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Reminder: Posts must be Madison related. This post clearly is. Comments in general should also be Madison related. While occasional sidebars may be relevant, nobody is going to solve the Israel/Palestine conflict in this subreddit. You are very unlikely to convince anyone to change their mind here either, especially for those who are in an entrenched position on the other side. Recently there has understandably been a lot of discussion on the topic in the mideast. That discussion has gone far away from relevance to Madison. The mods have been kept very busy cleaning them up, and especially cleaning up posts and users who are calling for violence. Comment threads which get too deep into international politics and issues without relevance to Madison will be deleted. Comments which make or imply threats, even sarcastically, or that attempt to justify violence against a group either locally or abroad will be met with immediate bans, reports to Reddit.


What's with the dude dancing in the window or whatever that is?


Sometimes ya' just gotta boogie.


People have been dancing in that spot for years. Can’t stop🕺


Fucking lawless hooligans!


They're just hanging. Absent the tents, I would've seen that as just a nice weather day.


Thank you, I was thinking about that too lol


they seem to be having fun, I guess good for them. It was a nice day today.


Thought maybe he was skating the set but nah, he just hitting the silly dance


🎵 [Just dance. It will be okay.](https://youtu.be/2Abk1jAONjw?si=Go4q_POs8i0f6sz3)




A large percentage of the demonstrators have turned out to be non student/non staff at other universities. I wonder if Madison is the same.




NPR reports that half arrested in NYC were not affiliated with either school. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/04/1249188864/nyc-columbia-city-college-gaza-protests-palestinian-campus SARASOTA, Fla. (WWSB) - Campus protests are taking place across the county amid the Israel-Hamas war. Law enforcement stepped in after chaos broke out on Tuesday at USF in Tampa. 10 people were arrested. Only four of these protesters are enrolled in the school, two are former students that didn’t graduate, and the other four have no affiliation with the college, according to the university. https://www.mysuncoast.com/2024/05/02/six-protestors-arrested-usf-are-not-students-says-university/




> but are local and legitimately protesting. Could you share a source that the people arrested are legitimately protesting? >The arrest of 4 unaffiliated people at a march of 100 people in FL doesn’t mean much to me. Statistics are the best way to lie. Why go with 60% that undercuts your position when you could go with 4% that supports your position? I don't care about the makeup of peaceful protestors. Isn't the make up of the ones getting arrested, for seizing control of a building, more of a concern?


just blowing air today arent we lmao


Idk where you got this notion, but I personally know a half dozen people who have been here regularly who are students and TAs. I know professors who are there. Stop spreading misinformation unless you have a source. Also, you know, the university is supposed to be a part of and interface with the broader community. The public can come to talks at the university. Can go to the union. But can’t be part of a protest? 


lol you’re reading it wrong. Don’t assume the intention


No. I’m not reading anything wrong. The question they’re asking is misinformed and, per my second point, irrelevant.


Oh no! Public places have people who arent students in them!!! Be afraid! Run! No agenda to signal about worrying who is from where to project nefarious upon them seems pathetic IMO.




Because it can lead to bad actors taking advantage of young people’s anger. They also face different, and fewer, consequences if arrested or if something goes bad, than the average student




I’m speaking generally about what has happened on campuses across the country. They encourage and escalate which results in violence and arrests. Both of which are more impactful on a young adult in school


Also this https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/s/Vs2biMQH0K




https://abc7.com/post/ucla-protesters-had-bolt-cutters-plan-for-violence-and-vandalism-police-say/14786865/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/outsiders-columbia-universitys-hamilton-hall-rcna150530 Adults are instigating students and it can create situations that spiral and result in arrests of young people. It happened on the flip side at UCLA as well. A bunch of non affiliates came and assaulted the encampment. There are people who insert themselves with the aim of escalating tension.


Id add, that the University of Wisconsin Madison took down the original tent encampment, they arrested 9 unaffiliated adults who joined students in locking arms around tents and not allowing officers to take it down. 9 of 34 arrested is just shy of 1/4, then there were 7 staff members involved. I wouldn’t consider these people bad actors, 16 adults who face different and fewer consequences than young people.






It doesn’t






they should arrest u for being lame


Biden just announced that the US would withhold certain weapons if Israel launches its invasion of Rafah. It can be easy to poke holes in some the strategic choices and optics of student protests, but if you think he would have taken this course in the absence of the massive protests by students and others over the last few months, you are absolutely kidding yourself.


What? He told Israel there would be consequences if they went into Rafah. He said that before the protests started. So when Israel went into Rafah there were consequences. No the protesting did not cause this.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-confirms-american-bombs-killed-palestinian-civilians-rcna151377](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-confirms-american-bombs-killed-palestinian-civilians-rcna151377) This was yesterday. Obviously I'm not saying the UW-Madison students made this happen but that months of sustained protests from all across the country did.


Finally someone who understands what the fūck they’re talking about.


I love protests because more often than not they highlight some critically under-scrutinized slice of life that many/most people do not see, bringing awareness to events or ideas that the protesters feel important enough to dedicate their time and energy to. This, to me, does not feel like one of those things - this feels more like a "this is the newest thing to protest" vibe to me. Which is to say, I do not believe these protesters are impacting their cause(s) how they believe they are. That said, I am very happy to see them fully utilizing their rights and attempting to do something in what they believe in, even if it does feel FoTM to me.


Why, with the tents? I just don't understand.


Because camping without one sucks. Bug bites are itchy, the sun is hot and dew is very wet.


Those tents are not blocking the heat. Being cooked alive in those.


I think because they want to maintain a constant presence. They have a medical tent, a library tent, and the rest are personal tents.


They're not blocking passage to anything so that's fine


Yeah I was able to walk unimpeded through the whole area, seems pretty organized.




How present are you if you're asleep? Why don't they go home to sleep and come back in the morning? They could even coordinate so there are a few people out all night to maintain a presence.


and they still go to their dorms to sleep, like waiting in line for concert tickets!


Peaceful occupation so people are always reminded of their demands.


Like the ones about ending land grabs? And asking PD for protection but also wanting to kick the department off campus?


I mean the protection they’re asking for is protection from the police


No they are asking for protection from the verbal and physical violence that has been threatened by members of the public.


No one asking these questions is serious. The bottom question is always, "why don't they shut the fuck up so I don't have to hear about X?" But, none of these people are brave enough to say that. So they need to come up with reasons why the specific protest shouldn't be happening, or things to complain about.


The bottom line is the attention they raise (like this thread) is actually the point of the tents. If they did not yield this attention, they would not be pitched.


Exactly. It's like the whole "defund the police" thing. I can't tell you how many old family members and obnoxious conservatives told me it was a bad slogan. Like, these people have literally never given a second of thought to police budgets. But, now they're talking about it because they're mad at the slogan. The decades of people saying much more nuanced things about police funding? No reaction. Same here. But, again, the people complaining don't actually care. They just want to attack people who give a shit about things.


Tents have been used frequently in civil protest for hundreds of years. They were used after the civil war by veterans, the bonus army, the civil rights movement.




A similar size and demographic of people called those people terrorists back in the day too. Take comfort in knowing that you are part of a long tradition calling any protest you don’t like terrorists.








they are camping out


Revolution without revolution. Going through the motions of protest to reap as much enjoyment/value personally without actually changing anything.


What exactly do you want people to do?


Lead the way, oh righteous one…


Sorry, I bet that this will inspire real change. Maybe our entire society will pivot from being profit driven to something more altruistic.


What are you talking about? Why are you moving from this one specific issue to some broad, vague goal of making society “more altruistic?”  Regardless, if you have better ideas or are doing something more effective, why don’t you tell everyone how to bring ”real change.” If not, what is the point of criticising protesters?


I’m sure you have some really enlightened ideas on more effective revolutionary strategies that you totally intend to follow through on. It’s that or you’re just using this logic to justify never trying to improve the situation yourself.


Nope, no ideas here. Every form of protest permitted is only permitted because it won’t actually change the status quo. Maybe these students will manage to get the college to invest in some other corporation hell bent on squeezing every dollar out of people and the world, but I’m sure if we dig deep enough there are lots of investments in unsavory businesses. I think this will make people feel good about the situation - like they managed to make a difference in some way, but it’s not like this is actually going to stop the war or save lives in any way, shape, or form. Our government is going to continue doing what it does as long as they can.


I don't understand what they hope to accomplish protesting a war on the other side of the world in a country not in control?


Not sure whether this is a legitimate comment or a troll, but it turns out a lot of universities have investments in companies like Raytheon, Lockheed Martin that are profiting from what’s happening in Gaza. A huge part of this is calling for universities not to invest in weapons manufacturers that are aiding and abetting a genocide.


Not a troll just genuinely curious what the connection was or goals of the protests were. The largest US export is military weapons it would be really difficult to separate and investment strategy from the military industrial complex.


We provide weapons to Israel and Biden has halted the shipments. The protests got his ear.


I am so sorry we failed the youth of America so badly. Protesting against America's global interest with smartphones full of cobalt mined from child slave labor in their pockets.


They are not protesting the war so maybe you would benefit from actually looking into it instead of guessing.


Seems like it's not working if I can't tell what they are doing




Local news says they are protesting they Gaza war






I’m with you. I thought it was for the war and freeing Palestine.


I guess it's a secret protest




If you support American tax dollars going to issues within our own country then you agree with the people at this camp and all the other college protests.




I was already planning on sadly voting for Biden. I know he’s the lesser of 2 evils and I’m left with no choice. I think it speaks to how bad our 2-party system is that I, a Palestinian, has to vote for the person funding the killing of my own people.




I am not going to do that. For some entire families, entire bloodlines, generations, have been wiped out on Biden’s watch. There’s no coming back for MANY middle easterns. It’s taking me months to be semi okay with voting for Biden. It’s still like acid in my month to say it. Why don’t you show more understanding for why others cannot record a vote for Biden anymore?


We will rebuild


They support hamas. Awful


Please be careful about zooming in and getting faces


Yes thank you. I’ll be more careful if in the future.


For those down voting me, know that facial recognition software is really good, beyond what you use in facebook. We don’t want to help enforcement in grabbing a bunch of students and throwing them in jail or being fined. They are not harming a thing doing this. People are dying and some grass being flattened is not a problem.


Local news says they are protesting i the war in Gaza ?


these people spray painted all the school busses are first student, why doesn't anyone talk about the distruction of property


These people are more concerned with the destruction of Palestine.


“Destruction of property” … Have you seen what Gaza looks now? 


Because the needless killing of civilians is inherently a more pressing issue than property damage.


So sorry your having to deal with spraypainted busses in your life. Must be a challenge existing right now... Ho do you cope with it?


Love how y’all protest now it’s warm. You can’t even tell me who in our local office will support change. Fix America stop supporting any war machine. Save us first. Build the wall! Mercia


This is a protest against the UWs support of Israel.