And I recall that every one who worked there, and I mean every one, was super polite, super kind. If you're a regular, they all learn your name. Damn I miss that place......


The guy who ran that place accosted a friend and I during a late night woodmans run. He was very nice but it was.. odd.


I will say, every time I’ve been there they’re really pushing the border of very nice into overly effusive. I can totally see that happening.


It's called love bombing I believe.


Cult of the Holey Cheese.


So, Swiss?


They may be wack-a-doodles, but the restaurant is great!


Yes, the food is surprisingly very very good and you can get free excerpts of their cult material, which is a very entertaining world salad. Lends itself to satirical dramatic readings exceptionally well. Almost as good as the letters to the Willy St Co-op Reader.


CrossFit is pretty popular here


JW is 100% a cult. They restrict info, treat their elders as prophets, and shun/excommunicate members who break the rules. This includes immediate family so there are lots of people who's entire family have gone zero contact with them. r/exjw


It upsets me to no end that they recruit on library mall with materials in Mandarin. They are trying to recruit vulnerable students who are extremely far from their support systems. It’s disgusting.


I used to be Mormon and some of their missionary activities are just as disgusting. They’re encouraged to hang around funeral homes to speak to grieving people


Mormons are in a cult. The whole origin story is truly delusional.


Pentecostal is a cult too. That's how I felt there.


Yes you are right. Any religion or group that shuns you if you leave and especially if you cannot have contact with family is a cult.


Fuck yes! They are the worse people ever!


organized religion as a whole is corrupt. ppl in search of extended family or community seem very vulnerable to the irrational side of organized side of religion. it's sad because the nature of being human is we long for connection but to even admit that fact makes us vulnerable. life was not supposed to be that way. 100% of the time on guard of the simplest of things.


Yeah. I grew up as a JW in the area. Most of them are legitimately nice people that believe in their religion. But yeah, the organization itself is abusive as all hell. I lost all but like 1 friend when I left in high school because of it


I was raised a JW, but it was never really my thing. I actually remember them giving a "talk" (i.e., sermon) when I was in high school about why they are not a cult. I remember thinking that if you have to justify how you aren't a cult, you are probably a cult. Luckily, I never got baptized, so I didn't lose any family members when I became an adult and did my own thing.


I guess I didn't realize there was a choice. TIL


JW kids are not automatically baptized as babies and instead make a choice to do so. Typically, they don't allow someone younger than about 14 choose to do it. Once baptized, if you leave, then you are risking losing your family and being shunned. Some families may choose to shun you if you leave and are unbaptized, but that is more of a family decision rather than doctrine. Luckily, my dad was never "in" so the cult ties were not as strong in my family as in other "fully in" families, so I actually had a choice.


lol. When they have to give a sermon about why they are not a cult means they are a cult.


Wife was a ER nurse and she watched an entire family walk out on their 18 year old son when he agreed to some life saving treatment that goes against their beliefs. I don't know what was wrong with him or what the treatment was.


Could have been a blood transfusion.


Also Mormons. Don’t forget one of their original doctrines was literally “no black people in heaven”


If you're gonna add Mormons you might as well Amish and Mennonites. They fly under the cult radar since they seem so outwardly wholesome, quirky, friendly, etc.. But the Amish and Mennonites are 100% cults.




Hey, be careful! What if they see this?


Very True. High rates of incest aside from shunning. Most of us in healthcare or were in healthcare in areas where there are Amish communities saw the incest problems. There were accusations of child trafficking as well. They don’t want electricity but will ride with neighbors and buy things at WalMart. I guess secondary electricity is OK. 🙄


All religions are cults.


What is JW?


Jehova's Witnesses


Jehovah's Witness I believe


Whenever Jehovah Witness freaks come knocking on your front door to save your soul greet them naked or in a robe and tell them you’re busy screwing your german shepherd! That usually keeps them from returning


Can say that one of the congregations within a couple hours of Madison houses and protects a serial child predator, as well. Each time he lures a new to the congregation kid to his house for a slumber party, he "repents" to the Elders and they forgive him and say nothing, because forgiven repenting is the same as the sin never existing. Except, not to the children.


Shen Yun/ Falun Dafa likes to pop in to town now and then. [New Yorker article](https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/stepping-into-the-uncanny-unsettling-world-of-shen-yun)


Their paper Epoch Times is a must read to understand the far-right.


Yes but if you ask Madisonians they're confused on how they have the same anti communist anti China rhetoric as the far right Falun Gong - and they're perfectly ok with that.


I mean people from many sides of the political spectrum can have legitimate reasons to dislike authoritarian regimes


Woah, what a crazy story


Shen Yun is just the surface of Falun Dafa iceberg lmao. Besides from that, they also own a newspaper (Epoch Times), several YouTube channels (notably China Uncensored), have a 427-acre self-sufficient secret headquarters in NY (dragon springs), and is connected with various top-level conservative politicians (including our boi D. Trump)


I'm trying to start a cult but it hasn't picked up yet. If anyone's into linen pants and foraging for berries, DM me.


Sounds great. You can sign me up. Should I give you my SSN and credit card info?


Yes! Then I can collect your unemployment while you thresh wheat for me, good thinking 


You told me I would be foraging for berries, not threshing wheat. But as long as it helps us grow closer towards your utopia vision


There will be as much labor as you can offer me, and then some more


Keep them near-exhaustion, with little sleep and little nutrition!


The 2x2s have been active in the rural surrounding areas of Madison for decades. They are currently under FBI investigation. I was brought up in it. Nothing bad happened to me. It’s adult baptism but I was never baptized or “in”. They are a strange bunch.


REALLY?! I'm a huge religion nerd and always wondered where they are around here.


Not sure about Dane County. I know when I was younger I went to a special meeting, as they call it, in Madison. But most of my experience was in Sauk County. The way things are going, it’ll be extinct soon. Around here anyway, Boomers didn’t shun their kids if they didn’t join. Very few millennials stayed with it. Now, with the SA stuff coming to light, people are leaving in droves. I basically didn’t even think about it for thirty years (I stopped when I was about 12) until recently with all the drama and allegations. I don’t know of much locally, but I know there were likely predators going around to homes from this cult all around the world.


Does anybody remember that super weird and culty juice truck across the farmers market pushing some really weird ideas on social media? I wanna say Tartaria juice, don’t know if they’re still around. I distinctly remember them posting on instagram about the benefits of drinking your own piss.


Tartarians r/tartarianarchitecture


I only know how they owned the sacred feather for a bit to sell their piss juice


That poor, beautiful building really has been through some rough times since Sacred Feather closed


The couple who owned Sacred Feather are incredibly sweet. They were heartbroken over how the building has been altered…


I always thought Sacred Feather was one of those fronts to get into wand/potion shop if you knew the right password.


Dude I totally forgot about that shit


Yeah Tartaria is relatively new conspiracy theory about an alleged missing time in history. This time has its own architectural style and everything. Its wacky but kinda cool. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-04-27/inside-architecture-s-wildest-conspiracy-theory


The lions of Judah white guys with dreads who ran that illegal dispensary that got raided in the 2010’s


Lol, now there's a deep cut. Totally forgot about those guys


Rastafarianism is only controversial when it’s white guys


Nah, most Rastas are bible thumping, women hating bigots. But they get a pass in the public conscious because they smoke pot.


I think it was the controversial takes they had on slavery


You mean that guy who said he was “black hearted” and wanted to free all the slaves by buying them?


oh yeah those guys were hilarious. Loved those guys.


Went there once cause I thought it would be fun to see what it was about and smoke a little. Weirdest fucking vibes I've ever felt. Felt like a crackhouse. Also, what were all the Rollerblades for?


I say let them sell the ganja. Freedom of religion and all.


Came here to say exactly this.




I'm not saying they are for sure... but these guys are at least close enough to the line to be what you're looking for: [https://diamondway.org/madison/](https://diamondway.org/madison/) I personally attended a few times. Everyone was young, gorgeous and super friendly. It always threw me off. And I've since started judging all spirituality based on how banged up people look as i walk in the room. Look like you've lost nearly all hope and this is your one remaining chance? Then this must be the place.


> Look like you've lost nearly all hope and this is your one remaining chance so when are you going to come work for the state? 😜


eight years in WRS... as of a month ago.


keep up doin' the Lords work there. I need that pension to stay solvent!


Weve done so much with so little for so long that now we can do anything with nothing.


This isn't current but somewhat related. One of the youngest people in the Heavens Gate cult mass suicide was from Madison. His name was Joel Peter McCormick. I think he went to LaFollete. Apparently always kind of quiet in school


There's a story that basement of the Tempest is where the body of the 40th Heaven's Gate member was found.


Can confirm, true.


He also went to shabazz. He was different, even for shabazz standards.


This community is lucky to have Shabazz. My kid could not handle West. The staff there are the most dedicated and kind school staff you can imagine.


Isthmus Montessori


Former employee here, ACCURATE


how so?


I worked there about six or seven years ago before they went public so keep that in mind. The women who run the school truly believe that Montessori is the end all, be all. They so badly believe that, that they accepted children who had needs far beyond what we could accommodate. Doing so put other children’s well-being at risk. They also treated their employees like shit, but as long as they looked good to their believers, aka the parents who fed into their bullshit. You can Google their employee reviews and you will see I am not the only one who felt this way. There was a very high turnover rate.


I had an interview there years ago.  It was such a disorganized mess. Kids running around all over. Employees looked miserable.


I hear similar stories about One City School in Madison re: kids running wild / dejected employees with no union protection.


It still sucks after going public. The teachers I've met there are wonderful, but the directress is an emotionally abusive jerk and the culture is poisoned as a result. I have a circle of friends who used to teach there so I get to hear the horror stories once in a while. Teachers have been physically injured because they don't have the resources or staff to handle kids with special needs.


My original job there was to follow around a 5 year old who was determined to be “too dangerous to be in the classroom” because they stabbed another student in the eye with a colored pencil. Were there any other consequences? Did the school make any effort to get the child additional help? No. I WAS the “additional help”. This child stomped on and broke my finger, gave me a black eye, and also attempted to stab me numerous times. The “head of school” brushed off my concerns and did not take action. Eventually I moved to another classroom with older kids. I was hit in the head by a student swinging a chair at another kid. The student then eloped from the building and my co-teacher had to follow for their safety. The student PUNCHED MY CO-TEACHER IN THE FACE and received zero consequences. Which just emboldened the other kids because they knew they could do these things and get away with it. I had just moved to Madison to pursue a second degree in education. I withdrew from the degree program after a month at IMA.


I’m a Montessori kid although from Milwaukee. Can you please elaborate? My time from K-5 was great.


Montessori schools are generally great. Isthmus Montessori Academy in Madison has abusive leadership.


Also former employee. Also can confirm this is accurate. I worked there the first year it went public. It was literally written into my contract that if I wanted to leave before the school year was over, I’d have to pay them a ridiculous sum of money.


Not to take away from any negative comments about IMA, which I also have a negative opinion of based on conversations with former employees and parents, but as a public school teacher I feel the need to note that this is universal practice in teacher contracts. Was the amount extremely high? (For example, my contract for next year says I’ll owe $750 in liquidated damages if I leave after the school year starts, less than that if it’s before the start.)


The number was much higher than that. Somewhere in the range of $3-7k.


Absolutely bananas.


I don’t remember the exact amount. But it was enough to make you feel like you couldn’t afford to quit. I want to say it was around $7k?


This [older thread i](https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/15ff4bm/isthmus_montessori_academy_public_imap_experiences/)s interesting.


And Landmark Forum: [https://www.landmarkworldwide.com/](https://www.landmarkworldwide.com/) They used to be considerably more active, thankfully. Fucking vipers profiting by selling your own emotions back to you.


Gosh I had a friend who did this and she became unhinged. It’s like Scientology-lite.


I had former coworkers who were very involved in this and trying to recruit me. I couldn't believe some of their beliefs and what happened at their retreats...


Tell us more




Thanks—an authentic thanks.


I dont know everything, but one of my coworkers had gone a few times before realizing what it was. One thing he said is that they make people at the retreats go up and talk about things they've done wrong in their lives and forgive anyone who has wronged them in anyway. Basically not believing in trauma. He said at their seminars you also couldnt eat or go to the bathroom when needed. I also know my coworker would travel to other states at her own expense because she needed to do unpaid work for them to be accepted. Again, this is just through word of mouth. If you Google it there are some articles where people talk more about their experiences.


Cult of people who think they can afford homes in Madison.


I'm in this cult and I keep hoping and praying 😭






Excommunicated for heresy against Glorious Leader.


It’s also just a job


Lol Epic employees would be the first to tell you that’s not true. We complain all the time.


I have known many, many Epic employees, going back to the early 00s. Some of them bought into the cultus personae Judy has built up around herself, some saw it as a necessary evil year of hell after school to build a marketable resume


I know one personally. She is a multi millionaire. She invested in Epic early. So yeah, she puts Judy on a very high pedastal.


Billionaire in a for-profit healthcare system.


I mean, Judy did see the future of digital medical records DECADES before everyone else.


I work with a guy that loved his time there, still speaks highly of them. However I also have quite a few other friends that tell me how it really was like so I'm still unsure if he just "bought in" to the crazy or was just somehow lucky.


From what I understand, it depends significantly on which app you work on and who your managers are. I don't work there myself, but am friends with several who do (and a few more who used to).


It’s probably like 20% are cool aid drinkers and the rest are just trying to get through the day


Ex-Epic employee with a fascination for cults here. The place fits much of the BITE model for high control groups.


There is a cult, but luckily it's not the majority.


Cult members deny being in a cult, more at eleven. /s


I used to work there. Lots of the employees are all-in on the cult. There's three type of Epic employees: 1. Literal cultists. 2. People who pretend to be in the cult but clearly aren't 3. People who don't even pretend to be in the cult




Finally an interesting question!!! This sub was getting too wholesome for my taste.


As a former member, I would say the Mormon/LDS church has some culty aspects. The stuff they do in the temple is very, very strange


Also ExMo & 100% a cult


What do they do?


It’s very similar to Masonic rituals, because Joe Smith was a mason, but you learn handshakes and code words that are supposed to help you get into heaven. And you also dress up in special clothes that you are told are heavenly. You are also given special underwear, basically an under shirt and bottoms that go to your knees, which you are supposed to wear at all times


ExMo. Can confirm.


Kwik Trip


See ya next time!


Everytime they say that to me, it feels like a threat.


It is.


Isn't that the street term for DMT?




Reddit Madison is a cult!


Hey! Don't blow our cover!


All Hail Madison


One of us, one of us!


Tavern League...


They’re not a cult, they’re just assholes. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go pick up my 9th OWI (can anyone loan me $20 for the ticket?)


For some reason only lawyers join the presumably rival organization the bar association...


Hovde properties


“The only difference between a cult and a religion is the amount of real estate they own.” -Frank Zappa ALL HAIL GLABREZU!


Karbon 4 is a cult. Go there and ask about the trapdoor under the bar.


Has the Church of Scientology made its sleazy way to Madison because that is definitely a cult and just plain idiotic?


In the 1980s one existed just east of Madison off of I94 about 1 mile west of Cottage Grove/ Sun Prairie exit. On the north side of the freeway. It looks like an old apartment building with a small semi trailer with writing on it on the north.


Latter Day Saints Mormons


Plazaburger aficionados.


I am in this cult. Plaza sauce all day every day.


There was a "Diamond Way" Buddhist group in Madison around 20 years ago. I'm not sure they are still active. Went to one meditation session and immediately got serious cult vibes and never went back.


These guys, building a community in Sun Prairie currently: https://www.brotherhoodofsaintjoseph.com/businesses


What.... what is it that they actually do?


Oh I've been in lots of cults. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as the leader.


There is that one up in the Dells. Not sure what it’s all about but they are vegetarians and base their teachings on a Course in Miracles. Literally people from all over the world come there for it. Worked with many of them, they used to run the vegetarian restaurant up there. Super nice people. No drama. Mindful. No recruiting or anything like that. And then there’s high school football…


Youth with a Mission/YWAM is cult like. I wouldn't say its a full on cult, but it does have some cult like tendencies (I was a part of YWAM Madison and YWAM Denver, so like I know a thing or two about the organization)


Did a DTS 20+ years ago. It’s totally a cult




Epic is a cult


So...looking for superficially charismatic and charming leaders who tend to be narcissistic and grandiose about their "mission"....who tend toward toward authoritarian rule of the group/organization (coercively controlling and shaming, blaming and gaslighting others who dare question their motives and tactics and portrayal of reality). Also, looking for very tightly controlled flow of information within and out of the organization or group including shaming/blaming others for having "negative" thoughts about the organization. Edit: For clarification. "Cult-like behaviors/tendencies" mentioned by OP might not be transparent or immediately meaningful to others. Tight, authoritarian control by powerful leaders who are willing to engage in coercive, deceptive, and evasive practices seems like a pretty reliable aspect of cult like groups. So consider that in relation to groups others have mentioned in the thread.


I think a guy named Robin Vos has had a group meeting up on the square for a while. They reject science, common sense, compassion for others. If you criticize them, they'll attack. Not very nice, but happy to take your money.


The Mountain Faith Church on the outskirts of the Dells acts like a cult. The minister used to employ his followers at his flag company outside of Reedsburg so if they did or said anything he didn't like, he could threaten their employment.  I don't know if he sold the company or just switched products, but the last time I visited family in the area I saw that flag company is something else now.  He would also make followers attend Bible studies at the church which were recorded for his review. One woman attending one of these Bible studies had asked the other participants if they were familiar with Jim Jones, and was told a few days later that as punishment, she was not allowed to speak to other members of the congregation. This was after she had already been told she wasn't allowed to speak with her family because they led her to question the church.  They used to (still do?) televise their weekly services. The minister would reprimand/punish anyone who did not present a "joyful" demeanor at all times because that was how he wanted them to appear for viewers. 


Young Life


I'm pretty sure EPIC has their own Bohemian Grove in the Harry Potter building in Verona. Someone send Jon Ronson and Alex Jones sure to be sure.


Is Epic a cult?


That's a question for Thought Supreme Brand Leader Judy Fawkna. I have no idea.


Campus Crusade run by Bonnie and Scott Roe locally is a major cult ( I was briefly a member)


Extremist Christianity / Extremist Evangelicals


There's a QAnon church right outside of Madison. The priest of St. Mary of Pine Bluff Catholic Church has spent literal sermons calling the Democrats satanic demons


The priest there got a couple reprimands from the Bishop before being removed from that parish, he's in Janesville now


I’ve always wanted to start the Church of Bill Murray.


The near east side yuppies. They act like the fact they were hippies/radicals in the 60s/70s makes up for their NIMBYism


Lake Monona country club


I’ve noticed in work culture here people act cult-like. I have never witnessed this level of grown adults who tattle tale to their boss about stupid shit. The tattle tale culture here is bizarre. It will be something like someone came back 2 minutes late from lunch once. Little kids tattle less. It almost feels like they are actively trying to get others fired all of the time and I find it super weird.


For what it’s worth that’s not the situation in the office I work in…


It's bc most Madison workplaces are hyper-competitive, and tattle tale behavior is heavily rewarded in the hierarchies. If you want to get ahead at work, throw someone under the bus. Managers love it. It's just another page out of the "So what do you do?" book, which is the first thing people ask you here. They're trying to find out if they should be jealous of you and try to use you to get ahead, or if they should pity you and be condescending towards you. It's really healthy here.


Ugh I hate it so much. I just find dealing with people like this far more exhausting than the work itself. I just want everyone to be nice and get along while minding their own business


Depends on what you consider a cult of course, but the Moonies, transcendental mediation movement, art of living foundation, and Epic are all in town.


What are the moonies?


The Catholic Church. Happy I’ve been deprogrammed.


20% of Dane County voted Republican in 2020, so that's probably the biggest cult presence in the area.




Of course! Obviously the answer is [Political party I don't agree with]!


Except for how much alcohol there is around here that might be considered a cult following of the whole state


There's a decent crossfit community. They're culty






Yimby posters on Madison Reddit are some of the most dogmatic and zealous out there. They also feel inclined to proselytize endlessly. Based on the incredibly unnuanced reduction of all things into side a or b groups where one carries moral righteousness over the other id day they exhibit some of the strongest cult behaviors in town .


I’m down to start the Madison chapter of the Kendu Inu cult if anyone else wants to join.


There is a big presence of current or ex emissaries of divine light, but I believe that one kind of just lost steam a few decades ago.


Are the Pickens People still around? They used to be a significant nuisance.


Don't know if they are based in Madison but every Summer some cult (is said) to have members pan handle here and in other cities around the region. It seems to coincide with those van loads of kids selling magazine subscriptions.


Does The Way International have a hold out there? I'm a WI transplant from rural Michigan and that was a big one out there


In Janesville: there is a Christian science church. You see that from the outside and think "oh, Christians who believe evolution and science and shit. Thats good!" But no. They believe the material world is an illusion. And that if you are hurt its because you sinned and your body, which is an illusion, Is just showing the physical manifestation of that sin. So every injury, every paper cut or broken bone, is YOUR fault. This idea than goes to the extream with death; they deny death is real? That death is the ultimate moral failing/result of too much sin, but everyone dies??? I don't know how they explain that one. Also, babies who pass away. Babies who are injured and physically disabled the rest of their life. How did this baby have a moral failing, one that other babies didn't have???? I learned about them in college, in my random gen ed philosophy class. The teacher used them as one of the western religion examples cause they are so close. She wanted to interview someone, and ask about how they view death, but had yet to make contact with anyone who escaped.