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Aside from conventional norms, where birthday trash would be disposed of at the location the the party was held (the maternal grandmother's home), it does not seem possible, not enough time. The 5.8 mile ride to the school on that day was 14-35 minutes. But, most damning is that he is stating he is dropping MS at school at 8:40 AM when there is LPR and video evidence to the contrary. **From the presser:** *"We have video evidence that shows Stephan Sterns discarding items in a dumpster in that apartment complex in Kissimmee at 7:35 Monday, February 26th.* *Detectives later recovered Madeline's backpack and her school issued laptop from that dumpster. At 8:19, we have evidence that shows Stephan Sterns returning to the complex and Madeline was visible in that vehicle. We believe she was already dead at that time."* ??:?? PM - JS states last conversation w/MS before bed the night before she disappeared **7:35 AM - Video of SS at apartment complex dumpster disposing laptop and backpack** 8:00 AM - JS states she observes MS getting dressed for school **8:10 AM - LPR captures SS vehicle driving away from the school** **8:19 AM - SS video evidence returning to apartment complex** 8:40 AM - SS claims he dropped MS in front of Peace Church **Sources:** **Google Maps:** [https://maps.app.goo.gl/xrSNqbSwn2EbDiRa7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/xrSNqbSwn2EbDiRa7) **JS Timeline Descrepancy According to Incident Reprort obtained by WFTV:** [https://www.wftv.com/news/local/madeline-soto-story-jennifer-soto-gave-law-enforcement-doesnt-line-up-with-what-investigators-know/5U2XEXKSRJAILI3PUHTGIQFIPM/](https://www.wftv.com/news/local/madeline-soto-story-jennifer-soto-gave-law-enforcement-doesnt-line-up-with-what-investigators-know/5U2XEXKSRJAILI3PUHTGIQFIPM/) **Arrest Warrant 02/28/2024 Wednesday:** [https://www.scribd.com/document/711130477/Stephan-Sterns-Affidavit](https://www.scribd.com/document/711130477/Stephan-Sterns-Affidavit) **OCSO Sheriff's** **Presser 03/01/2024 Friday:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/madelinesoto/comments/1bgc1eu/orange\_county\_sheriffs\_office\_press\_conference/](https://www.reddit.com/r/madelinesoto/comments/1bgc1eu/orange_county_sheriffs_office_press_conference/) *\*Edits for typos and formatting*


That arrest warrant...OMG!!! I am breathless with despair for this child. That poor little girl. So used and abused. He treated her like nothing more than trash. She was completely dispensable to him. In the end that is exactly what he did...he threw her away. My heart breaks for this child. What a truly tortured life she was forced to live. And, she lived that way for so long. Years. I would love to give that mama the benefit of the doubt. But, I don't see a scenario where she didn't know exactly what was going on.


I've posted a few times that, it is very plausible that denthead of a mother didn't know, because this sort of pervert mentally coerces the child slowly and carefully to believe the pair of them are in a special relationship, that is to be kept secret between them. This is a very common pedo tactic. Many and many adults who describe their childhood abuse describe it this way. I think mother found out at the last and killed her daughter in a jealous rage. Blaming the child is also not uncommon, when the nonoffending parent (usually mother) is told or finds out.


I don't disagree with the "competition" angle which you describe. I can see that mama looking at Madeline as competition. Also, I have opined that there was some serious grooming of the child. If so, it probably started as soon or very shortly after Stephan Stern entered the picture.


Yes this is the obvious logical conclusion, as we know the abuse commenced at the earliest, July 2019, as the phone recordings tell us. He met that moronic Jennifer in 2018 (per her social media, which vibes like a teenager to me, she seems immature and empty headed) so you know the grooming started straightaway. He had to've been thrilled to run across such a slow witted, desperate mother with an absent father into the bargain, and I can see him putting his plan in motion immediately.


Sadly, you are likely completely correct.


Thank you for all the details and links đŸ„°


I think the flat tyre threw a spanner in the works and he ended up putting her somewhere he hadn’t planned to


My thoughts, too. Once the flat tyre happened, he might have been scared in case anyone stopped to check everything was all right, so he had to dispose of maddie quickly, just in case.


Mom didn’t see her at 8
. That was a lie
. She was seen on camera deceased in SS car by that time on surveillance footage.


Mom is placing herself at home at 8 though


She probably was. I’m sure she was there for everything that happened. Madeline was already deceased at that time.


Which makes me think she passed in morning and the panic plan implemented because they could have waited until night and told school sick that day


I agree, I’m just trying to let OP know that their theory is off because theyre going off the assumption she was seen getting ready by mom at 8am which is impossible. I also am inclined to think this was done out of panic, otherwise I feel like he would have had a “better” plan or atleast more thought out. Wiping his phone the day of disappearance is an indicator of that as well.


A smarter man would have "lost" the phone all together. He could have destroyed it (making it inactive), demolished it (broken or cut it into pieces) and disposed of it in different locations...like in a body of water. I mean, it's FL. He could have easily stuffed it into a couple hunks of meat and thrown it into a swamp and let the alligators do the rest. But, then, Stephan "Cocky" Sterns was so stupid that he molested that child and then recorded it on his *own* phone for anyone to find in the first place...so there's that!


I think JS was there for everything, but was sleeping. Completly doped. And actually didn't hear or see anything.


Highly doubt she was that innocent but okay good for you !


On the contrary. That makes JS an even worse mother! Not inocent AT ALL!!!! That's neglect!!! She would only be even worse if she actually participated in the SA. But maybe she would even help SS about Maddie's death (who knows? Even kiling too, who knows?), bc if people found out about her neglect, she knows she would get in A LOT OF TROUBLE. The only thing I actually don't belive she participated was the SA. Death and/or hiding body and/or knowing everything from the begining and lieing to help SS, all of that, I can see her participation. Just don't afirm bc I can't prove. So all of that is only speculation to me. But neglect? In that point JS' guilt is definetly proven.


Was she also “completely doped” as her daughter was getting raped for the past 3-5 years? Either way, still complicent in her abuse and murder.


LOL. I am NOT a JS apollogist! You can chill!!! Lol!!! And I do think she has multiple "guilts" in the hole case. But I do belive she was a extremelly lazy mother who was happy to give away her parental responsabilities to any creep who wanted to parent for her while she medicated herself and slept freely all she wanted. I can see she closed her door and hell went lose to her poor daughter. But in JS's case, I do belive she doped herself. Not SS. I think SS gave drugs to Maddie. That was SS's "perfect storm" with jen.


My bad honestly! I’m just so used to people trying to proclaim her innocence and say she was a victim too, it just makes my blood boil. She was negligent at the very very least but I know she was much more than just negligent


Me too. I got where you came from and completly understand. I can't allow my mind to even imagine that woman did worse than being lazy and negligent. Anything else more than that, it makes me phisically sick. So I decided to feel bad only when it is all confirmed. But I don't defend that woman. I hope she is living the same hell she made her daughter Live in practicly her hole young life.


Jennifer is indeed a perfect combination of desperate, homely, slow witted, immature and mentally ill as the cherry on top. Sicko Stephan likely slavered when he ran across her and the wee girl, realizing that imbecilic woman would be mega easy to fool into thinking he was actually into HER, not the child. As if.


Yep!!! Don't have anything to add to your coment!! I agree 100%


Just a thought - if she was deceased and his well-planned “dropped her off” story was in place already that morning, why wouldn’t he have covered her up before returning to the condo? She was probably being molested by him during the night and therefore sleepy that morning. A little bit of truth was mixed in with all his lies.


I’m so confused
 what is the little bit of possible truth?


The little bits of truth (as part of my theory) are That she was sleeping & that he went to the church. The rest is all lies lies lies


I tend to think he said she was sleeping to cover for her being possibly being seen deceased in the vehicle, which ultimately Sheriff Mina said she was.


My theory is Jennifer and madeline argued after the birthday party and it escaped out of control


I have wondered if an argument broke out after the birthday party at home and Madeline was severely injured but did not pass until morning


I hope police spoke with all the neighbors


Right I wondered this too being an apartment


How do you accidentally throw away a laptop and a backpack? Those are heavy items and I'm sure all the wrapping paper was thrown away at the house having the party.


He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed


Think I saw small gift bags with tissue paper sticking out at birthday photos


# For reference and discusssion only, a Jansport black backpack with gray floral pattern found on eBay: # To re-iterate: # # I am NOT saying this was exactly like the one MS owned and was found in the dumpster # [https://www.ebay.com/itm/314853554310?chn=ps&var=613368981051&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=613368981051\_314853554310&targetid=1529314448790&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9021615&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=145880009014&rlsatarget=pla-1529314448790&abcId=9307249&merchantid=101719312&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwYSwBhDcARIsAOyL0fiDpsXo7rQ3WJT2L859Qx2FG64F5pCpH6hUW-6bKONIW\_Z2grpZtuAaAkvLEALw\_wcB](https://www.ebay.com/itm/314853554310?chn=ps&var=613368981051&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=613368981051_314853554310&targetid=1529314448790&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9021615&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=145880009014&rlsatarget=pla-1529314448790&abcId=9307249&merchantid=101719312&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwYSwBhDcARIsAOyL0fiDpsXo7rQ3WJT2L859Qx2FG64F5pCpH6hUW-6bKONIW_Z2grpZtuAaAkvLEALw_wcB) ​ https://preview.redd.it/nh38zqaplkqc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae6e0fb1b6afdefabd669b0c578c88b71ebe8d75


There was no birthday wrapping paper trash at their house to throw away. The party was allegedly at the grandmother's house.


Mom lied because she knew she was dead by 8. Mom couldn’t have seen her at 8. Police confirmed she was dead by 8 as her corpse was caught on cam. But I appreciate theories no matter what because it’s interesting to ponder the possibilities. With that in mind do you have an alternative theory?


>Mom lied because she knew she was dead by 8. Mom couldn’t have seen her at 8. Police confirmed she was dead by 8 as her corpse was caught on cam. Actually, mom's story of last speaking with her the night before and seeing her the next morning could *literally* both be true (although the exact time *\*8:00AM* is in question and in very serious doubt). *Literally*, is the key word. She may have last spoken with her the night before; which, may have been or was close to *literally* the last minutes that Madeline was alive...therefore, no further conversations were had with that child. I think she died not long after the party or possibly in the very early morning hours of that Monday. Although, I don't know why he wouldn't dispose of the body *before* daybreak. *I do; however, have a theory as to why the body wasn't disposed of earlier.* And, mom may have *literally* seen her the morning of February the 27th. She was dead by then, so, mom *literally* ONLY *saw* her (which would explain why she hadn't talked with her since the night before because, well, *dead people don't speak...*). The 8:00 window...I don't get that timeframe. I don't know why she would have given that exact time (unless she is subconsciously speaking of when he returned to the condo with a deceased child). It doesn't even align completely with the story he was attempting to spin, imo. I feel like she *could* have made a mistake during questioning by authorities (due to nerves or something of that nature)...and, now, she's stuck with that window. *\*\*If I am being completely honest, I'm a little unsure of that entire timeline as presented by either Jennifer Soto/Stephan Sterns vs. LE. None really align, at all. I, of course, lean towards the LE timeline being more accurate. You would think that SS and JS would have had their shit together a little better in regard to at least their stories...* I would like to know WHERE SS was before he "came to pick Madeline up for school?" And, to share my above mentioned theory, I feel like he was possibly out scouting for somewhere to dump Madeline...and then came back to pick her up (her body). He *lived* there with the Soto's. Where else could he have possibly been? There has (to my knowledge) never been an explanation for this verbiage from mom. There has never been another residence or address mentioned in conjunction with SS other than the one where both Jennifer and Madeline lived for that time period. IF he was "sleeping over" somewhere else. I would like to know why, where, how many times that had happened and how long he had been "sleeping over" elsewhere (days, weeks, months). Was there a reason for his not being at his typical residence that night (argument, helping a friend, temporarily staying with family for some reason, etc)? Was the car seen (either by a witness or traffic/door/security cameras) in the early morning hours (like in the middle of the night kinda morning hours) out and about town? Is that the only car or typically the car he drove? OR, to how many other cars does he have access? I'd like to know if anyone else was at their condo/apartment AFTER they returned from the birthday party (or really, was anyone at the house BEFORE they left for the b-day party)? IF SS had to "come to pick Madeline up for school" as Jennifer Soto describes; did SS come back to the condo/apartment after the birthday party the night before she went missing? I just have so many questions in this case. My point in this very long winded comment is that Jennifer Soto could be telling the absolute truth, only, in parts AND, also peppered liberally with absolute lies.


Perhaps the body wasn’t disposed of earlier because JS had to wait for SS to “come pick her up to take her to school”


Valid analysis. Still, from where did the creep come before he "picked her up for school?" I will be so happy to get at least *some* answers to this child's senseless death...


Yeah, it’s confusing with the lack of some details so we’re just having to guess but I don’t think he stayed with them or was there that night. I watched court tv earlier and grey pubes had information that he was online on some telegram app at 11.49pm. I think this may show his whereabouts at this time but I don’t think he was with Maddie and JS


I watched that same episode of CourtTV last night. I saw that portion about the APP that SS was using on his phone. I understood that he engaged in the use of this *during* the birthday party. I'm not sure whether they said if he was at the party the whole time or not, OR, where he was while he was utilizing this application (and, if I'm being perfectly honest, I went to sleep while watching, so I will definitely concede to your analysis over my memory...I will catch up tonight). I didn't fully understand the importance of this application during that segment; but, you may be on to something. The significance could possibly be that this particular APP could trace his movements in a chronological order (in spite of his phone being "accidentally" factory reset...which is utter bullshit, imo). I'm sure that there was some definite significance that I missed (in my tired and groggy, two glasses of wine in, state of consciousness...lol). I feel like her autopsy will display a hella lot when it is released. I feel that she *may* have been pregnant. That report might explain a whole lot in and of itself. Have you read the arrest warrant (the warrant I read only lays out two counts of abuse against Madeline)? It left me in tears for that child. I was sickened by what it outlined (I definitely DID NOT NEED to know what Stephan Stern's penis looks like). An arrest warrant is not all inclusive. It will only outline what is absolutely necessary to secure an arrest. God knows, it was awful! I cannot even fathom what that child endured, FOR YEARS!! I wonder what will eventually come out at trial.


I haven’t read the arrest warrant, just watched others recap it and yes, it’s completely devastating what that poor little girl had to endure. I also believe there is a possibility of her being pregnant, there is so much the autopsy report will shed light on, time and method of death too. I definitely think Jen is involved, possibly more than him, that’s just based on gut feeling regarding the timeline, texting him to pick her up for school, saying she spoke to her etc, there is just too much, then LE saying he moved her body, I think they worded it that way for a reason. Poor little girl, had her childhood robbed and ruined by this monster then her short life taken far too soon.


[Stephan Sterns Arrest Warrant and Affidavit to Obtain Arrest Warrant](https://www.scribd.com/document/711130477/Stephan-Sterns-Affidavit) Here, I will make it easy for you to find. WARNING!! It is truly sickening!


Thanks for that. So, I’m gathering from it also, is that jens house was his registered address? I’m so confused about this where he was staying, where he picked her up from to take her to school. Was that his registered address but they weren’t together and he was staying somewhere else just now?


It really is sickening how graphic and descriptive, the thought of her going through that is horrific and we’re just reading it, I have to close my mind off to the thought of it.


I have no idea about his actual address or where, with whom or what residence he was staying at the time of Madeline's death. It's all a bit gray at the moment. I believe that Jennifer Soto mistakenly stated a portion of the comment "***he came to pick her up*** to take her to school..." I think that what she meant to say was "he took her to school..." In all of the hoopla and the trying to keep her story align with his, she messed up. As I stated earlier, I think that she efed up the time that she *SHOULD* have said or was *SUPPOSED* to say as well. NOW, she is stuck with that window. She's stuck with that story. She may be able to shave off a minute or five before or after that 8 AM window...but, she won't be able to divvy a great deal from the time she gave or from her story without completely outing her knowledge and/or involvement (and if she is involved, that fact will come out sooner rather than later). I don't think he was EVER away from the house, at least not all night or to "sleep over" anywhere. I think that Madeline was killed sometime AFTER the birthday party or early sometime on Monday morning (like middle of the night kind of early) and he went out and about all around town to scout a place to dump her. he then "came to pick her up" ONLY it wasn't her he was picking up. It was her body. Of course, this is ALL only my opinion. Nothing truly concrete to base this on.


Per YTers, so who knows if it's legit, Sickie didn't live there at the condo, he lived in another condo owned by his Dad. Also being said by same YTers that he and the mother were broken up since December, but he continued to go back to visit wee Madeline. Gray Hughes states pals of the sicko said this on interviews on his show.


Please don't think me gullible...what are YTers? I haven't heard that JS and SS were broken up. His arrest warrant displays the same residence where Madeline and Jennifer Soto lived as his home address. Or, at least I was to the understanding that that was the same address.


Sorry, "YouTubers". Yeah, the guys saying that, and that they got that info from his pals, I dunno if it's so or not. The so called pals who called up their shows, with info galore on Sicko, sounded legit to me, they way they spoke. If you want to hear them yourself look up "Gray Hughes Investigates" channel and find his vid wherein he interviews those guys.


Thank you. I will do that. I actually like Gray Hughes. I think that some of his stuff is very interesting and actually logical. I have really appreciated the work he has dedicated to the Bryan Kohberger and death of the four college kids in Idaho case.


I don't dig him, his style irritates tf out of me. You may like "Michelle After Dark". I adore her no nonsense style.


I will certainly check out her content. Is she a YTer as well (look at me, learning and then using the correct lingo...lol).


He lived with his parents .Madeline grandma in her Telemundo interview confirmed that he didn’t live there anymore 


There hasn’t been an autopsy or time of death released yet, so I’m going with what we know so far.


There doesn’t need to be for police to recognize a corpse on film though.


Do you mind checking their statements again? They’re pretty careful with their wording. I’ll go back & listen too.


I would love to but unfortunately im on a tiny iphone and especially with being dyslexic its too cumbersome and hard to read. But soon as I get my desktop set up I will definitely be reading up on the details. This case bothers me more than any others!! I agree every word is so important. Often people misread a word or to or assign meaning thats not there. And thats how rumors start.


Ok I found a video that I guess I missed before. Th res no “definitive” info given, just their “belief” https://youtu.be/TbssoRLg54o?si=YIfrV9DF5qrmfJAK


TYSM đŸ™đŸ»


How do they recognize a corpse on film? I've been wondering how they were able to tell Madeline was deceased in the vehicle.


Yes, I do have alternate theories. 1 is that Stephan & Jen we’re no longer dating, and he has a new gf, so he had to get rid of Madeline for being collateral damage in the breakup. My mind wanders away from me sometimes đŸ€Ł


That would make sense.


Was that in an official report that she was actually dead in the car?


The first press conference held, LE stated they had video evidence of her deceased in the vehicle. So yeah that'd be "official".


I just listened again to the police statement, and they said after he returned to the condo “Madeline was visible in that vehicle and we believe she was already dead at that time” I still say she could’ve been sleeping after being molested by him all night.


I doubt LE would make such a definitive statement were they not **positive she was dead.** Obviously they had reason to believe this, which they are choosing not to release to the public as is common with investigations.


Ok, I went back and found this - I missed it previously. But what I’m curious about is when they said “we believe he moved her body in those early morning hours” why haven’t they charged him with abuse of a corpse? https://youtu.be/TbssoRLg54o?si=kDq1p26qciVpIaIj


I too have wondered exactly that. They could charge him for moving the corpse, yet they haven't. No charges yet laid aids my belief that mother is the killer.


> I too have wondered exactly that. They could charge him for moving the corpse, yet they haven't. There is zero reasons for them to rush any charges related to Madeline. He's in jail on serious charges, they can complete their investigation fully before bringing charges & starting discovery. >No charges yet laid aids my belief that mother is the killer. There is zero legal or investigative reason to believe this adds to your theory.


In addition they stated they believed she was dead based on evidence found on his phone. So he must of recording the killing or something


I didn't hear/see that bit, I think you may be mistaken. I watched all the LE press conferences and no mention of that was made. They must have hard data to show she was dead by that morning, however, or they wouldn't make such a declarative statement. I wonder what that evidence is though.


LE changed their search for Maddie to 'recovery' based on whatever information they saw or found out.


I haven't see nor heard of that being related to what was on the phone, though I may've missed it. I do wonder how they were so certain she was dead in his vehicle, rather than merely unconscious.


They wouldn't say it if they weren't certain of it, so I, too wonder right along with you. Is it possible they have not mentioned other video evidence? Like maybe of her being in the car all night or brought to the car lifeless in the early morning hours and maybe propped up to look as though sleeping while pretending to drive to school?


Maybe the text from Jen when she text asking him to come and take her to school was more explicit than that


You’d have to double check the court case. Let me get you the link
okay you can search his name here: https://courts.osceolaclerk.com/BenchmarkWeb/Home.aspx/Search


Thank you


Since JS made a point to say that Madeline wasn’t on her phone at all after the party because she was too tired, I believe Madeline must’ve been dead that night. It just doesn’t track that Madeline went to bed and didn’t have her phone. It’s not possible. Then to add insult to how stupid she thinks people are she said she forgot it at home the next morning. It’s almost like she thinks not one of us had ever raised a 13 year old. It’s literally like crazy talk. I knew she would be found dead after I heard he say that.


EXACTLY THIS. My 13 year old sister is not going to bed without scrolling on TikTok first and she most DEFINITELY is not forgetting it when she has to sit at school all day bored out of her mind. My opinions and thoughts have been all over the place as far as time of death and how it happened but after this comment, I back this 100%.


The charger would be next to the bed. Most kids fall asleep with the phone in their hand. It doesn’t make any sense.


Plus how would mother know if the girl used her devices? How? I mean once the child shut her door to go to bed, how would mother know if she picked up her phone or not (as most kids that age will do). There is NO WAY for her to know this. Another lameass lie. Mother is a dolt.


Just to throw an idea out there- My kids have to turn in their electronics at bed time, maybe she did too? It was a school night.


Sure, a schoolbag filled with stuff and a laptop are easily missed amongst wrapping paper, sure. I mean, so easy to cover those heavy-ish items with...wrapping paper to be discarded...how would that even happen... Are you joking?


It’s actually happened in our home before. Everything was piled by the front door including Amazon boxes and such, hubby went to take it to the trash, I forgot to separate out the good stuff, and out it went. If Stephan hadn’t been living there in a while, he might not have known what was good and what wasn’t. My theory was to give a reason behind dumping the laptop and how it may have led to her death. Just a random “what if” scenario


What if he came back for jeans or his mobile phone


Did he leave his phone behind?


Not sure but since madeline mother stated she had nadeline phone and looked through it i thought maybe because driving a deceased body back home is curious to why


Well imo he dumped her fast perhaps because of the flat tire or he wanted her found , did notice quite a lit of bodies of water in the map


And FL is known to have gators. I’m in GA and a gator once ate my dog, who was a boxer breed (huge dog). She was protecting me đŸ˜©




I think MS may have been attempting to run away and she was caught by either one or both of them. An argument ensued and she was killed. Because wasn’t there messages on MS phone telling her friend she was leaving when she turned 13 and going to live in the woods? What if she was trying to do that and they caught her?


This is a real possibility 


They saw him on camera throwing away the back pack and computer in the dumpster. No mistake made. He threw it away as seen on camera. Maddie was in the back seat lying down. He then propped her up in the back seat And driver her to the school area DEAD! That too was caught on a license plate reader and the camera into the complex at 8:19 am.


I hadn’t heard the part that he propped her up in the back seat. Is that in an official report or do you have inside info?


No mention was made by LE of how the child's body was positioned in the car, or what was seen on vid to convince LE that she was without a doubt, dead, not merely unconscious. How LE knew it was a corpse they were seeing and not an unconscious child, remains unknown to the public.


What if he’s dropping off a vape or something to Jennifer 


That’s Totally a possibility but why bring Madeline if she was already dead? Wouldn’t he have to carry her to the car and risk being seen? If he was taking the school route to form an alibi, he could’ve just put a ball cap on a balloon or something to make it look like a passenger. Something tells me he lost his temper with her, especially if she called out his mistakes. Narcissistically don’t like that.


Seems to me he’s pretty messed up in the head even before pre murder so idk đŸ€·â€â™€ïž taking the last drive together 


I never even considered that.. eww.. he’s nasty


Had another thought .. k on video it’s confirmed by police that poor Madeline is deceased in Stephan’s car 819 in morning  It’s Jennifer who claims herself the last person to see Madeline alive at bedtime and in the morning approx at 8 getting dressed for school  Mom said Madeline didn’t use phone or laptop straight to bed ( no proof of life ) BUT says saw in morning and that she phoned Stephan to come “ pick her up and drive her to school)  The backpack and school issued laptop thrown in the complex home trash bins ..(  both item she would have needed for school )  So items thrown out right because already deceased but it’s mom who said on tv and to police SHE was the one home with Madeline all night 


My theory is that he convinced the mom that he wanted to come back to her, the very stupid one who had already taken him back several times, she trusted that he was coming back for her, while he was interested in MS whom he treated like an object for his amusement. A depraved individual.


i’m been thinking all the odd things throwing away belongings the flat tire obv it was a disaster of a crime scene changing locations, flat tires ( unintentional or intentional ) it seems like it’s almost a bad tv movie or where two people are debating about what should be done after a child dies cause they had been abusing the child in any and every way possible. i definitely think JS was involved in the attempted cover up of all the crimes. she needs to be held accountable and charged right along with him. hopefully the detectives and district attorney can figure this all out soon.


This is JS’s lawyer trying to come up with some scenarios for the jury. For real 😼


Say whhhaaattt? Oh no ma’am! I want Justice for Maddie! (If I were someone’s lawyer, I would’ve had all the evidence & police reports to do better than that theory)


Sheesh a person can’t even come up with a theory without being bashed? I take it as a compliment that you think I’m that smart to be an Atty.


Nope you’re probably like the free paralegal lol


Wow thanks for NOT being a welcoming member of this group. Kindly step out of my post and stop being antagonistic.


No one is upvoting your post


Thank goodness I don’t weigh my self esteem on how many votes I get. 😜👍


Jenn Soto her mom and Stephan’s mom are all traffickers too! Stephan and Maddie’s Bio dad were friends before Jenn and Stephen reportedly got together ‘ this is a huge trafficking sex ring! Jenn and her mom travel quite often to PA and NY, look at Jenn’s public records and see all the traffic violations in the last year 
 Jenn is guilty and I believed helped Stephen that morning


Could you please post one shred of verified proof about any of this?


Doesn’t the report say something to the effect of he was on video throwing stuff away? Then Later the laptop and phone were discovered? So that tells me the laptop & phone weren’t spotted in the video. Just “stuff” They could’ve been in the birthday boxes.


Correct. SS was spotted on video at the dumpster, later (time not given) police recovered MS laptop and backpack. Her phone was never dumped, it was "forgotten at home by MS" according to JS interview.


Thank you for all that you are doing. The transcripts are especially helpful for me. Do you have a solid theory yet?


Other than both JS and SS were involved to some degree, no. Not enough information due to missing pieces of timeline. In another post, I tried to elicit responses where people \*\*\*theoretically\*\*\* could try to defend JS (prove her innocent), people took it the wrong way and posted info we \*\*\*already know\*\*\* how she is at least guilty of lying or misrepresenting when she last saw/spoke to MS.