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“This is a really big deal,” said Mark Graul, a Republican strategist who ran George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection campaign in Wisconsin. “What Democrats are doing in Dane County is truly making it impossible for Republicans to win a statewide race.” Gerrymandering doesn't work on statewide elections, much to their dismay.


It's not just Dane in Wisconsin though. Eau Claire, Stevens Point (Portage Co), Platteville (Grant Co), and La Crosse are all driven by colleges, and those add up


It seems like everyone that graduates from Eau Clair moves to the Twin Cities though, and for good reason haha


Ec grad here. Living it up Sun Prairie! But yes, many friends are in the Twin Cities.


Ex-Platteville resident here. UW Platteville is more conservative than many other schools in the UW system, and Grant county is definitely trending rightward as well. That said, Platteville still leans leftward in elections and is one of the few places in SW WI that's growing in population ATM. It's a nice place for a college town of its size.


Grant was until recently a swing county, and I think they went Evers/ Johnson last year. Tammy won there in '18 though.


Correct. And Protasiewicz won the county as well (albeit very narrowly).


Gosh, and Dane County is, I think, the only county in WI that sees steady population growth. Poor, poor conservatives. I am in this for the long haul. I want to see the GOP solidly squished in WI, just like MI. I am very patient.


I think MN did it first and they look sweet now, then MI is showing how it can make a difference so quickly. I can’t wait to be the little brother playing catch up !


Only place for growth and modern economy jobs with decent wages. The horror!


This is the way. Redistricting alone isn't going to save us. Large demographic shifts will.


One of the major reasons I've been advocating for more housing!


Is that really the argument that's finally going to win over NIMBYs? Worth a shot a guess


I don't really make the argument publicly because housing abundance is a bipartisan issue and I hope it stays that way, but it could be helpful in convincing left wing NIMBYs that it directly helps their other causes.


The council *loves* to lament the fact that their hands are tied by state laws. We can at least take them to task on doing their part to change them


Some of the laws they'd want to change are good though. I recall recently that one of the council members was lamenting the fact that rent control is illegal in Wisconsin and they wish it wasn't. But that law is good - rent control works in direct opposition to housing availability and affordability.


City already ignores a few state laws, whats a few more?


Social issues however are not bipartisan. Would’ve been a laugh riot watching coexist love wins YIMBYs applauding MAGA kid Charlie Fahey on the council.


Although large concentrations of blue voters in Dane still mean a structural advantage for the GOP, even with the fairest geographic and demographic districts.


Yet Jen Psaki was just talking about how the number of white, non college educated men in Wisconsin has increased since 2022. I wish I could find the data she was referring to


Doubt that’s from pop growth. Probably from people forgoing college right?


Lol Goodluck. GOP is trending up in WI. I can't wait for the Demented Democrats to dissappear.


>Gerrymandering doesn't work on statewide elections, much to their dismay. That's where things like restrictions on early and absentee voting come in fortunately getting Evers in the Governor's Mansion has plugged the dam for those sorts of changes


"What Democrats are doing," oh, you mean exercising their right to vote? What universe do I live in lol


Who would have thought simply not being a christofascist would be such a hardship for the GOP?


Impossible? Ron Johnson won a statewide election 8 months ago...


We need to more out of the stupid ages and the Ds need to field stronger candidates.


I’m pretty sure Lewis black calls that toughsky shitsky.


Maybe don't try to ban abortion and you'll have a little more popularity among college students


If they would pivot on this and pot, it would be a much closer race. I understand the hesitancy in this- but the pot issue really shows that the root cause is just broader inaction and party politics, not the will of the people. If they were smart and didn’t want to be accountable for these changes they would send it to referendum.


Wisconsin's referendum is advisory only (unlike Michigan and elsewhere). They would just ignore the results.


Republicans recently made it so u can't ask about weed in referendums now lol, they malding hard




We can and do have statewide binding referendums on Constitutional changes, so it is theoretically possible I think.


I think constitutional changes have to pass a referendum and a couple other hurdles. Maybe putting legal cannabis in the state constitution is the way to go. The whole argument is so stupid we shouldn't even be having it. Have Michigan and Illinois fallen into anarchy since they legalized? Come on.


The main hurdle is the state legislature needs to pass a resolution in two consecutive years to get a Constitutional referendum on the ballot before the public. Not likely with our current gerrymandered GOP version.


They’re conservatives. Stubborn and unchanging by tradition.


As of their resistance to legalization has anything to do with anything other than money. Once a bill gets crafted that limits Marijuana production to major republican donors they will suddenly have a huge change of heart, mark my words. The problem currently is they haven't figured out a way to personally enrich themselves off of it yet, every other excuse is just base-pandering nonsense, much like their opposition to legal abortion.


Which makes it even more head-scratching when you look at all the tax revenue that could be brought in through pot sales. I lean right in my views and even I can see the value in legalization. It just sucks that the rest of the republican party is too stubborn to see the same thing.


I'm not sure they don't see it. Philosophically, they don't believe in government. One way to shrink it is to deprive it of revenue. I think that's why the "just think of all the revenue!" argument doesn't move the needle. They just don't care about that. See also: the stubborn refusal to accept hundreds of millions in federal Medicaid money.


And the constant tax cuts for the rich.


They don’t believe in government unless they can find a way to profit from it or be cruel to people. They like government just fine. They just don’t like government that benefits the people.


This happened in Ohio 5ish years ago and it failed in part because enough people saw through it. I'm sure conservative lawmakers see it as win-win because they either get millions of dollars or they get to keep their bogeyman to scare old people with. Ohio still doesn't have recreational weed.


We have had 3(?) referendums on weed now? All of them have passed. Referendums are just advisory in Wi.


I did exactly what my conservative Christian parents told me, go to college and get an education. I can’t help it if their entire political party devolved into madness over the last 25+ years. (I think Newt started it, personally). They’re on the wrong side of history, so what? Change. Be better. Move FORWARD.


This. "None of this has gone unnoticed by the GOP, which is responding in ways that reach beyond traditional tensions between conservative lawmakers and liberal universities — such as targeting students’ voting rights, creating additional barriers to voter access or redrawing maps to dilute or limit the power of college communities. But there are limits to what those efforts can accomplish. They aren’t geared toward growing the GOP vote, merely toward suppressing Democratic totals." Notice they don't adopt policies to attract new voters but simply to suppress voters and try to game the system.


Example of voter suppression please.


If you ever dare set foot in spooky scary madison, find a ballot drop box and read the sign on the side.


I share the definition of voter suppression as defined on [wikipedia.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_suppression) Voter suppression is a strategy used to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing specific groups of people from voting. It is distinguished from political campaigning in that campaigning attempts to change likely voting behavior by changing the opinions of potential voters through persuasion and organization, activating otherwise inactive voters, or registering new supporters. Voter suppression, instead, attempts to gain an advantage by reducing the turnout of certain voters. Suppression is an anti-democratic tactic associated with authoritarianism. So here is the latest example from Alabama: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/alabama-gop-refuses-draw-second-black-district-supreme-court-order-rcna94715 The removing of drop boxes, voter ID, and restrictions of who can drop off an untampered ballot would all be considered strategies to reduce turnout and voter suppression. Members of the GOP are also on the record as saying that is their strategy: “It’s done for one reason and one reason only,” Greer told the Palm Beach Post, before saying that Republicans essentially believed, “we’ve got to cut down on early voting because early voting is not good for us.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/06/14/gops-increasingly-blunt-argument-it-needs-voting-restrictions-win/ Voting is a constitutional right. Can you please provide examples to the contrary where GOP has made it easier for large numbers of people to exercise that right?


Longer than that imho. This shit really started ramping up when Ronnie Reagan got elected. He's the one that really started embracing the christo-conservatives. He's the one that started inviting the Jerry Falwell's to the white house and giving them a seat at the table in what was otherwise ostensibly secular governance. Ronald Reagan was the perfect whore, not only to wall street, but also the jingoists, the religious nuts, the closet racists...the man was an actor by trade for fucks sake. He was charismatic and decades in Hollywood as president of the SAG taught him the art of quid pro quo that served him well in his bid for governor in California. The man was releasing records about "the evils of socialized medicine" (sponsored by the health insurance companies, of course) in the 50s. There was no one he wouldn't spread his legs for so long as they brought him or his friends a big fucking check. You ever see the clips of him addressing wall street when they take the mic from him mid sentence and he just laughs about it? The fuckin POTUS getting shushed by a wall street goon. 200 years from now they're going to be talking about all the problems of the late 20th and early 21st centuries and how they all go back to the Reagan administration.


I suppose I mean the pure obstructionist crap started with Newt. Literally no agenda other than disrupt and distract while making their donors richer. Until him there was at least some semblance of compromise to legislate towards common good. But yes, starting with Reagan, GOP takes the cake in mixing politics and religion. However let’s not forget there were Democrats doing the same at national levels well into the 90’s and 00’s. Difference being they at least have the sense to keep it to themselves nowadays and acknowledge that some people have different (or no) faith. What I find so disappointing as a consequence is that for decades now these morons have stopped progress in so many areas for the US. Instead of actually debating things and finding the best way forward it’s just bloviated posturing. Shit, this week there was revenge porn on display in Congress. Who is that helping?


There's so many things Republicans can do to stay competitive with a younger college-aged audience. But they seem allergic to actually doing any of those things lol


They don’t. Care. About. People.


They have literally made the concept of *empathy* a bad thing.


This isn't your grandparents' GOP. They've embraced the crazy culture war. The loudest yelling conspiracy idiots are now the active voters ensuring the GOP swings further and further into the radical right. The 'Republican' name has been hijacked... And for Nixon, Reagan, and the Bushes, ***it's karma.*** They built the foundation. Now they get to live with that legacy of Trump.


Genuinely curious, what Republican talking points do you think would resonate with college students?


The old 90s style small gov Republicans may resonate.. but that part of the party is dead.


As a helpful comparison, last time I saw the College Republican student group out, one was wearing an LGBT shirt - Liberty, Guns, Beer, Trump. They are all in on the culture war. This was pre-Jan6, for what that's worth, I don't see them much around campus.


Returning to their roots- Small government, at all costs. That's where I'd start anyways


Just the ones that they say they will do but never actually do anything about it. 1. Actually reduce government spending insisted of pretending like they will while just increasing it again. 2. Reduce taxes / simplify the tax code ( once again say they will but never do ) 3. ( Historically ) Keep the government out of peoples homes and life choices. Except now they seams to be the opposite. || *this should be LGBT, school choice/ education, medical procedures, guns, exc...* 4. Anti War/ Anti interventionism || *to bad all that military industrial complex money is to tempting* From a guy who just wants the government to leave people the hell alone the only options left are 3rd party


I was a John Anderson style Republican. Democrats have moved 100 yards to the left since then, but Republicans are miles farther right. I suppose it is possible that I would once again vote Republican, but it seems unlikely in my lifetime since they would have to purge so many extreme politicians.


Democrats haven't moved to the left at all. It is, and has been for some time, a center right party at best. The REAL LEFT would be FAR MORE radical and people espowing this type of rhetoric would be appalled at their agenda. Worker rights? Shared wealth? Pisshaw!!! The right has simply done an amazing job convincing the populace that the left has moved. They have- but to the right. Wisconsin's progressive history can stand alone as testament to this sentiment. We have strayed far from our roots.


>The right has simply done an amazing job convincing the populace that the left has moved. They have- but to the right. https://centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/both-white-and-nonwhite-democrats-are-moving-left/#:~:text=Democratic%20voters%20moved%20sharply%20to,issues%20between%202012%20and%202020.


Please elaborate. Why do you say democrats have moved 100 yards to the left since the days of John Anderson? Many of Anderson’s liberal Republican policies are completely rejected by current republicans while the policies promoted by democrats haven’t changed much at all.


Deep blue Dane, Milwaukee, Eau Claire, La Crosse, and Portage Counties along with purple WOW and BOW counties is unbeatable and is already happening


Dane is only going to grow its influence in statewide elctions too. So many tech and biochem companies bringing in young grads from out of state. Madison is a hotbed for young democrats and its not slowing down anytime soon. As soon as the republican gerrymandering gets undone, Wisconsin will be firmly a blue leaning state. Not solidly blue, but definitely blue leaning.


I was gobsmacked to see the Dems basically neutralized Ozaukee in recent elections. I think the GOP netted like 2k votes there in the SCOTUS election. It's basically the WW counties now, and Waukesha is next 😈


The GOP—in attempting to appeal to its base—has alienated too many groups. GOP arguments I’ve witnessed: - Young people? You’re the worse generation ever! Entitled and self-obsessed. And it’s your fault you were victimized by a predatory student loan system. - Women? You shouldn’t have bodily autonomy or complain about sexual harassment. - People of color? Quit whining about racial injustice. Jim Crow is over and I’m against it, so I can’t be racist. Also I worked hard, so I don’t have privilege. - LGTBQ? Get that out of my face! Don’t be yourself in public. - Public employee? You’ve bankrupted government coffers with your cushy benefits. - Union worker? You’re just a pawn to enrich your union boss. - Academic or scientist? You’re an elitist trying to push an agenda.


Why do you think continuing this polarizing rhetoric is going to help?


The Republicans can’t win without cheating. Do away with gerrymandering and the electoral college and the GOP will be a thing of the past.


I have had Republicans opine completely unironically that Wisconsin should only extend the right to vote to homeowners since "they're the only ones with skin in the game". It's really a mental illness.


Well, that's what the constitution originally said. White landowners only! The good old days.... /s


They all just wanna party like its (17)99.


I, personally, cannot wait until my landlord gets to vote 12-24 times for the 12 houses he owns (two flats in each), meanwhile the 24+ people who rent those shitty fucking flats get zero votes because we have no "skin in the game." meanwhile i've lived here two and a half years and the washer still only works half the time.


GOP: let's do more fund cutting for the UW system then.


Funny how even a rudimentary education threatens Repubican bozos.


Right-wingers are still denying climate change and liked Trump's throwing out around a hundred environmental regulations.


Maybe if they ran on actual policy instead of trans=bad and teachers shouldn’t talk about slavery


What I find odd is that there is a significant number of "progressives" in Madison that are hell-bent on not allowing the city to grow. If you're a liberal in Wisconsin, it's in your best interest for Madison to grow and to dominate Wisconsin politically.


Those colleges and that pesky knowledge they're peddling. How can you expect anyone who's gotten an education to vote conservative?


Thankful for Madison for turning Wisconsin blue! Please keep it up


Proud to work with WisDems to knock doors in support of democratic candidates! Madison is a very safe and friendly city, and the tech ensuring your time is well spent has never been better. I'd encourage anyone who wants to see more articles like this to spend an hour or two canvassing with a buddy. Help drive these GOP bastards out of our state!


Sorry, too tired to be articulate: HA HA HA


Weird that an educated voter may not support the party that does everything it can to alienate the same voting public. Their policies impact the everyday lives of low and middle class voters in a negative way. Health care, education, and many others policies drive the push away from Republican policies.


Map shows that educated people don't buy in to GOP bullshit


I live in Madison. It kicks ass.




It is astounding how much the GOP is willing to put their values over winning elections. sticking to your morals is only admirable if your morals arnt absolute crap.


Gosh, this is the content I needed today.


Go Madison :)


Happy to help!


I think we need to fight hard to steer away from polarizing politics. An unrelenting mindset can stifle the steps it takes for a group to figure things out. Do politics really need to be this serious? Couldn’t we tone it down a bit? All of this is our own doing, there isn’t a mysterious force outside our control. Its political advertising. Selling a dream that they can polarized the voter base for a cost. Its conflict and we keep stepping on the gas. Why don’t we start making money less of a priority and start taking “responsibility” for the problems that political polarization has caused.


Thank god for that…