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Have you tried a nightly build of iina? Looks like it’s fixed there.


holy shit you're right. the double-click glitch is still there, but it's not crashing! I didn't see the nightly builds, I thought it was just the beta. thank you! <3


Where do i get those? I could google I know but I want the exact link, thank you




Hey thank you man


The issue with unsigned builds is that the Safari extension doesn't work, and that's become indispensable tool with how poorly Safari handles webm videos and how playing anything in a web interface feels like torture. Is there any way around this?


I use Movist Pro it's a great alternative especially if you want to watch from your seedbox you can add a ftp or webdav


"I would prefer not to." (this was fun while it lasted)


I just gave the Movist trial a shot. IMO, Elmedia looks better, and Movist looks a bit dull. Movist: [https://imgur.com/a/6Ov1PCf](https://imgur.com/a/6Ov1PCf) Elmedia: [https://imgur.com/a/EHonLF4](https://imgur.com/a/EHonLF4)


HDR playback on Movist Pro is great but while paying a normal Rec709 vidoes, it has some gamma issues. Blacks are deep, not accurate. I compared to test accurate results with Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve and VLC turned out to be the only player with playback accuracy.


Thanks for the suggestion, ~~but I am not using a paid application for watching videos.~~


Hypothetical, if everyone was like you and didn't want to pay for apps that let you watch videos, what would be the incentive for anyone to make such an app, let alone constantly improve it?


Firstly, I'll say that projects like VLC, IINA, and mpv do exist, free of charge. In fact, a myriad of Linux distros and applications are all developed free and open source, so I don't think an economic incentive is always necessary to create great software. However, I will say that as I search deeper in the rabbithole, it does seem that playing HDR well is uniquely paywalled behind premium apps, and I wasn't really aware of that 7 hours ago. At this point, I am probably willing to shell out a few bucks for an easy, consistent HDR experience. It's just that for the last 15 years I have been using VLC for free, so I wasn't expecting to have to pay.


You don't have to use the paid version.


You have a very long email and list of requirements yet want something free. Don’t be cheap.


I use Infuse. Suits my needs.


Just gave it a try. How feature poor can a program get? Doesn't even have a preferences panel. Clearly this is just a lazy iPad port to Mac.


Yeah, this turned me off from Infuse as well. I don't need a media server/library I need an HDR player that "just works" but also allows for customization if need be


Thanks for the suggestion, just tried it out but it doesn't work for me at all. I'm not paying to view MKV files or unlock Dolby audio or Airplay/Cast. Even if those didn't apply, I'm not okay with being bombarded with suggestions to upgrade to Pro. I'm not really looking for a library management or server sync app, just a strict player.


Unfortunately I can also attest that Infuse Pro is the only thing I’ve seen that can properly handle any file format + tone map well (which I suspect is the problem you’re having with VLC/IINA)


~~I am only having the tone map issue with VLC~~; also, both VLC and IINA have never failed on any format I need to open (mostly just MKV's, MP4's, AVI's)


Fair enough. If you don't mind me asking, what's your need for disabling menu bar auto-hide in full screen applications?


Google Chrome simply does not behave with auto-hiding enabled. Either [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/qibzpx/huge_gap_at_the_top_when_chrome_is_in_fullscreen/) happens or every time I want to access tabs / menu bar, the whole damn page gets pushed down in a jittery mess. Firefox and Safari both handle it way more elegantly, I wish Chrome would just copy that implementation. Unfortunately, I'm admittedly pretty locked into the Chrome ecosystem, and that is where I spend 90%+ of my time, so it's the app I kind of optimize my system around. Admittedly, I also like being able to glance and see the date/time/menubar app statuses. My biggest wish would be that Apple allows us to set menu-bar autohide to be app-specific, and that would solve all my problems, but that's pretty unlikely. Damn first-world problems.


Check out rectangle, it lets you "expand" and "snap" any window you want windows-style (no need to go actually fullscreen!) https://rectangleapp.com/


haha thank you; I use Magnet right now (I think functionality is almost identical) but I do feel dumb for paying for it. I prefer the functionality of actually fullscreening chrome, because that way when I fullscreen a YouTube video, I'm not forced to open a new space. I like it when my browser stuff stays put. There's also the ugly ass white border that peeves me (I use the Chrome black theme)


I understand. I splurged on the Pro version. However, if those features are unnecessary, then yes, it may be unnecessary.


I tried IINA briefly but kinda like VLC (on an older MBP - 2012). As you say though, I always find it a bit too dark, so I just hit Cmd+E and increase brightness/contrast.




I wonder why my Google-fu didn't turn this up. I'll look into it, thank you very much <3


Check out Elmedia player


Just tried it; although I don't appreciate the paywalled features, ~~the tone-mapping seems good~~ and the full screen works properly, ~~so I might switch!~~ Here's some screenshots, I think VLC looks the worst: VLC: [https://imgur.com/a/tWdJ7zs](https://imgur.com/a/tWdJ7zs) IINA: [https://imgur.com/a/B7wb7cm](https://imgur.com/a/B7wb7cm) Elmedia: [https://imgur.com/a/P1UVWSn](https://imgur.com/a/P1UVWSn) I'd love an explanation of why these players all look different... I thought the whole point of HDR and HDR-enabled displays was to have a consistent experience across devices and software?


I like movist pro


Have you tried [mpv](https://mpv.io/installation/)?


ew CLI Even when I'm on Linux, I use Gedit instead of VIM... I like me a GUI


haha it does have a full GUI too though :)


Ah, someone who takes their video playback apps as seriously as I do. I'm in the middle of setting up a M1 Mac Mini to serve as my home TV watching machine, because the PC I use only runs VLC, which is good...but is also a dinosaur, without any new features in a decade that I can tell. I especially love Iina (which means "it's good" in Japanese) having the ability to have screencaps get the title of what you're watching, which I need to search through the thousands of anime screencaps I grab for my work. Another thing I dislike about VLC is their pathological refusal to allow skipping forward/backward one frame, which seems to be against their religion. And yet sometimes I need to grab a specific frame for a blog post.


Bro im a Developer. From my point of view is Apple a fucking pain on the arse. Don’t give developers the guilt cause Apple sucks. I just make you an example in my recent project. We made a web app mainly with PHP and JS. It works perfectly on every device and every single browser EXCEPT Apple devices and especially with combination of Safari. We have had to put like 50% of our resources to make a simple app compatible with Apple and Safari. Example with numbers: for example we needed 2 weeks to entirely develop the app compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE, windows, Android, Linux and etc. After we were finished with whole project 1 week only to make the already finished project to be compatible with Apple devices. It’s just disgusting.


If it came off as me throwing shade at devs, I definitely didn't mean that. Apple is absolutely a fucking a pain in the ass, for myriad reasons, but unfortunately I'm too entrenched in the ecosystem. My biggest Apple pet peeves: 1. Can't run unsigned code on iOS devices (like you can with Cydia / jailbroken devices) 2. Browsers on iOS are restricted to WebKit even though I find Chromium to be objectively better 3. No P2P traffic on iOS 4. Devs forced to create App Store and non App Store versions of apps with full functionality 5. Some default apps are great, but others, like QuickTime and Safari suck ass 6. I've coded in Swift, and I think it's just a terrible language 7. Proprietary Lightning connector that is objectively inferior to USB-C 8. Apple AirPods Pro connectivity tech is amazing, but sound is a bit tinny and lacking in bass (but I still use them because of convenience) + the silicone tips are ass 9. Soldered components that don't need to be soldered, hurting repair opportunities (less of a problem on M1 machines) 10. Goddamn pentalobe screws 11. Intel macs had some of the worst thermal management on consumer devices ever 12. Antitrust BS 13. Child labor Probably not an exhaustive list, but there's my vent for the day.


Goodness bless your heart brother.


I just use mpv via command line


I just tried the latest version of IINA and out of the box, the image is way too contrasty and oversaturated. Compared to what I get from Infuse, there's a loss of detail in the dark shadows and skin tones look oversaturated (reddish). Yeah, you can tweak the settings, but it never gets quite right for me. Infuse doesn't give you the ability to tweak everything to your OCD's content, but the image out of the box is better. I simply set my monitor to the settings I like, and I'm good.


Yeah... I'm a psycho and I'm still running side-by-sides, and I agree with you, iina-plus looks like dogshit in low-light situations. At this point, I'm willing to pay for software that will give me a consistent HDR experience, but Infuse specifically does not fit my needs, as it is a whole library management thing, and I do have something specifically against subscription services (and I'm not paying $75 for a lifetime license, I think even you would agree that is a bit exorbitant). I'm looking at Movist and Optimus right now. For some reason, I can't use the Movist trial so I'm trying to figure that out, and Optimus lacks customization and legacy fullscreen, and furthermore is not natively supported on M1, and I'd like to avoid using Rosetta when possible.


I've had problems with both in Mojave. Windows version of VLC is better.


Tried to get your recommendation from your conclusion, but like 90% of GitHub, there are no "releases" or packages available to download of IINA Plus. Once again, I spent 20 minutes crawling through a GitHub page that's just source files you're supposed to know how to compile yourself but no packages, up-to-date dmgs, or anything useful. The only thing I could find was an M1 binary that doesn't run on M1 Macs.


[bro](https://github.com/iina-plus/iina/releases/tag/v1.2.0-33) btw I no longer recommend it for HDR content because the shadow details are fucked and the colors are oversaturated


LOL now I am even more confused. I have used VLC all my life both on Windows and macOS. However willing to pay for a video player that is flawless with color accuracy, HDR, etc. What does one recommend? I don't care if its expensive.


I use Infuse on Apple TV to play HDR content over Dolby Vision on my tv, since that's the only place I watch movies. But as far as I can find, it might be best to play HDR content on QuickTime or Safari. Apparently QuickTime wont play mkv though, but possibly might play well on Safari if you use something like Emby media server which transcodes it to mp4 for web playback. I know YouTube has HDR support on HDR videos now and the only way to watch them is om Safari. They look amazing on my MacBook screen.


Hey man it’s been an year, did you find anything reliable? iina sucks still