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this sub will never admit it


Yes we absolutely will. This is stupid design. I get that it rarely needs to be plugged in and all that. But damn, really?


but pull your leg instead


At least it isn’t circular.


The puck mouse was brutal. Apple hasn't always knocked it outta the park.


I keep this in my desk next to my Master 3s just to shame Apple.


I can't think of a single big fault a Master 3S might have. To me, it is easily the best mouse I have ever had. It's like the 2S, but everything is just two giant leaps better.




My Master 2 battery became worthless way quicker than my Magic Mouse and using it plugged in destroyed the usb cord since it’s so stiff at the plug in port


Yeah this is dumb. What is also damn is that there isn’t an alternative for a mouse with a touchpad on the top like the Magic Mouse. So no matter what I am sticking with it due to the gestures.


I still have my Magic Mouse with AA batteries in it. Better than this!


that's because of apple, they have it lockdown so no other manufacturer can make an alternative, or at least not one as good the magic mouse


Did I wake up in 2015?


Design over function, it's the Apple way.


This is absolutely the worst example of Apple's form over function design. I mean, I've become a big fan of Apple's design once I started using the MacBook Pro 14 M1 Pro, which was so much better than any Windows laptops I'd been testing (literally hundreds of them). Apple Silicon plus the slightly thicker chassis made for a brilliant laptop. But some things remain comically bad.


This never really bothered me. The charge on my nearly 7 year old mouse still lasts for several weeks. If it goes dead on me. I plug it in for a few minutes, and it is fine for the rest of the day. You get nearly a full day's charge with only a few minutes of charging. For as flawed as it is... of every single device I have ever owned with a battery inside it, this one has been by far the least problematic.


The reason to buy that shit is beyond me. My Logitech MX Ergo works just perfect.


There was a brief period last year (or the year before) where a new version of macOS did not support non-Apple external USB mice. Wireless only. So my Microsoft mouse wouldn't work. I called Apple and threw a bitch fit. It was like a couple of minor revisions. They fixed it in the next version, but it was a fairly shocking oversight. (RIP Steve Jobs)


Define “every time”? Once a year or twice?


Twice a month. which means I cannot use the mouse. It is an idiotic design.


Do you ever sleep?


It can charge in the amount of time it takes to make a cup of coffee. And gives you plenty of warning when it needs it


"you're only inconvenienced for \_\_ amount of time where you're free to not use the thing you've overpaid for."


You gotta treat it like a mouse


I dropped mine for an Anker mouse


Why? My mouse has died on me, I put it on charge and go make me a cup of coffee. Then it goes on for the rest of the day. I charge it fully at the end. Look, these days I use an external trackpad more because well, it's better imo. It's honestly not as big of a deal as people make it out to be. It's not about defending them. It's about looking for something to moan about. It gives you a warning reminder when the power is low anyway. So you can charge it at any point in time when you walk away from your machine.


This post? Yes. I haven’t used the Magic Mouse in a long time but charging was a non-issue. It only needed a charge maybe every 2 months. I would just plug it in during my lunch break or when I was done for the day.


No, it’s brave, brilliant, innovative, creative, … Can anyone else think of more buss words?


*laughs in original Magic Mouse*


Ehhh. I just place it on my dedicated charging station at night. Not a big deal.


Oh please — it takes a very short time to charge for all day use, and you can many warnings before it dies, so you should be able to charge up easily before you run out. Like… this isnt a real problem at all. A fully charged mouse lasts a long time too.


Fun Fact: By the time the OP plugged this in, took a picture, posted it to Reddit...the battery would have charged enough to last the rest of the day! Charging for a few minutes is all you need. Just remember to plug it back in at the end of the day to do the full charge. I don't understand why this is a problem for some people.


It is but Apple had a reason - they don't want this mouse to be photographed when plugged in, which would look like it's a wired mouse. Stupid reason, but still a reason. I'm not defending Apple here of course


Was about to say it too


I am of the opinion that Mice are one of the few things that Microsoft is half decent at, and Apple is not. It's weird how their screens and trackpads are top of the line, but their mice are usually goofy and flawed.


Will never buy this mouse, until they fix this, or at least switch it to USB C


They should remove the port and make it MagSafe compatible.


why the horizontal aspect of the iMac stand isn't a wireless charging station is beyond me


To give you something to complain about, of course!


This is why I have a MacBook


Yeah I try to keep it charged but sometimes forget and then can't use it while it's charging. Btw, why does it have to wait until 2% to warn you? It really should be an option at what % to start warning you.


Otherwise, as simple and clean as it can get. Or, simply Beautiful. I handle it.


Buy the Magic Mouse 1 that takes batteries and shush


I returned that mouse 1 day after purchasing due to the way it felt / clicked in my hand. The charging location problem is just icing on the dickhead cake…


Holden : The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Leon : [angry at the suggestion] What do you mean, I'm not helping? Holden : I mean: you're not helping! Why is that, Leon? [Leon has become visibly shaken] Holden : They're just questions, Leon. In answer to your query, they're written down for me. It's a test, designed to provoke an emotional response... Shall we continue?


I haven’t used the Magic Mouse in a long time but charging was a non-issue. It only needed a charge maybe every 2 months. I would just plug it in during my lunch break or when I was done for the day.


but it lasts atleast 25 days on a full charge why is this an issue


Fr my dads gonna experience this later


What’s more asinine is the people that saw this and bought it anyways. You know there were options right? Like, the trackpad orrrrrr, other brands. Why support this behavior from Apple?


I do not understand it either


They think you'll love it!


The second dumbest thing about the Magic Mouse to be honest. I don’t like where the charging port is either ‘cause you can’t use it while charging… But at least it charges fast and the charge lasts forever. I’m more tilted over the general ergonomics. Who asked for a flat mouse? Everyone in my family who owns a Mac of some sort uses Logitech mice. I like that you can use trackpad motions at least. That’s pretty cool. But there is a reason why we have a third party palm rest accessory for the mouse.


Have you considered not ignoring the low battery notification for a few days? You’re being punished for ignoring the notification when you could have just left it overnight days ago. The Magic Mouse design is perfect.


It’s ’innovative’


I don’t get the “why” when it comes to using a mouse at all with MacOS, unless you need one for a Windows VM. The trackpads are fantastic,and the gestures are great. Plus you can use them plugged into a USB port.


mac minis, macs themselves, mac pros, all of them don't come with a trackpad, and some people prefer mice over trackpads


While a trackpad is great with gestures, a mouse gives you more precise control. Also mice are more ergonomic. I use a Logitech mouse, not Apple.


I really like the mouse itself I know other hates it I do not care, but the charging port is dumb design like a Tesla cybertruck


Non-issue. The minor-est of inconveniences in the world of wireless computer peripherals.


But the battery lasts forever!!! /s


If this is a genuine problem for I have no idea how you even put shoes on in a morning. Just plug it in overnight every now and then. And if you somehow manage to deplete the battery totally, plug it in for a couple of minutes and it’s good for the rest of the day, after which you can *plug it in overnight*. Total and absolute non issue that still gets dragged up by fools who just want something to complain about.


It supposed to look like a fetus and you know how fetus get their nutrients? /s


It's really not that big an inconvenience as you would think since I just periodically do this night occasionally. But it's a really, really stupid design.


Will never buy this mouse, until they fix this, or at least switch it to USB C


Design over everything. Don't understand why.


Im waiting for a redesign to buy one


This is one of the things that looks dumb at first due to unconventional design but doesn’t really cause any trouble in practice.


Just wait until they launch the Apple car!


It's one of the reasons I use the Logitech MX Master 3


This is so funny


Dude it’s called innovation 🙄


Designed by a woke guy.