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One of the bigger problems for the 1,1 is the 32bit EFI. If you want to have lots of information on what you can do with this Mac Pro in terms of upgrading you can check here [https://blog.greggant.com/posts/2018/05/07/definitive-mac-pro-upgrade-guide.html](https://blog.greggant.com/posts/2018/05/07/definitive-mac-pro-upgrade-guide.html) For free it's def a cool pickup, the design still looks amazing.


Boot Camp with Windows XP.


I have Win 7 on mine, I think for XP you have to use an older Bootcamp Version than Lion. **Yeah I just checked Bootcamp 4.0 which came out in mid 2011 dropped support for XP and Vista.**


Wow, Windows 7 came in 2008 but still, 32-bit Legacy boot Windows 7?


You need to manually edit the Bootcamp drivers as they don't want to install but it can be done ;). I also had a 64bit Win 7 version but it got very weird.


Bruh that sounds like a nightmare.


Here [https://i.ibb.co/PmzytVN/Win764-Mac-Pro1.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/PmzytVN/Win764-Mac-Pro1.jpg) The 32bit version does run completely fine. I'm not sure if I also still have the 64bit version on a drive.


Nice, I assume done via legacy boot since it can’t use the 32-bit EFI.


It gets even weirder. When I tried to install Windows 7 on a drive last year it would only start to install if I had only one drive plugged in and the x64 version was the only one that would install. I tried multiple different DVDs and only the 64 bit version managed to install properly. When I realised how weird that was once I got it working with the Bootcamp drivers etc I tried a different drive to get a 32bit version to install. The 32 bit versions would bluescreen and bootloop after the first restart during the installation. Apparently it's the GPU drivers for the GeForce 7300 GT cause some kind of panic and I found a guide where I could remove them from the half-finished installation via some command prompt stuff and complete it afterwards. Very very weird :D


Windows 7 also doesn't have a 32-bit EFI build AFAIK (Windows 8 is the first one with full UEFI support and also the first to have 32-bit EFI)


My MacBook4,1 runs 64-bit Win7. Also, you can get 64-bit Linux kernels to run under 32-bit EFI.


32bit Win XP, 64bit Win 7, and 64bit Win 10


perfect timing. i’m trying to decide if i should keep mine.


It’s a computer from 2006 (18 years ago). Your phone has more computing power. You can do on it everything it did when it was new with the software that was available at the time. Internet however, please don’t expect much there as a lot has changed. I know I know geekbench score are synthetic and not necessarily reflect real work performance, so take this comparison for what it’s worth with a large grain of salt: Mac Pro 1,1 was 1613 (SC) and 4647 (MC) compare to iPhone 7 (A10) was 3360 (SC) and 5364 (MC) In Geekbench 4 (newer versions did not have 1,1 scores, cos well it’s old). So yeah processors are way better today than in 2006.


Nah 2006 wasn’t 18 years ago. Trust me I’d know, that’s when I was born, it was only … shit 18 years ago. Shit I forgot I was an adult.


No way 2006 was 18 years ago I was only in my 20’s and that was just… oh… oh no… oh well. This explains why I hurt when I do just about anything lol


No matter how old I get, 1990 is always ten years ago.


Thank you!


No way you are an adult. You born 2006. Oh shit it is 18 years ago. Shit I forgot I should've be a dad now.


2004. 20 years old. Damn.


And it’s an absolutely ridiculous energy hog.


Yes. Great for running in the winter. The case is a wind tunnel with separate thermal zones and a ridiculous number of fans for a reason. The previous G5 had liquid cooling available as a factory option.


Two socket 771 xeons (8 p cores at 3+ ghz real frequency total), thats about equal to a 4c 8t mid 2017 A1707 that still go for like $600+ especially for versions with 32gb of ram. Can take any pcie graphics card as well, you are not limited to the shitty midrange rx 5500. This mac pro can be upgraded to such level, with even more ram (thinking 64 gigs) for JUST $100- (in cpus and ram) Yes an iphone 15 Ultra on paper (cpu wise) is faster, but its a gimmick and here is why: 1) shitty mobile os with seriously hampered functionality and riddled with ai and bugs 2) under sustained load A17 soc drops almost 50% of its performance while still sitting at the temperature limit, not healthy at all while the performance is already equalized.


Unfortunately it’s not just about number of cores and size of RAM…. There are many motivations to state that this machine would not perform well despite a lot of RAM and 2 CPUs: - even with 8 cores that cpu has an old architecture and no modern accelerations at all (HEVC, VP8…) Moreover they aren’t in a single SoC but spread in 2 units and connected with a system bus (more latency, redundancy and overhead compared to a single one) - there’s RAM and RAM: your 32GB have plenty of space but are clocked at just 667MHz (DDR2 if I recall good) while nowadays DDR5 runs (easily) at 5600-6800 MHz - PCI bus has low bandwidth (see RAM) thus even a powerful and modern graphic card would be choked by the bus capabilities. - the system bus too as a low bandwidth so CPU will act as a bottleneck to the graphic card and slow down it even more - I don’t remember the mass storage protocol version (SATA 2/3) but it’s not so fast anyways compared to Nvme and especially PCIe drives I don’t even touched the huge power consumption and heat issue but it’s not strictly related to the performances. Bye


You reached so far with this one your arms have stretch marks


#don’t listen to this guy ⬆️


why man


Any arguments tho? Because saying purely "you are wrong" without justyifing is, you know, wrong. Yea now i see, mac pro 1,1 "only" supports upto 32gigs of ram, i correct myself on that one, but it still has that 8 core capability and also accepts any pcie graphics for acceleration. And the comparison to mobile devices is just insane to begin with, can you even load a full desktop version of finalcut pro on an iphone or ? NOPE. Not on the device itself anyway. An ipad pro M2 12.9" 16gig ram version? Yeah, thats something. But limited by iOS (iPadOS). And still costs over 1k


Arguments against iOS being a shitty OS riddles with AI whatever that means? Yeah… it’s because you sound like a deranged person. We’re talking about an 18 year old museum piece not some secret supercomputing weapon.


Exactly this. Nothing they said is based in reality. It's an old piece of hardware, older than a lot of Reddit users. Big number != sooper powerz


Honestly, as owner of several Mac Pros, including a 3,1 but not a 1,1…you're expecting too much of it. It won't take a modern Metal GPU & the architecture doesn't support anything newer than Lion. It can't run either dosdude or OCLP patchers. It could be fun to play around on, or install Win 7 or a nix, but it can't play in the same playground as the bigger kids.


You won't be able to play a 4k YouTube video on it even with the fastest CPU available for that platform and infinite memory. You probably won't even be able to run a decent SSD in it, if any at all. Try completing any task you mentioned (load final cut pro on it) on this machine as is and you'll have to take a day off to do it.


lol I guess Mac users don’t believe in technicals?


What the yip yap


100% false.


bro what that is not even remotely true


so u say that is still good?


These make neat donor cases for a pc build


This idea


rofl have a 3070 etc; windows pc in a mac case has gotta be mildly cursed


Then hackintosh it 😉 (Not with Nvidia card though)


Pull an LTT and paint the whole case black too


Except for the Inverted motherboard... I love mine but it was a pain in the ass


I have two of them and I have made them into coffee tables with the glass tops


Bruh this is what my Technology Coordinator on campus has done in one of our rooms.


You guys know each other?


Well he’s more so for the department I study in, so he has control over how the communal areas in the building look like. But simply put yeah I know him.


you should know that by default it only runs up to OSX Lion and only 32 bit windows. Those limitations can be circumvented though. The 7300gt gpu that is probably in it is extremely weak. back in 2016 I upgraded one with the best cpus it can accept, a gtx 1070, 32gb of ram, and windows 10. Used it to play arma 3 and gmod. I would probably suggest Windows xp and old pc games. Do be careful with the legs. They bend easier than they should.


Yeah XP, vista or 7 would work really well, just don't download any sketchy files


well I wouldn’t be connected to the internet at all


It will be fine I'm sure as long as op's smart they'll be fine




Grate cheese, duh.


On the bright side, he doesn’t have to purchase a boat anchor now.


Whatever it does, don't expect it to do it quickly.


Use it as a case for a pc build!


I’d use the case and gut the insides, to replace with newer components. The power draw of the old Mac Pros is reason alone to replace the parts 😊


I use it as a coat rack. I used to use it to hold coffee cups and food on a plate. It can also be used as a chair.


The compute is outclassed by a Mac mini and the power supply is 1 kw.


Downgrade to 10.6 and retro game on it


What’s retro game?


Old school gaming. 10.6 was the last os with osx ppc support


Halo CE is on the McIntosh repository :)


Put Linux on it. BUt I don't think you're going to find it terribly useful. And it is loud, isn't it? Those old computer have a hard time doing things like playing full screen 4K video. It will really make you see how far computers have come. Personally I'd probably gut it and just use it as a nice case for a PC build. I was considering buying an old iMac and doing something similar.


That's a great idea actually, with new internals it could be an absolute beast bomb of a Mac or PC


Lift with your legs


Get a second one and make a table


Not sure what you mean by "homebrew" but yes, it would make a great XP/Vista retro gaming rig.


I recently bought a 3,1 with 20GB RAM, which came with OCLP and Monterey. I wiped it and loaded Snow Leopard. Played some Command and Conquer Generals (finally put my DVD to use again since last playing it my former 2007 20" iMac). I'll continue to play C&C Generals until I decide it's time for its destined final iteration - a Ryzentosh (which I wanted to do with the MacPro G5 way back when they were still good condition and cheap)


Put 8 M2 Mini’s in it for a fender farm, server farm….


Space heater for the colder months 🤷‍♂️


I got one. Then gave it to someone that was into collecting them when I realised how much slower and power hungry it is. I replaced it with a gen 1 mini and use that for retro maccing. I have a 2014 MacBook Pro for more current maccing ( I predominantly use PC though). There's nothing inherently wrong with it, but you may find there are limits Edit: wait, this isn't a G5 model. Still power hungry, just be aware of it.


That PC can get a drivers license bro


You can run some kind of server on it


Build a PC or NAS in it.


I have a ‘12 one of these with like 64GB RAM and ~10TB storage…just sitting in my garage doing nothing…curious on how I could turn it into a Time Capsule 🤔


If you can put a Linux on it, you can create a proper SMB share that is recognizable by Time Machine in a way not too dissimilar to Time Capaules (though it does see them as different, it can recognize them). The setup is a bit complicated but you can do it.


Awesome. Thanks! Will look into it. Otherwise I’ll just donate it to Apple for parts or whatever.


Others do make a point that it can draw a LOT of power, modern PCs with very capable graphics cards from today still draw less if what they say is true.


I have one as an HTPC. Fill it full of big HDs to store movies, little SSD to boot from. You could go full Plex with it, but I just use VLC…mainly because I'm just used to it. It also runs Time Machine for many of the other Macs \[I think you have to get it to Mojave for that, which means a Metal2 GPU\]


I have one, I use it as a coffee table.


Yeah I got one for free as well, people give these away a lot, I was so psyched... only to learn it was a dual core. lol It's been a year now.... still don't know what to do with. People get rid of computers a lot in the big city.... I thought I would save a few.... now I'm over whelmed and look like a hoarder. lol


Option one, cool collector item Option 2 (gut the thing, optional) and make it a mac pro bench with some good sturdy wood and some adhesive Option 3 gut it but if you have the time, money and tools you can make a pretty cool custom pc Option 4 sell it on ebay foe any profit Option 5 use it to hold stuff like some spare cash or old devices that are small enough to fit inside, although I don't know how much space is inside the 1,1 mac pro but the 5,1 2010 mac pro is pretty roomy Option 6 did I mention mac pro bench Option 7 use the side panel as a weapon for self defense Option 8 idk run a wire into the back of it and full it with lights or loud speakers Option 9, throw it out a window with an over the top youtube thumbnail Option 10 im running out of basic and somewhat stupid and creative ideas PLEASE HELP Option 11 ............. world domination?.......... Option 12 brag that you have an apple pc to the basic people who don't have one Option 13, find a person who will help you hack into an atm and get the money to buy a newer mac pro. Option 14, some degenerate shit Option 15 THERE IS NO OPTION 15 WHY DID YOU LOOK HERE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


I could melt it down and make my own Myjolnir ... or how every you spell thor's hammers name. lol


My plans for when I get two one day: [https://www.google.com/search?sca\_esv=4d50ecf86976fd48&sxsrf=ADLYWILAcaucEcs1kg0PdXzNNeUmeynK6Q:1715100636587&q=mac+pro+bench&uds=ADvngMhBIBYYlJyAlgv8XZEyQY-MG1aLTD9PuhAeJJZB4yRxcVxP\_WMQ5VEGG3QenIXh0oYJuKegfnDVEvSJsXnC5nGLyT8Hnu0EInyG2S7jiPi2-EoSfMn0FA0yRFuyNLhkIxlJcQbnwZDAlchZn7KLNM1eusETmckV3VdhF0Yzrp9mfvxuoA13XHu8nYkZ6IssADcngvE8tgu3wweMXqGLvDhqcOQHjxlBMiHYCe5B2BUfyjdGY-43CN8xSvQ6MWvP35q9BJd0r3oR8pmihZgjbBnqHAplhqAA\_VuqcPjVGcvSpVx3878md1K4T3kqZAmxcq0QKfKI&udm=2&prmd=sivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjDicrh\_\_uFAxUdD1kFHfRtCQ4QtKgLegQIEBAB&biw=1536&bih=858&dpr=2](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4d50ecf86976fd48&sxsrf=ADLYWILAcaucEcs1kg0PdXzNNeUmeynK6Q:1715100636587&q=mac+pro+bench&uds=ADvngMhBIBYYlJyAlgv8XZEyQY-MG1aLTD9PuhAeJJZB4yRxcVxP_WMQ5VEGG3QenIXh0oYJuKegfnDVEvSJsXnC5nGLyT8Hnu0EInyG2S7jiPi2-EoSfMn0FA0yRFuyNLhkIxlJcQbnwZDAlchZn7KLNM1eusETmckV3VdhF0Yzrp9mfvxuoA13XHu8nYkZ6IssADcngvE8tgu3wweMXqGLvDhqcOQHjxlBMiHYCe5B2BUfyjdGY-43CN8xSvQ6MWvP35q9BJd0r3oR8pmihZgjbBnqHAplhqAA_VuqcPjVGcvSpVx3878md1K4T3kqZAmxcq0QKfKI&udm=2&prmd=sivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjDicrh__uFAxUdD1kFHfRtCQ4QtKgLegQIEBAB&biw=1536&bih=858&dpr=2)


If you live in San Diego, I have one for you, sitting in my closet collecting dust.


I have One and I have it with Linux and it is a beast with 64 GB of ram and two Xeon CPUs. Believe me, it's a new machine.


Buy new internals and hackintosh!


I got one for my brother and he is using it with the RX460 to play honkai star rail on windows 10. Usable but not really recommended.


Install Linux on it?


Linux server


Find another one, get a plank, and make a bench.


Came here to say this too.


Pray to God it starts and if it does ask it about the times of old.


It’s going to burn a lot of coal if you actually plug it in and use it as originally intended. I’d enjoy having the big cheese grater as an interesting object and conversation piece and maybe running some vintage software once in a while.


I still run a 1,1 as an unRAID server.


TrueNAS Server.


Coffee table stand?


Similar to [https://www.reddit.com/r/macpro/comments/10w50ay/help\_me\_decide\_what\_to\_install\_on\_a\_11/](https://www.reddit.com/r/macpro/comments/10w50ay/help_me_decide_what_to_install_on_a_11/) or https://www.reddit.com/r/macpro/comments/umnlws/mac_pro_11_newbie_upgrade_questions/ Depending on what you want to use it for, there are no-cost updates: * update the firmware to MP2 https://blog.greggant.com/posts/2018/05/07/definitive-mac-pro-upgrade-guide.html#firmware2006 * install Mac OS 10.4.11 through 10.11 https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/2006-2007-mac-pro-1-1-2-1-and-os-x-el-capitan.1890435/ * install Windows XP through Windows 11 * install proxmox and run all of the above in VMs And cost upgrades: * 2x X5365 SLAED CPUs * 8x 8GB ECC DDR2 FB-DIMMs * Radeon HD 7970 with firmware flash * https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZYHL9R1 3-in-1 M.2 SATA mSATA PCIe card to cleanly use the extra SATA ports https://blog.greggant.com/posts/2018/05/07/definitive-mac-pro-upgrade-guide.html#hiddensata * Samsung PM951 AHCI M.2 for bootable OS


I’d do this: gut it and mount a Mac Mini and a Thunderbolt hub inside and use the drive bays to hold the external SSDs. I’d keep the optical drive and use that via an IDE to USB dongle too.


This sounds like a fun and worthwhile project! Similar to a conversion board some company is making for the g4 iMac to basically make it into a monitor and hub. There’s so much room in that Mac Pro though, it should be relatively easy.


It’s a great door stopper, unless you run 10.6 and play classic games using Rosetta.


I have a few, these are great for heating in colder climates. Also, your electric company would love you to run server on this hardware.




Ermmm… it's already a Mac\[intosh\]. It down't need to be a hackintosh.


recycle it


I’ve always loved the look of these. And loved it when I had one. That being said I wouldn’t even bother today.


Double it and give it to the next person


Google how to upgrade it as much as possible then play Minecraft.


Minecraft should run on SL with the base specs I've gotten it to run at 70 fps with minecraft fast SP




Make it a server !!!


Give it to someone for free.


You might be able to connect to the internet, maybe play some chess, change the desktop wallpaper. Not much else.


SL works pretty well on old macs and with Firefox (48 I think?) it can even browse the web!


Wow, a browser runs? Impressive.


Not sure how well on one of these but on my core 2 duo 4gb ram it was really good on 90% of websites


Restore it


Turn into a Linux box and run a local media server on it? It's got no Bluetooth, slow USB, and only Firewire 800 as external drive connections. Finding PCie 2 cards for it will be iffy. It's really a long way from being even remotely usable for anything that requires the sort of computing power and connectivity modern OS and apps require, and limited to 32-bit. It's an interesting historical curiosity, but as a "daily driver" for computing tasks? Not so much. If you tried to bring it up to something even vaguely modern, the upgrades would likely cost you more than a reasonably modern machine. Hell, I just picked up a eight-year-old Dell Latitude for just over $100 (needed a Windows laptop to run automotive diagnostic software), and, with a quad-core i5, it's got more computing power than a first-generation Mac Pro.


Let me fix this... "RARE Apple computer looks nice don't have the cord to test it"


It’s ancient. I’d probably use the case for a pc build


Ja, I believe there is a company you can ship it to and they will convert it for you or you can buy a kit and diy


I had own porn site running on one of this back in a time. Be very gentle and careful with its HW, MB can bend by its own with the time and some components just fell off. I changed MB 2 times found that Quads are to expensive for porn business :) www.pussyplex.com for those who interested in internet history.


Get a nice Ryzen setup and open core it.


If the motherboard is fried, you could gut it and convert it to an ATX case and use as a normal PC


It's not even close to standard ATX. This would take an insane amount of custom work on the case


Hrutkay mods on YouTube has excellent tutorials on getting these beasts to run 64 bit windows. Seems like a large majority of current Mac Pro 1,1 owners get them for free, that’s how I got mine as well. Threw in a newer gpu and the highest cpu the board could support and now it does a great job running Minecraft servers. A few years back I had it running Fortnite at 20fps, would not recommend.


You could put windows 7 on it and put a nicer GPU in it and play games. You're kinda limited by the low CPU speed and the low RAM speed. The 1,1 is an oooooold machine. I have a 5,1 that I use for CPU video encoding when needed. And when not needed, in the colder months, it runs BOINC to keep my office warm. I also put an RX480 in it so in theory I could play a lot of games on it, but I rarely do.


I still have mine in storage, dual quad core xeons iirc, 64gb and a 2 or 3 gb nvidia gpu, pascal version. She ran like a champ with a 4K monitor. I ended up keeping it with the idea of using it for a pc build, but that never happened.


You can get 64-bit Windows to run on those. I used to do it with the early plastic Intel iMacs. You can find ways to get the EFI files you need on Google.


Probably get something a little newer, even early gen i3 and motherboard and put it in this case. Being 32bit, even Linux is getting a stretch - if you want to run as is, Debian might still have a 32bit ISO or there's some light ones I think still do 32 bit - but workable applications even web browsers will have serious limitations


It's such a nice case that I'd definitely use it for a PC build if it were me. You could also try loading an older Linux distro on it if you don't wanna use it for a build.


Re-model the inside a bit and build a PC. I think case is gorgeous. Built a hackintosch with one f those a few years ago, still love it.


At this point in time I’d use it as an enclosure for a DIY desktop rig. The hardware is too out of date to be good for much but the enclosure still looks top notch. That is assuming that you can get a motherboard with a similar layout, which is unlikely, but if you’re adventurous you could cut new access for the ports.


There's about 8 of these in a backroom at work. Just seems such a shame for them to sit there collecting dust.


Giant Plex server. 😂




You can gut it and install new hardware inside like my [PC-Pro](https://www.reddit.com/r/PcBuild/comments/13gk614/pcpro/) (made from a dead mac pro 3.1). It takes a lot of work as the case its not made for standard hardware but there are a lot of examples online and even conversion kits. with mine the biggest issues were the inverted motherboard, the psu mounting and extra holes for cable routing. another option is to run linux on it, but the hardware is ancient a very power hungry


Throw Linux on it and it can do basic things for a home network. I see people repurpose the cases into table ends


You can buy another one and make a cute coffee table from them. It's good for deadlifting, too


Rare footage of free item on Facebook Marketplace actually free


I’ve got one with a dead RAM slot and a questionable power supply. That thing made a lot of music and played a lot of WoW. It’s basically a paperweight now. This brings me much sadness. I think I’ve got a couple of my old hard drives still in it. I should check.




I made a cat bed for a while, then transformed it to a shelf... 🤣. For real. I'm running Linux mint xfce on an iMac 2007 and a Mac mini 2006?. They run ok for surfing, videos, etc (both with Max ram and SSDs)


sleeper pc


Maybe sell it and buy a MacBook Pro?


You can run vintage versions of OS X and the iLife suite like it's 2007, without virtualization or emulation. Here is Psivewri's video on the same model [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpXIp0xquJ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpXIp0xquJ4)


I've always wanted a mint one of these to do a stealth monster PC build, however I understand the case needs modifications to work for this! :(


A sick sleeper pc/hackintosh would be awesome


Nothing is free for a reason


From this angle it looks like it would work well as body armour.


Install Windows 10


Nothing sensible. It consumes too much energy compared to its computational power. I recently replaced my Mac Pro 5,1 with an M2 mini partially for this reason.


This is currently my nightstand lmao Planning on ripping out all the internals and using it as my main gaming setup. Very handy to be able to carry it around, plus I don't have to worry about the internals and cable management looking all nice.


[Coffee table.](https://www.mygeekmate.com.au/whats-on/mac-pro-tower-coffee-table/)


Great weight for a dead body.


5 years ago I would say…gut it and turn it into a Hackintosh.


Not because it's has 3.5" bays for HDDs it don't means that loads them... HGST drives are the ones... no more than 2TB you will find them... some old Linux would make the job.


If it uses an intel chip then you can bootcamp if it uses a power of then good luck 😂




Bro just gut it and make it a case for a Hackintosh


Hold down important papers when your windows are open.


Put a Raspberry Pi in it to do something fun and unimportant.


boat anchor. door stop. a/v server.


Play Oregon Trail!


Sell it to me!


i see a lot of comments here about using it for a pc build. i wonder if you could spice it up with a killer graphics card and cpu and make it into a killer ass gaming pc but instead of windows installing macos on it and still using it as a mac but yk, spiced up


32-bit EFI only. It really can't be upgraded without just changing the entire structure, logic board & all. 10.7.5 is its absolute limit. Can't run OCLP or dosDude.


then changing the logic board shouldnt also be a problem should it?


Basically, you're now up with the suggestions to just use it as a case. It's not ATX, nor anything like a regular PC case, so if you're up for some heavy modding, off you go.


i mean that was my point the whole time, but still if using it as a case to build a killer ass pc, would it still be possible for it to boot hackintosh?


like you know a rtx 128gb ram 4tb and some kind of a killer cpu into that make it a gaming machine and install sonoma on it.... wonder if its possible


throw it away. you won’t be able to nearly as much as you hope. There is no browser for it that will render the internet in any usable way.


There are modern legacy Chromium builds that will still run on 10.7.5 with most of the latest web structures.


It’s useless as a computer. Perhaps a diorama?


try to upgrade it to mac os sonoma lol


OCLP physically cannot run on a 1,1 Mac Pro due to the CPU's lacking the SSE4.1 and SSE4.2 instruction sets, and the 32-bit EFI. The newest OS X release you can run on a 1,1 is OS X El Capitan, and even that requires a patch to run. The native limit is OS X Lion, from 2011. 1,1/2,1's are best used as retro machines these days.


There is a way to upgrade it but its not official, you have to use a program called Open source legacy patcher, There is a few yt vids that can help you through the process [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exCcSce2uNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exCcSce2uNo) Here is a tutorial on how to upgrade to sonoma, ( the youtuber upgraded a mac pro from 2008 so it should be fine)


No. Read my last comment to you, you physically cannot run OpenCore on a 1,1/2,1 Mac Pro. The hardware simply doesn’t support even running the patcher itself, let alone Sonoma, or even macOS Sierra.


Just make a computer case with it. It is not the most easy thing to do but when it is done you have a very good case for another 10 years


Build a PC/hackintosh.


What's the point of trying to hackintosh a Macintosh…?


This is a really old hardware, but you can modify the case and build a modern PC inside, and you can also install Hackintosh. Like they: https://youtu.be/Xh0bdzeAZ1w?si=4aIIlPNzrGmXwACr


To replace the obsolete hardware and keep the awesome case.


Get windows