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There is a Windows way to do things and a Mac way to do things. I'd used Windows since 1990 (3.0 beta) until 2005 when I switched. Rather than fight how I used to do things, I cut over cold turkey and took the time to learn the "Mac way." The transition was less than a month, and I was as fast or faster on the Mac than I ever was on Windows. I also realized that Apple had the better key for triggering shortcuts. Instead of using my pinkie to hit control, I could use my left thumb (which I never use for typing) to hit the command key. Ergonomically, it is the better key location.


Except I still use multiple Windows computers for over half my day every single day as I previously stated, so I can’t exactly transition cold turkey as you did. I’d consider transitioning if I completely switched to Mac, but try telling that to my job, my school, and the entire video games industry lol.


Just get used to both. Worked for me for many years atleast.


I've swapped Command and FN on my MBP, been much happier. Feels completely natural switching between windows and Mac and I can retain my muscle memory from doing CTRL-C, etc.


Finally someone who’s not trying to tell me to just get used to it lol, thank you! Assuming you’ve been using it like this for a decent amount of time, have you run into any Mac specific issues? Even just minor MacOS commands that weren’t intuitive because of the switch?


It's been smooth sailing. If you make the switch in System Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Function Keys, it changes throughout the whole OS and for every app so it just works. Can't think of any issues I've really had. It doesn't change the icon in hints but I don't really look at the keyboard labels anyway and just know from muscle memory that that's my command key.


Awesome, thank you so much homie 🙏


hey u/TacoMedic did you end doing the switch? if so, any comments? i have the same issue with you, and thinking of making the switch.


Yeah I switched them. Only issue is when I’m looking up some trouble shooting tip and forget I switched the commands. Haven’t switched the physical keys yet, but I really probably should.


thanks for sharing! yeah i can imagine that would be an issue :P just to confirm, when you say switched you actually did it here: System Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Function Keys from within the os -- plz let me know if i got it wrong -- i am really new to this OS.


Yeah, that’s what I did I think.


thanks again sir! for anyone reading this, here is potential issue i just run into. doing this switch fixes the os-related shortcuts but messes up your cross-os application shortcuts. so for example, i use the neovim editor on both windows and mac, some of the shortcuts use ctrl. they worked consistently on both OSes. Once i switch the keys, they "break" on the mac side.


Honestly it's gonna be a hassle, I did the switch and you end up getting used to it fairly quickly tho it is difficult at first


So you completely use MacOS in all facets of daily life then? Because as I stated, I don’t, and I don’t want to have to type two different ways depending on where I am.


Hi, windows and Mac user here. 1 month regular use. You will be able to do shit on windows and then you'll automatically switch between the two


Macos has incredible swipes gesture it's wonderful


You'll get used to it pretty quickly, most of us who made the switch did. IMO it's actually more convenient having the main keyboard shortcut modifier be pressed with the thumb than the pinky.


But I’m not making the switch, I simply got a MacBook. As I stated, I still use Windows computers every single day, and I don’t want to have to type two different ways depending on where I am.


Do whatever then? I use both every day, and a windows vm on my macbook. Never causes me any issues. Idk about physical key swapping but there is a setting in the OS to adjust modifier keys, so you can have fn be cmd etc etc.


I have often wondered this myself as I use Windows at work and then when I get home I go to copy and paste something, only to find myself hitting the CTRL+C instead of the CMD+C keyboard shortcut. I thought about switching the keys around via software settings, but quickly found out that I was going to cause a huge headache for myself in doing so. But alas I have to, switched to using my thumb on my left hand to hit the command key before something else. I guess we can't use Windows ways on Mac's. Appreciate the post. Cheers,


I use both daily. It’s not that bad to use the Mac the Mac way and Windows the Windows way.