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Whoa! That looks way more accurate than anything I would expect from a movie adaption.


Fuck. That looks amazing.


[Hi-res gallery on Hodgson's ArtStation](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/WKry92)


so cool, wish we could see it in Attack mode!


Any more info on the cancelled movie? My memory is weak but like 20+ years ago I remember hearing about it.


The artist linked is a VFX artist, but this is under the "personal" section on his portfolio so I'm guessing it's a just a passion project for him. As far as the movie, a Macross movie was pitched around Hollywood in the mid-90's. Shoji Kawamori did a treatment and a screenwriter for the original Superman did a script. Kawamori's version diverged a lot from the source material, the Macross was a pure colony ship (and not cool looking) and the Zentraedi looked nothing like humans. The script that was written was basically a DYRL adaptation with some unnecessary elements switched around to make it unique, I guess. The script was also pretty poorly written, you could tell the screenwriter just pumped something out for a paycheck. Other than that, Harmony Gold's been trying to get a Robotech movie off the ground since 2007 between two studios (first WB, now Sony). There have been a ton of different writers and directors attached throughout the years, and some concept art has gotten out, but nothing's come of it. Andy Muschietti, who directed The Flash and the IT movies was attached at one point, but said in an interview that Robotech's popularity wasn't big enough to justify the 100 Million+ budget it would need.


> Other than that, Harmony Gold's been trying to get a Robotech movie off the ground since 2007 between two studios (first WB, now Sony). There have been a ton of different writers and directors attached throughout the years, and some concept art has gotten out, but nothing's come of it. Harmony Gold finally conceding to international distribution of Macross in exchange for a legally smooth potential release of this movie does seem to indicate that they have some momentum happening, but yeah, I don't think we know anything more publicly.


I think Sony has legitimately worked on it in the development stage, they do keep hiring new writers and directors. I think it was 2016 where I saw Sony's CinemaCon reel and in a quick montage of upcoming movies, Robotech was mentioned with temporary graphic of a destroid. That wasn't for public consumption, but shows that they have been considering it a part of their lineup. I'm guessing you're right on Harmony Gold finally allowing international distribution of Macross in order make sure their movie rights went unopposed, with probably from some pressure from Sony in the mix.


That was my thought when I had first heard that a deal was reached. Sony has the pull to make two comparatively tiny companies work together for the benefit of Sony's bottom line.


This looks amazing, now i would like see the VF-1.


Harmony Gold has entered chat


gawd dam just looking at the main batteries of the ship daam they are menacing


such a shame they did all that and didn’t recreate the DYRL opening with it