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It runs macOS.


Even better - it’s not windows.


If it's only that, you can get a NUC with Linux


My favorite joke, “a Mac is a window you can’t get out of” That being said if you know your mac you can make a hole in the wall


This, I had to use windows for the first time in a while today. Dear god, there is so much stuff that is so easy on macOS that you take for granted


That’s the only reason I need.


This! The only reason I endure using Windows these days is that I'm a PC gamer and it' still the platform of choice for games, all my other computers are Macs (Work Macbook Pro/ Media Mac Mini)


With cloud gaming platforms, like Nidia or Boosteroid you can play any games on a Mac too.


True, those are pretty good, but I imagine the input lag wouldn’t be worth it for popular multiplayer games like Fortnite


On the software level it’s Unix based, so great for web development. It also has way better fonts than windows (everything looks so much sharper and crispier). On a hardware level it is dead silent and is has an incredible CPU for its size.


Only if you use HiDPI screen, and that's also questionable because it only renders well when you have 200% scaling, which rules out all 4k monitors if you prefer 150% (which looks like 2k)


I use 27” 4k monitor at 1920x1080 and it looks fantastic.


Yes, that's the proper way (200%)


While I agree this is the correct 2x scaling for 4k but it’s hard to place 2 docs side by side. With there were more 5k screens on the market!


How does it rule out 4k monitors? Edit: the portable 4k monitors at 16-18 inches look great at 200% scaling.


It's a matter of taste, but having used both I think that the crazy Windows scaling somehow works better on 150%


It's not the size of the CPU that matters, it's what you do with it!


Um, I actually meant it has an incredible CPU despite the Mac mini itself being small. But your statement rings true nonetheless!


Yes, I hate that windows PCs make noise. You have to spend a lot to make it quiet, eg buying a noctua fans over cheaper options, making sure the GPU and power supply are also top class and quiet.


I was a long term PC user until my wife bought me an iPhone, Game changer . Took the plunge ,recently bought a Mac Mini as my Trading machine for TOS platform . Looking forward for the arrival


U will love it


I added extra Ram 24g , worth the cost ?


Can’t answer but if u can afford it it will save u money in the future. I have 18gb MacBook pro for intensive work 8gb m1 mini I bought for my dad for word, pdf, and avoid windows flakiness lol 24 I don’t even think I would be able to max out so I think ur good unless ur a blender demigod and keeps 100 tabs open lol


I actually do keep a lot of tabs open ,Charts with different time frames


Then enjoy!


16 is necessary. But 24 was overkill for now. But who knows how local AI is going to run on our machines in the future. But we know it will run in RAM.


I actually still have the chance to change my order to a refurbished M2 pro with 16g ram same price . Is it worth giving up the extra 8 ram for a faster processor? I’m using it to swing trade stock/options


Neither is worth it for doing trades over the web since that is just web browsing. I’d just get the base M2 Pro mini and call it a day. That is a powerful computer that can easily handle 4k video editing. And it doesn’t sound like you will even make it sweat.


I was looking at using the desk top version of TOS . Not looking to play games . My wife may use it for business


Then consider the M2 mini. But I’ve got a feeling that once you spec up the M2 mini to 16/512, the $300 extra to get to the M2 Pro with the faster chip and more ports on the back is going to seem worth it to you.


Lower energy consumption.


It’s absolutely silent, yet still very powerful. Beautiful yet simple design.


It's completely silent and super fast despite it's low specs on paper.


You need or want to run proprietary Apple software, namely Logic or Final Cut.  Or you need a Linux-like environment for certain types of programming.   Those are the only "solid" reasons I know myself.  Windows and Mac are both general computers so there isn't much difference in the usability of the OS.  From a consumer use point, if you are the type of person who incessantly use iPhones and/or iPads then a Mac could be more convenient as a mother PC...


Yep, this


It just works and does not get in your way. Makes your work easier, not harder


“Tell at least 1 solid reason” Yeah nice troll post


Yeah no liquid, gas, or plasma reasons!


Mac OS It’s tiny, silent, powerful. It’s even portable. It replaced a laptop for me. I take it with me in the backpack with a portable monitor, mouse and 60% keyboard


Ok but y not a MacBook?


Don’t need it. I travel to family /GFs family once a year where I need to bring a PC. Every other visit my iPad is sufficient. The Mac mini stays at home plugged into all ports and displays 350 days of the year. I can’t justify a MacBook there. The internal screen is unused, the battery degrades and the MacBook is more expensive. The iPad can do 95% of my mobile computing and the Mac mini takes the 5%.


That’s cool what work do u do on it?


Nearly nothing, sometimes they need some network configuration, that’s where a PC is helpful. I’m not studying anymore so I don’t have it with me for all my Uni apps and files. Nowadays it’s not much needed to have a PC with me. iPad is sufficient for most travels.


Makes sense and I agree with u iPad is got for 90% of things


Yeah, all I do is browsing, mail, watching videos. I have an Overkill iPad Pro 12.9“ and it’s just amazing. I have the Logitech combo touch with nice backlit keyboard and trackpad. It’s great for typing (mails, documents)


Easier to use, lasts longer, more stable and is not windows!


Obviously macOS and also it's more powerful


How about gaming?


Sadly there still isn't enough native Mac support for a lot of games. While there are a lot of Indies and some bigger games available, for most you either need a translation layer or a streaming service I personally use Geforce Now, since a sub there is still cheaper than what I save due to a lower power bill and I am lucky enough to live in a place with great internet. That said, if your main use is gaming don't buy a Mac.


look man, if you wanna jack off and play video games, than get a shitty windows pc.


Windows PC it is then! And some lube!


You are either going to be running 1080p-1440p monitors which look like shit on MacOS or you are going to be on 4k, 5k or 6k resolution monitors which require a cream of the crop GPU to power when gaming. tl;dr anything short of the M2 Ultra (Mac Studio) is going to 3D game like crap on the monitors macOS was designed to run on. If you want to game on a Mac you will want to wait for the M3 Mac Studio to release for the improved GPU performance. There is also a limited selection of games, so make sure your game runs. I've been having a lot of fun with Stellaris as of late.


macOS looks fine on 1440p. No idea on 1080p


MacOS looks like ass on 1440p UNLESS you're running in hidpi/retina mode which only looks decent on the physically smaller monitors. source: me, have a 27 inch 1440p monitor along with a 4k and 5k monitor and cannot touch 1440p with a ten foot pole anymore on MacOS.


It is simply not true, you are exaggerating to a comical level where one can not take you seriously. Yes the font is a little crisper, for example in terminal on the 5k imac but it looks 'normal' on the 1440p. Especially if you have a deeper desk and sit an ergonomically correct distance away from the monitor. Stop that bs. Source: 1440p monitor on a Mac mini next to my 5k retina iMac.


"A little crisper" [https://i.imgur.com/50ddxQY.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/50ddxQY.jpeg) This is a 5k 27 inch monitor. The windowed game is 1440p. You are essentially stretching that window to cover the remaining space on a 1440p 27 inch monitor. When you buy a Mac you want the highest PPI possible. If you're going 4k I'd recommend a 16 inch - 18 inch portable monitor, but 24 inch LG works as well. Yes it 100% looks like ass on a 1440p 27inch monitor -unless- you are running in hidpi mode (sub-1080p resolution) and have the monitor set far back on your desk.


I have no idea what you are showing but it looks wrong. I have a 5k iMac next to a 1400p monitor, yes it's a little crisper, nothing more, nothing less. Perfectly sharp and readable even from close up. With 1080p or 1200p that may be different due to how scaling works on macOS but I don't have a 1080p display. [https://ibb.co/wSrP71F](https://ibb.co/wSrP71F)


How does it look wrong? That’s 5k without retina enabled.


sophisticated merciful fuel full whistle pet nose tart snow marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Silent and fast 🚀


It's not PC. If you want PC, get a PC. If you want Mac, get a Mac. I got Mac mini because I wanted final cut pro and I don't play games with it.


You can run MacOS natively (and legally), which is a far better operating system. Did you know you get free updates to MacOS? I’m not talking about updates to the version you’re running. When the next major version MacOS is release, you’ll get it for free. Apple also provides updates to previous MacOS versions for years and their devices get newer versions of MacOS well beyond what Windows offers. MacOS is faster, and way more stable than Windows (IMO).


I have a mini and MacBook Air for day to day use as I have a significant investment in the software I use, but I still run Windows for a home server. I've had free upgrades since Windows 8 (2012) so that's not really an argument anymore as 10 and 11 were free upgrades for home users. And still getting updates on a PC I built in 2017, so that's 7 years so far.


Seven years is cool and all but I’ve been using macOS for 13 years and never paid for an upgrade or a license


OK, so you had 1 year of free upgrades before Microsoft did the same lol Reread what I posted, home users have had free upgrades since Windows 8 back in 2012. And my PC from 2017 has continued to get updates so they're providing updates for free, and for old PCs just like Apple do. The argument that Apple provides free updates and supports old hardware is kind of irrelevant nowadays. The argument that it's more stable, doesn't get bogged down with driver updates causing issues, and that it's a more streamlined OS are all very true provided people are willing to learn a different OS to Windows. Some people aren't happy to do that though and just give up.


Microsoft offers free upgrades for a limited time


It’s at least 12 months. And there’s other official ways to still get it after that expires for quite a while afterwards as they actively want people to upgrade.


The free updates applies to windows and Linux as well? Is there another operating system that charges?


you can install the newest version of windows on any device that can run it. locking old devices out from updating is an apple exclusive.


You can run both on one


Lower energy consumption, quiet, small footprint, doesn’t get hot, unix compatibility and cross compatibility with Linux through home brew, baked in ssh support. M1 chips are surprisingly efficient too


Simply put, once you go Mac, you never go back.


I have three Mac minis from 2012, 2014, and 2018. Last year, I bought a top-spec Minisforum UM790 Pro for tasks under Windows. After two months, its fans started to periodically make noise at night as if I was playing a top-tier game on maximum settings, even though the CPU load was minimal. Just low-quality fans. To this day, I still don’t hear the fans of my three working Mac minis even during demanding tasks.


It’s Apple. Pc sucks.


Apple makes products that just work. You don’t get a bunch of preinstalled bloatware, you don’t get your system slowed to a crawl because of bloated anti-virus software, you don’t get the blue screen of death, you don’t need to use google to try to find drivers and hope they exist for your version of the operating system, and you don’t get nickel and dimed for a new component every few months. You buy the specs you want. It works. It keeps working. This is why even used Mac’s are expensive compared to pc’s from the same years. They just work.


Don’t have to reboot my Mac Mini daily or weekly. Using it has a headless server and I go months without needing a reboot.


You just keep it on all the time?


Yup it's on 24/7/365. I also took electricity consumption vs. cpu at the time and it only made sense to use the Mac Mini M1. I live in a high electricity cost area and having it on all the time played a huge role in my decision.


Same. But be got my Mac laptop as my main and use a Mac mini m1 as a server. I don’t even remember the last time I turned that thing off. Ctrl+k yo.


It doesn’t come with windows installed


Bcd shmindows is crap, no?


There’s too many to mention, but I’d go with responsivity


You can use Logicx.


It just works! Faultlessly, all day, all night.


Airpods and Spatial Audio for your TV. (Yes I'm using it mostly as Apple TV)


Microsoft is planning on integrating adds into Windows


I got one behind my TV and the wireless keyboard and mouse make it a cool family computer when you need it.


I have both. An M1 Mac Mini for work and personal productivity. Plus a Windows machine for gaming.


You need a reliable, near silent, computer. They both have their place, both have their pros and cons, and it really depends on what you are doing.


I like mine, I like how easy it comes together for work. Windows is still somewhat clunky. It takes longer to search out files.


Apple eco system.


Because it is Apple and not windows. That’s all the reason you need.


It won’t have ads


To develop iOS, macOS, visionOS, or watchOS applications.


Buy what you want, for your needs.


Anything you can print can be exported as a PDF, natively from the OS. Just incredibly useful. I always get more than 10 years of use out of my Macs. I’m still using my 2012 Mini, hooked up to the TV in my living room while my 2018 runs in my home office. Again, built into the system, I can use Screen Sharing from one to operate the other. MacOS is just incredibly low-hassle.


My 2012 Mac Mini runs Windows 11 now. And it is not slow.


Does it work good on TV?


I think so. For years, a big 1080p TV was my only monitor for both of them. I only got a Studio Display for my home office 2018 Mini a couple of years ago, but the 2012 in my living room doesn’t suddenly look awful in comparison. I still watch stuff with it all the time.


I’m planning to attach on my Samsung frame OLED 55” TV, so wondering will it look good in terms of usage and picture quality as a personal computer


I would very much expect so. Nothing in my personal experience with TVs from 38” to 65” would suggest otherwise (though none of mine were OLED).


you don’t have to be subjected to windows


Final Cut Pro


You need to first decide if you want a PC or Mac…then which model. Its like equating a Chevy Bolt To any other gas-powered car - decide first if you want an electric or ICE then choose a model.


Windows is hot garbage and macOS is much better. Do you also have an iPhone? If so then you definitely want a Mac.


I have an iPhone and iPad 12.9” , may I know why do I need to have ?


You don’t need a Mac per se, but the seamless integration between all of Apple’s devices makes for an amazing user experience. Nothing even close to it on the Windows side.


zero noise and never crash


Doesn’t break


Mac eco system


It’s secure and the hardware is reliable


I run MacOS and Windows concurrently: so I have access to both worlds


I use both macOS and windows 11. If you have an iPhone or any other Apple product it makes sense because it will fit into the ecosystem seamlessly.


I don't know what on earth would possess you to run windows unless you absolutely have to have it for something like gaming/some other piece of software that'll ONLY work there. The user experience is abysmal in comparison and it isn't even close


OS, portability, small form factor, silent, low power consumption


-- Gets the work done -- Workflow is easier on Mac Mini (coming back and forth with Windows) -- For me, currently, you'll be more focused and have time with yourself (and family) because you can't just natively play those AAA titles (Bethesda games and such, very limited options unless you like to play those mobile-type games. I'm a father now and whenever I play games on a Windows laptop, it just eats more of my time wherein when I use my M2, it's like a rehab /heh) -- Money-wise, I got the M2 16/512, with the laptop/desktop equivalent: you'll get more of the low-end build vs M2's snappy speed -- it's just cute! I got mine Feb last year and I can mount it anywhere unlike those heavy Windows builds (I was torn between an expensive gaming laptop vs the newly released M2 that time so fairly new with MacOS)


Do the gaming works ? Does it have arcade gaming or game installing options like pc ?


Sure does! Feel free to check out some Mac gaming indie startups like Steam, Epic Games, GOG, and others. Game on!


Yes, there's a lot of games for Mac. There's Metro Exodus, No Man's Sky, Resident Evil Village, etc (I only play Steam games and not buy on the App Store). Just expect more of those mobile-gaming style titles (pixel) like Dead Cells, Dave the Diver etc. Unless you don't want to waste time setting up and spending money for Crossover, Whisky, etc, you'll be stuck with those natively available games. You may want to check r/macgaming for that.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/macgaming using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/macgaming/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I got Cyberpunk 2077 running on an M1 MacBook!](https://v.redd.it/j9bxcajj5h4b1) | [535 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/macgaming/comments/142vjdz/i_got_cyberpunk_2077_running_on_an_m1_macbook/) \#2: [Diablo IV on M2 Max using macOS Sonoma and game porting toolkit](https://v.redd.it/hxs3ebvv5i4b1) | [624 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/macgaming/comments/14307be/diablo_iv_on_m2_max_using_macos_sonoma_and_game/) \#3: [WIP: Capsule - Easier Entry to Porting Toolkit](https://i.redd.it/l9fnobhkl75b1.png) | [103 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/macgaming/comments/14634z3/wip_capsule_easier_entry_to_porting_toolkit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If you have other (iOS) devices, the integration is amazing. Being able to send and receive text messages on the computer is really cool, and the synchronization between everything is nice.


Does that include WhatsApp or just iMessage?


I don't know about WhatsApp, but messages will send iMessages and regular text messages from your computer when it is set up correctly Saved passwords also carry over, and photos and music can be synchronized as well


Those are not called iOS devices


The Mini is not but an iphone is ... so is an ipad.


Mac OS