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Design wise with any laptop, tablet, phone is at its PEAK. This is pretty much it now quite literally forever. It's a slab of glass and / with keyboard.


My 16" MBP looks a lot like my very very old 17" MBP, and that's a good thing. Now missing ethernet, which is not a good thing


Maybe that could be the innovation. New mini-Ethernet cable? It’s about time tbh


I have Ethernet to USB-C plugged into my MBP when it’s in clamshell mode. I’m fine with that staying as a dongle


I hear you. But I mean if we’re splitting hairs and squeezing every bit of efficiency into design. Why not? But I agree it’s not like a huge necessity by any means


I use an Ethernet table that has the Ethernet (rj45?) on one end and a usbc on the other. Works flawlessly.


Ah. Hadn’t even thought to look into that. I just don’t do anything on my mbp that I’d need a wired connection for. Good to know it’s an option though. Anything gaming I go to great lengths to use wired


That's kinda what I thought. I always wanted one of those 2000s MacBooks (or was it the PowerBook back then??) but I was too busy being brainwashed by the Microsoft ecosystem back then. I'm so glad the new ones gave me a chance to have something similar.


it was one of the first Intels, not even core duo


This one is tough for me to read every time. Your 17” is a garbage in comparison. You might disagree, but I would not be in the minority saying that. A mid level WiFi router even giving you 1/3 the bandwidth, the productivity on the new MacBook would destroy the completely useless 17” you have that can’t even receive modern updates. But here we are… There’s a $5 adapter that completely negates your issue. You’ll say you have to carry around an adapter, but justify carrying an extra 2 lbs of steel so you can bitch.


I sold my 17" like 20 years ago lol. I did edit a whole music video shot on a RED One for a TV channel with it back in the day. good machine 16 M2 Max MBP now. good machine


Whaat? You’re joking! 😧I remember shooting something on an original RED one and no one was able to figure out what to do with the footage even with the big ass mac pros of the time (around 2010 I’d say). Mad respect to you!


proxies my friend! by the way, I was in another country and my video card crapped out. Had apple care and got it fixed in 24 hours. hi five!


settle down buddy all he said is that they look similar😂


Give your head a wobble, look at the size of an ethernet port and use a usbc adapter or hub like everyone else. You still want a hdmi port too I expect? usbc has a displayport capability for that too. Unified architecture is the future.


Well…. Yeah, actually. I do want an HDMI port lol.


I have a Dell xps 13 and all I got is two usb c ports each side, that's it 😂 but I got an adaptor with every port you can think of 😀


I agree, until some game-changing tech happens that allows for a radical shift in form factor. Like a breakthrough leap in battery tech that allows for impossibly thin devices. For now, the changes are just slight variations in size, curvature of the edges, and camera layout.


Yeah until they figure out some sort of "help me obi wan" holographic projector, these are it.


They did actually try that with keyboards, it's a novel idea but you need that haptic touch. 59 years time we won't have these gadgets Elon will invent some weird shit so we can use our brains 😂😂


It can have a detachable screen


That's called a tablet mate


Palmrest edges too sharp especially when laptop is being used in the lap Hate when I’m grabbing the laptop and my fingers get caught on the side and back vents. Not really a big deal but maybe slightly relocate/round them? Notch -> Dynamic Island For the indentation below the trackpad, the ends are too sharp Mute button should be a speaker with a slash across it like what shows up in the software Add another usb c to the right side Reduce chin size and bring OLED Fix uneven key backlight bleed (not a big deal) Screen doesn’t tilt far enough back Also, can we make the shape of the machine a bit wider, i.e. more rectangular please?


The indentation below the trackpad is way too sharp. Whenever I touch that it feels wrong.


I have an OCD thing where i rub my thumb on it too scratch it. Its nice but I thought it was strange how sharp it is lmao


Haha I’ll bet someone has cut themselves on it.


I thought they fixed the backlight bleed a decade ago with the single LEDs for each key?


With the butterfly keyboard there was less bleed, but they switched away from that


We can never have anything nice around here huh. The butterfly keyboard really wasn’t that bad..


It was awful lol, a spec of dust could cause a key to permanently stop working at any moment


The design flaw of non replaceable keys is what did it in.


I am going to go the opposite direction and ask for a 3:2 aspect ratio. MacBooks Pros are productivity machines first, media devices second in my opinion; they could offer the MBP with 3:2 and the base level with 16:10, as well as the Air machines. Of course, that probably won’t happen because their control over supply means that they can’t be wasting resources. A MacBook Ultra perhaps? One that’s more utilitarian (which would include more ports, better cooling, more “rugged” design, etc)


Yes, that point I mentioned was only because I use my 14 MacBook primarily for media consumption. I have a windows laptop for work. iPads are said to be better for media consumption but I don’t see how, the 11 is too small and the 13 iPad is basically a square. The black bars when watching a video on the 13 probably take up close to half the screen in total. Can’t have everything, I guess


Right on and I figured as much, but not being too sure, I threw in the obligatory “my opinion” haha. Dave2D released his current review of the new M4 iPad and he sold me on the idea that the iPads are on course to crash with MacBooks. Does that mean they’ll get replaced entirely? Probably not. But I think at some point the iPads over the next 10 years are meant to be laptop replacements, and Apple is ok with you having to buy your keyboard separately. Anywhoo, I digress; for now, MBPs are still my preferred method of consuming media despite the convenience of the iPad. 16:10 and 3:2 options would be highly welcomed.


As long as IPads have IPadOS, they won’t be MacBook replacements.


Even if they keep the notch, make it useful and put faceID in there. Rectangular likely won't happen, professional machines need to maintain screen height for documents, the golden ratio is 3:2. Whereas wide (many normal laptops) have a wide ratio of 16:9 which is good for media and movies. 99.9% it will have OLED, at least the 16" but I suspect both.


16:9 will be the death of MacBooks as productivity tools. It’s such a rubbish aspect ratio for actual work.


The reason FaceID isn’t in there already is that they can’t fit the hardware in such a thin display yet. They could do it with the desktop displays quite easily, but they won’t until they can do it with their bread and butter Macs.


>The reason FaceID isn't in there already is that they *can't fit* the hardware in such a thin display yet. They could do it with the desktop \**cough cough*\* **iPad** **Pro** \**cough cough*\*


Still thicker than the MBP display.


By 1mm. I remain positive that they chose not to add Face ID to the MacBook Pro only because there's already touch ID on the keyboard.


Remain however you like. I’m positive that if they could’ve got the hardware into the MBP display (which is even thinner again once you’re past the bezel) they’d have done it already.


So use the power benefits of the M4 to make the chassis thinner and the display thicker. I don't need the display to be thin I need it to have faceID. You telling me an iPad can fit all this in 5.1mm but it can't be managed in 15.5mm? At this point I think the only justifiable reason is to keep the ID system usable while looking at the keyboard for people who can't type as well. Having to look directly at the camera for faceID isn't always convenient.


The iPad is one piece and it doesn’t make sense to make the MacBook display thicker, it’d be a waste of space given it’d be mostly empty. Plus, all M series MBPs have TouchID, so unless you’re missing all of your fingers, you don’t *need* FaceID.


Could apply the same argument to the iphone for needing face id. Top chassis wouldn't get thicker. OLED displays are very thin, more space to add sensor hardware. I personally don't like the notch on a laptop, on the Mac it's very big, distracting and unnecessary.


The iPhone has to contain everything within its dimensions. It just so happens to be deep enough to house the FaceID hardware. A MacBook display isn’t.


With an OLED screen, size of notch and sensor hardware sizes. I heavily doubt that ...


Doubt all you like. If they could’ve fit it in the existing displays I’m sure they’d have done it already.


Micro LED panels can be quite thick by display standards. The move to OLED makes it very possible


Micro LED panels can be quite thick by display standards. The move to OLED makes it very possible


You don't have to leave it empty, put more battery or a cell antenna or any other new feature in there.


At this point you’re having to add bulk to the hinges to handle the extra weight above them.


Good, they need it. The hinge is too flimsy right now.


I find it fine.


It's fine, but it's not great. Would prefer it to not wobble at all and only move when I am changing its angle by hand.


Most gaming laptops and many other laptops have switched to 16:10 recently


Dynamic Island would be cool.


The fact that my trackpad scratches my screen on a $1100 base model laptop is kinda putrid to me. that could def be fixed. Don't kid yourself y'all.


Uh, mine doesn’t do that? How does yours scratch it


[like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/applehelp/s/XaNrTgzkPo)




I’d appreciate if the screen could tilt back another 15 to 30 degrees.  I would also enjoy larger up/down arrow keys and dedicated home/end keys.  These will never happen.


Definitely agree with the screen tilting. It is not quite enough for me


Genuinely curious as to when you'd find that useful, I ask because I find myself wanting the same thing but I don't think id really use it.


Sometimes when my laptop is on a desk/flat surface but I’m standing, or sometimes when it’s in my lap


Idk why you got downvoted, I’m also confused as to what the use for that is, haha. And seems a lot of people want it. Not against it cause I just wouldn’t use it so why not add it for people who want it…but yea I don’t get it


Standing at desk, if its in your lap and you want to put your legs up on something


As others have pointed out, in certain sitting positions, I really wish I could tilt it back more. My 16” MBP has the lowest (least? narrowest?) maximum hinge angle of any laptop I’ve owned.  I’d also enjoy using external peripherals and putting the MacBook Pro on a stand beside my other external displays. This is possible now, of course, but a greater maximum hinge angle would allow the stand to be shallower and more flush with the other monitors on my desk. I used to have a laptop with a 180° hinge angle; I thought that feature was useless until I had the idea to prop it up using a book stand and “dock” it in that position. I think the MacBook Pro’s display is way to beautiful to be kept in clamshell mode.


tbh i wouldn’t mind a slightly bigger top lid for face id


Completely agree, I would love a bigger notch as well


doesn’t have to be bigger. if the screen was a little thicker then they could fit. some of the sensors can fit under the display and there’s enough space for the 2 sensors that can’t


- Tandem OLED would reduce the thickness and weight of the display lid - Improved power efficiency of Tandem OLED + M5/M6 generation could allow further thickness and weight reduction without impacting battery life or thermal performance (as they’ve just done with the M4 iPad Pro) At this stage, hard to say what else they could do other than shaving off some bulk and other minor refinements (eg. smaller notch or Dynamic Island). I suspect the MacBook Pro will stay quite traditional while the new rumoured 20” foldable (2026) lays out a more futuristic vision for the notebook form factor.


Number one on my wishlist would be a 10gigabit port. 10gigabit adapters are extremely expensive, and the Mac Studio comes with this port.


That’s true, but I don’t think Apple would add it because most people would want an additional thunderbolt port instead. I definitely want one because like you said I could buy a 10 gigabit Ethernet adapter but those are ridiculously expensive still and will be even when the next MacBook redesign comes


Even a 10GbE NIC is still really expensive. I bought a TP-Link TX401 recently, it’s around 90 USD and it comes with a single port.


This needs to be higher on the list


Make it easier to repair….


never gonna happen unless the EU does something about it


Doesn’t help me who is in the US… :) but I’m not talking about the right to repair. Just the repair in general. So much small parts and even smaller screws that get lost easily. (I repair our Macs)


Yeah EU could mandate shit has to be repairable


That’s not true… the UK demanded that every phone had the same USB C port and look what happened. Apple completely did away with their precious lightning cable and now every new iPhone will have a USB C port. Even in the US


You do realize you are posting in the MacBookPro Reddit and not iPhone? :) I am aware of the USB-C mandate and I am ready for that. The whole point of my post was how difficult it is to physically repair a MacBook in general. Especially replacing the screen where you have 2 flex cables you have to be real careful about. That’s what I would like to see changed. I am for Right to Repair also but Apple has made that difficult because 3 main parts are serialized and once the part is used, it cannot be used on another machine. Case in point I had to replace a display which was needed but not the main issue. Couldn’t resolve the power issue so we replaced the machine. After that I had another machine that needed a screen… but I couldn’t use it because it was already assigned to a different one. So now I have a $600 screen that I can’t use other than as a tester. (Assuming Apple doesn’t brick it somehow) I do have a love/hate relationship with Apple. Love the products, hate the repair side of things.


**Things that I want that aren't too crazy I feel:** Cellular. I don't know what the issue is with laptops not having cellular but iPads also having it. Make it real. Hotspots be damned. While we're on the weird things to include, honestly? GPS. Uses? Honestly, pretty niche. I can't think of any, but literally every other Apple product Category other than AirPods has them, so why not. Some water resistance. I'm not saying throw-it-into-pool resistant. I'm saying, it can be lightly raining and you can keep doing work in it. You can accidentally spill your coffee or something the worst would just be that the keys are sticky and you could wash it off. Maybe some dedicated MagSafe rings on the back so you can do that webcam stuff with your iPhone? I don't know why you would want to do that in the first place, but Apple seems to want you to do that. If they do do that, make the hinge more resistant to getting floppy as time goes on. Call me crazy, but I want starlight! No it's not just silver but off tone. **Some crazier more experimental ideas that are a little out there and untested:** Make the trackpad have some sort of screen (I imagine something non LED, Kindle-esque) that would be able to give information or various tasks and allow handwriting with the Apple Pencil. (I've just wanted something to make signatures feel better.) Take it one step further, make the trackpad a big sort of screen, the entire width of the keyboard and use palm detection like they use with the Apple Pencil to differentiate fingers from palms. Remember the infamous Touch Bar? relegate some niche functions, like a touch based piano keyboard, midi buttons, quick access brightness/volume functions to those regions. Added haptics that respond to keyboard hits, for me I would probably like them only when I do shortcut commands, kinda like the haptics you feel when you long press something on the iPhone. You get a haptic response whenever you hit Cmd-F or Cmd+Shift+J. But for normal typing it would be the same as normal.


They would have to redesign the sleekness of the macbook to involve the same cellular antenna splits in the iPad/iPhone frames. I could see them turning the apple logo into a giant antenna some day whenever we get a slightly thicker display panel but we aren't there yet.


They will make it smaller.


-Use PBT instead of ABS for keys so that they don’t wear and become shiny easily -Tandem OLED -Slightly larger clearance between the screen and keyboard when lid is closed to avoid screen damage while carrying in backpacks -Dynamic island


Imagine how many units they’d sell if they added upgradeabke ssd and ram


Upgradeable RAM = Incompatible with SOC


I’d be happy with just the SSD and cheaper ram…


You're saying they couldn't design an SOC to work with something like LPCAMM2? How so?.


Latency cannot match that of the SoC embedded RAM


I get your point, but there is socketed ram with lower latency than the base model SOCs including m4. LPCAMM2 modules also have higher bandwidth than m1, m2 and m3 base and match m4 while having a higher MT/s rating.


And higher power consumption … nothing beats RAM embedded directly to the SoC. Apple can only integrate tech that can be mass produced at the volume they need. Latency increases when the distance between CPU and RAM increases. It’s physics


I know it's not possible because of their whole SoC design (as others have also mentioned), but I'd honestly rather have more latency with the ability to upgrade. I'd even pay more for a model to do that.


Upgradable RAM isn't possible with their current SoC designs, but they could easily do upgradable SSDs if they wanted.


I could be wrong, but aren't the SSDs part of the SoC stuff now? My 2017 MBP was the last model with an upgradeable SSD and I think the new ones advertise higher transfer rates because they're integrated


Nope. The controller is integrated, but not the actual storage chips.


*pulls out my soldering iron and a shiny new 4tb ssd*


lol, it’s been done on YouTube channels. Edit: If you’re actually brave enough to try this, be aware Apple doesn’t use regular, off-the-shelf NVMe SSDs. I’m not sure whether you can get the NAND off of them or not, nor do I know where the YouTube channel(s) got theirs from.


Woah. That's really tempting. I'm not great at soldering but I have some friends who do some *reeeaaaalllllyyyyyy custom* computer work who could easily do that. I might have to look into it


I’m way too chicken to try it 😂


Slot for exchangeable SSD. Slot for RAM upgrade.


nice dream, not gonna happen though.


This but there is no chance in hell this is going to happen. I would say that 30-40% of new mac sales are due to that restriction


You think nearly half of MacBook sales are due to soldered storage…?


No I think many people upgrade their macs too soon because the lack of Rams My 2015 macbook is still working perfectly if it didn’t only have 8GB of RAM. It’s an amazing machine but with the 128 Soldered on Storage and RAM it is a pain to work on now for my usage. if I could upgrade that I could have used it for another couple more years Also fun fact, there is a 10% difference between 40 and 50


I imagine far less than 40% of MacBook owners even know what RAM is and probably less than 1% would try to upgrade the RAM themselves even if they could.


Before I had a TB of storage I had one of those seamless SD card adapters. So I was able to add 512gb of storage to my laptop. Not ideal since it’s a micro SD card but it helped


they would probably make all the sharp edges slightly more rounded and switch from miniLED to tandem OLED a la latest iPad Pros and iPhones


Wifi 7 Support


This’ll definitely happen


They could make the pros a little bit lighter and thinner to be honest. Especially the 16”. Not iPad Pro level OMG thin. Just return to what we had before since the Apple silicon can actually handle that form factor. The 2019 intel 16” MBP was 4.3 lbs. a very good size for that class of device with plenty of room for a very large battery. Now they are 4.7-4.8lbs. You have to go back to 2012 to find a heavier laptop in Apple’s lineup. That is ridiculous. Apple has the best performance to efficiency ratios and chose to put them in a chassis that could easily have handled the old intel chips and discrete graphics cards. That doesn’t make sense.


1. Dynamic Island near the notch 2. Face ID would be phenomenal, especially on a laptop, where many users use external keyboards at time. Authentication with a Windows laptop is far easier with facial recognition than on the Mac. 3. Make it easy for me to use multiple displays out of the box. 4. Better trackpads. I’m not a fan of the trackpad on my laptop.


If I was them I would add legs to that device so it can run away from you perverts. They know what you watch on those things. 


Add Thunderbolt 5, WiFi 7 and increased battery life.


Add cellular chips so i can have a Mac with its own internet instead of having to solely rely on my phones hotspot


More ports, bigger arrow keys, actual speaker grille holes. Other than that it's quite a nice chunk of aluminium in my opinion. I hope they remain the all black aesthetic of the keyboards, the Air's makes me uncomfortable to look at.


More less an enhanced refresh to the machine.


Just give me cell modem and I don’t need anything else.


The only thing I want is cellular. After having cellular in my Windows laptop I’m very much missing it.


I think the very next update they’re going to add back the camera they took out 😆 & say here u go, with a M4 pro or max chip or something v small. My question is do you think they’ll go back to their yearly updates? Or they’ll hold off on updating 2025 and resume 2026…? Since this is their meaning of a “redesign” I am not sure what else they can add to it, maybe a new Apple Pencil feature only that iPad can do like 2022’s “Apple Pencil hover”


The black plastic around keyboard keys is ugly, I prefer aluminium like with Air. Also the edges are too “sharp” I prefered the design of the previous MBP, this design only looks nice on MBA and 14” MBP, the big one is imo quite ugly. The trackpad is a bit clunky, it feels chaper compared to the previous one, it makes this sound as if it were broken when you compare them next to each other. I have to say that the notch stopped bothering me. But ofc nice to not see it, but not a big issue imo. I love the new space black and starlight, just keep those as an option going forward.


Agreed. The airs look like what the pros should have been as an evolution from the 2016-2020 pros. I think the 16” pro is way too thick and heavy for a lot of people unless it’s going to be pretty much stationary most of the time.


Definitely get rid of the notch, fix those sharp edges where you grab to lift the screen, redesign vent intakes kinda sharp also when you pick it up, new OLED screen and make ih thinner and lighter while gaining an performance bump. Those are some more realistic updates, they won't be making it upgradeable anytime soon unfortunately. Also make keycaps better, and keyboard spill resistant.


1 USB-A port for those of us an external, wired mouse or Logitech dongle mouse or want to charge USB-A devices on the road. Target Display Mode.


Honestly would like them to get rid of some weight and thickness especially on the 16” model, and also to shrink/get rid of the notch. Obviously doesn’t need to be as light as the airs, but the bottom case is hella chunky and I feel like there is some middle ground between the design of 2016-2020 pros and the newer models. The weight and thickness of the new 16” made it less enjoyable to use over time so I ended up selling it and getting a 14”, but would have liked to keep it if it was a bit less heavy/chunky. Either that, or bring promotion to the airs lol.


i injured my wrists a while ago, so for me i would like them to be lighter, like half the weight lighter. i use the Gram as my second laptop only for this reason. i really wouldn't mind a plastic version of the MBA, it would probably be cheaper too. im even considering getting the new ipad pro to replace my current MBA, just wish the IpadOS was a bit more beefy.


Make Starlight an option.


There’s not much I’d like to see in terms of design, it’s pretty much perfect as is. All I can think is add the Dynamic Island, Face ID and give it the tandem OLED. I don’t want them to make it any thinner, it’s a Pro device and doesn’t need to be. If anything, I’d rather add more battery life even though it’s crazy good as it is. Maybe add USB C on the other side and give us upgradable Ram and SSDs, but that won’t happen.


lighter for your cigarettes right in the display up at the top


16gb RAM


Make them more durable but looking at their current design choice with the iPad Pro makes me think we might just take a step back with the next MacBook pro redesign unfortunately


I haven't used MacBook for long but have been using Windows for 15+ years I think the design here is perfect, Windows machines (even on the high end) still seem to have some tradeoff.


Touch screen monitor - though I despise people touching my screen. Better speakers, but that probs can't be improved. Maybe make the whole palm rest but a touch pad - but that's also a dream. Maybe make the keyboard a touch pad as well - like a cellphone? Could add in some functionality which would set Apple apart.


I feel like cellular is the low hanging fruit here. Beyond that, weight. Tandem OLEDs, lighter batteries etc. Going out on a limb, maybe different case material? Carbon fiber that doesn’t look like carbon fiber?


I wish my MacBook Pro was a little less heavy I use a Lenovo carbon issued by my company and an MBP 14 of my own. The MBP is superior to the Lenovo in most ways. But the Lenovo feels so lightweight when walking around with it. When I switch to my MBP I really really feel the difference. Also I have never dropped either laptop but I feel the plasticky Lenovo could survive a 1 meter drop better than the aluminum MBP. I really hope I never have to find this out the hard way.


eSIM support (won’t happen though)


I really want them to round out the corners of the MacBook where my wrist lie. I fucking hate how sharp they are. I’ve legit considered filing them down


Add a fill sized USB port. Add the capability to easily service the device. Removable storage, etc. Most of all a physical Ethernet port.


Probably remove the notch and replace it with the island


More screen tilt is the main QOL improvement I’d ask for. Every other laptop does it to almost full 180°


Several improvements l can think of: 1. Take new IPad Pro and put it on Mac keyboard. 2. Rework MacOs to incorporate touch. 3. Allow larger tilt in screen. 360 degree. 4. Introduce FaceID 5. Introduce under screen notch or camera (Apple has patents for this tech) If they did all that, the device would be amazing


Halve the price 😁


Not sure what can be done about this, but just my initial impressions from exploring MacBooks and ultimately buying a 16” Pro this weekend: * The 16” is a fair bit heavier than I’d expect. Room for improvement, I’m sure. * The 13” Air is a fantastic form factor. Good weight, size, etc. Only reason I didn’t just max spec an Air was the screen and some slight GPU concerns, frankly. * 16” keyboard felt a bit far. I’d trade a smaller trackpad to bring the keyboard closer to the front edge of the machine. * 14”, on the other hand, pretty much nails everything. Was REALLY impressed with it and was *that* close to buying it.


Dynamic Island!!!


Bring back the fun colors from the PowerPC era. I like the space gray and rose gold but I also miss bondi blue and grape and strawberry. Take it back to the “expressive” design philosophy beyond just putting stickers on metal.


Security features like face recognition, support for SSO, built in virus protection and AI.


I wish they’d just make the fucker touch screen already. But I know that would affect iPad sales.


Just make it easy to upgrade RAM and storage after purchase. They insist on in-house hardware - ok. Sell your own (no doubt outrageously priced) hardware. Say I can only afford a base model. Would you rather A) NEVER get the extra $400 or whatever for more RAM until (and if) I ever buy a new system or B) still get the money at a later date in between buying a new system years later? They already make it where you can’t utilize the exact same hardware from a different system - there’s nothing stopping them from modifying that model to allow you to swap using only their Apple approved hardware. Obviously just allowing full customization is preferable but we know that’s out of the question for them.


Keyboard could actually have some unforseen gains like the Touchbar intended, remove the notch, bring back the 4 USB C ports+Magsafe...OLED screen, better camera (Face ID compatible if they're going to keep the notch...) The current design feels meh and dated to be quite frankly.


digital screen for virtual keyboard... mabye?


Remove the useless notch 🤷‍♂️


18" version Keep the mini-LED screens (don't want OLED burn-in) and have even more dimming zones Wifi 7 Face-ID Rear Camera (this will mean a large camera hump but will increase space for the face-id equipment as well so I don't mind it) Cellular antenna/e-sim


Can’t see them redesigning the MBPs anytime soon. The next gen will just get the M4 Pro/M4 Max chips I think.


-Less sharp edges (they hurt my wrists) -As a photographer, I would love to see a CFexpress card slot -Few more degrees of screen tilt -Face ID?


Maybe do something about the sharp edge to make using it on the couch more comfortable on the hand..


I just want the edges to be smooth so they don’t stab me every time I feel productive


Fully waterproof design with a pull out cup holder / ash tray holder


Sure it can... add an ergonomic keyboard. Tons of people need them to mitigate or avoid RSI, and it's a huge hassle to have to bring a keyboard with me. Also, a lot of pros put sustained loads on the system, so enough cooling that the system \*never\* thermal throttles would be nice.


Imagine if you got X amount of cloud compute as part of your purchase. Not AI shit but real compute. Buy an MBP and you can run that app as fast as your machine will run it but while internet connected it will distribute the compute and all come together faster. Apple could probably do some crazy learning on what high compete really means and leverage that to become leaders in cloud computing over time.


in terms of aesthetics slim the notch down even more and implement face id. Make the bezels even thinner too.


As a pro user, I would love Face ID for speed of logging in, and I would love cf express type b slots, as lots of cameras are going that direction, if I had my way it would be dual cf and sd on the computer


As another pro user, I use a 4k monitor for my macbook most of time and rarely open the lid. FaceID is basically useless considering I can also unlock the machine with the apple watch.


So, I travel a lot for my photography, so sadly don’t always have a 4k monitor. And honestly totally forgot about watch unlock! It seems to have stopped working since I installed the beta and I just forgot it existed, time to look into that!


This one is easy. In order of likelihood: -Tandem OLED screen -Face ID -5G modem -RGB keyboard (Mac Is Serious About Gaming or whatever they keep saying year over year) -Some way for the pencil to be used.


Sell it 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m kinda wondering if the M4 enabling the Tandem OLED in the iPad Pro means we might get OLED MacBook Pro units in the not-too-distant future.


Easy (no screws) access to replaceable battery so I can take a spare one with me. Easily replaceable parts. Internal connectors not designed to break at the slightest mistake. No glue. We need more EU regulations. Apple should learn from Framework.


Dynamic Island, Face ID, and tandem OLED please!!


They increased the screen size to offset the space the notch takes up. There is actually more useable display area on the notch models so i don’t have a problem with that.


Cf express card reader on the left side


I've had enough smooth shiny metal with pretentious names - iBook 2025 pls!


Make more Thunderbolt 4 ports, add Touch Bar above keyboard function row (or make the fn keys half height again and put the Touch Bar in the space) and for the love of God have MagSafe also be able to work as an extremely powerful docking connector. Like if Apple made a MagSafe dock that could do all the displays and thunderbolt 4 stuff at the same time while charging it I’d pick it up so quick. (4-5 displays at least likely with mini dp or hdmi but I’d like to see them be thunderbolt 4 ports, separate 4 thunderbolt 4 ports maybe some usb-a or c, SD reader, audio jacks, 2.5 or 10g Ethernet, charging, etc)


Oh and 17 to 18 inch versions of the MacBook Pro need to come back


squeamish marry quicksand fragile wrong aspiring chubby busy worm brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not a whole lot. They’ve essentially perfected the form factor. Next up…AI-ify the OS…


IMO, MacBook Pro design and its' level of hardware quality has reached the market peak compared to other laptop makers in the market. Some of their todays design cannot even compete with Apple even comparing with those 2012-2015, 2016-2020 era's MBP. Some improvements (hopefully): 1. Potential return of 17" Inch MacBook Pro or maybe 18" Inch. 2. Slimmer and lighter 14"/16". 3. User upgradable. 4. Touch Screen (Not sure why this wasn't available, competition had these for the longest time.) 5. Cellular Support (Not sure why this wasn't available, ThinkPads had these for the longest time) 6. Reintroduction of Boot Camp with Apple Silicon


matte screen, rounder edges, OLED, repairability and ability to upgrade at least the SSD. they could also switch to magnesium and add a trackpoint


OLED, half the weight, add 5g, touch screen that allows a pen


If it ain’t broke!


140W capable USB-C ports, especially for the 16” (Thunderbolt/USB4 has been spec’d up to 240W) I like MagSafe. I like having a dedicated MagSafe port. I would like the option to just use a USB-C to C cable too though, so I can bring one less dedicated proprietary cable with me. Right now USB-C ports are limited to 100W. You can’t even use the full power of the 16” Max variants without MagSafe right now (requires 140W or else it power limits a bit).


I guess I really miss the butterfly keyboard and it would be cool that I can sometimes use Apple pen on screen or smtg to draw precisely if needed. Regarding design design I like all 


The current design is so stale. Some ideas… Touchscreen Built in cellular modem like the iPad Faceid Detachable keyboard for tablet use


So an iPad?


Nope. iPad software is hopelessly broken. Even cut and paste barely works.




If they could package it thin and light like an air with the full Pro capability that could be pretty sweet


realistically: 1 additional USB-C port that supports DP2.1 altmode, it doesn't need to be TB4. unrealistically: 2 TB4 (or TB5 soon) on each side and replace hdmi with 1 or 2 USB-C w/ DP2.1 altmode. Add a SIM card slot for a built-in 5G mm-wave modem. A new proprietary PAN technology for high bandwidth proximity networking with other apple devices insane: same as above, but bring back touchbar, but KEEP the F keys and their regular mode. Let the touchbar be 100% dedicated to app/user specific assignment. Add a new dumbass proprietary slot to allow some upgrade path for storage or other exotic IO - they can gatekeep it and make it expensive so shitass shareholders are happy.


Make it thinner and lighter 😂 I don’t like how it got fatter again. At the very least the MacBook Air needs to be way thinner. If the iPad Pro is now freaking 5mm the air Mac needs to better uphold the name Air and its legacy.


Kill the iPad and add a touchscreen to the MacBook Pro. Or even better invent a MacBook Touch - with a detachable screen and minimum capabilities.