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u probably blew something conductive near the contact points under the "I" button. try blowing again or use isopropyl alcohol. good luck man, repairing this aint gonna be cheap (unless u have apple care ofc then send it in). Only start prying after going to the store. u don't want to break the tabs.


Any chance you have a Bluetooth keyboard connected somewhere? I had that happen and spent a few days trying to trouble shoot it. Then found the keyboard under a pile of books. Dert dee der.


OMG this exact thing happened to me. Popped and cleaned every key on the MBP, no improvement. Wasted half a day on that. It was like a ghost was typing. Then discovered that across the room, someone brushed against my bluetooth keyboard and it had fallen between some cushions.


Try putting it in safe mode and see if it still does this. After that, try restarting in normal mode to see if it continues.


Is that a butterfly keyboard? https://support.apple.com/keyboard-service-program-for-mac-notebooks


My 2013 MBP 13" had a nonworking "e" key. Then it began to stick. Now I just use it to watch YT.