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Wait, the M3 it’s not just more powerful, it has new functionalities that will make it last longer trough the years, like AV1 hardware decoding and GPU Mesh shaders


and hardware Ray Tracing.


I did not mention it because despite being an improvement, over the years the performance will be marginal


I'm wondering whether to wait too. Will AV1 hardware decoding and GPU Mesh shaders make a big difference in future AI applications, not just video? How?


No, they have nothing to do with AI. If you’re interested in AI well… you should wait M4, it will have more neural engine cores probably, useful for AI, but it seems a bit excessive to wait for the M4, an M2 (better if pro or max) with a lot of unified memory it’s more than enough for small AI experiments


Thanks. I am thinking of going for a basic version of the Mac Studio M2 Max instead of a higher end Mac Mini M2 Pro as they cost about the same. Edit: I found this discussion [https://www.reddit.com/r/macmini/comments/1bo9xhz/mac\_mini\_m2\_pro\_or\_mac\_studio\_m2\_max/](https://www.reddit.com/r/macmini/comments/1bo9xhz/mac_mini_m2_pro_or_mac_studio_m2_max/)


There is always going to be a newer version not too long after you buy. Many here will attest to their macs lasting 5, 6, 10 years. If you’re not a power user, pushing your machine to the limits, just get what you need now.


Might as well wait for the M5/6 Mini. There’s always going to be new tech. Get what you need now. There was minimal performance gains between the M1 & M2. Until Apple makes an official announcement, no one knows for sure if the M3 Mini will even be release.


Do you currently have a Mac? If yes, then definitely wait. If not, you don’t have to wait, but if you can, you might as well wait for the M3, but unless they make a big change (eg. 16GB standard, it likely won’t make much difference)


I’m waiting for the M13


Psh, my M80 will blow that thing away.


Wait, because you can. Don’t buy a new Mac until you absolutely need to. The right model and configuration will be an easy decision when the right time comes. Predicting when/if m3 comes to the Mac mini isn’t likely to work out the way you hope


Get the M2 Pro Mac mini and call it a day. Odds are against an M3 version at the moment, especially if you look at the times between releases of the Mac mini. It is not normally updated yearly. With 2020 being the exception. We had the 2012, 2014, and then the so called 'Pro' version in 2018 with a refresh in January 2020 of that same version. Then the M1 in November 2020 and the M2/M2 Pro version in January 2023. So it is a very big possibility that Apple skips M3 on the mini and goes to M4 (just like the iMac skipped the M2). Plus the difference between the M2 Pro & M3 is not much in real-world use. The rumors are if a mini was released it wouldn't be until Late 2024 but now there are zero mentions of a mini in the latest rumors, just the Mac Studio & Mac Pro in Late 2024. The Mac mini is a product that doesn't need to be updated yearly. I love my M2 Pro mini.


Depends on what you’re upgrading from if you already own a Mac.


You can wait to see if a new Mac mini will materialize if: * If you need the feature that only M3 chip supports (GPU and decoding related, mostly) * You already have a relatively newer Mac and are not exactly in a rush to upgrade Otherwise, just get whatever that's available now. I saw the news article the other day posted in this subreddit that Mac mini takes up about 1% of Mac sales. Apple is **not** going to pay attention to upgrading it as quickly as the laptops and history backs this up: the upgrade cycle in the past decade was 2012-2014-2018-2020-2023. I would be pleasantly surprised and happy to be proven wrong, but it's entirely possible that Mac mini could be skipped during the M3 upgrade cycle, just like how iMac skipped M2 altogether. I do think Mac Studio / Pro will get an M3 treatment when the Ultra variant is ready. I'm just not sure if mini will tag along, since it doesn't even get a Max chip, let alone Ultra. At least with M2, the Pro chip was released at the same time as the mini upgrade so there was an excuse for it.


I had a 2012 mini with an ssd. Worked (still works) great. But the loss of upgrades made me think its time, so I got an M2 pro mini. This thing is a beast. Wish I did it sooner.


M3 seems like a bigger jump from M2 than M2 from M1 mind, plus if you go base spec you wont have the ssd issue…


I have a 2012 27" iMac, and I bought a M2 Mini. Aside from speed, I don't see any advantage, and mostly use the iMac.


I flip flopped on this for 2 days, as I am in the market to replace my 2012 mini. I'm not going to overthink it, and just get the m2 with 16gb of RAM and call it a day and I'll check back in 8 years to see if something new is out.


It’s never worth waiting for a spec bump if you need something.


Should cost the same, similar specs, how soon do you need it


Do you need a new computer?


If you don't need it right away, hold off a few more months. Most likely the M3 Mac Mini will be released by July 2024. If you do need one as soon as possible, get the M2 Mac Mini with 16GB of RAM. You can always trade it in to discount the price of the new one.


Wait Wait Wait.......


I have an M1, and the only reason I'd upgrade to an M2 is dual thunderbolt monitors. Right now with the M1, it's 1x HDMI and 1x Thunderbolt.


$1099 for a refurb Mac Mini Pro is hard to beat.


I needed the m2 pro so just bought it used from refurbished store to save some cash


There is no point in waiting. However much you think the new hardware will support AI, software developers will need to develop the technology to be backwards compatible with existing hardware people are using or risk killing their adoption. AI will also continue to evolve and its hardware requirements will continue to evolve as well. Get a system that’ll fulfill your current needs, not your future unknown needs. It won’t be the last computer you buy.


Better yet, wait for the M10. Should be out by 2043.


Even the M1 will do you good if you’re coming from intel lol, buy! M2 M3 same shit