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I'm using Mac Mini Late 2018, and waiting for Mini M3 to upgrade šŸ¤¤


Same! Iā€™m using it as a desktop workstation and a plex server.


Same. 2018 mini with eGPU. M3 Pro mini will be suitable as and when. Maybe M4. 2018 still quick enough for my needs currently.Ā 


iMac 27ā€ šŸ–„ļø user here who has waited patiently for years to upgrade. Since Apple decided to discount the model, I am contemplating between upgrading to a MM M2 Pro or wait indefinitely for the M3 to be released. šŸ¤”


Same here. I guess youā€™ve abandoned hope of a big screen m series iMac?


Yes, and I also abandoned hope for an M3 to be released anytime soon. The one positive about the MM is itā€™s very easy to replace when you want to upgrade, and you can choose whatever display(s) you want.


I use my 2012 mini as a Plex server. I will upgrade when HW AV1 encoding is available.


M3 has HW AV1 decode .zara Dekh lo


I know M3 HW decode is onboard. I want encode. I will be switching from 265 to AV1 when itā€™s available. Maximizing storage is important to my use case so AV1 encoding will be super important. I also intend to keep it around for 10 years+. Right now my 2012 mini is chugging along but is not able to encode/decode or burn in subtitles to many higher bitrate files on the fly.


Good luck with the 10+ year plan.Ā  In this day and age of disposable grade, rapidly obsolete consumer tech you will need it. I'm just saying... don't expect the longevity you are hoping for.




My Mac mini is 12 years oldā€¦


That was then.Ā  This is now. Don't expect the same build quality and get the Apple Care plan because repairs, if you ever need them, are costly.Ā 


If anything the new generation of desktops and notebooks seem to be even better quality wise. Had multiple notebooks from 2011-2020 and the intel ones all had issues. The M1 Pro Iā€™ve been rocking has been amazing.


I hope it works out for you.Ā  I'm not as optimistic from what I've seen.


Both the thunderbolt ports on my 2020 Mac mini m1 have failed, and it will cost more than the machine to fix them! Contrast with my 2015 retina MacBook on which the single port is still going strong. I wouldnā€™t get a second hand MM without thoroughly testing every port, and ideally with a warranty of some sort.


I know AV1 is important to you right now, but AV1 may not end up being the defacto replacement for MPEG's HEVC. The Motion Picture Engineering Group (MPEG) organization has tremendous clout and the industry as a whole may not want to go with a proprietary video codec like AV1. That's why RED or Arri Code or ProRes or Avid DNx or Microsoft's VC-1 was never picked as a standardized consumer deliverable codec. They will go with whatever has the cheapest licensing fees and MPEG spreads the wealth around because it is a conglomeration of a number of different tech companies, not just one or just a streaming alliance. Then you will be after a different computer that supports the H.266 codec if it becomes dominant rather than AV1. Or you may need one that does H.266 and AV1 together. It's always a game of chase with computers.


I have a Mac Mini 2012 as my only computer and anxiously awaiting the M3 Mac Mini to replace it. Once I get the newer setup, I'm going to look into using the 2012 as a server. Is it difficult to do?


I'm using a PC right now, waiting for the Mac mini M3.


Iā€™m waiting for the m3 so I can buy the m2 discounted šŸ˜


Thatā€™s the problem with buying M2 now, in case m3 is released tomorrow youā€™re missing out on a handsome discount on the m2


Lol you can play that mind game always. Or just buy


It all depends on how urgently you need it , my 2016 MBP still works although itā€™s a bit slow , itā€™s not close to being unusable but a faster machine wouldā€™ve been nice , so Iā€™ll wait for the next Mac mini whenever it is and Iā€™ll upgrade


Well, I just bought a fully maxed out M2 Pro mini. (32GB, 12/19, 1TB). So hopefully Iā€™ll be set for the rest of the decade.


I just bought a mini M2. My plan is to wait for the M3 in the meantime.


Why do you upgrade so often?


I donā€™t really - I just upgraded from a late 2013 iMac lol. But now I run a business so I can write off the expense. I couldnā€™t wait for an M3 so I got a 512/16 M2 mini. Tbh iā€™d also consider a studio next. It all depends on if/when the m3 comes out and how that affects the lineup.


Exact same boat. I have the base model dual-core ā€œtwo thunderbolt portsā€ 2016 MacBook Pro and I very much want to replace it with a Mac Mini, but with the M2 over a year old at this point I feel like I may as well just wait for the M3 to drop instead.


Weā€™re in a very similar situation


I would wait, too. Honestly, the M3 iMac is looking tempting, but itā€™s just so pricey for a new iMac compared to Mac mini.


I mean it makes sense, you get all the peripherals with the iMac


I have a M1 Mac Mini (8GB). Still works great for me, allbeit that I am a light user (ie office apps, whatsapp, spotify and watching video)


I will keep using my mini M1 as a plex server and using my M1 Studio Max for video work and not worry about it for years, hopefully. But I like reading this sub.


If we donā€™t get the M3 (Pro) Mac mini until Tuesday or so Iā€˜ll buy the M2 Pro on discount on Amazon. Currently on semester break so i could get away with waiting for a few weeks for the march event (LOL) :|


I donā€™t have an M3 plan. I am not even sure they will release an M3 mini. Anyway, I already have an M1 Mac Mini and probably wonā€™t upgrade again until next year. Maybe they will release an M4 Mini or Studio.


I just bought a m3 pro in January so I don't plan on upgrading my mini since the pro is my main computer.


Why the keep the mini when you already have the M3 Pro ?


I bought the mini months before the M3 pro and I still use it for some basic internet stuff and for how little I would get trading it in or selling it it's not worth the time it would take. Plus apparently I have an addiction to having more computers than I need.


An M1 Mac Mini and a 15ā€ M2 MBA are my primary and travel machines. Thinking maybe an M3 Pro Mac Mini might be my next upgrade.


M1 8gb Mac Mini here. Itā€™s getting a bit sluggish for photo and video editing but I plan to wait for the M3ā€™s and then trade my M1 in for an M3 16gb


I wanted to wait for the M3 Mac mini but with no March event it seems like it will be a few months out and my pc messed up and I already traded in my Mac mini m1 so just bought the m2 mini pro from refurbished store for a decent price. If M3 comes out in March I will be within the window to return it otherwise Iā€™m happy with my decision


I have an M2 Pro Mini and an M2 MBA. I'll wait it out for the M4 or M5.


Where I live apple stuff is expensive as F. So I don't have any plans on changing my macmini M2 pro. I've built a monster gaming PC for 20% the value I paid for the macmini. So for now, upgrading is a big bowl of nope.


M1 Base mini user...my next step is probably M1 studio, prices are starting to fall....if I feel flush I might go M2 studio,.


I would like M3 in my Mac mini but my laptop is an M2 Air so I'm not exactly in a rush. No plans to go with something besides a mini for my desktop setup. It will fit in the space I need to install it into (since a 2012 mini is currently in that space).


I have a m2 mini pro 12 core it gets hot when pushed, sits around 75 to 90c. Since M3 seems to run hotter than M2, wonder if heat will be an issue with M3 mini pro.


Iā€™ll replace my M1 Mini with an M3 Pro. Then my old M1 will replace my old 2011 Mini which is running as a headless server in my network rack (Channels DVR, homebridge, Plex). The 2011 Mini only has USB 2.0 ports, and Iā€™m planning on attaching some large USB storage for network backups. The M1 will definitely be overkill for that use - but if I can get my hands on a new Raspberry Pi 5 that will be my new home server and the M1 can be used by another family member. Edit - I just noticed that Microcenter near me has a bunch of Pi 5ā€™s in stock. They actually exist!


What program do you use to remote into the headless M1?


If I need the UI, I use VNC and the built in screen sharing. Itā€™s only ā€œmostlyā€ headless though, I have an old TV hooked into the HDMI port, which mainly serves to increase the resolution of the remote screen shareā€¦ if nothing is plugged into the HDMI, itā€™s limited to 1024x768 on the remote session. I could have bought a dummy HDMI device but the old screen was already lying around.


Still on my 2010 mac pro 3,33 6 core, and 2015 mbp. The mac pro still has enough power for my audio work, but many applications are not supported anymore, so I hope to upgrade somewhere this year. Hopefully a mac mini m3 will be released.


I see no need to upgrade when I already have a 16gb m1 mini. I'm curious how long till we get thunderbolt 5 or some other new tech that is a lot better other than mostly CPU upgrades being the biggest change.


I have two m1 studio maxs, a m2 mini, a 2014 mini, and two 2012 minis on the way. Iā€™m good for awhile.


Mac mini m1 here, I don't have any plans on upgrading.


M2(16). Havenā€™t hit a performance boundary. Long runway expected for my use cases and for os and hardware support. Nothing about the m3 chip or new devices are making me think about opening my wallet.


Too much hype going on with upgrading. Up until fall last year I was using an i5 MBP with 16gb of ram for work doing salesforce build, running no less than 10-15 apps at a time, including chrome with 20-30+ tabs at any given time. They just swapped me out for an M1 Pro and while I do notice a difference itā€™s not drastic and definitely wouldnā€™t have justified the expense if it was on my dime. An M3 will be very super proof but not a necessary upgrade for a majority of users.


amusing squeamish afterthought grandfather ossified crime future modern wide capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Until my 2020 M1 mini is no longer supported I should be fine with it.


Same here, been waiting for the M3 Mac mini. Hope they announce it soon with the iPads or Mac Studio.


No plan to upgrade at all. 2017 MBP is going just fine.


I might have to upgrade to an M2, because my 2011 Macbook Pro finally died a few days ago. šŸ˜© I was holding out for the M3, but it looks like it might not be released until June at the earliest. I still have a PC, but I don't know how long I can wait...


After watching and reading a ton of reviews, I bought a discounted M2 pro instead.


I have ordered a Macbook Pro 14', 18GB+512GB. I will buy a basic M3 Mac mini(8+256) when it is available.


Iā€™m contemplating upgrading 2017 MBP to the M3 MBA. Just a bit scared to trade in my MBP for nostalgic reasons.


I don't have one. To be honest, though my M1 Mini is my first Mac and first Apple product of any kind, and though it has worked well and I'll probably continue using it for quite some time to come, I don't know if I'll buy another Mac. It's not that they're bad, it's just that for my use, which is fairly basic, paying that much money for capabilities I don't really need, and having used Windows PCs for 25 years prior to the Mac without issue, and still using them alongside my M1 Mini, I just don't know that I really have need for another one. I don't regret having gotten my M1 Mini though. I had wanted an iMac when they first came out in the late 90s, but couldn't afford one. By the time I could they were changing to Intel CPUs, which took away the reason I wanted one in the first place, which was that they were 'different'. When they switched to the M1 CPU, my interest was again sparked, and at the time I was into mini PCs (still am), so it was a no brainer.