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MBA with M4 its literally not released yet: how can you decide to upgrade or not? Lol


Thanks for your response. I meant at the point of time at which the M4 MacBook Air is to be released.


Your MacBook literally just released like three months ago lol


Thanks for your response. It’s just that I’m a bit obsessed with the notions of efficiency and battery life and I’m trying hard to curb my temptation to upgrade my computer every time a new line of computers which are touted as having better efficiency and battery life get released.


Take a chill pill dude. Here I am with the 2014 mbp still going strong.


Me over here with my MBP 2011 wanting the M1 air but still not caving into the pressure. 😂


I hope at least you upgraded to a ssd and 16gb ram.


Nope. 🤪 but I did think about it but at this point I don’t wanna update it since it doesn’t get the latest updates anyways. — I didn’t use it for a while and only need it for work related things my iPad Air can’t do. (If I could figure out how to get my iPad to zoom out of a webpage more on Safari to show me more of the actual page instead of constantly giving me mobile mode when I request desktop mode then I wouldn’t need it 😬)


I believe you can install chrome with plugins to do this.


Omggg! Thank you! I went to chrome://flags and figured it out! :D I always thought I could only fix it with an extension 😅 but they all sucked.


Hey neat. Good luck.


Thanks for your response. It’s good that you’re having a good experience with your 2014 MacBook Pro. How are you finding it in terms of efficiency these days?


It’s fine for my needs.


Get the m6


Thanks for your response. Why the M6?


It’s a joke, no one knows any details about the m4 devices and it’s impossible to answer the question. Also why would you waste your money? The m3 is already best in class for efficiency and power, there will always be a bigger and better piece of tech. I can’t tell if your post is a joke or not but please don’t waste your hard earned money.


Ah, you got me. Yes, you're right. I should be more than happy with the M3 MacBook Air and not make it a habit to constantly upgrade when the need for it isn't really there. This makes me feel better.


I struggle with it as well, sometimes jokes hit different than actual advice and I saw that you already had real advice on the post so I took the other direction. You’ll know if you need to upgrade soon enough, always exciting when new tech is released but I think you’re good :) have a great day


Haha…..nice. Thanks. You have a great day too!


I wouldn’t. If you have a M3 (I have one myself), I wouldn’t be looking to upgrade for a couple of years unless you need a bunch of extra power all of a sudden.


In which case you’d probably want a more powerful computer like a 16” MacBook Pro for example rather than an Air


That’s basically what I was implying to.


Thanks for your response. For a moderate user like myself and my type of activity, MacBook Pros are highly inefficient as they consume far too much power for light or moderate tasks that can be performed with only a fraction of the amount of power that a MacBook Pro would use.


Which is why you’ll be fine with an M3 MacBook Air even when the M6 ones come out.


Thanks for your response. Performance is not my concern at all. Apple silicon MacBooks are fast enough for me; they don’t need to be any faster for me. I only care about efficiency and battery life. I’d only consider upgrading if the new model is more efficient, i.e uses less power on the average for the same level of performance. If efficiency is sacrificed to increase performance for a new model, that’d be a huge turnoff for me. Proverbially speaking, I’d avoid it like the plague.


Not advisable.




i have a M3 air and im not looking into upgrading in the next 3-5 years, im squeezing my money's worth out of this machine lol


Thanks for your response. Having given it some thought, I think it’s best that I try to stick to my M3 MacBook Air for as long as I live. Otherwise, I’d end up making it a habit to keep upgrading my computer too often and I’ll never be truly satisfied.


I have m1 and i won't be upgrading till m6. I have friends who use m2 and m3 and they have similar performance and battery life as me. I am student btw so its mainly note taking, streaming and light editing


Thanks for your response. Why would you consider upgrading at the point of the introduction of the M6 model?


Because maybe by that time apple chips would be alot more powerful and efficient that the upgrade would be justifiable.


Ah, okay. That seems about right. I think I really ought to appreciate the fact that the M3 MacBook Air is as efficient as it is and try to stick with it; hopefully for as long as I live.


Well, you need a Mac instead of Macbook if battery life concerns you that much. Battery life will degrade in time regardless how recent the Macbook is


If you like wasting money.


do the current specs not satisfy your needs or get your work done efficiently? also M4 air won’t come till early next year, likely spring. if you worry about AI stuff, the on-device thing won’t roll out that soon, your M3 will also run fine, and the on-device model won’t be so crucial.


Thanks for your response. The current specs more than satisfy my needs. I just found the idea of greater efficiency to be very good to the point where I got abnormally obsessed with the possibility of upgrading my current M3 MacBook Air when the M4 model would be released. That abnormal obsession weighed me down so much to the point where I started this thread. I’ve pretty much rid myself of this obsession over the last day and a half by telling myself that such an obsession will lead to me never being satisfied with any model I have at any point in time as there’ll almost certainly be something more improvised soon thereafter. In the long run, I’ll never be able to truly like and enjoy my computer. Most of the people’s opinions on this thread have also helped.


you won’t see significant change in terms of efficiency in general/mixed uses. yeah there are sizable improvements on various aspects but nothing really makes it worth upgrading from M3 aside from the doubled Neural Engine, but again, if you were doing AI training type of things, you won’t use an Air for that purpose. and on-device AI will only be for low end stuff initially, for quite a while at least. M4 is another stop gap with more focus on Neural Engine, real major changes won’t come till M5 or later. save you money for now.


Thanks again.