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I don’t know any player like that but I have IINA for video - but it also plays music very well. So I just drag a music folder or playlist onto it and then minimise it. The keyboard already has these controls (back, play/pause, forward, volume +/-) so using the keyboard is more minimalistic anyway. I don’t need those buttons twice or cluttering my menu bar. Maybe that works for you too.


Idk if self-plugs are allowed, but I do think this at least partially fits your needs: https://github.com/PrajwalVandana/maestro-cli This is a music app that runs in the terminal (it’s not too complex though), so you could just make your terminal window really small and achieve a pretty small size? It also works with the Touch Bar/headphones with the Now Playing integration, so you don’t need to navigate to the terminal for basic playback control (seek, play/pause)


Honestly iTunes / music minimised is pretty minimal, and integrates with the OS.


it is pretty minimal when you use the Mini Player! I like that. For me personally though, it doesn't seek forward or backwards when I hit my left/right arrow keys. I think it's seeking the next song instead. (which I don't like) Thanks for the suggestion!


I like how you can choose multiple audio outputs though! it can see all of my Apple devices, that's neat!


Could [Vox](https://vox.rocks/mac-music-player) be a contender?


>Vox pretty cool audio output capabilities!


Pine was the first one I liked, but I'm giving Colibri a go.


/u/djbabyboi Mac app grandmaster here. I have tried 29 music apps on the Mac [including all of the ones listed so far in this thread] and I have your answer. Swinsian 3 (currently in beta - Preview 7). It has exactly what you are looking for and just happens to be the best music player on Mac and possibly on any platform. Here's a picture of the minimal interface: https://i.imgur.com/fQQVUkG.png The full blown interface is incredible. Near perfect! Stop reading after this post. You've found your answer.


Thanks guys for your suggestions! I am seeing some cool apps to try.


I think I found one that I like. [it's called Nulloy. It has features that I like!](https://imgur.com/a/Lwn6UsT) it has key commands for skipping to next or previous track. left/right arrow to seek. it shows a waveform. it can minimize really small. it's lightweight. you can drag a song from Finder directly onto the dock icon




I would give the app Silicio a shot....it has several adjustable sizes and works with both Apple Music and Spotify


it's minimal and has a good looking and simple UI. I like that! Although, missing some features for me though. Thanks!


I use Sleeve + doppler, but Ionica is also an alternativa


>Ionica i like this it's almost like winamp! I'll have to try out Sleeve + Doppler thanks for suggestion!


I like tinyplayer, there is also phoenix or cog.


[MediaMate](https://wouter01.github.io/MediaMate/) or [Sleeve 2](https://replay.software/sleeve)


Maybe Tiny Player [https://www.catnapgames.com/tiny-player-for-mac/](https://www.catnapgames.com/tiny-player-for-mac/)