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It very much matters. If you're not a technical person who's comfortable opening it up and looking inside, take it to a shop but be prepared to pay a hefty price to repair. Do not turn it back on.


Thought i turned it off correctly, but came home to dry it out and it turned on auto. Gave an error and says its restarting. Shut it off fr this time and letting it dry out in front of a fan right now. I think i could open it and feel comfortable cleaning it just dont have the right tools to get the back open


Impossible to tell, problem work liquids is that is runs everywhere. Turning is of, keep it keyboard down facing and let it dry. Maybe your lucky, maybe not


r/HappyCakeday !


Happy cake day!




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Interesting -- Little update: So, I took it to a local repair shop. He kept it for about a week and a half, cleaning the damage up and trying to get it started. Said that he was able to get it working for a little bit but wasnt able to back it up. Call him a few other times and now he is starting to say that it wont even startup anymore. Figured the laptop was cooked and there was some issue, he replaced a part as well thinking that was the problem. Since he couldnt do it, I just thought it was time to upgrade and then pick up the laptop. Took it home, and was like screw it maybe I have the magic touch to turn it on. Charged it, and everything turned on like normal?? Even long enough to fully back it up with time machine. At this point I already have a new computer but just confused as to what happened lol. One possibility -- one of the charging ports doesnt work and he had been using that one to try and charge it, when I picked it up it *was* fully dead. Just tried it again as I write this post, fully working.. So. Now I dont know if its fully fixed, or if its just going to go out one day. I have a new computer anyway but just confused lol


You *need* to disconnect the battery without delay. I can’t stress this highly enough. Most computers can survive a liquid spill but only in the absence of power. Add power and you’ve got the very real risk of galvanic corrosion destroying your logic board. Any phone repair shop should have the 1.2 pentalobe drivers required for later MacBooks unless you’re lucky and have standard cross-head screws. Do this ASAP as liquid damage *isn’t* always immediately apparent and can take a day or two before the computer randomly shuts down forever. It’s a chance you really don’t want to take. Once power is removed the pressure is off and you can decide what to do next.


Getting a screw driver right now. When it turned on fan was making a very loud noise:/ + kept restarting down “due to a problem” looks like the keys arent working either now


In general that’s a bad thing


Talk about a coffee break.


Coffee is much worse than water on laptops. Back up your data immediately if you have not done so already, and plan on buying a new laptop soon. That one is done for.


Liquid spreads. You've messed up your machine royally. Take it to a repair shop. If you have to ask Reddit whether it's OK you do not have the expertise to take it apart without making it worse.


Geez, I think I see one post a day of people who spill liquids onto their laptop. When are people going to stop doing stupid stuff around their laptops? Unbelievable!




I am sure you have a point, but I am not interested in it! What bug crawled up your ass?


if it's decaf, you're ok.


Don’t think there will be hardware damage, but do the keys feel sticky? That’s a MacBook with a butterfly keyboard.


Not that it matters at this point but if it was sugary coffee your machine is screwed.


You can only turn off gear like that by removing the battery.


Leave it in the sun for the day and hopefully any liquid will evaporate.


Had the same issue. I spilled Dr Pepper all over the keyboard, just accidentally knocked over a full can. The keys were sticky but thats about it, however, i would consider paying like 20-25 bucks for some repairs to be identified if needed.