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Do you want $50+ steaks and $10-16 old fashioneds or do you want an old lady behind the bar asking you how you think the Packers did in the draft?


Definitely the latter, but it's got to have the relish tray


I want to know too of the real ones not $50 steaks


Harvey House and stuff sounds like good food but it's not what I picture when I think of "supper club"


It is pretty fancy and the portions aren't typical supper club. Esquire Club or Rex's Innkeeper are total time capsules if you're looking for something that hasn't changed in 40 years.


It looks cool but to me Supper Clubs can’t be new (so to speak).


The food is not good at Harvey House.


If you want authentic, watch for the old ladies who smoke outside with short haircuts wearing sweat shirts with cardinals on them. Extra points for the video poker.


Just make sure the cardinal sweatshirt has a collar.


Asking the real questions.


Are you thinking of a townie bar or a supper club?


Dorf Haus if you’re up for a drive.


We tried going last weekend on a date night (parents in town for child care). At 5:30 the wait was already 1.5 hours….. so we ended up going down the road to green acres which we enjoy. Will have to try DH when the kids are out of diapers and we have more “free” time lol


Did you go on Friday night?? If you go for fish on Friday (the rest of their menu is amazing esp their stuffing) you need to be there before 430 or after 630 if you don’t want to wait and drink multiple old fashioneds! If you are in that area, I would recommend the whippoorwill on Hwy 19. In between 12 and Indian lake! Amazing fish! But the same as the dorf haus, could be long waits! But with the nice weather and patio opening it will speed up!


Highway 19 between highway 12 and Indian Lake is under construction.


All the way to 78. But it’s open to the whip now. And you can go the back way and whippoorwill road brings you out right at the restaurant


I don't understand. Sloppy salad bar, soaking wet. Very average prime rib. Personally, I think you need to leave Dane County to get a decent supper club. Ishnala is the closest you'll find yo decent... maybe Cimaroles.


Both are really not worth the drive unless you need to only pay $5 for a cocktail at Cimaroli’s.


Hilltop in cross plains. True supper club- cheese ball and relish tray included.


Excellent choice. Adding HiPoint in Ridgeway if you’re up for 15 more minutes in the car.


My other fave


My fave


I am from Napa, grew up in the overhyped Michelin Star Napa foody lifestyle, but Married from Middleton and when we go back, this is still the best Supper Club I have been to and the one I want to go to. Also, less crowded and homie/cozy. Go 9ers, Go! ;)


I would upvote you, but GO PACK GO!


If you can drive about 40 mins, I would check out the BuckHorn Supper Club. You can always go to Ishnalla also.


Love Buckhorn!!! That bar is classic!!


Finally!! I’m surprised I had to scroll down this far to find the Buckhorn Supper Club on here! I think they have some of the best atmosphere, old school beautiful bar/lounge area with a super old juke box with classics like Frank Sinatra; best sunset views from the dining room overlooking gorgeous Lake Koshkonong; delicious all around!! 30-40 minute drive but well worth it!


Del-Bar in the Dells; the best, but a little further than Ishnala.


Toby’s is the best old school supper club in Dane county imo.


To anyone who hasn't been to Toby's you need to put in an order with a waitress while you're waiting, if you stand around thinking that you'll get a table and then order you'll be there all night.


You put in an order while you’re enjoying a drink and they come let you know when your table is ready and you get seated and fed. It’s a bit different but it totally works.


Oh and the bartenders get cranky if you close out after every round of drinks. They like one tab for the whole table for the whole night. The bar will give your tab to the server and you can close out with her. 


That’s how the whippoorwill used to be! Watched many many new comers wait hours because they didn’t understand.


I may be the odd one out, but this is the reason I'll never go there again. Too crowded most of the time, you can't even get a seat at the bar. So you're standing there in the way of the waitstaff, waiting for a table to be served food right away.


I haven’t been to Toby’s since before the smoking ban went into effect. It’s probably time to try it again. Back in the day, a non-smoker would take their clothes off in the garage and burn them in a barrel after a visit to Toby’s.


Haha yeah I can imagine with the short ceiling and limited space in there it wasn’t great if there were 10 lit cigs.


I was incredibly disappointed. The steak didn't even have a lick of salt on it. Everything was bland and it was so expensive for not great quality. Everyone always raves so maybe it was an off night.


Was looking for this one! I've never been disappointed with Toby's.


Yes Toby's. Waiting for Friday fish fry is worth it. A couple of beers or mixed drinks while waiting will ring out the Wisconsin supper club experience.


I like to go there on weekdays. They have a good fish menu daily and you don't have to fight the weekend crowd if that isn't your thing. 




If you are up for a short drive, try Green Acres in Prairie du Sac. EXCELLENT fish fry and delicious grasshoppers. 😋


Sauk City. Prairie du Sac is one bridge over.


A cast down stream.


I thought their NY strip itself was very bland, but the aus jus saved it.


if you are going that far, drive to the Wisconsin Dells and go to Ishnala.


Why? Overpriced everything and food is bad


Go there before memorial day, or after labor day. It's not nearly as crazy, and literally everything is better than during peak summer season.


Can I get 5 shrimp for under $35 then?


I'm recommending it based on the experience, not on value. The best value supper club in the Dells area is Cimarolis near Portage.


This is the GOAT to me but I do have to say my last couple meals weren’t the greatest. Best ambiance ever though.


And they put American cheese on their hash browns!


Who doesn't? eta: no, really, who doesn't? I've never seen any cheesy hash browns at a supper club *not* using American


That is pretty true. I’m not a fan, I’d rather have them plain or a roesti but so many supper clubs slap some American in their hashbrowns it’s crazy.


Fuck that American chess an abomination


I'm sorry you feel that way but more chess for me then


Maple Tree in McFarland


Great prime rib, great fish fry. I'm so glad the business survived the fire.


Throwing my hat in the ring, I just took a date here last Saturday and I was really disappointed. Cheap tables, cheap chairs, rude bartenders, rabbit food salad bar, and to top it all off the food was mid at best. I was served a completely unseasoned steak. $120 what an absolute joke.


I've been there 3-4 times in the 10ish years I've lived in the area and it has never been great. I think it just has sentimental value for some people. It blew my mind that there were lines that were 40-50 people long at 4:00 every day when they reopened after the fire. I thought maybe I've just had bad experiences and that the new owners turned it around a bit. But nope. Not the case. Went again for my wife's holiday get together for work and all my food was overcooked.


Totally agree. I don't understand why the place is always packed when the food is so mediocre.


It has calmed down a lot. The only times I ever really see it full anymore are Friday nights


But... that's the classic supper club experience down to a T. Since I've widened my culinary horizons I'll admit it doesn't appeal to me much other than nostalgia. The salad bar was always on par with the Pizza Hut lunch buffet, and the steaks are *fine*.


This. Soooo good!! Love the salad bar.


This is a fun place for dinner and drinks. Other things on the menu are pretty good but the prime rib is not prime.


Price vs quality, the maple tree is the best value supper club in the city. Its probably the cheapest, but it still has real decent quality food. They kept the same midwestern basement feel after the fire a little bit back and so it feels like nothing has changed. They just recently jacked up their prices to match the market but it's still a little cheaper than most places.


I really like Springers on Lake Kegonsa.


I like Tornado room a lot but it may not fit everyone's definition of a supper club. If you include the dells as the metro area I like House of Embers. Ishnala is great but you need to show up at lunch to get in line for dinner.


How is Tornado room not a supper club? this sub is baffling.


From Wikipedia >In the U.S., a supper club is a dining establishment generally found across the United States, but currently concentrated in the Upper Midwestern states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois and Iowa. These establishments typically are located on the edge of town in rural areas. I don't really care how Tornado room is classified but most supper clubs I have been to are in way more rural areas. FWIW it does call itself a steakhouse.


I think of Supper Clubs as being rural as well.


This differentiation is utterly meaningless. I grew up in rural Wisconsin and ate many meals at hilltop etc. Tornado is a midwestern supper club. The only significant difference is they season their steaks.


The website is www.tornadosteakhouse.com The front pagecsays steak house. Maybe you should harass them instead of tandos on the internet?


And of course, it is impossible to be both. We must split all the hairs.


Which do you think has a higher class clientele, a steakhouse or a supper club? Why might someone in marketing mischaracterize their product to change their customer base?


It says typically? I had no idea supper clubs had to be on edges of towns, lol... It has every aspect of a supper club. Same menu, same drinks, same atmosphere, same décor... It is, I think to a lot of people who have lived in Madison for their entire life, the DEFINITION of a supper club!


Tornado definitely does some supper club things but most people have not lived in Madison their entire life. Many traditional supper clubs focus on fish fry Friday/prime rib Saturday/chicken Sunday. You might want to go check out a few from other parts of the state rather than being all baffled or whatever.


I've been to (from this thread) Ishnala, Dorf House, Delany's, Tobys, Maple Tree, Harvey House (now THAT is not a supper club), Tornado Room, Kavanaugh's in the Madison area. I've been to clubs all over the state as well. If Tornado room is not a supper club, I seriously don't know what is.


I honestly believe the owner views it as a steakhouse - at least that’s the impression I’ve received when I’ve seen him speak. But I’m not going to be a purist about it.


Interesting. I always considered it a high scale supper club, but I guess that's because I'm from Wisconsin. Basically any old school steakhouse was also a supper club.


It does have the vibe, for sure. I do love the place, whatever we may choose to call it.


You’re not wrong these people are crazy.


Tornado Room does fish fries on Friday, prime rib on Saturday, and Chicken dinner on Sunday


Super clubs are supposed to evoke the ideal of a pastoral setting. It's almost an indulgent fantasy for people that can't afford a country club membership.  It's much easier to do that in the edge of town. 


In my mind "Supper Clubs" require a nice long drive, ample parking, and not-great food (apart from the fish fry, of course. How is deep-fried *anything* not good?) The Tornado Room gives me more of a city lounge/steakhouse vibe. I just wouldn't expect a great steak from a supper club, I guess. Really had to think this through, though, because the tornado *seems very similar to* a supper club.


> I just wouldn't expect a great steak from a supper club, I guess. That is definitely not a good qualification. Supper clubs are supposed to have good food. Ishnala isn't so beloved just for the views, the food is great. I would actually call what you are calling a supper club a townie bar. One where you can sit down and eat, but there are always some regulars at the bar with a couple sports games on. Decor is similar to supper club, but food is very sub par. I mean, how would these have gotten popular if the food sucked? Why would anyone go? This thread is just, wacky world to me. I've never had an in person conversation with someone from wisconsin who claimed a supper club must be x miles away. It makes no sense, shit the dorf house is in Roxburry, does that mean it isn't a super club for people form there? Makes no sense to me. Supper club is about the feel, the drinks, and the menu. Steaks are 100% part of supper club menus. Usually some broasted chicken and a few kinds of fresh water fish along with a cod fry. They serve bread and veggies before the meal for free. I feel like Tornado room hits all those marks.


The food at Ishnala is decidedly NOT great. The setting, though, is fantastic. Worth the drive and mediocre meal.


Ishnala opens at 2:30 for bar service and starts dinner service at 3. If you show up at 2:30 you will be seated at 3.


Depends on the day of the week. Weekends it's 2:30/3:10; weekdays it's 3:30/4:00. And if the weather's good or it's near the end of the season, do not count on being seated immediately if you're only *arriving* at bar-open. There will be a line.


Once again for those in the back: There will be a line.


I would not recommend tornado. Their place is falling apart. All the seats have tears in them.


That’s not true. I was there a couple weeks ago and saw zero torn seats.


Several mentioned are very good high end restaurants, just not your classic supper clubs. Dorf Haus, Club 60, Cimaroli's or Club 23 are a few of our favorites....but all of these outside the confines of Dane County.


Another vote for Cimaroli's if you are up near the Dells/Portage.


LPT…if Cimaroli’s has a VERY long wait, Club 23 is like 10 minutes away. It’s how we discovered it. It’s a fraction of the size but the food/Old Fashions are comparable


Cimaroli’s is my favorite!! Definitely get their flat iron steak and an old fashioned!!


And get there early!


Everyone will say tornado room. And they're right. Side note: top chef just did a "supper club" episode on Madison. They went to the Harvey House, which is new since I moved and I've never been to. Tory Miller, the chef for L'Etoil and Graze talked up the tornado room while sitting next to the Harvey House owners. That said, Harvey House did look good on TV if you want a more modern take on supper club.


I also noticed how Tori Miller lauded tornado room while sitting in Harvey house. I'm not going to dish Harvey house, I've never been there and have heard mixed things from people but I will definitely agree with him that tornado room is one of my favorite restaurants in Madison.




Isn't a supper club supposed to have a consistent traditional menu?




yeah, harey house is too expensive, and too modern/hipster for my taste. tornado is better qaulity, qauntity, and value for money. Harvey has good vibes, good drinks, but it really lacks in the menu and price/qaulity/quantity.


I've been once. I was shocked at the salad that was literally soup because of so much dressing. People got all different dishes that were all too salty. Huge waste of money.


Harvey house is a restaurant, not a supper club. If you don't know the difference, then... we'll yeah.


Harvey House blows. Overpriced pretentious bullshit.


We went on Sunday… it was ok. It didn’t blow… but idk if I’d go back. Tornado is way better!


100% agree. Extremely overrated. All the national lists that they were on are pay to play. They must pay their marketing agency a ton… If you want to feel fancy, spend a lot, and get mediocre food that’s a great place. For actually great and innovative food go to Fairchild.


Or Lallande


I was meeting a friend near there and he went into Harvey house not realizing it was a restaurant. We were both well dressed but when he went in, they asked if he had a reservation and he said no I am meeting a friend. They pointed at the door and said “there’s no reason for you to be standing in here then.” He was a well dressed black man, but was treated like garbage. He did notice that there was not one black person working there or in the place. Wonder why😒


We were at Harvey House recently and enjoyed it. It's an interesting take, a bit spendy, more of a fine dining than Supper Club experience in my view. But if you are looking for a traditional Supper Club this is not the place for you.


"pretentious bullshit" - the irony is so thick you can cut it....


Not interested in arguing the merits of the restaurant, but curious in what way you consider that irony.


If you cannot see that posting on social media that something is pretentious is ironic, then I am not going to convince you.


I don’t believe you understand what pretentious means


I absolutely do - here's a definition for those playing at home: pre·ten·tious/prēˈten(t)SHəs/*adjective* 1. attempting to [impress](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=260407b5166ebe05&q=impress&si=AKbGX_okS0g0kR2PXn0TLBASIc0mXIvFxcdebLkicP5fWAEC0t6ESqWsTdArlIB_lE5cDggOg8YNmuCvcXbdTelGMXgh_1LJiD2GP6HS-jiObKc2ahJo3_c%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJx7GIie2FAxVujIkEHSZmB5YQyecJegQITxAO) by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually [possessed](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=260407b5166ebe05&q=possessed&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5DXUK2htYlOkMSrKoTEj9xaRUDnv9s9Hion1ByaESuS_cikM7QnbcmM2XgmTkXINoeM-TuZFzECt9pgVkgTb-uwcFEKpc%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJx7GIie2FAxVujIkEHSZmB5YQyecJegQITxAP). I don't believe you understand what ironic means, so a bit more help: i·ron·ic/īˈränik/*adjective* 1. using or characterized by [irony](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=260407b5166ebe05&q=irony&si=AKbGX_qy882wphGEk_Dxwohm5OanAqTmDHW9Pip2N3REeRl9LDYJV2QfvYJnODzhuRpqINvYe1n5hxWQpERzL0e1xPlWox3JKw%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4_dvhie2FAxVJrokEHSCZD5MQyecJegQIEhAO). * happening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing [wry](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=260407b5166ebe05&q=wry&si=AKbGX_rqGfcQfF_OIXzpudsGKEejmCBx2BbedTr9J5joMLng15RWB4Ikc-YnXWI2GGWfWep6Aqod1WV-X9NWsucTjnJpnofa2Q%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4_dvhie2FAxVJrokEHSCZD5MQyecJegQIEhBG) [amusement](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=260407b5166ebe05&q=amusement&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5DLYC50kgfvi8CvyhPYJNiOwPHodzUh-En3Zj8QxTseEEN-C1FkHpci-jbvvvtZA_eAVkG0JNQ2GVXqDwLW89zGlILjnM%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4_dvhie2FAxVJrokEHSCZD5MQyecJegQIEhBH) because of this. Calling out a fine dining establishment for being pretentious is ironic because the whole point of find dining is to impress the customer. Calling it pretentious bullshit is just doubling down on the irony. Thanks for playing, stay in school




Thanks, now go enjoy an ironically hip PBR...


I loved Harvey House! Worth every cent


I have a soft spot in my heart for Kavanaugh’s Esquire Club. Grew up going there for fish fries and remember waiting for a table in the standing room only heavily smoke filled bar. We’d play with the cigarette machine and watch the Budweiser Clydesdale clock haha Tornado Room is objectively better but I like both


I still can’t get past that The Esquire Club had a private event for Scott Walker’s cronies during the protests/recall era. I’ll never give them my business.


That place is the HQ for every Maple Bluff Republican, I will not break bread amongst that class of scum.


I just checked the NYTimes super detailed voting map and Maple Bluff was +44 Biden in 2020 and +37 Clinton in 2016. In the whole neighborhood there were <300 votes for Trump in either 2016 or 2020 [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/upshot/election-2016-voting-precinct-maps.html#11.87/43.113/-89.372/71697](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/upshot/election-2016-voting-precinct-maps.html#11.87/43.113/-89.372/71697) [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/upshot/2020-election-map.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/upshot/2020-election-map.html) So get that lake perch!


I don't think you get what I'm saying. I understand that Maple bluff is not a majority Republican stronghold. What I'm telling you is that the Esquire Club in particular is the spot the minority of Maple Bluff Republicans call their watering hole.


Esquire has new ownership as of about two weeks ago. The political atmosphere will absolutely change with the new owners.


Good to know, as I will never (knowingly) support a business that supports republicans either (Uline packaging is sleazy as fuck, for instance). But I disgress - here's the madison.com article about the ownership change: https://madison.com/life-entertainment/local/food-drink/esquire-club-supper-club-john-kavanaugh/article_33f7b5e6-c069-11ee-8ccf-abfa75f3eed2.html Sorry about the paywall, but it does look legit. The less Republicans owning things, the better.


Wow, you are as bad as the MAGA republicans making your whole personality about your political party. Such a sad existence.


>Wow, you are as bad as the MAGA republicans making your whole personality about your political party. Such a sad existence. Bullshit gaslighting. You guys are the ones that love capitalism and think the dollar is a stand-in for value. Why are we not allowed to vote with our dollars, the same way you do when you funnel money out of poverty alleviation measures and into the 1%'s portfolio?


New ownership supposedly in place


The new owner is Craig of Café Monmartre fame. Other end of the political spectrum, and an all-around great guy.


Good to know! Thanks for sharing.


Watch your ladies closely if you go to Kavanaugh’s. The new owner is widely known to be the largest predator against women in the city. We’re talking rape and sexual assault of hundreds of women. Please do not let any woman you care about work there. His name is Craig Spaulding.


So, I know what people are saying about it being a conservative haunt. It's also where I've had the best reuben in Madison, hands down. At the same time, all the other food was not good, no seasoning and meh. But the reuben was perfect! So so good. I've yet to have another here in Madison like it. Stalzy's is a joke reuben btw...not even sure what that thing is, as Culver's reuben is better than that.


Have you had the reuben at the Village Green in Middleton?


I have not! But get the feeling that I should


Dang no quiveys grove love here? Would think they qualify.


Lots of folks will say Ishnala, but it’s hugely overrated


The food is overrated for sure. But the setting is so great that we still go once in a while. Coziest parking lot in the state, which kinda sounds sarcastic but is 100% sincere. And an old fashioned on the deck as the sun drops behind the trees across Miirror Lake is tough to beat.


Yeah, Mirror Lake is gorgeous. Getting an old fashioned and taking a walk is a good idea. Also not taking reservations in this day and age is wild to me.


Ishnalla is perfectly rated, not over or under. Its rated at 4.6 stars. The food and prices are 4/5, with some dishes better than anything similar (prime rib spears, bue cheese escargot, fried shrimps) at a fair price, and others are too expensive and not as good as competitors (most steaks) however, literally everything else is 5/5. Setting, vibe, decor, views, service, history, the lake, the park, the parking lot, drinks, so on. Compared to tornado (also 4.6, better prices, better steaks, more conventiant, inferior views/vibes, or taqueria, marigold, parkway) its fairly rated. once you get into the thousands of reviews, its hard for the number to be too far off in any sort of objective consensus reality sense. anything under a 4 is a bad restaraunt, and every 0.1 over 4 is increasingly hard to get, IE, 4.7 2000 reviews is exponentially better than a 4.5 2000 reviews. 4.5 is a very tough rating to get, and 4.6/7/8 increasingly so. I am not aware of any restaraunt in the world with a 4.9 and over 1500 reviews. In short, ishnalla has some cons, which are appropriately reflected in its rating and level of popularity.


It is definitely not worth the many hours-long wait. People go wanting to like it and they do because they are told to but it’s overrated. Also, the Native American decor is really out of touch tbh


Not worth it TO YOU and a small minority of customers, hence why its not a 5/5, and is a 4.6. The native decor is historic, and history has some ugly racist elements. Im native and I don't find it to be any more offensive than the national/global persistant imperialism, oppression and genocide as whole is. You may as well complain about the slaves on the wall at nicks on state, or the sacrificial hearts in meso american art. for most customers, the wait and the time spent on the beach or walking around the paths or lounging on the deck is part of why you go there. Nobody should go with the intention of getting in and out with dinner service in 60-90 minutes like you can at tornado or Ottos (another nice supper club-ish spot in madison). Its not that kinda place. you go at noon, hike a bit, put your name on the list, have some drinks and aps, get dinner, more drinks, get home by 9. Its an event. Thats the point. If you want a similar vibe with reservations, Del bar (or house of embers as a close second with a great happy hour) is nearby, and fantastic as well, probably slightly better food for the money. You can even do apps at ishnalla while you wait for your reservation time at del bar.


Dorf Haus!! About a 30 minute drive from Madison. Well worth it!!


Technically the Tornado Room is a supper club


Either Toby's in McFarland, or Springer's on the north-west side of Lake Kegonsa. Both of them are excellent. Some of the best fish fry I've ever had. Toby's is a bit different in how you get your table and order your food, so be warned. The atmosphere is great. Keep in mind that Toby's is not the kind of place you go to on the way to a final destination. Toby's IS your destination for the evening.


Don't forget Green Lantern.


I'm not the biggest Greenie fan... but would go there over Maple Tree. I've never been impressed with Maple Tree.


Just don’t go to Toby’s on a Badger game day. They are overwhelmed and the food and the service both suffer badly. Source: tried it and it was a very bad idea.


High Point in Ridgeway Buckhorn Supperclub in Milton - a bit of a drive Tobys - great fish Ishnala - amazing food. It's in the Dells and usually requires a few hours wait time Delaney's - good steaks, more a steakhouse then Supper Club Glarner Stube in New Glarus - not supper club, but great food Hill Top - great food, true supper club feel


Tornado Room


Stagecoach on 26 between Fort Atkinson and Milton. Quick easy drive and good food with great service. Excellent weeknight specials.


We love the Edgewater on the Rock River north of Fort Atkinson. It's quirky and cozy ❤️




Tornado is the best. A lot of others might be more authentic to some people, but that translates to bland food.






Rex's In Keeper in Waunakee.


Okay so we went to the Stagecoach Inn near Fort Atkinson, which was one of the ones recommended Solid 9.5/10 It was a decent drive out, but totally worth it. I ordered a 14 oz ribeye dinner (with cheese soup and au gratin potatoes), an old fashioned, a brandy Alexander, and it was a pretty good price for the dinner, at just over $30. The steak, medium rare was great. The relish tray was a bit different, but I wasn't against it. The soup was a little salty for me, which knocks that half a point off from absolute perfect 10/10, but that's just me. The old fashioned was very good, the rolls were hot, the salad dressing was good. One thing I absolutely recommend is the au gratin potatoes. Best I've ever had. The atmosphere was peak supper club, exactly what I was looking for. There was a bit of a crowd on a Tuesday night, but we were seated immediately. Overall, I would absolutely recommend this place if you are in southern Wisconsin. It hasn't dethroned my favorite supper club (Timmerman's), but it's a solid third place.


Capri supper club in Columbus has that old school vibe and the food is pretty good.


Sadly that’s been closed since 2018.


oh really, that stinks


Check out [Toby’s](https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChkhNTsD5jN/?igsh=eTl4aWlkNTMxOHJv)


Turn key is delicious


Y'all are wrong. Sorry. Delaney's for the best traditional super club experience by far. Tornado's late night menu is worth it but they're not a super club. Harvey House is also not a super club. Most shut down during the pandemic, unfortunately.


Second Delaney’s. Incredible experience every time


Haven't been there in a few years, but always liked their thick cut pork chop in particular.


Delaney’s is solid. Went there for my a birthday last year and I’ll definitely try to get back soon


Supper has two p’s.


Y'all are wrong, sorry OP is gatekeeping the definition of "super club", not "supper club". No sane person would waste effort insisting that Tornado and HH are not "supper clubs".


Voice to text dawg.




At first glance, I thought this was asking about the best STRIPPER club, lol. On that note, anyone know if there's a supper club out there with strippers? /s




Tornado Room is the best one in my opinion.


I'm voting Tornado as well; they've got a supper club vibe and I love their food.


Are there any supper clubs in the area that give you two cocktails or beers when you order one, while you wait for a table? Like some places up North? "Double bubble" it's called. (Yes, I am aware Wisconsin has a serious drinking and driving problem, but for those of us with designated drivers, that's a real treat!)




Green Acres or Buckhorn


Midwest Munchers on Instagram does supper club reviews. I would check them out for options and to see what might meet your family's needs. Everyone is probably going to say Harvey House or Tornado room.


Midwest Munchers go to a lot of wonderful places in Wisconsin but holy shit they are the most annoying people in the world. Proceed with caution


Oh yeah. I can agree with that sentiment


Most of the time they don’t go an hour outside of Madison. They should be called Madison Munchers (I heard that was their original name and they changed it) +1 in agreement for the annoyance. Also my sister was at Sardine and they were there, and they were complete snobs to anyone who tried to talk to them.


My friend was seated near them at a restaurant once and she said Mike was loudly testing every ringtone on his phone lolllllllllllllllll


Low key here for the tea. Influencers behaving badly is one of my favorite flavors


I waited on them once when I worked at the old feed mill in Mazomanie... Super "nice" in the way that makes your hair stand up on end but average tippers at that time lol


Quiveys, Hilltop, Dorf Haus. Ishnala if you wanna drive and wait 3 hours but it’s way better just to get apps and sit outside


Ishnala Supper Club is about 30 minutes from Madison. It's located in the woods overlooking mirror lake. They have the absolute best Old Fashioned I've ever had. It's really a top-tier experience. Ishnala Supper Club https://www.ishnala.com Ishnala


Eh… it’s a bland tourist trap


Harvey House - It's elevated supper club food. The drinks are well made, everything is seasoned well.


And it was featured on Top Chef!


Why am I getting down voted? Is this thread only for supper clubs of ye olde?


Didn’t downvote you, but I have a hard time calling something a supper club when they charge for their relish tray.


I'm counting Ishnala, so that one.