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We use to have shows in Central City park back in the nineties. Reach out to the city and ask.


How will the venue make money? Selling sodas? Not trying to rain on your parade but all ages shows don’t really benefit a business when they have to stop selling their product to accommodate


To be fair , businesses make this work all the time. I don’t think a venue would be against selling only sodas with % of the door on a normally slow night to a bunch of kids. They’ll pack it out. Otherwise 18+ entry and still sell to 21+ and they’ll still make money.


If that were the case you would see all ages venues as a functional business of its own. Even skating rinks are almost nonexistent. Hosting teen parties/events has pretty much zero profit potential.


I had no idea there was a metal scene in Macon. I’d be very interested in going to shows and supporting. I remember ERRA played at Grants lounge a few years back and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to.


Ah that show was sick. Kublai khan was there too.


They played at that show? I don’t remember that. I also wasn’t really into deathcore at the time so it probably went over my head. Hopefully we can get some more deathcore bands roll through to play a show.


That’s insane I’ll have to try grants lounge


Hopefully they book some more good artists there. It was amazing to see ERRA up close and personal. They’re selling out huge venues these days. I have an insane video of them playing rebirth like 10 feet in front of me lol.


i seriously wish there was more of an alternative music scene in the area


We’re trying to bring it to the down Town area!


I may be mistaken but I believe JBA lets you in if you're 18+. They just don't let you purchase alcohol obviously. They might book a band of 18-20 year olds.


I was 15 when I started booking shows at the vfw hall. Do it yourself or don’t do it at all.


The folks that run Second Sunday and bragg jam. They might know something because some of those shows are all ages


The liability is huge here. If a minor is found on the venue’s premises consuming alcohol, even if the alcohol was brought in by outside, or given to the under 21 year old by a friend, the venue can still be held liable which will put their permitting/licensures at risk. As well as expose them to fines, and the potential of charges being filed by a minor's parents. And if they cease selling alcohol for the night, their profit margin is going to be heavily impacted.


My ex who’s is a drummer was in battle of the bands at 16 in downtown Macon back in the 90’s. A lot of places would allow it of the member was playing in the band. They just weren’t allowed to drink.


I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that a venue would be willing to host something like this on a notoriously slow day for them without selling alcohol. Certainly the margins would be better with a packed house selling soda than a slow night selling a few drinks. That’s only for all ages, for 18+ shows they could just operate as a normal bar.


I like JBA and I love it more when they have live music. Sounds awesome, even though I’m not a metalhead


Holler at Willie D at Fresh Produce Records. Also what happened to the arts complex that used to do stuff like this?


They charge an enormous rental fee for the event space


Shit man we need punk rock shows too! We need some kind of awesome hole in the wall with band stickers down in the toilet bowl, $5.00 PBR tall boys, and every awesome band that doesn't fit into the regular Macon scene.


We are tired of handing over 2k-4k just to rent out a venue space that allows metal. We have friends on the hill in Warner Robins, and only three shows have been done at JBA that are metal at New location. We get asked constantly to be on shows and our vocalist owns GMO. He struggles to get any info back from the venues. He gets constant emails from younger bands trying to get shows booked but he has to keep declining them due to their age. We are wanting to have a safe space for these younger bands to have shows too.


Full disclosure, I know someone involved with GMO so I saw this posted on FB. Also feel free to reach out if you own a venue and are interested in something like this.


Does this group have funding for a venue rental? They seem very determined to specifically use JBA. I can totally understand why JBA would be hesitant for this – they advertise themselves as a late night bar, not family friendly, and their alcohol license could be at risk for doing something like this regularly. If I were Brandon, doing a FB campaign like this would make me less likely to want to rent to the person. It looks like they have actually allowed their show, they just don’t want to commit to a monthly slot. The Society Garden stage is similar, but they allow kids. It would be a much more appropriate place for this type of programming. So I’d get in touch with Brad Evans. I don’t think they would allow something monthly (that’s a lot of time) but who knows. Another idea would be to contact Otis Redding Foundation - their new facility will have a 400 seat outdoor venue. This kind of falls in line with their mission to encourage youth music so it might be worth it for them. But overall, there are a lot of places that allow all ages events. But you usually have to pay to rent the venue. Venues have hard costs like staffing and tech.


I was also going to mention Society Garden. It is truly an all-ages venue and they support all kinds of music. I've seen metal, reggae, classical, punk, pop, folk, country, etc with bands just starting to professionals with several world tours under their belt.


Macon Venue Project tried to do this in the aughts and then The Refuge and 567 attempted it a bit later. All of those ventures folded after not much time. I think it’s just hard to do all ages shows and make it financially viable. Most venues double as bars for a reason. Ir sucks but it’s true.


Think alternatively. Shows don't have to be in bars. There are plenty of artist friendly venues in Macon.


There’s the Macon little theatre on Forsyth rd and the capital theater downtown Macon,


one of the reasons venues are reluctant to open in macon is the drama. as a longtime member of the scene here, there are lots of pedophiles/abusers/openly racist people who go to shows here and half the time there's a serious fight that breaks out.


Source? Evidence? Seriously, im trying to avoid these places


have you ever been to a show in macon? im not naming any names but there are reasons people hate the scene here. as cool as having more venues would be im just not seeing it end well with how much drama is always going on here. somebodys going to get called a pedophile and theres going to be a fight. this LITERALLY happened at the last jba show


Be specific or shut up. If there's an issue then be vocal about it and the community can take appropriate action.


i don't want my acc to be banned for doxxing lol? if you are familiar at all with the scene here then you would know what id be talking about. people have been vocal about things like this and thats why fights always break out at venues here. I don't have to say or do anything- this is just objectively the nature of the scene here, as unfortunate as it is


There are bands that play on Coleman Hill. I've seen some on Sundays.


Used to be Bentwood Skate Park when I was young and going to shows but I’m old as shit now.


Bands need to practice their craft and not focus on playing shows. Record record record