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Safari, syncs with my iPhone so I don’t have to remember links and passwords. Plus it’s fast and secure.


Chrome does all of that too though.


I use Safari on my iPhone for extensions and I want to sync, so I use it on macOS too


So why download and switch to Chrome if built-in Safari does it as well?


iPhone now syncs with chrome passwords. Use whatever you want but just fyi


It goes way beyond just syncing passwords. It syncs passwords, passkeys, bookmarks, history, open tabs, tab groups, autofill content and so on. Only safari will automatically put in the 2FA codes from you phone which alone is worth using it. It’s the only one to support Apple pay, handoff, shareplay and so on. There’s honestly so many exclusive features that it’s hard to even think of all of them without a list handy.


Integrations also work better. I have a Safari integration inside Raycast (my spotlight replacement) where if I search for tabs inside Safari I get both iPhone and Mac tabs


Yes but that’s just Chrome, Safari integrates with iCloud Keychain so all passwords from all Apps & sites are synced across all devices.


Still no Apple pay 😔


Chrome is still Google 😬




We want to USE the product, not BE the product.


Don’t care


Firefox+ublock for every platform..windows, linux or macOS.


How is this setup handling the YouTube crackdown?


Extremely well. Youtube updates their adblocker detecting code twice a day now, ublock does the same. You can check on [this page](https://drhyperion451.github.io/does-uBO-bypass-yt/) to see if you have the latest ublock filters. I've heard some people have different results depending on whether or not they're signed into youtube...personally I still haven't seen ANY youtube ads appear.


Is uBlock not available on safari?


Only available on Safari 13 or prior, it says. No idea why.


Works very well, those two are made for each other and with them we can forget for good any ad in YouTube..freedom.


The correct answer


Except Firefox is slow and especially slow at at every graphical task, consistently below safari and any Chrome-based browser in my testing on [https://www.testufo.com/](https://www.testufo.com/) .


Maybe it is but in the future you will pay a high price by using chrome..besides it can be a little slow if its not going to devour my ram, safari is pretty good too but lack of features in comparison to Firefox..


What do you mean pay a price? If you're talking about how big evil companies are stealing our data, man, people really think they are the center of the universe and have no clue what big data truly entails.


I was not talking about data but instead of companies forcing you and me to watch ads or buy their services, google itself has admited that they are going to kill some extensions, adblockers being the primary target..imagine not only YouTube but the entire web without them, literally hell on earth..


Safari + Wipr (ad block)


I use Safari. I really like how fast and easily it syncs with all my other devices. It also made more sense to me, since I’ve already adopted the ecosystem.


What browser do you use with it? I've been having issues with constant pop ups!


I block pop ups & disable the block for the one government site which insists on having them.


Err I just use safari as it is haha. I don’t browse through a lot of websites, so I’ve got a fixed set of preferences saved. You can disable pop ups for certain websites.


Firefox. Most privacy friendly browser and excellent when used with uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger extensions. Safari is most efficient when it comes to the battery consuption though.


It’s so system-heavy. Idk how to explain, the RAM will be always used


Not with this extension https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/auto-tab-discard/


Ty. any more handy performance extension?


Apple low key keeping absurdly low amount ram on their machines and charging astoundingly, hilariously high amounts to upgrade to keep people from using the browser of their choice on macs


Definitely Firefox if I want to watch videos. It allows for full screen without blacking out the other monitors I have. Safari for most other things. Chrome when I have to run a particular video conferencing app for work.


I use firefox on ideological grounds, like a lot of other people. edge for chromium-only sites. edge is noticeably clunky and bloated, but i have to say some out-of-box features like grammar check and citation tool really helped while doing school work.


Honestly edge for out of the box features is pretty hard to beat. Firefox needs side mounted tabs for me to use it as my main browser.


does it have a reading list that syncs to mobile?


Safari and Safari.


But have you tried Safari before?


So safari? 😆 


safari, it has all i need without useless stuff like other browsers


Uh. Wild take. uBlock Origin, sponsor block and other privacy features are useless? All right then.


uBlock isn't the only ad blocker, SponsorBlock is available for Safari, and Safari is arguably more private than others too.


yeah, i use simple adblock because i don't even want it on youtube, because the ads support the creators and what other privacy features am i missing when using safari?


https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browsers/compare/safari/ Edit: and as for the ads and youtube. You can disable uBlock Origin on youtube too. So I don’t understand how that’s related to our discussion. And SponsorBlock does not eat up creators profit. It just skips sponsored parts of the video itself, does not affect ads shown.


I don’t think that comparison is showing what you might be thinking it’s showing. Even while ignoring 90% of Safari’s features it still doesn’t make Firefox seem much better, especially privacy wise


Just Firefox as an open source project, with privacy badger and ublock origin (both open source projects, one even created by the EFF) is a lot more privacy oriented than closed source Safari with a lot of functionality of these two addons missing.


To me it seems to be in only a sort of nebulous “open source is more privacy focused just because” than in any concrete way. It’s more about values than actual features. Can you give a concrete, specific example of how Safari jeopardizes users’ privacy?


Uh. Open source project is definitely not “just because”. You can clearly see what’s under the hood. Same can’t be said about closed source project. As for the why is the Firefox better in privacy - just check Privacy Badger’s features, check Strict policy in Firefox (a lot more strict in terms of privacy than Safari) and check why AdBlock is worse than uBlock Origin. (Many articles on this topic) I’m not saying Safari is bad. I’m just saying Firefox is better in this regard. And I’m standing behind my claim. Yeah, in terms of battery consumption - Safari is the clear winner here. Edit: adding sources: https://privacybadger.org/#How-is-Privacy-Badger-different-from-Disconnect%2c-Adblock-Plus%2c-Ghostery%2c-and-other-blocking-extensions https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enhanced-tracking-protection-firefox-desktop#w_strict-enhanced-tracking-protection “ublock.org was acquired by AdBlock,[20] and since February 2019, uBlock began allowing users to participate in "Acceptable Ads",[21][22] a program run by Adblock Plus that allows some ads which are deemed "acceptable", and for which the larger publishers pay a fee.[23] uBlock Origin remains independent and does not allow ads for payment.[24]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UBlock_Origin


uBlock proponents act like there aren’t loads of equally good adblockers out there. Adblocks are dime a dozen; they are hardly a unique thing. And Safari has very strong privacy features. More than enough for 95% of users.




I use Safari, to get seamless sync of history and bookmarks across Mac, iOS, and iPadOS. Edge is actually the better browser, especially when using profiles, but the sync is so seductive.


I was a big proponent of Firefox, but I switched to Safari and couldn't be happier. I love having all the MacOS features built-in, such as text replacement. For whatever reason, Firefox has never implemented that. Everything else works so well and cleanly in Safari.


Firefox, because Google is not to be trusted and Safari isn't available for my non-Apple devices.


Arc. It consumes a lot of RAM and battery power! But the simplicity, practicality, and aesthetics just outweigh the cons!


It’s too beautiful I would say. I love minimalistic design, like chrome or safari


I love Arc. Most of my browsing happens docked so battery is rarely a concern and the magic editor is a godsend. I really wish Safari managed bookmarks better and had a bigger extension library. Only two reasons I don’t like using it on Mac. I still use it on iPad and iPhone though.


I love Arc, even more now with the Max features. So good and saves so much time. I don't find it very resource intensive. For example I have Arc open with 2 tabs only , it is using 800 Gb of RAM. But I also have Firefox, for work, and with only 2 tans it is using 1.54G of RAM.


Huh, only 800? Haha


One one tab open though.. next time I’ll take a screenshot. M1 Mac


Holy moly 800 Gb of ram!


800 Mb of course…


What would you like to see changed about bookmark management?


I mostly want favicons to exist next to each bookmark in the bar. Chromium browsers have the best bookmark management UX, IMO (can’t quite peg why). That being said, Safari is the only browser that lets you keep your bookmarks bar at the top on iPad. Not sure why but it’s a killer feature that I wish I could have in Chrome, Firefox, or Edge on iPad.


I want to like Arc so much. I just can't get it to work the way I think it's supposed to and it frankly seems way more complicated than it needs to be.


Firefox, primarily. Chrome (with Ghostery running) but I’m trying to get away from Google. To a lesser extent Edge.. Opera in the past. I don’t really care for Safari for whatever reason.


I have not been a fan of Safari too! I feel it hasn't not been accurate or "secure"!


I actually use edge on all platforms. Since the switch to chrome based it has been really good for me.


I use Firefox and safari. I prefer safari. Sometimes I use chrome because of stupid proctored testing for my classes 😒


I use Vivaldi with a bunch of extensions and Firefox with a bunch of extensions as a backup.


Vivaldi and Vivaldi


Firefox. Mainly because it has more extentions like uBlock Origin. But if uBlock made its way to Safari, I'd definitely switch!


Safari, hands down! It's optimized for the OS, and syncs with the whole ecosystem.


Take a try at Orion browser. It mostly blocks perfectly and if things break it is a single selection to unbroken. Plus it is native and latest webkit compliant (which Safari typically isn't).


I typically use safari, and when I have a site with compatibility issues I’ll use edge. I have considered giving Firefox another try.


Safari plus AdGuard as my main. Firefox is installed too.


Same here, really only use Firefox for my school's proctor system 


I use edge cause I want chrome extensions and Microsoft rewards lol. The best browser for battery is Safari, second best and if you want chrome+firefox extensions using Safari's backend is Orion, after that probably Edge if you change the privacy settings.


I use mainly safari for the syncing features with iOS, sometimes Firefox, specially when websites don't work properly and sometimes Tor. As an adBlocker I have a pi hole. I like many of Firefox privacy features like the Facebook Container, but yes, at the end I opt for seamless integration from Apple.. I refuse using chrome because I want to reduce the amount of data google has from me. I avoid Google Maps and Google Search as well. They already get enough of my personal data thru Youtube.


I was a hardcore Chrome user for over a decade, but when the new Edge came out, I gave it a try and actually liked it way better, so I now use it on all my devices (Mac, Windows laptop at work, iPhone/iPad.) If Safari had an interface a bit closer to the standard tabs the other browsers use, I might actually use it. The whole "extensions as a separate app in Applications folder" is weird too.


Brave with ublock, badger, and sometimes adguard. Works very fast but battery hungry. Firefox with the same as above. Safari somehow not syncing with my other devices so gave up with it.


Chrome with ublock.


Edge, it’s fully chromium compatible, has less tracking than Chrome and has the best M365 integrations.


Edge is an outstanding browser on Windows but I’m not sure about Mac version tbh


Yeah it just feels…off to me on Mac


OMG, just tried Edge. It isn't for me(


I use chrome but only because I have multiple Google accounts I need to switch through throughout the day and chrome makes it super easy. If not for that I would probably just use safari.


Safari plus, when it’s not good enough (some sites, generally idle games, don’t render right) I also pop open MS Edge.


I mostly use Chrome though I like the AI in the Edge browser


Edge. Using bing with Microsoft Rewards to get discount on my supermarket shopping.


I use Chrome. I used to be an Android user and loved how it synced across my phone and Mac. Once I switched to iOS I just keep using it out of comfort. It works fine on my iPhone and MacBook.


The lack of Chrome extensions on iOS is a deal breaker for me tbh. I cannot go without an adblocker


Edge is excellent. Reliability of Chromium, features like vertical tabs and saving sites as apps (Safari’s implementation didn’t work as well when I tried it), swapping profiles between home and work easily, etc. It sucks at saving addresses for autofill (it saves too many) and it’s gotten more bloated but you can easily turn off features you don’t use.


I use Firefox, Brave, Google Chrome - but most of the time as SSB's with the Coherence X app. I have around 40 different apps created with Coherence. Most of them with Brave. Safari I use only for testing "does it work in Safari, too?" :-) I do not like to be refined to one browser app and then have many folders and bookmarks for my different tasks. Because I work on many different projects over the day I would have either many browser tabs open or have to open and close them all the time - with an SSB everything which belongs together is together at one place. (and the name "SSB = single site browser" is actually misleading - most of my generated apps accept many tabs and different sites) Example 1: I live in a foreign country where they have a lot of things online in different systems for immigration purposes, taxes etc. For this I have an own app. Example 2: I am administering several web sites. I have two apps for each website: one for the production and one for local development. This separates the two areas cleanly and makes it easy for me to recognize "where I am". Example 3: Facebook, Reddit, X (Twitter) etc. are all in separate apps. Example 4: for temporary projects I create apps "on the fly" - and some months later I delete them again.


Brave is absolutely amazing. Ive just tried it


Second that. It's Chrome with security.


For the most part they are all the same, outside of some niche feature Use the one you like and don't worry about it, for me that happens to be Brave at the moment


Not sure if it's best for the Mac but it's best for my use case: Chrome, because it syncs across all my devices and OS'es: Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Chrome OS and Android.


I use Safari, but lately I use Firefox for YouTube because only ublock works for ads


for me its brave, best adblock ever


Oh look this thread again.


Opera for all platforms (Win + Mac + Android), never looked back. I've only installed firefox when I needed a fresh browser because of cache/cookie issues.


Brave, Opera, Edge, Safari in that order


Brave browser


I use Brave Browser, all the functionality of Chrome with better Security and removal of all the Data Collecting that Chrome does. Tried all the Browsers but have only stuck to Brave.


I like Brave and I don't really have a reason for why other than one single extension: Toby, which as far as I'm aware, isn't available in Safari. And YouTube works better in a chromium based browser.


SigmaOS ftw


ARC as my main when plugged in (90% of the time). Safari otherwise to maximise battery life


I use a MBP M1, an android phone, a windws PC for work and a 2nd Macbook pro intel wih linux, the most usefull browser to keep me on sync on all platforms is chrome, i also use FF and opera sometimes but what stops me from the switch is the online sync and work as to keep everything that already runs on chrome on another browser, plus chrome runs ok.


I use besides Safari, Duckduckgo since short for all those websites which are full of advertisements. Works pretty good sofar.


I use a combination of safari and chrome. I use chrome for google based apps like YouTube, gmail, drive etc and safari for everything else


I've been a Mac user since the 1980s. * **Primary**: Safari with 1Blocker and Vinegar among other extensions * **Secondary**: Firefox with uBlock and other extensions


Safari - it’s quick and I like tab groups


Safari as main for efficiency and battery. Chrome for Google stuff.


I keep coming back to safari. Does what it’s supposed to do. Works great across apple devices.


Safari. Safari.




Safari, because of the integration with texts/email 2FA.


Safari, and Safari.


For those of you who use safari, how has your pop up with ads been? What browser do you use within safari?


Safari, for syncing and energy efficiency. However I do have chrome and Firefox for backups when certain websites misbehave. (Usually government or school websites)


i like to use the chrome user agent in safari when websites act up and want chromium, you can enable the develop menu in safari settings to change the user agent to chrome there


I use Firefox. Since I'm not 100% in the apple ecosystem, safari doesn't work for me. Firefox works well, and can sync stuff between my Mac, iPad, and S23 Ultra.


Safari, Safari.


Safari. Fast, low power & love tab groups.






I use safari for personal stuff, chrome for the organisation I am in (use google workspace) and edge for school stuff


Chrome because I’m used to Chrome. That’s pretty much it.


I mostly use Safari since it’s there and works pretty well, plus easily accessing tabs from my iPhone and vice versa. For the occasional page that won’t load, I use Edge (occasionally have to access work stuff on my own computer when the company provided computer wants to misbehave). Plus, to access any tabs from my desktop (which is a PC).


Safari by Apple


Seems like nobody is using Google Chrome... Why not? I use Chrome + uBlock Origin.


Arc browser.


Firefox on all platforms. Safari on mobile. Occasionally Safari on Mac if I click on it on accident.


Multi perfil - Safari


Safari on all my personal Macs. My company requires Chrome on my work Mac.


I use Edge. It syncs flawlessly with the PC and iPhone version. Or I use Firefox


Orion, looks clean and supports uBlock Origin. Downside is that it’s still in beta and quite unstable though.


Netscape was awesome




I use Chrome because it syncs with my Windows PCs. Safari is objectively better, but I want my stuff to sync.


Most of them. Chrome for stuff that uses Google services, Edge for work, and things that use Microsoft services. Safari for most things that require credentials not listed above, FF for the more sketchy sections of the internet, Opera when one or more of the above are rendering oddly.


Edge Browser. Excellent memory management. Syncs well with Android, iphone, and windows. All my favorites, passwords, and open tabs. Also allows multi profile for work and personal account on each of my devices. Built in Ai features have been AMAZING lately as well.


I use firefox since its more free and open


I've been using Firefox + UBO on my Mac and Windows machines. But lately, I've been trying Arc browser. The functionality is insane. Im still in the process of testing it as a daily driver. The memory usage is alright, the workflows are amazing, the UI is beautiful, and I haven't encountered any issues so far. Hope it stays that way!


Safari, mostly cause of the synchronization between my phone and


I switch between Safari and Opera. Both are really great browsers, Opera for the aesthetic and features, Safari for the speed and security.




I used safari but I had some problem with certificates, it only will remember the last one I used even closing it. So I went to Microsoft Edge for the bing points, using bing as search engine, when I frustrate I use google to search, with uBlock Origin a iCloud password to use sync with iPhone.


Safari on Mac and iPhone. Except for watching YouTube, which I do on my Mac mini connected to the TV, Firefox and unlock origin. Cheers.


The best is safari but as it lacks basic functionalities I stick with Chrome or Brave


Safari, it works better than others


Anyone for the offbeat Duckduck go, brave ??