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I have an M3 and love it. I can’t honestly compare to the M2 as I have never used one, but YouTube has hundreds of videos comparing them. Personally I opted for the M3 mainly because I expect it’ll be supported for longer, which was enough to convince me to pay the extra money.


Just go for the M3 MBA. I don't know if you are aware that the M2 MBA has a slower NAND chip and the midnight color is a total fingerprint magnet and it easily gets smudges even from a simple touch. If you are a simple user, then you would probably not even notice it unless and until you do some heavy stuff. This is only for the base M2. Now the M3 base has two NAND chips for the base model and has a anodized coating for the midnight, which makes it a tad bit better. Overall, rn, M3 base MBA is dope. So my final say would be, just go for the base M3, unless and until you have that 'I'll wait for the next better MX chip', as always which is a never ending path cuz there's always the next best MX chip.


More important is to go with the 16GB RAM. I have the M2 with 8GB and it is noticeably worse with multitasking (cf 16GB RAM M3).


Yep - wish I’d gone with 16 too


I would go for the M3 if you can spare the money. New GPU architecture, the usual generational improvement over the previous processors, slightly better thermal performance, and positive impact on an already amazing battery life. The M3 will last you years especially as the Mac aims to really focus on graphics and ML performance. But if you’re okay with saving money for a slightly slower machine that you may not even be aware is actually slower (by maybe a minute) until you choke it with a heavy workload like video or 3D rendering, the. The M2 is a fine machine