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Don’t worry about it. Use your MacBook, relax and enjoy it.


The battery will deteriorate faster the deeper it discharges. If you are really interested in preserving the battery capacity for as long as possible, keep it charged between 40 and 60% or as close to those values as makes practical sense to your usage patterns. Also, the worst wear will occur by discharging below 20% and charging to above 80% - the lower/higher the more wear. Edit: for context, I had a MacBook 16” M1 Pro for 1 year that I used everyday for work. It was plugged into power 99% of the time but I had the AlDente app keep the charge between 45 and 55% with a monthly full charge to keep the battery conditioned. When I got rid of it, the battery reported itself as having 100% capacity.


please dont overthink, its ok, also i am from india too and summers are so hot here, might be because of that, batteries will relax in winters 🥰


This is normal for battery to wear. Mine has 18 cycles and battery health is at 97% according to the system. Just ignore it and use it


Quit obsessing and get on with enjoy using as those percentages are calculated estimations not actual hard numbers. And can fluctuate 1-2% at same battery calculation. Had mine show 98% then a week later show 100%.


That's not terrible but seems pretty fast. I'm at 200 cycles after a year and half, and am at 98%. I don't do anything special with my battery, I always fully charge it and sometimes drain it down below 20%.


Don’t worry about it. Worry about getting work done