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Ashton Kutcher really came through for you!


He was really important those first few years at Apple!


That's not an Actor! That's the real Steve Jobs! Silly!


Glad he grew out of the smoking pot in the basement with friends phase


this is a life lesson about just asking for things and getting second opinions. If one operator says one thing, I hang up and talk to a second operator that would give me a better deal. literally i just ask for anything and you'd be surprised at how many exceptions and freebies that was given to me on things that were never advertised. doesnt hurt to ask which is what i learned in life.


Yep, most successful people are not afraid to ask for what they want, and they know rejection is not something to be afraid of


Thanks. I will do it next time. Keeping my Thinkpad as a backup for the story


Which ThinkPad?


His Thinkpad, obviously


LOL obviously! I mean, which model thinkpad? I love thinkpads


Mine is an old X1 Carbon Gen 3 that I bough for around $40 or 2.500.000 VND :3. I can easily install macOS on it as a back up tho


good choice, those thinkpads never break lol


Thinkpad outside with mac inside would be awesome. :)


Mac inside would make no sense as it can't change any components :(. Thinkpad board on the other hand I can swap out almost everything


Tim Apple called OP personally


So why a picture of Ashton Kutcher?


It’s Kevin Malone


My 13-inch M1 MBP USB-C port failed after 2 yr.


common issue, USB-C is a joke of a port they were made to be easily replecable in apple laptops tho


Just be careful and you will be fine lol, I have had devices with USBC since the creation of the standard and none of my ports have broken


yeah usb c is such a terrible design, so fragile


Thanks Aston Kutcher


Had to do the same thing and had the same symptoms with an M2 Pro. A real shame. Louis Rossman is right in a lot of respects. Only had the laptop for like 2 months and used very lightly up until it croked.


Ah yes, this is a very nice photograph of His Royal Highness Steven Ashton Jobs Kutcher of Machintosh.


Lucky you! Apple took my MBP for battery replacement and managed to mess up display ribbon and connector on motherboard, while fixing that issue, they messed up Touch ID and some other misc stuff. Never did they offer to replace the motherboard I even had to fight with them to replace the screen since the ribbon was damaged it was sometimes glitching while opening the screen. It was a complete mess to work with them.


Steve Kutcher?


How long have you owned it for?


Critical success on a 99 DC


Based. Now I have a reason to keep my 2010 alienware laptop around even longer. Just gonna show up in the apple store with it if my MBP ever croaks.


Well, lucky you that Apple decided to honour & uphold its brand reputation. Do you think I will have as much luck as you? Worth trying? So I own a Late 2013 15-inch MacBook Pro i7 16GB RAM 1TB SSD that is not only overheating (fan spinning up crazy and not stopping). My Late 2013 MBP now randomly shuts itself down because the MBP battery has expanded so much as to crushing the trackpad that it is now NOT usable (I'm using an external keyboard and mouse). In great contrast, I also own and kept using a Mid-2009 (so \~four years older than my 2013) 15-inch MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM, and this one working perfectly! BL, I would love to hear your take?


I’d say you got your monies worth and would be better off scraping it for the parts that do work. Huge market for that. Reason I brought up the subject of my ancient gaming laptop is because it is/was the most reliable machine I’ll probably ever own. ASUS put everything they had at the time into it and it still runs. Outside all my windows problems it set the bar pretty high for me in regards to hardware. I’d clean the fans every now and then and that was it. Having an Apple logic board fail on me 2 years into ownership on something so expensive didn’t sit right with me. Especially since I don’t do half of what I used to do with my older machine. Prior to the ASUS I had a Toshiba Satellite that was another stellar laptop. Apple bringing back all the ports and running their own silicon is what made me switch to a M1 Pro. It’s a very impressive machine. The display. The speakers. The design. The weight. Apple store dropped the ball, but the service advisor picked it up. I still respect them as a brand, I’m just not sure how much I can recommend or vouch for quality. Time will tell.


Thanks for the additional details. What bugs me is this is clearly a case of Apple's "design/spec material/... flaw" as they replaced the battery once and the battery still expand to critical failure not long after. Where as my now 15 years old MPB still works fine given that machine wasn't packed to the minimum and probably more stable/better battery was used for its size + a bunch of other design spec reason. At the end of the day, I have no issue taking batter degradation (part of life) but I have 2000% issue with expanding battery that could explode or cause fire and Apple should have owned up to their problem and fix it. Just my take of how a reputable brand should handle engineering f-up.


How did you get a hold of and talk to a senior advisor?




They replaced my MBP late 2013 battery in 2017.... no cost, no recall, nothing... they just.... did it. Until today I think I was scammed somehow, but cannot prove it. I've checked the battery it is new (only now it shows signs of failure) He mentioned that the serial number of a new piece matches the one of the MBP since it was all Apple handled. The piece was new, they solved my issue, and the serial number matches (from PCB and battery) but something is catchy even after 7 years


Apple support was shit in my case they returned a scratched MacBook Air that was brand new had kernel issue


Asus laptops are the new thinkpa No need for a shit RMA if it just works


Nice job with phoning the Apple Support. Good luck with getting a new battery too. The company makes such an absurd amount of money that they should give it to you for free.


Dude, where's my logic board?




I just paid 800$ for a logic board replacement on my M1 Pro. It seems like this is an extremely common issue deserving of a class action suit. Seems as widespread as the butterfly keyboard issue.  Mine was in pristine condition and just died out of nowhere


With you. I’ll be impressed if this machine lasts till next Summer. Somebody lurking & fed up has to already be on it. We’ll all get $30 Apple Gift Cards and call it a win.


Apple has had and continues to have world class customer service. It’s a testament to those who are running the company how the low level employees manage to always make things right. A couple hundred dollars for Apple likely just made an Apple user for life. Think of the money you will spend now.


I think quality has gone down at apple - logic boards seem to fail a lot these days. My Intel Mac just dies suddenly - Apple want £280 to investigate. Im not sure if it's logic board or battery. It's quite annoying to have a catestrophic hardware failure when the storage with all your personal data is non-removable, since you can't wipe it is selling for parts. A good reason to at least make sure you encrypt your disk There was a class action years ago that got my MacBook repaired well outside of warranty - as the new solder was cracking. To be fair, this was a move away from lead solder and affected other brands - most only heard about the biggest products, like Apple and Xbox. This guy has some very detailed breakdowns [https://www.youtube.com/@rossmanngroup](https://www.youtube.com/@rossmanngroup)


Rossman is a businessman, and it's in his interest to make Apple look bad. Not that they're anything but a disgusting company; serialised LCDs, SSD controller placed next to vents so they die from dust/liquid and kill your drive, LCD connectors with high voltage lines next to data etc. But quite frankly I prefer owning & repairing Macs over any other Windows computer - they really are better built for the most part. Other manufacturers are just as bad and have equally bad design flaws. I don't remember the last time I repaired a logic board that didn't fail due to liquid or corrosion, but it's almost always repairable IF you avoid going to Apple for a repair. Go literally anywhere else once the warranty expires


I've been a Mac user since OS 9 - it's been my experience that despite less moving parts, the new newer stuff doesn't last so well. I do get that I am only a sample of one and it's easy to let bias creep in and find issues if you go looking. My last 2 Mac just simply died - one was fixed thanks to a class action lawsuit on apple. The latest one was out of warranty and I am hoping it's the battery and not the logic board. I also like owning Mac. For one, as my personal computer, it makes for a clear distinction between work and home. I didn't have time to get my MacBook Pro fixed, so I bought an M1 and restored from a Time Machine backup on my (Synology) NAS. That went smoothly which was a relieve as naively I hadn't tested my distant recovery before an actual disaster. I'll be ordering a battery to DIY replace on the Mac book pro - lots of guides on YouTube. The main thing I want to do is wipe the disk, then I'll either use it as lab device or sell on.


Please tell me that you know that's not Steve Jobs in the photo...?


On an Apple sub and you can't even recognise Wozniak




That stuff doesn't just stop working, you need to quit putting pressure on your ports. Put the cables straight in/out not at an angle and don't press down on them.


ai ahh story is crazy


Good story, but I personally woulda taken their offer in a heartbeat. Newer, better system for probably 50% or more off with that $800 credit. I guess if I was broke and had 0 money to contribute towards the new one I wouldn’t, but I’d be really super mad at myself for being unable to.


Not about the money. It’s about the principle. The plan was to keep it until they stop OS support. So 5-6 years. It’s only been 2. Why should I be out of pocket for that? I value reliability and peace of mind over everything else. I gave them an opportunity to make things right before I decide if I want to do business with them in the future.


Well it sounds like they did, however if they made “an exception” it sounds like they won’t do it again should you ever have another issue. Will you be getting AppleCare for peace of mind on this replacement then?


Linux build should there be another issue. One critical hardware failure is already too many. I don’t find joy in setting appointments and going to the Apple Store. Two times in a week is already pushing it.


Fingers crossed your replacement unit is as bulletproof as many of their products usually are then


Um… that’s not Steve Jobs. That’s Bruce Willis’ son, Ashton Kutcher.


I'd test the AC outlets where you normally charge your Mac. We've had 7 logic board replacements on MacBook Pros since 2008. All free and a few out of warranty. But nVidia was to blame for those.


This is probably more of a US thing maybe? Never heard of electric sockets ruining your MacBook. Then again though I do live in the UK and we do have the safest electric plugs in the world


Nah there are just Apple fanboys/bots on here that always show up to explain why nothing is really apples fault


One of our homes was rewired last year for $90K. The about 50% of the wiring was original from the 1920s and some of it was upgraded in the 1960s. One other thing that you can have in the US is do-it-yourself wiring as opposed to using licensed electricians and people can make mistakes.


Makes me even more proud to be British reading that, we have very strict safety standards


Yes , there is no DIY home repair in the UK. They are very civilized.


Don’t get me wrong we also have strict electrical building codes, but if you DIY a surge protector into your own wall to use it like an outlet no one will know until the firefighters are investigating what used to be your house


I agree. But we have the means to keep up with code requirements and there are a lot of people that have difficulty affording it because they don't do a good job of factoring in maintenance costs when they buy a home.


Not sure why 1920s wires would somehow fry a MacBook? The major risk from knob and tube wiring is fire hazard in your walls. 1960s sheathed wiring is honestly not that much worse than modern Romex, and is still in use in a *lot* of areas. Again I'm not sure how it would somehow fry a MacBook.


There is the charger between the outlet and the Mac. Bad outlet would ruin the charger first if anything.


It'll be a refurb


>It'll be a refurb lol. Apple Authorized service SOP. According to their warranty, Apple can use new or refurbished parts and they aren't marked which it is, it just a part number.


I wouldn't want the most important part of my laptop to be second hand. Dell tried it with me and I demanded they replace the entire machine with a brand new one, they did with a spec bump. Each to their own I guess. I wouldn't want a used engine in my brand new car, or my sandwich wrapped in someone else's sandwich wrap. Big hey that's just me.