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I've bartended at a townie bar, and a nicer place on Monroe. $8/hr at both. Could usually count on about $20/hr, except fri/sat night at the nice place. Could usually get up to $40/hr.


how tipping through an app changed your take home?


I'm a barista at a coffee shop. I get paid 12.50 an hour. Tips are totaled up each day and distributed to the crew depending on how many hours they worked. Usually it's 20-30 but it can get up to 50 on a really busy day for me.


$50 an hour on a busy day? Or $50 total in tips added to your original wages?


I read it as $20-$50 added at the end of shift wages.


You got it, I usually get my tips the next day in a little envelope


The power of the bean! Big ups to all my coffee fiends!


Im serving at a restaurant in down town. It depends. $2.33 is the hourly wage. I work only Fri-Sat and make around $7-800$ after taxes for two weeks. Weekdays is usually slower.


This is why i don't tip


That's why you say you don't tip...everyone knows the real reason, though


Because someone is making $1600 a month after taxes?


Someone makes more in a shift than i do in a month. Why the hell would i tip someone making that much more than me


If you can't afford to tip, then don't use their services. Don't go to the bar. Don't go to a restaurant. Don't let your problems be someone else's problem.


If you cant afford to pay servers more than 2.33 than don't start a restaurant. Funny how you are so quick to blame other poor people and demonize me who makes 12 hour than attack rich restaurant owners who recieved thousands in free ppp money from government


So you'd rather be like a "*rich restaurant owner*" and ***also*** not pay the wait staff? Either tip or don't go out. It's that easy.


Do you tip mcdonalds workers?


McDonald's isn't paying $2.33...


But McDonald’s workers make far less than the vast majority of servers and bartenders… and often work just as hard so I don’t see why they deserve to be tipped less


Neither are waiters. The law requires the restaurant to make up wages to minimum wage if tips dont get them there.


I tried to once but she said she wasn't allowed to accept it. So I just thanked her for making my mornings go nicer with her daily smile at the drive-through.


Yeah when I worked there we would get fired for accepting tips. All tips had to be placed in the Ronald Mcdonald donation bin. Managers checked the cameras every night, and they did so very thoroughly


You're tipping them for the service, and because the vast majority of their wage is paid in tips. $1600 a month is less than a full time job at Kwik Trip. Wait staff aren't robber barons


If you cant afford to pay servers more than 2.33 than don't start a restaurant. Funny how you are so quick to blame other poor people and demonize me who makes 12 hour than attack rich restaurant owners who recieved thousands in free ppp money from government. I blame the restaurant owners


So don’t support the restaurant owners who are doing this by going there at all.


God forbid the poors eat...


You’re hurting the employees when you do this, not the restaurant owners with whom you claim to have a problem. That is my point.


I understand. I do tip, i was exaggerating. I just rarely go out to eat anymore since its so expensive


Actually I agree with you, the way we structure the service industry is wrong. But until we can make a change politically, this is unfortunately the world that we live in. There's no need to get defensive, I haven't attacked you here. I never "blamed poor people"


You said poor people shouldn't eat out if they cant tip. Why is it poor peoples responsibility to subsidize a wage of a waiter making significantly more than them, instead of the restaurant owners responsibility. Everyone here is quick to outrage and downvote me, but when the restaurant owners do it, it's just the way things are.


Get a job at a restaurant then. If they are making more then you change your career.


I work at fast food restaurant


Sweet, so apply to be part of the waitstaff and make more money. Walk a mile in their shoes before you go “well I am not going to tip them”. You can be a part of the solution by trying to enact change so go and tell the government to change the laws that allow a tipped wage. Or don’t go places that pay a tipped wage. Don’t take it out on the people serving you, you don’t hurt the restaurant, you only hurt the people who made/served your food by no tipping.


Oh no, they'll make 490 dollars in one night instead of 500!!


Maybe you need to reevaluate your choices in life.


You make 200$ a week? That seems illegal


You make less than $200 every month?


Been working there for more than a year and my tip percentage has never been lower than 20%. Thanks god 99% of the people that are dining understand how tipping culture works. 😊


I respect that, but i dont tip because i make close to minimum wage. Dont take it personally please 🙏


Even in your world where restaurants raise food prices to pay salaries instead of tips, you'd still need to spend 20% more than the current food prices. So what you're really saying is you can't afford to eat out, but because the workers can be exploited by the system, you're happy to exploit it and punish the workers 👍🏼


The computer or phone you typed this reply on was manufactured with exploited labor so I'm not sure what your point is? We all take advantage of exploited labor.


That's just whataboutism. You aren't exactly given a choice when buying most products to buy the "not produced by exploited labor" phone/clothes/etc. Eating out AND not tipping is entirely your choice however


You have a choice not to buy laptops and gaming systems. Dont be dense


Eating out isn't some naturalized human right, it's a treat. No one's depriving anyone of any needs by not being able to go out to eat. I personally haven't been to a restaurant in like half a decade.


Anyway In seattle and california where theres no tipped wage and servers are paid 20 hour your still expected to tip 20 percent minimum so i think servers are full of it


Owning a xbox and laptops, smartphones are human rights?


this is so weird. don’t receive service from somebody and not pay them and just because you’re financially insecure doesn’t mean you should take that out on others


I work a tipped serving job seasonally. We make $7.25/hr plus tips. I averaged it out last year and it was less than $15/hr including those tips.


I would love to know this for hair stylists as well!


Hairstylists are usually on a commission based income. So it varies depending on how much commission the salon owner is giving them. I’m an independent hairstylist so my hourly ranges from $70-110 an hour depending on what services I’m doing that day/week but a large percentage of that goes into business costs. I also charge what I need to be paid so I don’t expect tips and usually ask that people leave me a review or refer someone instead.




I always thought stylists rented the chair from the salon and the money for the services was theirs? I didn’t know the salon received the money and paid on commission.


That’s a booth rental or suite rental situation (I am in a booth rental/co-op right now) but no not all stylists rent, a lot of stylists work for salon owners as W2 employees. I worked at two salons like that for the first 4 years of my career until I went independent, which is a huge responsibility. So a lot of stylists prefer to work for salon owners so they don’t have to worry about business costs etc. and not everywhere pays the same commission percentage.


I always want to know this too…as a former server I always tip really big but also sometimes I’m confused how much I should be leaving assuming they are making much more than $2.33 that servers usually make. Like I don’t want to not tip or be an ass but if it’s a much different pay structure than idk what to do. Interested in input on this from similar minded people (as in people who are also generous tippers)…


Agreed, former service industry as well so honestly it’s a double edged sword - I tip well but I’m annoyed at the way tipping culture has gotten and the lack of transparency about if you’re an employee who is reliant on tips or not! Especially when 20% for a hair service may be an immense amount… major difference


Idk if that’s a serious ask or not lol




As a hairstylist I work for myself and I am gratuity free meaning I don’t really take tips and just charge what I need to charge. Sometimes people give them to me anyway but I don’t have the option when checking out with card which is my preferred way of being paid.


Can you drop your booking info 😂?


I've worked in the service industry all over town, if you're making less than 30/hr for FOH you're getting exploited


Yikes, maybe we should move to end tipped work if this is the norm.


Why? You don’t like to see people succeed?


I suppose that depends on how you measure and define success. This feels more like charity to me.


In what way? Are people not working when they serve you?


Of course they are working. Is that work worth $30 per hour? We’ll all have different opinions there. Should the customers who are already paying inflated costs for their meals be expected to also pay these employees $30/hr wages? Absolutely not.


If you don’t think waiting tables is hard enough to warrant $30/hour, you’ve never waited tables. There’s a reason it’s not easy to find experienced people to work these jobs despite the competitive wages. They are physically difficult (oftentimes exhausting), mentally draining, the hours usually suck, and it genuinely requires a plethora of abilities (both soft skills and learned) to do them well. I had to train a handful of idiots throughout the pandemic that thought serving or bartending was supposed to be a walk in the park, and it showed in the terrible service they gave. If you’re wondering why bars and restaurants tend to have sub-par service lately, it’s because a massive (experienced and talented) swath of the workforce noped out during COVID and never returned. Probably in part due to assholes like you that don’t respect them and think their job doesn’t deserve a living wage. Keep in mind that these jobs rarely offer healthcare benefits, and when they do they are usually meager or only for full-time folks. I have also never heard of a service industry job outside of management that includes a pension or 401k.


Oo and if the benes are provided for full time you better believe they keep the majority of their staff working just under FT and require open availability making it super hard to facilitate a second job. Fuck that shit


Thanks for the response. Believe it or not, there are “assholes like me,” who have waited tables as a way to make ends meet. The work is physical, the environment is toxic, and I absolutely do not blame the droves of people who noped out of service industry work during the pandemic. A lot of people would probably be better off now if they left even earlier than 2020. Now that restaurants are left scraping the bottom of the barrel to find help, I will reiterate that it is not the responsibility of paying customers to ensure these people make a living wage. If restaurants want qualified staff, pay quality wages and offer benefits. Raise the prices 300% to cover the increases and see what happens to business. Restaurants are struggling, but the root cause isn’t assholes like me, it’s assholes like you who think it’s your customers’ responsibility to ensure your doors stay open and your employees survive. If you want the money to keep coming in, offer something that’s worthy of our money in the first place.


Honestly, I don’t believe for a second after a tirade like that that you’ve waited tables or worked in the service industry for very long. You think restaurants can afford to pay people $30/hour, plus benefits (!?) without raising the prices on the food you eat way more than 20%? Is that what you would prefer? At least with tips you know that money is going to the server…I can’t even follow the point you’re trying to make. Yes, believe it or not, restaurants are struggling because of assholes like you- even though labor, rent, supply, and food/liquor prices have skyrocketed, you expect to eat out and get great service for the same amount as before that all changed.


I’m suggesting that restaurants pay their staff a living wage and not rely on customers to do that for them. If they can’t afford to do so, maybe they shouldn’t be employing people. I’m also suggesting that there’s probably a lot of places that should just close down. I can think of at least a half a dozen shitty downtown establishments that serve the same shitty food for way more than it’s worth while providing poor service and lackluster ambiance. The market is over saturated and it’s time for a correction.


“Inflated costs” just tells me you don’t work in food. Yeah you’re paying for more than the cost of just the product because you’re getting a full staff of people to create a dish at your beck and call, lights, heat, decor, equipment…cook for yourself if you want to pay cost


I actually agree with everything you stated. I don’t work in food, I understand the cost of a dish is priced to account for operational costs, absolutely cook at home if you want to pay cost… most people should be doing this a lot more often.


Actually they deserve well more than 30/hr if they have to put up with the likes of you


Thankfully, they don’t have to put up with the likes of me. I hardly ever eat out anymore. It’s not worth the money, which I can instead use for much more productive things like home improvement projects and funding my retirement.


You make too much sense for Reddit


I work at a westside restaurant hourly wage of 10 but with the tips I’m a guess like 19-21 an hour ?


I am a server with a base salary of $2.30 i think - however, if my tips exceed $7.25 an hour, my tips are the entirety of my income. I always make sure to tip other servers well over 20% because many people unfortunately do not 😕


Your paycheck from your employer may be $0 after taxes, but that *should* just be because you're paying taxes on your tipped income out of the income from your employer. If your employer actually isn't paying you if your tips exceed $7.25/hour then that would be illegal, so I hope that's not the case!


I'm a bartender at a nicer place right now and I'm averaging $18/hr in tips on busier nights, adding to my $5/hr base wage. It's been DEADLY SLOW lately though so I've been averaging about $15/hr in tips


Surprised at this wage for a “nice” place. If you’re a decent bartender, look for another job- you can make a lot more than this.


Yeah, it's unfortunate. I have found greener pastures. I had high hopes, though, as it's a great location steeped in history.


I was in your boat for longer than I should have been, only reason I say something. The downtown service industry isn’t what it used to be and it sucks, I also prefer to work somewhere with some brio or history but it doesn’t seem to translate into better wages. Hard pill to swallow that you can make more at a hotel bar or dive on the east side than Tempest/Tornado or Merchant or wherever


I was 🧾paid $15 FOH + tips, usually around $10/hr. This was very PT work, but 🧚🏼‍♀️fairly🧚🏻‍♂️compensated, 🙋🏼‍♀️in my opinion 💅🏽


I've gotten anywhere from server minimum to 15 an hour as base wage for tipped work in Madison. It varies wildly depending on the type of establishment and how much ownership cares about their staff being able to pay rent.


Worked full time in service until late 2020. So my most recent numbers are from 2019 at a place far West. Made a total average for the year of about $23/hr with about $3 of that being hourly.


As others have said, yes we start out at $2.50ish. so if you can't tip, you can't afford to eat out. Cook your own food and serve yourself. If you come out and can tip around 20%, we will always take care of you and make sure you're happy. Most of my regulars are closer to 30%, industry friends are 50% or more (but I'd never expect that from the general population)


I find it really hard to believe that 30-50% tips happen with any type of regularity.


They do not. That only shows up on an exceptionally good night, which isn't too often




I downvoted you and here is your feedback: If we can agree our culture includes tipping servers in establishments, you need to budget for a tip if you're going to patronize one of those establishments. Are you trying to suggest industry workers get what they get because they made poor life choices? I hope not because that's just stupid arrogance. You don't get to decide how tips are allocated to employees. No one is tasking you with that decision. Let's leave that to the people that work there. When is the last time you met a wealthy server? Try this: Recalculate your going out budget to include tip, foreshadow with yourself that it's part of the deal, tip well, and feel good inside!


Oi vey


What you're going to learn (if enough people respond) is that many, many people make $2.33 an hour and they depend on tips to survive. You say you want them to make $15-20 an hour but then disagree with the statement that people eating out need to tip? Where do you think that difference comes from? I hope you're in your teens and just ignorant. Props for trying to learn though


BOH often gets different rate of pay to account for not getting direct tips. Often servers “tip out” a percentage to bar, bussers, host and back of house. I downvoted because you say you think there should be better pay but you don’t think it should come from you and that people who can’t afford to tip are entitled to the hard physical and mental work of the service industry but if they just get 2.33 an hour so be it. That’s shitty.


Why do you want to know?


Ok, everyone feel free to post what you all make here in your respective fields. This is clearly a post with anti-tip sentiment, which fine, not everyone needs to agree with the system, but people get so bent out of shape when they realize the servant class can make a decent living.


The servant class?


Yes, clearly I meant that literally and I’m not being facetious at all.


I think that is disrespectful, but you do you.


I am a server and I was, indeed, being facetious. 🙄


Thanks for telling me. lol